UFO: Unidentified flying objects or spacecrafts. Often, these objects can travel at high speed and can alter their course rapidly mid-flight, darting up or down or left to right. Throughout time, UFOs have been seen in many forms, from triangular crafts to saucer- or egg-shaped objects and lights in the sky. There are also ancient cave paintings of UFOs and men in space suits that have been discovered throughout the globe. Some people believe that UFOs are vessels that carry alien life to the earth, whereas other theories suggest that humans have mastered the art of time travel and are visiting from the future.
UFO sightings have been recorded throughout time. Numerous accounts of disk-shaped crafts and unfamiliar objects have been uncovered in many ancient literatures, from the Egyptians to the Sumerians, the ancient Greeks, and the Romans. In the year 1947, a landowner named William Brazel spotted the remains of unusual metal rods and a papery substance in one of his fields in New Mexico. On reporting his find, soldiers from a nearby base arrived and removed the wreckage. Word spread that a UFO had crashed in the vicinity, but government officials claimed that it was nothing more than the remains of a weather balloon. Later, videos were released of alien dissections, which were then proved to be a hoax. Many people to this day believe that there was a mass cover-up from the government and that a spaceship had indeed crashed in the field and the remains of four alien beings were found; one was thought to still be alive. It is reported that five little coffins were ordered from a nearby funeral director for the cadavers. There are thousands of UFO sightings recorded to date and many are being added to databases every day. Ufology is the study of all things about UFOs and outer space; this is usually done by examining statements, physical evidence, and reports. (The Week, 2018, and History, 2019.)
UFO Cult: This term describes any religion that might have a belief in UFOs. One such movement was the Aetherius Society, which began in the United Kingdom in 1955 after being established by a man called George King. He announced that he had a clairvoyant correspondence with an alien being called Aetherius. The alien claimed to represent a cosmic parliament and wished to utilize the Aetherius Society as a channel to convey future events to humanity. In a state of meditation called “samadhi,” George King relayed these messages to his followers. (Aetherius, 2019.)
Another more notorious group was Heaven’s Gate, founded by Marshall Applewhite in 1974 near San Diego. In 1997, Applewhite managed to persuade thirty-nine followers to commit mass ritual suicide, believing that an extraterrestrial spacecraft following the Comet Hale-Bopp would collect their souls upon death and lead them into a higher spiritual place. (Biography, 2019.)
UFO Imprints: (See also Crop Circles.) Patterns in the ground left behind from unidentified flying objects. These can appear as scorched or burned areas of ground or grass. UFO imprints also include more elaborate markings known as “crop circles.” These are charred patterns found in the center of fields with no explanation.
UFO Paralysis: Also called “UFO akinesia.” To encounter a temporary loss of physical movement and motion when in the sight of a UFO or an alien. Those people who have experienced this phenomenon say that their mind and body become completely paralyzed for a short period before returning to normal.
UFO Project Blue Book: 1952–1969. A book containing the records of dates, times, and events when a spaceship or UFO has been seen, heard, or encountered. Scientific studies are also carried out from these reports to establish whether there might be a national security issue for America. Captain Edward J. Ruppelt was the first person to head Project Blue Book. He was a notable and decorated airman for his bravery in World War II and was dedicated to finding answers to the UFO phenomenon. J. Allen Hynek, a well-known astronomer from Chicago, was Ruppelt’s lead scientific consultant. Subsequently, he went on to write books and appear on television about UFOs. (Steiger, 2019.)
UFO Radiations: Emanations invisible to the human eye that are left behind after a spacecraft or UFO has been in an area.
UFOs and Nuclear Missiles: There are two reported incidents where UFO activity has influenced nuclear missiles. In March 1967, over an air force base in Malmstrom, Montana, a giant saucer-shaped UFO was reported. Almost immediately, the ten minuteman nuclear missiles in silos beneath the ground began to shut down without explanation. The underground crew were unable to reset or restart the missiles for some time after the UFO departed. Later, officials blamed a computer glitch for the shutdown.
In October 1982, over Usovo, Russia, a UFO was reported doing unusual maneuvers over a nuclear missile facility. While this happened, the launch crews realized that the missiles were being prepared for launch and codes were being inserted. Despite all efforts by the military personnel to abort, they were unsuccessful, so the future of the world was in doubt. The Russians could find no explanation for what happened. (Science Channel, 2013.)
Ultrafaint Luminescence: A brilliant light exuding around individuals or inanimate objects. The luminosity is said to be part of the aura, which can be detected on cameras that possess high frequency.
Ultrasound: Sound waves with a higher-than-usual frequency that cannot be heard by the human ear: humming tones, vibrational distortions, ringing, singing, and whispering. Ultrasound can be detected clairvoyantly or by animals. Often, when an individual is drifting off to sleep, these echoes can be heard.
Unconscious Mind: The mind is said to store not only the memories of this life but all previous existences that the soul has encountered. These events cannot be remembered but are more deeply embedded into the subconscious. Many individuals from an early age instinctively know what is right or wrong, and this is believed to come from the subliminal mind having already learned that particular lesson in an earlier incarnation.
Undead: All kinds of mythological beings who are dead but appear to still be alive. Examples of undead are vampires and zombies.
Unicorn: Also called an “alicorn.” In folklore, this mythical creature was often portrayed as a goatlike animal with a beard and cloven hooves. It was later depicted as a horse with a single spiralling horn protruding from the center of its forehead. Unicorns are primarily associated with the feminine and represent innocence and purity of the heart, not recognizing anything other than love. Legend has it that this magnificent beast can only be touched by a virgin hand, and its horn, also known as the “alicorn,” has the magical ability to identify poisons and heal numerous diseases. Today, the unicorn symbol is believed to bring peace and love and is often present in homes as paintings and ornaments to bless the residence and the people residing there.
Universal Consciousness: Also described as “ultraconsciousness.” A rare dreamlike experience where the individual is asleep yet has a complete state of awareness, seeing visions and imaginary in full detail.
Underworld: The underworld is present in most religions and is described as merely being a place where the soul goes after death. Other accounts are that the underworld is one of the lower ethereal planes that house young souls or those who are not ready to ascend to a higher realm. Often, souls who have committed atrocities and evil acts on earth go to this place after death.
Universal Brotherhood: A concept that every living thing in the universe is as important as the next. Animals, pets, plants, and nature all have precisely the same rights and entitlements. No person or living thing is superior or higher than another. Everything and everyone is predominantly equal.
Urine: Thought to possess the body’s vital energy. In ancient practices, bodily fluids were often used in magical rituals. Historically, urine was placed inside vessels called “witch bottles” to protect individuals and their property from dark magic. The ancient Greeks would mix urine and salt and then sprinkle the mixture over sacred places. (Collinson, 2018.)
Ushabti: Egypt. A small figure that possesses magical properties. They are situated inside tombs where mummified bodies were placed. These statuettes were believed to carry out duties for the deceased in the afterlife.
USO: Unidentified submerged objects that occupy the ocean. Many accounts of a craft either rapidly ascending from the water or plunging deep into the sea from the sky have been reported. As we have not yet fully discovered the depths of our planet’s oceans, some people believe that aliens inhabit the ocean beds.