
by the Author

For a moment imagine yourself as an initiate in an old Rosicrucian Fraternal Order. Place yourself at the beginning of the Aspirant to the Zelator degree, where the ritual is done in the following way: Two Heralds enter and stand one on each side of the entrance of the Preparation Room. The Conductor of Novices, who is robed in black, with a cowl on his head, takes the left arm of the Aspirant, and approaches the door leading from the Porch to the Sacred Hall. He does five circuits of the Sacred Hall with the Aspirant, according to the path of the Sun, where all the Fratres and Officers are addressed, during which the following ode is sung:

Before God began the Universe, all matter lay in a rough clot devastated by wild disorder, nor knew the light a radiant ray

As darkness reigned uncontrollably over all confusion

Then God rose, threw his thunder, and commanded the elements to rise in the air suspended the leaning World, and spread the blue skies over it;

He made the stars circulate, and in the middle was the sun.

Then he created Man from dust and formed it with a Living Soul

He entrusted all things to him, and he did so to the Lord

Yet he showed himself ungrateful to Heaven and was driven out of Eden.

From here all our misfortunes came, nor did humanity share a consolation As long as the Rosicrucians were not born and formed another Eden here:

Where true pleasure reigns eternally and retrieves native innocence.

Crystal fountains flow here, nothing that is defective can enter

Here the Tree of Knowledge really grows, whose fruits we taste, but free from sin While sweet friendship really abounds, and Guardian Angels roam around.

I have chosen the Guardian Angels ritual of an English Rosicrucian Order, and the words sung by the officers, to help deepen your studies on the rituals of the Illuminati of the various traditions in relation to the alien world. These mysterious figures are sometimes referred to as the Secret Chiefs, Invisible Masters, or Unknown Superiors, who have had an influence on the history of humanity, whether this theory is accepted, or not.

I am a former Rosicrucian Commander of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (FRA), a Rosicrucian Order originally established by German Illuminati Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller, and the present Grand Master of the Rite of Strict Observance and the Ordo Illuminatorum Universalis, and in the past, a Freemason of various Rites and Orders. The history of this invisible reality has influenced society since the days of Atlantis. A millennial tradition we find in all mystery schools, as well as in the history and practices of the various religions, that link us to mysterious and invisible beings through particular places around the world, where magic is said to naturally gather in large amounts, and where we have access to multi-dimensional realities driven by occult knowledge and secret rituals that throughout history, few have had the courage to divulge.

In chapter IX of the book, Magick Without Tears, by celebrated black magician Aleister Crowley (his real name was Edward Alexander Crowley 1875-1947) entitled, “Chiefs of Secrets,” we find a letter addressed to a Soror, meaning Sister, in the Illuminati of A∴A∴ (Astrum Argentum), a magical co-fraternity founded by Crowley in 1907, where he clearly and unequivocally spoke of the matter, pointing out his wish to be more strict in regards to the curiosity of his own disciples on the theme of the Secret Chiefs:

Cara Soror,

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Very glad I am, since at one time I was obliged to be starkly stern about impertinent curiosity, to note that you wish to be informed about the Secret Chiefs of theA is justified; it is most certainly of the first importance that you and I should be quite clear in our minds about Those under whose jurisdiction and tutelage we both work.

Crowley explains the role of the Secret Chiefs, in relation to the Secret Societies he is part of, emphasizing that: “For one thing, the ‘Chief’ is so far above me that I can rely on him to take the necessary steps, whenever contact would be useful; for another, there is one path always open which is perfectly sufficient for all possible contingencies.”

So what is this “path always open” that Mr. Crowley mentions to his disciples? In the following pages, I will explain what unites the mysterious alien beings or Invisible Masters, to the complex hierarchy of the Illuminati network, and the creation of humanity, and the links of the Invisible Masters with the greatest prophets and wizards in history. I consider this the fourth volume of my Confessions of an Illuminati trilogy, as I felt the need for further study on these complex and intricate subjects.

The alien in front of you could be an angel, but it is most likely the usual demonic trickster. In this book, I hope to help you better understand the difference between the two, so that you can distinguish their actions in the invisible realm. Saint Thomas Aquinas, who was an Italian Dominican friar, a Catholic priest, and doctor of the Church revered by the Jesuits, and more generally by the exorcists of the Church of Rome, explains that angels are organized in a hierarchy of nine ranks. In order from the closest to God to the furthest from God, whose ranks are divided into three categories, as follows:

The highest three ranks are nearest to God:




The next three ranks are named for their governing function:




The final three ranks are named for the work they do:





Thomas Aquinas states that demons are also organized in a hierarchy, but does not tell us the names or functions of their ranks:

The fallen angels are engaged in battle against man’s salvation and in torturing lost souls in hell. The fallen angels that beset man on earth, carry with them their own dark and punishing atmosphere, and wherever they are they endure the pains of hell. [Note: For further discussion of angels, see Qq. 106-114.] - from Summa Theologica.

In short, it would appear that demons are an almost necessary evil in the Kingdom of God. Aquinas specifies: “The fallen angels did not lose their natural knowledge by their sin; nor did they lose their angelic intellect, their actions are subordinate to those of their superiors, the demons are not equal to each other; Between them, there is natural subordination.”

So, there is a natural hierarchy of evil. It would appear that a superior demon can illuminate a lower one, but of course, true enlightenment can only come from God. The atheist, of course, may not believe any of this, but as Carl Gustav Jung wisely said, “All that I have learned has led me step by step to an unshakable conviction of the existence of God.” If you have ever wondered if good angels have authority over the bad ones, unfortunately, the answer is no, for as Aquinas explains:

It would seem that men are not guarded by the angels. For guardians are deputed to some because they either know not how, or are not able, to guard themselves, as children and the sick. But man is able to guard himself against his free-will, and knows how by his natural knowledge of natural law. Therefore, man is not guarded by an angel.


FIG. 1 Oil on canvas By Paul Gauguin Museum of Fine Arts, Boston entitled Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?

If we carefully consider the structure and faculties of man, we can perceive that our existence on Earth is only a test condition and nothing more. When life ends according to our earthly choices, reward or punishment follows, a reality that exists beyond eons. This is, in essence, what is taught by the Rosicrucians. The initials of the four secret words of the Order, form the word FIAT, which is the keyword of the Western Initiatic System, that, combined with the word Lux, gives life to the famous Latin phrase, Fiat lux, which translates literally to: “Let there be light,” found in Genesis 1:3 of the Torah, the first part of the Hebrew Bible.

So let’s shed light on the UFO phenomenon, by asking the questions: Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? Just as the French artist, Paul Gauguinin did in his famous artwork from 1897.

~ Leo Lyon Zagami



Italian version first printed in April, 2015

Artwork concept by

Christy Zagami

Translations by

Leo Zagami, Jennifer Fahey

Adaptation by

Christy Zagami

Edited by

Christy Zagami, Brad Olsen

Cover and Book Design by

Mark J. Maxam

2019 © Leo Lyon Zagami