Earthbound Entities: Discarnate beings who are unable or unwilling to leave the earth plane. They have been known to attach themselves to people with a weak disposition, possessing their bodies. The entity will find a human host to inhabit so they can return to the physical life they remember. Many have an evil agenda and will be intent on controlling the person they have invaded by dictating the victim’s movements and thoughts, stripping the victim of their personality and free will. Exorcism can be used to remove the entity and encourage them to go back to the plane of existence to which they once belonged. (Sample, 2005.)

Earth Plane: The planet Earth. Many people who lean toward spirituality consider the earth plane to be a school of learning, having one of the lowest vibrational frequencies of the seven planes. The earth plane is a place reincarnating souls return to again and again until they reach a state of perfection. A soul can only break this cycle of reincarnation when it has experienced every human emotion possible; it must feel genuine empathy in all karmic situations before it’s allowed to ascend to the higher realms. (Borgia, 2017.)

Eclectic Witch: One who practices witchcraft traditions either alone or in a group and does not follow a strict set of rules, but instead selects mixed elements from all parts of witchery. These witches go with the “feel right” theory and will only accept aspects of the craft that ring true to their soul.

Ectoplasm: An unearthly material substance that is said to protrude out from the orifices of mediums during a séance. Ectoplasm takes the form of ethereal white or grey smoke or fine ­muslin-­textured tendrils. Believed to have intelligence, it molds and shapes itself into the outline of a deceased person. There are many black-and-white Victorian photographs of this substance, but most were found to be fakes. (Britannica, 2019.)

Electronic voice phenomena (EVP): Electronic voice phenomena are recorded sounds found in haunted locations that have either been recorded accidentally or deliberately. Another term used for this phenomenon is taped voice phenomenon: recorded otherworldly voices that are not perceptibly heard by the physical ear. An EVP machine usually records any sounds in a room or place where ghostly activity has been previously experienced. When the tape is played back, often snippets of sounds, words, and general interference can be picked up. (Rojas, 2017.)

Elemental Beings: Otherworldly life-forms that range from the lowest to the highest vibration. All are said to live in an etheric overworld or underworld or parallel dimension to earth. There are many types of elementals: divas and nature spirits, such as elfin, fairy, angel, half-human, and half-animal beings, which are all engaged with the earth’s energy and its inhabitants. Because elementals do not possess a physical body, they feed on the power of those around them to exist. (Pogacnik, 2010.)

Elements: There are four physical elements: fire, earth, air, and water. All are essential to human life and work in perfect harmony with each other. They are the constituency of matter that governs the physical universe. (Hebert, 2019.)

Elevated Spirits: New Age spiritualists believe that superior beings residing in the spiritual planes are sent to watch over humanity. They have ceased reincarnating as they are completely pure and fundamentally good. (Newton, 1994.)

Elder Tree: Believed to possess magical properties of protection. In ancient times, wherever an elder grew, witches would be powerless. They were often planted in and around the homes of village people to shield from evil.

Elf: Germanic folklore. A pointy-eared supernatural being that resembles a human in its form and shape. Like fairies, elves have a close association with nature and possess magical abilities. Their height is between three and five feet tall, and they can err on the side of good or evil. In Norse mythology, the dark elves dwell below ground and are said to be sinister and disruptive to human beings. (Britannica, 2019.)

Elixir: A magical potion thought to retain the intelligence and knowledge found in all things. Magicians mixed elixirs for all kinds of occult practices. Tea elixirs made from natural herbs are used for calming down situations, inducing sleep, and altering one’s state of mind. (Forgotten Realms, 2019.)


Ellerwoman: Danish; “Elf Woman.” Legend has it that this female version of an elf originated from Scandinavia. They are stunningly beautiful creatures who dwell in ruined and abandoned buildings. Although fair of face and body, they are soulless creatures with no heart and no feelings. They are sometimes referred to as “hollow ones.” They were feared in communities, especially by menfolk, as they were believed to charm any man with their beguilement. When an ellerwoman captured her victim, she would make him dance to invisible instruments until he was so exhausted that he lost his mind or died. She was then reported to eat him. (Mythical Creatures Catalogue, 2017.)

Emotional Cord: An invisible cord that runs through the soul, starting at the top of the head and traveling to the solar plexus. It looks after the emotions of a person when they are incarnating. (Bletzer, 1986.)

Emotional Karma: The feeling of having known someone for a long time upon a first meeting. Humans are thought to reincarnate with the same circle of souls, perfecting situations or relationships that they might not have been able to perfect in another life. When a person is born, the soul’s memory is wiped so that it cannot remember any of its previous incarnations. This is done because too much knowledge of an earlier existence can affect the judgments and actions of the present life. When a person meets a soul whom they have formerly had a life with, they will feel oddly familiar with them. They can either hit it off straight away, or they might dislike each other on first sight.

Empath: A person who has the psychic ability to feel the emotions of others. Many people who have this skill say that it can be more of a curse than a gift. Sometimes they find it hard to differentiate between their own feelings and those of others. If a large number of people congregate at the same time at events like funerals or weddings, the empath can become highly sensitive and experience an excess of feelings.

Enchantment: The state of being under a spell. Spells are usually cast on an individual, with or without their consent, by powerful psychics, witches, medicine folk, warlocks, witch doctors, and magicians. Enchantments can be a good or bad thing for a person depending on the intent of the caster. They can create a vibrational change in a person’s aura to captivate and manipulate them. Within witchcraft and the Voodoo faith, these forms of magic are reported to have lasting effects that can go on for many years. One can also be enchanted when observing an anomaly or something beautiful, memorable, and out of this world.

Enlightenment: A realization or knowledge about the universal truth. A person thinks with a higher consciousness and becomes wiser because of this realization. Often, they will go on to find their correct path in life, and many will try to help others who are less fortunate. (Tolle, 1999.)

Environmental Haunts: A ghostly entity who is earthbound and occupies the same space or object. These spirits can make their presence known by repeated behaviors. This might be a ghost who only haunts one particular room in a building and will make an object in that room move at certain times of the day. (Sample, 2005.)

Eostre or Eastre: (See Ostara.)

Esotericism: Thinkers seeking out new knowledge and an understanding of the world around them. This wave of New Age people questions the established religious institutions and looks toward earlier options, such as Gnosticism, which considers early Christian texts excluded from the current bible to be the proper gospels. There is an increased interest in magic and the occult, which was deemed heretical in past ages. A significant part of Western esotericism is Theosophy; followers believe that hidden knowledge or wisdom from the ancient past offers a new way to enlightenment.

ESP: Extrasensory perception. Also referred to as “the sixth sense” or “telepathy.” The ability to connect a thought with another person using only the power of the mind. For example, one may simply say to themself that they have run out of bread; their partner returns home with a loaf in hand. Likewise, someone could have an uneasy sense that something is wrong; they return home only to find a drama unfolding. (Targ, 2012.)

Etheric Web: Thin strands of light emanating from a person that mediums and clairvoyants can see. Each human, as well as having a physical body, has a spiritual mass composed of several layers of energy that ascends to the higher realms. The lowest plane of the aura is said to be the etheric body; this is the first level above physical existence. These etheric filaments protect a person from spiritual invasion or earthbound entities entering the body. (Bletzer, 1986.)

Evil Eye: A piercing stare of evil intent from someone who means to curse or harm by using the power of the mind to bring bad luck to whichever victim they choose. Many believe that even if a person is thinking about another with disdain, loathing, or hatred, this creates negative energy that attaches itself to the receiver, causing them a stint of misfortune. A cornicello, or little horn, is sometimes worn as a neck amulet to protect one from receiving the evil eye. A nazar—an eye-shaped amulet commonly made of thick glass with ringed circles of dark blue, light blue, white, blue, and black—is hung above doorways and windows to shield the residents from ill-wishing. There are many other ornamental objects used throughout the world that offer the same protection: the dried rue plant, wind chimes, and horseshoes, to name a few. (Yronwode, 2019.)

Exorcism: (See also Possession.) A ceremony performed on those unfortunate individuals who are thought to be possessed by a devil or entity. Religious rituals are chanted over them; angels and saints are summoned to help cleanse the person. Houses that are haunted are exorcised, too, to sweep away any negative vibrations. Another term for exorcism is casting out evil, which means that one can remove an evil entity from someone’s body or a ghostly being from a building. Garlic is said to possess symbolic properties when ridding an unwanted soul or situation, but many religious cultures use prayer and holy water as a way of banishing evil.

Exploding Head Syndrome: A loud sound inside the head, occurring when a person is dropping off to sleep. They are jolted awake by a deafening noise akin to crashing symbols or gunshots. The sound is so loud that the person might feel as though their head is going to explode. Hallucinations often follow the event, with dreams unfolding while the mind is still awake. The person is left in a semiparalyzed state, unable to move or speak. Little research has been undertaken regarding this condition, with some sufferers having had brain scans to test for epilepsy or tumors. In all accounts so far, the results have come back negative, and so clinical studies consider it to be a harmless form of parasomnia. However, some scientists theorize that there could be a link to exploding head syndrome and alien abduction. Many sufferers report seeing alien beings and strange lights during the event. (Berman, 2015.)

Eye Horus

Eye of Horus: Also referred to as “udjat” or “wedjet.” This Egyptian sacred symbol signifying the Egyptian god Horus is represented as an eye with a long trailing twist underneath. The udjat image is frequently depicted in works of art and often embellished amulets, talismans, and charms to shield the proprietor from evil and guarantee good health. Mariners from the Middle East would have the eye image painted on the bows of their vessels to safeguard and protect them when traveling. In today’s society, many people will wear an amulet of the eye of Horus around their neck for protection. (Egyptian Witchcraft, 2019.)

Eye-type Angels: One of the highest forms of angel; they reside on a light. Psychics can see these beings during meditation. Psychics usually visualize a pair of beautiful eyes while in a trancelike state before they are guided in some way or spoken to about future events. Psychics can also visualize an angelic presence through the third eye chakra.
