• Cannot be reconsidered at all:
Adjourn (21)
Close nominations (31)
Close the polls immediately (30)
Consider by Paragraph or Seriatim (28)
Create a blank (12:95)
Dispense with the reading of the minutes (48:11)
Division of a Question (27)
Division of the Assembly, or ordering a rising vote counted (29)
Extend time for consideration of pending question (18), or time until scheduled adjournment or recess (20, 21)
Parliamentary Inquiry (33:3–5)
Point of Order (23)
Proceed to the orders of the day (18)
Raise a Question of Privilege (19)
Recess (20)
Reconsider (37)
Request for Information (33:6–10)
Rise, or Rise and Report (50:23, 52:4ff.)
Suspend the Rules (25)
Take from the Table (34)
Take up a question out of its proper order (14; 25; 41:37–39)
Take up minutes after their reading has been dispensed with (48:11)
• A negative vote cannot be reconsidered (although an affirmative vote can be):
Postpone Indefinitely (11)
• An affirmative vote cannot be reconsidered (although a negative vote can be):
Accept resignation or grant Request to Be Excused from a Duty, if person was present or has been notified (32)
Adopt or amend agenda or program (41; 59:48ff.)
Adopt or amend bylaws or constitution, rules of order, or any other rules that require previous notice for their amendment (2, 54, 57, 59)
Amend Something Previously Adopted (35, 57)
Arrange order of consideration of bylaw amendments (57:6)
Authorize a motion outside society’s object (10:26(2))
Commit, if committee has begun work on referred matter (13)
Declare the chair vacant (62:10–12)
Discharge a Committee (36)
Election, if person elected was present and did not decline, or was absent but had consented to candidacy, or had not consented to candidacy but has been notified and has not declined (46)
Expulsion from membership or office, if person was present or has been officially notified (35:6(c))
Grant Permission to Withdraw or Modify a Motion (33:11–19)
Lay on the Table (17)
Objection to the Consideration of a Question (26)
Order a recount, after recount has begun (30; 45:41)
Previous Question, after any vote has been taken under it (16)
Receive a report, after report has begun (51:28)
Reopen nominations (31)
Reopen the polls immediately (30)
Rescind (35)