Yage: Ayahuasca. A dark green vine found in the canopies of trees in South America that can be smoked or made into a brew. It is a hallucinogenic plant that creates a form of acute ecstasy. In the US, it is an illegal drug, as it has strong side effects that can be quite harrowing.
Yarb Doctor: Ozarks. A form of Appalachian folk magic. Often referred to as “granny magic.” In the Ozarks area of southern Missouri and northern Arkansas, women in past times tended to be more proficient in using herbs and plants combined with energy work to restore and heal. The Appalachian practices are still very much alive today.
Yarrow: A plant that is believed to be magical, encouraging psychic visions and healing. It is also used alongside rituals and spell casting. The medicinal benefits of yarrow are said to include alleviating menstrual cramps, lowering high blood pressure, and improving circulatory disorders.
Yarrow Sticks: A form of divination tool. The stems of the yarrow plant are numbered and then placed into a bag before being cast out. How they fall determines the prediction, with the meanings usually being listed in an accompanying booklet.
Yeti: A half human, half animal that is said to roam the Himalayas, the Rockies, the Gobi Desert, and Mongolia. It is purported to shy away from humankind, and usually if they are seen, there will have been a sighting of a UFO earlier.
Yew: This evergreen shrub is held in very high esteem, especially by religious or superstitious people, as it is said to ward off the evil eye, demons, and discarnate spirits. In the UK, most graveyards will have a yew planted, as it symbolizes life after death or life into infinity.
Yin-Yang Symbol: A circle: one half black, representing yin; and the other half white, depicting yang. In Chinese cultures, all things, however different, are entirely in balance with life force. This balance is illustrated by the yin and yang symbol. (Palmer, 1998.)
Yoga: One of the oldest teachings to date in which one recognizes their association to the physical body and the divine source. Raga yoga is a new term for the practice of yoga. It is a way of achieving mental and profound advancement, connecting the practitioner to their higher self. One daily exercise consists of finding a quiet time and space, sitting in a comfortable position, focusing one’s attention on the present while blocking out surrounding noises, and thinking about peaceful things while continuing to concentrate on serene events. (Mayfield, 2017.)
Yoik: A form of Sami singing that is similar to chanting. A series of songs sung to the tempo of a drum to induce and aid trance work.
Y-Rod: A forked twig or branch (in the shape of a Y) that is utilized for dowsing. Dowsers hold both ends of the stick while trying to locate water, buried metals, and even missing persons.
Yule: Winter solstice. An ancient and neopagan festival taking place toward the beginning or end of the year. The light is returning, and the sun will be renewed to bring hope and prosperity. As the winter solstice is the longest night and the shortest day of the year, it is a time of celebration and rebirth for all things good.