The supposed alien ancestors of Jesus

inline-imageaurence Gardner (1943–2010) was a well-known Masonic author in the 1990s, for some of his books that reached an international level, such as Bloodline of The Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed (1996). 1 Until his death, he worked hard to trace the true lineage of Jesus, and despite the fact that traditional historians call him a pseudo-historian, his actual influence on contemporary culture is remarkable. As the English newspaper, The Independent wrote after his death: “His work inspired the now famous Da Vinci Code of 2003, offering a bit of inspiration for Dan Brown’s novel development.” 2

Gardner even came to determine a supposed alien origin for Jesus through the line of blood that came from his anointed, King David. In his book Genesis of the Grail Kings from 1999, 3 Gardner determined that the real bloodline of Jesus ultimately descended from the biblical Cain of alien origins, whose sons and his following bloodline were, therefore, of extraterrestrial origin.

Gardner discussed this further during a conference, where he stated that they, the sons of Cain, were the true children of the Gods, the Annunaki from the Stars, who were briefly bred to be the leaders of the human race. Annunaki is the Sumerian denomination of the tyrannical Jewish Nephilim, descendants of the Giants, the two hundred Ben Elohim, or fallen angels that Yahweh (one of the Elohim creators of humanity) kicked out of Heaven, a notion disclosed initially by Zecharia Sitchin (1920–2010), the famous unconventional scholar, often criticized for his translations from ancient Sumerian texts. In addition, Sitchin had direct contact with the Vatican through Monsignor Corrado Balducci (1923–2008), as described in Volume III, of my Confessions.


FIG. 2 Laurence Gardner (1943–2010)

The significance of Gardner’s strange claims and those made by Sitchin and others will become apparent after understanding why their position is so different from that of traditional historians, and the importance of their thesis. Gardner developed his work with an almost encyclopedic approach to his already mentioned Genesis of the Grail Kings, and focused on the period of the Old Testament, in particular, on the biblical parts of Genesis and Exodus. He begins with a description of the origins of the Jewish faith as a mixture created by Egyptian worshippers of the sun, assimilating to some notions of the tradition of the Sumerians and their belief system, to which they would be strongly influenced. Gardner followed those who did not revert to the official version of the history of humanity because they were influenced by the mystery schools that traditionally guide both the good and bad Illuminati.

One such person, well before Gardner, was Gerald Massey (1828–1907), an unconventional archeologist linked to the Theosophical Society, who wrote, A Book of the Beginnings, issued in 1881, that later influenced Kenneth Grant, who was linked to Crowley. Massey’s work is still used today as a reference for the Theosophical Society, a religious-philosophical movement founded by Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891). Massey was a poet, who was passionate about Egyptian civilization, but never a true Egyptologist in the traditional sense, but rather someone who taught himself the art of deciphering hieroglyphs, using his very good intuition. Massey was also the Grand Master of an Order of Druids (A.O.D.) that was highly influential in the Illuminati network. He is still well-known in the New Age movement today, for his seemingly bizarre theory that establishes a parallel between the life of Horus and that of Jesus, a theory that he said was based on a mysterious ancient relic found in Luxor, that Massey examines and interprets in the work, The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ (1886).

There are no other sources of reference to assert his thesis, aside from his own. In reality, Massey was just proposing an old theory, made popular by Christian Ernst Ẅnsch, in Adam Weishaupt’s Illuminati Order, one hundred years earlier.

In fact, Ernst Ẅnsch wrote in, Horus or the Astro-Gnostic final judgment on the Revelation of John published in 1783: “Horus of the Egyptians was the messiah of the Jews, as we have often shown. Horus was the bread and wine. The Messiah was thus also, in the opinion of some in the Jewish sect, to present. He put forth namely life’s bread and life’s wine, that is, he was the soul’s food and the soul’s drink, heavenly food and heavenly drink. Jesus had to do all of this. He had further said, that he was going to come in a different relation to situations with his disciples, that he would now like to succeed in his designs on the temple. For this reason, he metaphorically gave them bread and wine, instead of eating his body and blood, as a memorial to his custom until this time community and to drink a toast with them, and since then the communion has been used.”

However, in 2007, a popular documentary loved by globalists, entitled Zeitgeist 4 will resume this Illuminati theory, to brainwash the masses, proposing it as Massey’s own, and exponentially amplifying it to the whole world in the era of the internet. The statements about the fact that Jesus would be a sort of copycat product of ancient religious figures like Horus or others, have, in fact, been widespread. Anti-Christian atheist websites have been used against Christians in religious debate, even unjustly. This theory originated in the Illuminati, according to traditional historians, and has no basis in reality. However, I still think the truth is found somewhere in between, and is not simply a mythical vision, as seen in Masonry or in other sects where myth often reigns over reality. For Mystic Masonry, the religions and myths of the past are an obvious trace left to us by extradimensional beings able to travel the cosmos since ancient times, to join the human race in secret rituals orchestrated by the Illuminati and the Illuminist, for both evil and good deeds, to be operated on mankind, in order to establish religions and civilizations, at times even requiring human sacrifice. Something that is still happening in the most secret lodges of Occult Masonry, and other more nefarious sects of the Illuminati.

There has been talk of “Contact” between Freemasonry and Aliens, recently relaunched by advocates of the theory of the ancient astronauts known as “paleo-astronautics,” originally introduced in the 1960s, by a mathematician of the Soviet establishment named Matest M. Agrest, later popularized by a Swiss writer named Erich von Däniken (b. 1935), in his book, Chariots of the Gods (1969), that became an international bestseller translated into many languages. Paleo-astronautics has been promoted a lot in recent years by the TV channels of the New World Order controlled by the usual Illuminati groups, and was originally created in the 1960s, but these notions were present for a long time in the lodges of fringe Masonic rites and certain Illuminati sects like the Ordo Templi Orientis, or the Temple of Set Society. In general, the media has become an involuntary instrument of control exercised by the Illuminati, who for some reason now seem to want to publicly indoctrinate the population with their alternative vision of man’s history and origins.


FIG. 3 Gerald Massey (1828–1907) photo by John and Charles Watkins (“circa 1856”)

What has so far been considered as a dark secret theory hidden behind the walls of Masonic lodges or other mystery schools, has now become, for motives related to current plans of the occult elite, an alternative version of the history of humanity. The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus meaning hidden. Since the Illuminati is an occult secret society, they hide things in plain sight, and now they seem to also reveal them without anyone questioning why they are doing so.

Perhaps we should be wondering why such information, which was once considered top secret, and could often get you jailed or killed, back in the days of the Inquisition, as with the famous Italian Dominican friar and philosopher, Giordano Bruno (1548–1600), is today at the disposal to millions of people, from many TV networks worldwide. Are they preparing something for humanity? Obviously, the answer is yes, but what? In 1584, Bruno wrote in The Infinite Universe: “Innumerable suns exist; innumerable earths revolve around these suns… Living beings inhabit these worlds.”

The basic theme of Bruno’s Spaccio, also written in the year 1584:

“The glorification of the magical religion of the Egyptians.”

Bruno believed this worship was really the worship of “God in things.” Bruno wrote in Spaccio: “for diverse living things represent divine spirits and powers, which, beyond the absolute being which they have, obtain a being communicated to all things according to their capacity and measure. Whence God as a whole is in all things.”

No wonder Bruno is considered today by many, not only a ufologist, but recent studies have linked him to the origins of Rosicrucianism, a cultural movement which arose in Europe in the early 17th century, that we know is an emanation of a much older mystery school of the Illuminati network.


In Genesis of the Grail Kings, Gardner speaks in detail of the Great Pyramid of Cheops and considers of great importance the fact that the Kings Chamber, placed inside of it, could be used as a superconductor capable of carrying the pharaoh into another space-time dimension for a very unusual initiation. And it was in the Kings Chamber that the pharaoh’s ritual of passing was handled according to the tradition of The Book of the Dead of ancient Egypt. This strange room, used by the pharaoh during the rituals in question, apparently, led him to the Gods of Antiquity, entities duly described by Gardner as transdimensional, rather than just extraterrestrial. The Kings Chamber hypothesis as a dimensional portal was reaffirmed in the summer of 2014, during an important conference in Italy, by author and internationally renowned researcher Robert Bauval, who has, among other things, a background in engineering. Bauval said that after thirty years of research, it is now safe to say that the Kings Chamber is an interdimensional portal.

Napoleon also had a profound experience in the House of Kings, as my friend Adrian Gilbert writes in Mysteries of the Stone of Destiny: “In 1798, his army had just won a great victory on the Mamelukes that had ruled Egypt for centuries. After the battle, Napoleon entered the pyramid, insisting that he was left alone in the House of Kings. When he left, about an hour later, he was pale but refused any question as to what had happened in that place; He kept that secret with him to the grave.”5 In this place, there was an extra-dimensional “Stargate” used by the pharaoh. Édouard Schuré (1841–1929) in The Great Initiates: A Study of the Secret History of Religions, a mysterious book of tremendous importance for the Illuminati mystery schools, gives the following explanation of the famous stories of Herodotus in Old Egypt:

For a long time archeologists have seen in the sarcophagus of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh the tomb of King Sesostus, on the testimony of Herodotus, who was not an initiate, and to whom the Egyptian priests hardly confided anything except trifles and folk tales. The kings of Egypt, however, had their tombs elsewhere. The strange inner structure of the Pyramid proves that it was to be used for initiation ceremonies and secret practices of the priests of Osiris. The Well of Truth which we described, the ascending staircase and the room of the arcana are found there.

The room called the Kings Chamber, which contains the sarcophagus, was the one where the adept was led on the eve of his great initiation. These same arrangements were reproduced in the great temples of central and upper Egypt. 6

Schuré continues, “‘No man,’ said the hierophant, ‘escapes death, and every living soul is destined to resurrection. The adept goes through the tomb alive, that afterward, he may enter into the light of Osiris. Lie down, therefore, in this coffin and wait for the light! Tonight you will go through the door of Fear you will reach the threshold of Mastery.’ The initiate lay down in the open sarcophagus. The hierophant extended his hand over him in blessing and the procession of initiates left the cave in silence.” 7

Schuré was another very interesting character connected to the Illuminati, and the Hermetic school of French initiate Antoine-Joseph Pernety, known as Dom Pernety (1716–1801), a former Benedictine, and librarian of Frederic the Great of Prussia, who was considered a key figure in the origins of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Dom Pernety was also influenced by the Christian mysticism of Swedenborg and he founded in 1760 the secret society of Rite Hermétique or Illuminati of Avignon, very much in vogue in the first Enlightenment period, as a more mystical and esoteric alternative to the Illuminati Order of Adam Weishaupt.

Schuré, who was an initiate, was influenced by Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), bound in turn, by the already mentioned Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, founder in 1875 of the Theosophical Society, originally created in New York. Thus, we find a certain affinity between the perceptions we have mentioned so far, whose glue always seems to be the Theosophical Society, that has, more than anyone else, promulgated in the modern era, the idea of the Invisible Masters and the Secret Chiefs of a New and Imminent Age.

As all theosophists and Illuminati, he was obsessed with ancient Egypt and its characters, including Moses, described by Schuré in this way:

Moses, the Egyptian initiate, and priest of Osiris, was indisputably the organizer of monotheism. Through him, this principle, until then hidden beneath the threefold veil of the Mysteries, came out of the depths of the temple and entered the course of history. Moses had the courage to establish the highest principle of initiation as the sole dogma of a national religion, and the prudence to reveal its consequences to only a small number of initiates while imposing it upon the masses through fear. In so doing, the prophet of Sinai evidently had before him distant vistas which extended far beyond the destinies of his people. The establishment of the universal religion of mankind is the true mission of Israel, which few Jews other than its greatest prophets have understood. In order for this mission to be fulfilled, the swallowing up of the people who championed it was implied. The Jewish nation was dispersed and annihilated. The idea of Moses and the Prophets have lived and increased. Enlarged and transfigured by Christianity, taken up by Islam, although on a lower plane, upon the barbaric West, and was to influence Asia once again. Henceforth it would be useless for mankind to rebel and struggle against itself in convulsive efforts; mankind was to revolve around this major idea like the nebula around the sun which organizes it. This was the tremendous work of Moses.8

Moses was a great interdimensional magician, who in fact, thanks to his privileged contact with God, and extra-dimensional aliens/angels, managed to lead the Jews out of Egypt, according to the Bible. Moses was the one who began the path that would lead them to the “Promised Land,” that the Jews are still craving and suffering for, to this day. That is why Schuré devotes a whole chapter in his book The Great Initiates, called “MOSES: The Mission of Israel.” A century later, the late Laurence Gardner, a typical representative of contemporary Masonic / Illuminist thought, will also focus on this subject inspired by the work of Alexandre Saint-Yves, Marquess of Alveydre (26 March 1842 - 5 February 1909), who was a French occultist that adapted the works of Fabre d’Olivet (1767–1825), and wrote the book Mission des Juifs, or “Mission of the Jews.”

Let’s return to the role of Moses, who is bound, if you think about it, to a special interdimensional location and Stargate, constructed to initiate the pharaohs to the highest mysteries, and project them into parallel dimensions and distant worlds.

We are for the first time in front of unusual open Stargates, where the interconnecting extra-dimensional doors could be found in a cave, behind a bush, or on top of a mountain, which Schuré calls the Sacred Mountain. It is, therefore, worthwhile to look even closer at the important and enigmatic figure of Moses, tied to the constant support of a Superior guide that I would call an “alien,” in his mission to guide the chosen people here on earth. A race, that apparently, has a specific task, a divine mission, which puts them above the rest of humanity, while for others critical of the Jewish belief system, is the result of a diabolical compromise. It is a controversial subject for sure, which would require a separate book for its complex nature.


Moses is undoubtedly one of the most enigmatic characters in the Bible. I would like to expand on this figure beyond the “Hollywood” image that we can see recently, thanks to Exodus: Gods and Kings by Sir Ridley Scott (b. November 30, 1937), a film director who also gave us Prometheus, another 2012 success story based on paleo-astronautics, and the alleged alien origins of humanity inspired by the Illuminati. Moses was born in Egypt, around the year 1600 BC. This date is following the indications of historians Titus Flavius Josephus, who was born Yosef ben Matityahu (37 - c. 100), and was a first-century Romano-Jewish scholar, historian and hagiographer; and the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 484 - c. 425 BC), who was the first to identify the Hyksos with the Jews. Indeed, both advocate the theory that links the Exodus of the Jews, with the expulsion of the Hyksos from Egypt (about 1550–1525 BC). Instead, according to Jewish tradition, Moses’ birth date, 7 Adar 2368, corresponds to the years between 1391–1386 BC, a period which would make him a contemporary of Pharaoh Akhetaton (who lived in the 14th century BC).

Ahmed Osman conducted a very elaborate study published later in the book entitled Moses and Akhenaten—The Secret History of Egypt at the Time of the Exodus, (originally published by Bear & Company in 1990). Today, however, many scholars and historians believe that the events of the Exodus are only literary fiction inspired by some priests at the time of deportation, to emphasize their religious characteristics. Moses is said to have died at the venerable age of 120 years on mount Nebo and was buried in the Moab Valley in a mysterious place. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible, the so-called Pentateuch, although there are, of course, scholars of biblical exegesis who in some historical periods have attempted to assert the opposite. He then wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

But as far as Genesis is concerned, according to the aforementioned Gardner, Moses derived it from the Phoenician history of Sanchoniathon and other ancient tales, while for Édouard Schuré on Genesis he states: “Considering Moses’ education, there is no doubt that he wrote Genesis in Egyptian hieroglyphs with three meanings. He entrusted the keys and oral explanation to his successors. When, in Solomon’s time, Genesis was transliterated into Phoenician characters, when, after the Babylonian Captivity, Esdras edited it in Chaldaic-Aramaic characters, the Jewish priesthood could make but imperfect use of these keys. At last, when the Greek translators of the Bible appeared, they had no more than a vague idea of the esoteric meaning of the texts.”

Massey, in The Book of the Beginnings, writes more pragmatically, that Genesis would simply symbolize an allegory present in Egypt in the famous Book of the Dead, and again in Africa from time immemorial. Massey writes: “The first words of the Hebrew Book of Genesis, ‘In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,’ have simply no meaning; no initial point in time, or place in space; no element of commencement whatever, no means of laying hold, to begin with. Whereas the beginnings in mythology were phenomenal, palpable, and verifiable; they were the primary facts observed and registered by the earliest thinkers. The Egyptians did not begin with anywhere, in particular, to arrive at nothing definite in the end. The Hebrew beginning does not enable us to begin, it is a fragment from a primitive system of thought and expression which cannot be understood directly or according to the modern mode. When the ancient matter has been divested of all that constituted its character as real myth, it only becomes a false myth and is of no value whatever until restored to its proper place in the mythical system. This can only be done by recovering the phenomenal origin and mold that shaped the matter of mythology. The primitive genesis was no carving of chaos into the shape of worlds, according to the absurd modern notion of a creation. The mapping out of the heavens and measuring of time and period were the registered result of human observation, utterly remote from the ordinary notion of divine revelation; it was a work of necessity accomplished for the most immediate use. The creation belongs to the mythological astronomy, and has no relation at all to the supposed manufacture of matter—about which the early thinkers knew nothing and did not pretend to know—the formation of worlds, or the origin of man, but simply meant the first formulation of time and period observed in the heavens, the recurring courses of the stars and moon and sun, and the recording of their motions by aid of the fixed stars. It was the earliest means of telling time on the face of the celestial horologe which had been already figured for the use of the primitive observers of its ‘hands.’ In a description of this creation or beginning of time and formation, found on one of the monuments restored in the time of Shabaka, it is said of the Maker, ‘A blessing was pronounced upon all things, in the day when he bid them exist, and before he had yet caused gods to be made for Ptah.’ So in the Hebrew version, when the two heavens were finished and the starry circle of night and day was limned, the Elohim saw that everything was created good. But we require knowing who was the maker and what were the Elohim here postulated as the creators. The three first words of the Hebrew Genesis and professed account of creation by means of the Elohim are b’rashith elohim bara, translated, ‘In the beginning God created.’… Those who have rendered this ancient language and sent forth their versions in hundreds of other tongues were altogether ignorant of the one original which could have explained and corrected the derivative Hebrew, held to be the primeval speech; God’s own personal utterance. With their one book in hand and that uninterpreted according to the gnosis, unillustrated by the comparative method, they have assumed the preposterous proportions and pretensions of teachers of the world, and yet the very first words of revelation reveal nothing of phenomenal origin. For that, we must seek elsewhere.”

So Massey’s work seems to indicate that the Jews are an Egyptian tribe, which in part share the same vision of Schuré. Moses was the adopted son of Pharaoh Ramses II, and received from his priests, all the teachings usually received by the sons of Pharaohs, including the most important scientific and historical notions, and above all the knowledge of the Royal Arts, which included alchemy and magic. After escaping from Egypt to avoid punishment for the murder of a guard, Moses went beyond the Red Sea and the Sinai Peninsula, to the land of Madian, where there was a temple that was not under the control of the Egyptian priesthood. There he met Jethro, the high priest of Madian or the Raguel (the watchman of God). He was a man of black skin, who belonged to the purest type of the ancient Ethiopian race, which had ruled Egypt four or five thousand years before Rameses. Jethro was neither an inspired man, nor a man of action, but was a great sage. Moses will marry Sephora, one of the seven daughters of Jethro. Later (Numbers 3:1) after the Exodus, Aaron, and Miriam, Moses’ brother and sister, according to the Bible, reproached him for having married an Ethiopian. Schuré explains that:

When a priest of Osiris had committed a murder, even involuntarily they were severely judged by the priestly college. Already the Pharaoh suspected an usurper in his sister’s son. The life of the scribe hung by only a thread. So he preferred voluntary exile, and to submit himself to the expiations the law of the initiates imposed upon murderers. When a priest of Osiris had committed even an unpremeditated murder, he was supposed to lose the benefit of his anticipated resurrection in the light of Osiris, a privilege he had obtained through the tests of initiation, and which placed him far above the masses. In order to expiate his crime and to find his inner light once again, he had to submit himself to further cruel tests and once more to expose himself to death. After a long fast and with the aid of certain potions the atoning one was plunged into a deep sleep; then he was placed in a cave beneath the temple. He remained there for days, sometimes for weeks. 9

So this was a cruel journey for Moses, typical of the practices and teachings of ancient Illuminati mystery schools, exposing him once again to death, and extra-dimensional dangers, with no assurance of surviving this terrible ordeal. Schuré continues:

During this time he was to undertake a journey into the other world, into Erebus or the region of Amentis, where float the souls of the dead who are not yet detached from the terrestrial atmosphere. There he had to search for his victim, to undergo the latter’s anguish, obtain his pardon and help him to find his way to the light. Only then was he considered to have expiated the murder; only then was his astral body washed of the black stains which the poisoned breath and the curses of his victim had soiled. But from this real or imaginary journey, the guilty one very well might not return, and often when the priests went to awaken the expiator from his sleep, they found nothing but a corpse. 10

However, it was in the underworld that Moses eventually regained a privileged contact with the invisible dimension after his murder, and after his astral cortex had been totally cleansed from sin, he was reawakened, and it is at that time that Moses took his name which means “the Saved;” In fact, before then he was known in Egypt as Hosarsiph, not Moses. Moses then married Sephora, the daughter of Jethro, and lived for many years in the village of Madian. Then one day he went without fear to the cavern of Serval, described by Schuré as “a place dedicated from time immemorial to supernatural visions, to Elohim, or to luminous spirits. No priest, no hunter would have consented to lead a pilgrim there.”11 A sacred place dedicated to contact with what we now commonly call UFOs.

Fearlessly, Moses climbed past the ravine of Horeb. Courageously he crossed the valley of death with its chaos of rocks. “Like every human effort, initiation has its phases of humility and pride,” writes Schuré. In climbing the mountain, Moses had reached the summit of pride, for he was approaching the summit of human power. Already he felt himself at one with the Supreme Being. The burning red sun hung low over the volcanic massive form of Sinai and purple shadows were lying in the valleys below when Moses found himself before a cavern where a few terebinths protected the entrance. He prepared to enter, but suddenly he was blinded by a light that enveloped him, similar to a flame.

An angel with a drawn sword blocked his way. He was thunderstruck and Moses fell prone upon the ground. All his pride had been broken in that moment by this alien interdimensional force, his Invisible Master.

The angel’s alien gaze had pierced him with its light. And then, with that deep sense of things that are awakened in the visionary state of the real Illuminati, he finally understood that this alien being was about to impose a serious task upon him. He would have liked to escape his new mission and creep into the earth like a miserable worm but it was too late, he was chosen by the very powerful interdimensional entity. A voice said:

“Moses! Moses!”

And he answered: “Here am I.”

“Come no closer; take off your shoes. For the place where you are standing is holy ground!”

Moses hid his face in his hands. He was afraid to look at the angel again, to face his gaze. And the angel said to him, “You who seek Elohim, why do you tremble before me?”

Moses replied, “Who are you?”

“A ray of Elohim, a solar angel, a messenger of the One Who is and Who will be.” “What do you command, Who am I,” asked Moses, “that I should lead the Children of Israel out of Egypt?”

“Go,” said the angel, “for I shall be with you. I shall put the fire of Elohim in your heart, and His word upon your lips. For forty years you have been calling upon Him. Your voice has reached Him. Here I seize you in his name! Son of Elohim, you belong to me forever!”

And Moses cried out boldly: “Show me Elohim, that I may see His living fire!”

He raised his head. But the sea of flames had vanished.

Today, the New Age cult known as the Raëlian Movement teaches that life on Earth was scientifically created by a species of extraterrestrials, which they call the Elohim. Not all scholars accept the plural nature of the Elohim as Biblical Hebrew. However, the Biblical term Elohim was considered plural a long time before the birth of the Raëlian Movement. The King James Version of the Bible makes it plainly obvious that the word God (Elohim) was being used in the Bible in the plural form.

“I am, that I am!” said Moses after receiving his ultimate mission from his alien overlord. He thought for a moment that his weak human body had been consumed by the fire of ether, but his spirit was stronger than any vision transmitted by the alien messengers of God, after training in the Egyptian priesthood. When he went down to Jethro’s temple again, he was now ready for his new task as leader of the Jewish people. However, beware of New Agers that say there is no God and Moses was simply led by aliens. Moses understood the real nature of the angel of the Lord, the interdimensional alien, which appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush. The popular tradition writes Schuré, “still has it that sometimes in the flashing fire, the God of Sinai appears in the form of a Medusa head with eagle’s wings. Woe to those who see His face! To see Him is to die!”

The nomads spoke of strange alien events while sitting in their tents during the evening when the women and camels were asleep and they felt free to discuss these matters. In reality, only the boldest of Jethro’s initiates ever climbed to the cavern of Serval and spent several days in fasting and prayer as the task was very demanding. A question remains after analyzing why the Lord doesn’t want to be seen. To give Moses credibility in his mission, the Lord gives him a magic stick that will allow him to do things that must impress people and induce them to follow him. In short, this was a sort of magic wand, not forgetting that the first magic wand in history was that of Circe in the Odyssey, who used it to transform his men into wild beasts. Italian fairy tales put them into the hands of the powerful fairies, and by the late Middle Ages and in Wicca and Ceremonial magic, practitioners use several magical tools including wands. 12

In ceremonial magic in general, the magic wand is considered an essential energy conductor to carry out a magical operation. It makes you wonder why Moses was not able to visualize the magic flame? Could he possibly have known more about the illusion projected by the alien Matrix that surrounds and dominates from the invisible world? Was he too respectful of that sacred flame from the etheric plane? The term aether (also written as “ether”) was adopted from ancient Greek philosophy and science into Victorian physics (see Luminiferous aether) and utilized by Madame Blavatsky to correspond to akasha, the fifth element (quintessence) of Hindu metaphysics. The etheric plane is the highest plane in the dimension of Matter; a plane that is as concrete and real as the physical plane (and even more so) but is experienced through the senses of the soul in a dimension, and a consciousness beyond physical awareness. For the Illuminati, it is the world of ascended masters and their retreats. Certainly, there are also deceptive illusions in this realm, often due to demons and etheric parasites, but other times, as in this case, the subsequent result of a presumably divine message of a higher entity such as Yahweh (Jahve), confirm the genuineness of the original message. So, in the case of Moses, given his subsequent influence on the Jewish people, the phenomenon is believed to not be influenced by etheric parasites, that are negative thought forms, which are temporary beings generated in the etheric plane.

Remember, the etheric plane is a non-physical substructure underlying our material reality. Etheric energies and constructs are invisible “metadata” that can influence physical events at the quantum level. The lack of certainty for us, and common morals, which certainly are not operating at the level of Moses, Jesus or Mohammed, is mostly due to the fact that the majority of people ignore that there is a vast range of different entities in the various planes of existence. In the astral plane, there exist many different levels or realms, each realm has a slightly different vibration, ranging from the simplest expressions of lower telluric forms, sometimes called “elemental” or demonic, that in occultism are also called tulpas, vampiric egregores, or larvae, often used by the Illuminati, up to the supreme angelic intelligence and manifestations of the divine plane, charged with governing more worlds. Not always what we perceive coincides with what appears in front of us.

With Moses, as well as high magic, it could be said that we are in front of God’s technology, which for us humans is obviously an “alien” technology, that allows us to do extraordinary things. According to some occult teachings, all souls are born on the divine plane and then descend down through the lower planes; however, souls will work their way back to the divine plane as Maffeo Charles Poinsot reminds us in, The Book of Fate and Fortune, An Encyclopaedia of the Occult Sciences. On the divine plane, souls can be opened to conscious communication with the sphere of the divine known as the Absolute, and receive knowledge about the nature of reality.

Initiates have come to realize, that in esoteric cosmology, a plane other than the physical plane is conceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe. A world of forces invisible to us and unknown to most people, but visible and well-known to the magician and true Illuminati like Moses. Jorg Sabellicus writes in the fourth volume of Practical Magic (Magia Pratica), that the conviction of the existence of different planes of reality are an important corollary to the concept of the existence of more “bodies” capable of acting on any of the planes in question. Along with the physical body (although being the most strident and farthest from God, but, however, the most important, because it is the starting point for climbing to higher worlds), there are a number of other “immaterial bodies,” The number of which varies or depends on the planes of being identified by the various mystery schools. So according to the most widespread tradition of modern occultism, beside the body of flesh and blood, we have a so-called “etheric” body, acting on the same plane, representing the intricacy of impalpable forces that assign the form to the biological structures (for the spiritists this body would be the “ghost” which in some cases remain in the places where physical death occurred). 13

Moses was aware of these different fields of energy (present in the so-called etheric body), that are in continuous vibration, connected to energy vortexes called chakra (which in Sanskrit mean “wheel,” as well as “circle” and “cycle”), that are in turn, placed in the etheric body. These seven doors, connect us to the upper, as well as the inferior planes, by emitting specific frequencies which are perceived by a developed eye, and attentive to color; That is why Jesus, the prophets the saints, and so on, are represented in the old paintings surrounded by a yellow aura, for example. Each chakra also emits a sound, an energetic expression that extends to our outside knowledge, a call for interdimensional entities that can be vampiric and naughty, or angelic and benevolent.They are positive if we emit a clean and pleasant sound, while they are malicious and parasitic if our sound is distorted because of our internal conflicts and misconduct.

The Ordo Templi Orientis, as well as other sects of the Crowleyan milieu (see the A∴A∴ or the Ordo Templi Astartes (O.T.A.), related to the Thelemic Law, which is the name of a spiritual philosophy whose prophet was Aleister Crowley, influence their members through initiation rituals written by the English magician, for the various degrees of his Order (O.T.O.), that gradually and consciously distort the chakra energy, thus polluting them so badly and sometimes irreversibly, to facilitate demonic control of their minions. Unfortunately, they think they are elevating themselves to new levels of consciousness, but they are actually doing the exact opposite, falling most of the time into the abyss that Crowley described as the last impediment before illumination, but also the most dangerous. The risk of being overwhelmed in the abyss is high, even for a high-level Initiate, as Crowley pointed out. Hence the famous admonition of Crowley, “Babe of the Abyss,” which appeared in his famous work called The Book of Lies, published in 1913, which I will investigate later in my book, of being literally vampirized by interdimensional alien entities, something that happens to the majority of practicing occultists.

This was obviously not the case of Moses, a true Prophet and adept of the mysteries, a “Great Initiate” who worked on what the occultists call the “mental body,” the only possible way to access the angelic plane, and the “spiritual body,” which constitutes the divine glint enclosed in the complex psycho-physical structure of man—which, if released through a true illumination and proper knowledge, goes spontaneously toward the highest of worlds.

After many miracles, the Bible tells us that Moses left Egypt with his people, the Jews, wandering into the desert using magic Illuminati knowledge gathered in the priesthood of Osiris. Schuré, speaks about this in a specific chapter of his book on The Great Initiates entitled, Exodus — The Desert — Magic and Theurgy:

The Exodus was coordinated and preparations made well in advance by the prophet, the chief Israelite leaders, and Jethro. To put his plan into effect, Moses took advantage of a moment when Menephtah, his former study-companion, now Pharaoh, had to repel the mighty invasion of Mermaiu, king of the Lybians. The entire Egyptian army was occupied on the western borders of the country and could not stop the Hebrews. Thus the mass emigration occurred peacefully. Now we see the Beni-Israel on the march. The long file of caravans, with tents carried on camels’ backs and followed by great herds, prepares to go around the Red Sea. They still number only a few thousand men. Later the emigration will grow larger “with all kinds of men,” as the Bible says. They will include Canaanites, Edomites, Arabs, Semites of all kinds, attracted and fascinated by the desert prophet, who calls them from all directions and shapes them to his liking. The nucleus of his people is formed of the Beni-Israel, straightforward men, but rough, obstinate and rebellious. Their hags or their leaders have taught them the cult of the One God. This religion constitutes a high patriarchal tradition among them. But in those primitive and violent natures, monotheism is still only a better and intermittent consciousness. As soon as their evil passions reawaken, the instinct toward polytheism, so natural for man, takes the upper hand. Then they fall back into the superstitions, witchcraft and idolatrous practices of the neighboring peoples of Egypt and Phoenicia. Moses will fight this with Draconian laws.

Around the prophet who leads these people is a group of priests presided over by Aaron, Moses’ initiate brother, and by the prophetess Miriam, who already represents feminine initiation in Israel. This group constitutes the priesthood. With them, seventy elected leaders or lay initiates press around the prophet of Ieve. Moses will entrust to them his secret doctrine and his oral tradition, will transmit to them a part of his powers and sometimes will make them sharers in his inspirations and visions. In the midst of this group is carried the golden Ark. Moses borrowed this idea from the Egyptian temples where it served as the secret place for the theurgic books, but he refashioned it in line with his personal plans. The Ark of Israel is surrounded by four cherubim in gold, similar to sphinxes and resembling the four symbolic animals of Ezekiel’s vision. One cherub has the head of a lion, another, of a bull, the third, of an eagle and the fourth, of a man. These personify the four elements of the universe: earth, water, air, and fire, as well as the four worlds represented by the letters of the sacred Tetragrammaton. With their wings, the cherubim cover the mercy seat, the throne of God.

This Ark will be the means of producing electrifying and splendid phenomena. The latter will be brought about by the magic of the priest of Osiris. These phenomena, exaggerated by legend, will produce the Biblical accounts. In addition, the golden Ark enclosed the Sepher Bereshith, or Book of Cosmogony, written by Moses in Egyptian hieroglyphics, and the magic wand of the prophet, called the rod by the Bible. Later it will also contain the Book of the Covenant or the law of Sinai. Moses will call the Ark the throne of Elohim, for in it rests sacred tradition—the mission of Israel, the idea of leve.

The Jews were led by an immense “cloud column” flying during the day. The Islamic tradition also alludes to similar manifestations by Jinn, supernatural alien creatures we also find in the One Thousand and One Nights fairy tales, on which I will also dwell later, no wonder by night the Israelites were conducted by a huge “column of fire” as the Jinn are called “fire spirits.” Remember like human beings, the jinn can be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent and hence have free will like humans. These were definitely unusual events, which were visible to all the multitude of Israelites, who followed Moses their leader and never stopped trusting his relation with the god who guided him. For many paleo-astronautics researchers, the cloud column and the column of fire could represent the classic bizarre cigar-shaped UFO, but their hypothesis is only partially justified. A more in-depth and less materialistic vision must make us understand the true nature of these interdimensional beings and their unique method of traveling to the cosmos, using these “Stargates” or inter-dimensional doors, as a highway to move around the universe, but also to move from one dimension to another, which does not only mean a change in the vibrational state of these multi-dimensional beings at the entrance of our dimension, but often also a vibrational change in those who observe them.

That is why, outside of the unusual mass UFO sightings, these visions are often granted only to a few selected people that vibrate and resonate in a particular way and have a specific energy field around them. The human energy field is composed of seven levels. Many people have the erroneous idea that this field is like the layers of an onion but is not. Each level penetrates through the body and extends outward from the skin. Each successive level is of a “higher frequency” or a “higher octave.” The production of various forms of electric phenomena at the will of powerful initiates is not only attributed to Moses by antiquity. Chaldean tradition attributed it to the Magi, Greek, and Latin traditions, to certain priests of Jupiter and Apollo. In similar cases, the phenomena are indeed of an electric nature. But the electricity of the earthly atmosphere would be put in motion by a more subtle and universal force active everywhere, and which the great initiates agreed to attract, to concentrate and to project. This force is called akasha by the Brahmans, the fire element by the Magi of Chaldea, the great magic agent by the Kabbalists of the Middle Ages. From the point of view of modern science, it can be called etheric force. One can either attract it directly or invoke it through the intermediary of invisible agents, conscious or semi-conscious, of which the earthly atmosphere is full, and which the will of the Magi knows how to control. This theory is in no way contrary to a rational concept of the universe, and it is even indispensable in explaining a large body of phenomenon which would remain incomprehensible without it. It is necessary only to add that these phenomena are governed by changeless laws which are always proportioned to the intellectual, moral and magnetic strength of the initiate.14

Energy is also a theme that permeates many areas of complementary health care, including Reiki, but for the characters who played a specific role and had a privileged and direct bond with their gods or certain entities, it is something much more profound. Interestingly, when the Jews needed food in the desert, the Lord informed Moses that he would rain food from the sky, and the next morning the Israelites would find the food they needed, a strange food, because of the high energy content they called manna. So God, with his army of angels, according to the Bible, does exactly what is normally done with an army to help people in difficulty, that is, distributes food rations from the sky. And of course, it is not a matter of common foods, but of highly energetic artificial foods, created in this case in a parallel world, another dimension, where Jinn and other entities live, angelic if spiritually superior, or demonic, if spiritually inferior, and in both cases able to astonish us with their creations or deceive us with their illusions. Finally, Kabbalists, who are said to be inspired by the work of Moses, arranged and reduced in a single vision, a series of concepts expressed by Gnostics, Neo-Platonists, and Pythagoreans, who, in turn, according to occultist historiography, have an ancestral tradition known as “hyperborean” where they divide reality into four worlds:

1. Atziluth or Atzilut, the Divine World, archetypal home, corresponding in some way to the world of Platonic ideas.

2. Briah, the Creative World, the Spheres of the Archangels, and other spiritual entities, who realize divine will by transforming it into acts in the lower worlds.

3. Jesirah, the World of Formation, lying immediately above the plane of matter and composed of a super thin substance (the quintessential of alchemists), which imposes form and quality on material bodies and can be molded with thought and guided by disciplined will.

4. Assiah, the World of Matter, the one in which our common virtue is overcome. 15


The Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua teaches in their mystery school that Moses believed in the doctrine of the fate of the elected announced by the Shaï-en-sinsin, an ancient Egyptian text translated into Latin, and originally published in Berlin in 1851, under the title, Sai an Sinsin sive Aber Metempsychosis veterum Aegyptiorum by Egyptologist Heinrich Ferdinand Karl Brugsch, also known as Heinrich Brugsch (1827–1894), not to be confused with his brother, junior by fifteen years who was Émile Charles Albert Brugsch (1842–1930), another important Egyptologist known as the assistant curator of the Bulaq Museum—the core element of what is today’s Egyptian Museum. Émile was also the one who helped Aleister Crowley in 1904, in the translation of a funeral artifact of great importance for the future Thelemic religion, which Crowley calls The Stele of Revealing or Stele 718, also known as the Stele of Ankhef-en-Khonsu. This is a painted, wooden offering stele, originally located in the former Bulaq Museum under inventory number 666, that was moved around 1902 to the newly opened Egyptian Museum of Cairo (inventory number A 9422; Temporary Register Number 25/12/24/11), where it remains to this day.

I would like to focus on the content of the Shaï-en-sinsin considered of some importance in Illuminati circles, especially in the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (F.R.A.), a Rosicrucian Order originally established by German occultist and Illuminati Dr. Arnold Krumm-Heller, also connected to Crowley. The first scholars that study this ancient text were impressed by its high moral tone, and strong resemblance to the Bible, for some historians it bears the imprint of an essentially religious feeling and contains moral maxims whose striking agreement with the precepts of the Jewish Lawgiver as with those of Christ. It can be summarized as follows, reminding us that in Ancient Egypt this kind of secret occult teaching was also transmitted before actual death, with a symbolic initiation, a bit like what happens in the third degree of the F.R.A.:

The candidate dies purified in physics and in the soul and is tested in front of Osiris for his qualities and good deeds. The deceased reconnects to the Sun and descends with him through the gates of the eastern horizon, in the lower sky, the Egyptian Ade. Ptah forms a new cover of flesh and bones, similar to what he possessed on earth; Amon enlivens him with the breath of life; His heart, the principle of material life, is now returned to him through the medium of breath. Ptah (Pteh, Peteh) was one of the triad of Memphis along with Sekhmet (or Bast) and Nefertum.

When Memphis became the capital of Egypt, Ptah became the ultimate creator who made everything, including the gods of the Ogdoad of Hermopolis, and the Ennead of Heliopolis and was given the epithet, He who set all the gods in their places and gave all things the breath of life.

When I was initiated to the third degree of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua, many years ago, the key element of this initiation was without any doubt the breathing of Ptha, the final moment in which the initiate symbolically deceased, resumes all the functions of his body organs, and he can finally see, understand, speak, walk, drink, sleep, and wake. From that point onwards, he will not fear his enemies and will enjoy perpetual health. He will retain his individuality, and the instructions in the ancient text say he will also possess the privilege to take on any forms he wants, and he will instantly be able to move from one place to another or even be able to visit the earth every day, establishing a new bodily existence. These preparatory lessons, what is defined as a “second life” are supplemented also by other texts.

The posthumous world is represented in the image of the earth. Spiritual life is, so to speak, a trick of human life, the occupations of the elect being the same as man. It is not a contemplative existence for all eternity, passive happiness, but an active and labor-intensive life, and, using the expression of French Egyptologist François Joseph Chabas (1811–7882), endowed with an infinite and longer life. This is the Egyptian concept of the Divine life of the righteous people, of which I have decided to expose the theory without trying to explain it. It is well-known that most of the scrolls that the ancient Egyptians buried with the mummies contain more or less complete copies of some sacred texts, considered as talismans, with property to operate or facilitate the entrance of the deceased to a new existence and to protect it in the overriding regimes. The subject of these texts is almost invariably about the fate of man after death. Among such compositions, The Book of the Dead and The Books of Breathing have long been known. Then there are still others, namely The Book of Passing through the Eternities, the Amduat, and the Book of Gates, in which we recognize most of the ideas and even phrases of the Shaï-en-sinsin Papyrus. The soul lives eternally but separated from the Manes. In ancient Roman religion, the Manes are chthonic deities sometimes thought to represent souls of deceased loved ones. The Books of Breathing and the Shaï-en-sinsin, date back to the Bas-Empire, but it is generally believed that it has been drawn up with the help of much older documents: the numerous specimens that have been found are all in hieratic writing.

If you judge according to the titles of the dead to whom they were devoted, the Shaï-en-sinsin was specifically reserved for the priests and assistants of Amon-Ra.

It is therefore, legitimate to think that Moses had studied, and knew his mysteries. The Emerald Tablet, also known as the Smaragdine Table, or Tabula Smaragdina, attributed to Hermes Trismegistus (“Hermes the Thrice-Greatest”) highlight the most important bodily functions: breathing, and the secrets of breathing, that are transmitted in this text. According to the esoteric teachings, good breathing does not only have the function of oxygenating the lungs but also brings in that essential element for the initiated, that helps to penetrate and store in its organism the vital fluid, the Prana or universal strength.

Text of the Book of Breathings

I. [They drag Osiris in] to the Pool of Khonsu, (2) and likewise, [Osiris, Hôr, justified] born of Taikhebyt, justified, (3) after he has grasped his heart. They bury (4) the Book of Breathings which <Isis> made, which (5) is written on both its inside and outside, (wrapped) in royal linen, and it is placed <under> the (6) left arm near his heart. The bearer makes (7) his coffin on the outside of it. This document is made for him so that (8) he might breathe like the souls of the gods forever and (9) ever.

II. Beginning [of the Book of Breathings] which [Isis] made [for her brother, Osiris to cause his soul to live, to cause his body to live, to rejuvenate all his limbs] (2) again, [so that he might join] the horizon with his father, Re, [and to cause his soul to appear in heaven as the disk of the moon, so that his body might shine like Orion in the womb of Nut, to] (3) cause [the same] thing to happen to Osiris, Hôr, justified, [born of Taikhebyt, justified. Keep it secret!] (4) Do not let anyone read it. It is useful for one in the necropolis. He will live again successfully millions of times.

(5) O [Osiris,] Hôr, justified, born of Ta[ikhebyt, justified. You have been purified. Your heart has been purified. Your front is in] a state of purity, your back (6) is in a state of cleanliness. Your midsection is <cleansed> with soda [and natron. No part of you is involved in wrongdoing. The Osiris, Hôr,] justified, born of [Taikhebyt, justified, begotten of] Remny-qa, is purified in that pool of [the Field of Offerings to the north of the Field of the Grasshopper.] Wadjet (8) and Nekhbet have purified you in the fourth hour of the night and the [fourth] hour [of the day.]

[Come, Osiris, Hôr, justified, born of Taikhebyt], justified. May you enter the Hall (9) of the Two Goddesses of Truth. You have been purified from every sin [and misdeed. Stone of Truth is your name.]

[O] Osiris, Hôr, justified, may you enter (10) into the afterlife [in] a state of great purity. [The Two Goddesses of Truth] have cleansed you [in the Great Hall. A purification has been performed for you in the Hall of Geb. Your body has been purified in the Hall] (11) of Shu. You see Re when [he] sets [and Atum in the evening. Amon is with you, giving breath to you. Ptah (12) is fashioning] your limbs. May you enter into the horizon together with Re. [Your soul has been received into the Neshmet ship with Osiris. Your soul is made divine in the House of Geb. You are justified forever and ever.]

III. [Osiris,] Hôr, justified, born of Tai[khebyt, justified. May your name endure. May your body last. Then your mummy will endure. [1] You shall not be turned back from heaven or earth. May you be made happy in the presence of Re.] (2) May your soul live in the presence of Amon. May your body be renewed in the presence of Osiris. May you breathe forever [and ever.]

[May your soul make invocation offerings for you of bread, beer, beef and fowl, libations and] (3) incense during the course [of every day. Your flesh is on] <your> bones, made like your form on earth. May you drink with [your throat. [2] May you eat with your mouth. May your receive] (4) offerings with [the souls of the gods. May] Anubis [protect] you and may he guard you. You shall not be turned back from the gates [of the afterlife.] May the twice [great] and mighty [Thoth,] Lord of Hermopolis, come to you and write for you the Book of Breathings with his own fingers. May your soul breathe (6) forever. May you assume again your form on earth among the living. You are divine with the souls of the gods. Your heart is the heart of Re. Your limbs (7) [are the limbs of the Great God.]

[O Osiris,] Hôr, justified. Amon is with you every day … in the House of Re. May you live again. May Wepwawet open for you the [beautiful] path. (8) [May you see with your eyes and hear with your] ears, speak with your mouth and walk with your legs. Your soul is divine in the afterlife so that it can assume any form it desires. May you cause the rustlings(?) [3] of the noble Ished-tree in Heliopolis. May you awake every day and see the rays (10) of the sun. May Amon come to you bearing the breath of life. May he cause you to breathe [in] your coffin. May you go forth to the earth every day. May you be given the Book (11) [of Breathings of Thoth for] your protection. May you breathe by means of it like Re.

May your eye see the rays of the (sun’s) disk. May truth be spoken to you (12) [in the presence of Osiris. May “justified” be written upon your body. Horus, the Avenger of His Father, Horus of Edfu, may he enfold your body in protection, [4] and may he cause your soul to be divine like all the gods do. The soul of Re is animating [your soul]. (13) The soul of Shu unites with your [nos]trils. O Osiris, Hôr, justified, born of Taikebyt, justified. May your soul breathe [anyplace you want.]

IV. [You are in the seat of Osiris. Foremost of the Westerners is your name. May the Great Inundation come to you from Elephantine, and may he fill your offering table with provisions.] (2) Osiris, Hôr, [justified, born of Taikhebyt, justified. May the gods of Upper and Lower Egypt come to you and guide you to the Alcha’a [5] together with your soul. May] you [accompany] (3) Osiris and may you breathe within the necropolis [together with the Great God. May your body live] (4) in Busiris and the Thinite Nome. May your soul live in heaven every day.

[Osiris, Hôr, justified, born of Taikhebyt, justified. May Sekhmet have power over those who conspire against you. Horus,] (5) Great of Heart, is protecting you. Horus of Edfu [does what you want. Horus the Beloved guards your body. May you endure in] (6) life, prosperity, and health. You have been established upon your seat in the Sacred Land.

[Come now Osiris, Hôr, justified, born of Taikhebyt, justified. You] have arisen in your likeness, the likeness of your royal regalia. May you be established in life. [May you spend your time in health. May you walk and breathe] (8) anywhere. May Re shine upon in cave [6] like (he did upon) Osiris. May [you] breathe [and live on his rays. May Amon animate] (9) your ka, may it live, prosper, and be healthy. [7] May he cause you to flourish by the Book of Breathings. May you accompany Osiris [and Horus, Lord of the Henu-boat. You are the Great God,] (10) foremost among the gods. May your face live and your form be beautiful. Your name is established every day. May you enter into the god’s [great hall (or council)] (11) in Busiris, and may you see the Foremost of the Westerners at the Wag-festival. [8] May your odor be as pleasant as a young man. [May your name be as great as] (12) an august [noble].

O Osiris, Hôr, justified. May your soul live by means of the Book of Breathings. [May you join with] (13) <your> soul. May you enter into the afterlife without your enemy. You are a divine soul [in Busiris.]

(The remainder of the papyrus is missing. Louvre Papyrus 3284, III, 21 to V, 11 can be used for the missing text.) III. (21) You have your heart. It is not far from you. [9] (22) You have your eyes, which are open every day.

IV. Words spoken by the gods who are in attendance on Re. Osiris NN (3) May you accompany (4) Osiris. May your soul live forever and ever.

Words spoken by the gods who are in the afterlife (5) to Osiris. Foremost of the Westerners, and to Osiris NN (6) in order to open for him the doors of the afterlife.

May you be received (7) in the necropolis. Come, let your soul live forever. May it build a portal in the necropolis. (8) May your ka praise its god, for it has received the Book of Breathings. Come, let it cause breathing.

(9) A boon which the king gives to Osiris, Foremost of the Westerners, the Great God, Lord of Abydos. May he give an invocation offering (10) of bread, beer, beef, fowl, wine, milk, offerings, provisions, and every (11) good thing to the ka of Osiris NN (12) May you be healthy. May your corpse live, enduring at the command of Re himself, and like Re neither perishing (13) nor being sick forever and ever.

(14) O Far Strider [10] who has come forth from Heliopolis. Osiris NN has not done (15) any wrong. [11]

(16) O Great of Strength, who comes forth from Hery-aha. [12] Osiris NN has not committed (17) any robbery.

(18) O One with the Nose, [13] who comes forth from Hermopolis. Osiris NN has not (19) shown favoritism (?). [14]

(20) O Eye Swallower, who comes forth from the Double Caverns. [15] Osiris NN has not made (21) any seizure of property by theft.

V. O Terrible of Visage, [16] who comes forth from the necropolis, Osiris NN has not engaged in any disputes. (2) O Ruty, who comes forth from heaven. Osiris NN has not caused a false reading of the balance. [17] (3) O He Whose Eye is on Fire, [18] who comes forth from Letopolis. Osiris NN has not committed any deception.

(4) O Gods who are in the hereafter, hear the voice of Osiris NN. He has come before you (5) without any evil committed by him, without any wrong-doing held against him, and without any witness who rises up against him. He lives by righteousness. He consumes righteousness. The hearts of the gods are content with all that he has done. (6) He has given bread to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked. He has given offerings to the gods and invocation offerings to the blessed dead. There is no accusation against him before any of the gods. Let him enter into the afterlife without being turned away. Let him accompany Osiris together with the gods (8) of the cavern, for he has life, prosperity, and health among the living, and he is divine among the justified dead. Let him live, and let his soul live. Let (9) his soul be admitted to any place he desires. Accept his Book of Breathings. Let him breathe together with that soul of his in (10) the afterlife with any form his heart desires together with the Westerners. Let his soul go wherever it wants. Let him live upon the earth forever and ever. 16


Moses arrived at Mount Sinai three months after leaving Egypt with the Israelites. The Lord met Moses several times on his favorite mountain, surrounded by a dense cloud, warning that no one could climb up for any reason during the sacred meeting. Exodus 19:12 is very clear on this point: “Put limits for the people around the mountain and tell them, Be careful that you do not approach the mountain or touch the foot of it. Whoever touches the mountain is to be put to death.” (New International Version)

This suggests that an interdimensional door was created for Moses on this mountain, where an alien angelic entity appeared to him earlier in the Serbal cave and was handling the whole affair on behalf of God, who was creating a sort of transcendental operative base for him. Subsequently, many luminescent clouds covered the top of the mountain, as other alien entities were possibly arriving on top of Mount Sinai to meet up with Moses. Most extraterrestrial beings visiting our planet are actually extra-dimensional in nature but limited to travel within and across specific dimensional portals like Mount Sinai in this case. Moses entered the clouds and disappeared for several days or weeks, just like some alleged alien abductees. Here, in an extra-dimensional reality, the space-time continuum is certainly different from ours. Moses was taught many things, and given various orders to build different objects. Even Schuré wrote that this was typical of the Egyptian priestly tradition to which Moses belonged. However, the alien forces leading Moses seem to have instructed him on the construction of objects much more powerful than the ones used by the Egyptian enemy. In this context, Moses received from the Lord and his angels, the design for a weird arc-shaped instrument later called The Ark of the Covenant also referred to as The Ark of Elohim, a gold-covered wooden chest with a lid, described in the Book of Exodus as containing the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. For some researchers, this device is supposed to be a communication device or a very powerful weapon, and for others a device that allowed to travel between dimensions/alternate universes/planes of existence/etc.

It was called The Ark of the Covenant because it represented the covenant between God and the Jewish people. It is said to be composed of pure gold, a noble metal considered of great importance by some alien species like the Annunaki, and it is suggested by Zecharia Sitchin that the Anunnaki were brethren of the Elohim. The Bible, in Exodus 25: 10–22, describes it in great detail: “it was a kind of acacia wood, covered inside and out with pure gold, measuring 2.5 cubits long and 1.5 cubits long. Width and height (about 1.25 meters long by 0.75 meters wide and 0.75 meters high). A golden cornice or garland surrounded its upper part, and on the outside was fixed with four rings of gold on both sides, through which were inserted two long poles, also made of acacia wood covered with gold, to be able to carry it. Its top cap, called ‘propitiatory,’ was solid gold and had on top the image of two gold cherubim, one facing the other and with the wings unfolded, that looked towards the center of the box. Between the cherubim and the mercy seat, there was an open space, a kind of sacred triangle-which was called the oracle, and was the most sacred part of the Ark.”

Back in 2004, while I was in Egypt, a member of the highly influential Boutros-Ghali family told me that gold and diamonds are the only minerals used for the construction of spaceships by these alien species, and they were the same ones revered and worshipped by the Illuminati. So the mysterious Ark of the Covenant could be many things, but it is definitely an alien artifact of some kind.

Lon Milo DuQuette, occultist, author, and Freemason of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, describes it as a sort of electric battery in use in ancient Egypt in his book Chicken Qabalah of Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford. This hypothesis is supported by the studies of some fringe archaeologists on a bas-relief found in Hathor Temple, located about 2.5 km south-east of the town of Dendera, where we find what is now known as the Dendera light, a supposed ancient Egyptian electrical lighting technology depicted on three stone reliefs (one single and a double representation). Mainstream Egyptologists take the view that it is a typical set of symbolic images from Egyptian mythology, but shortly after the discovery of the Temple of Dendera (made in 1857), the English scientist Sir William Crookes, who was later initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1890, built what is known as the Crookes tube or the Crookes-Hittorf tub. This is an early experimental electrical discharge tube with partial vacuum used in 1895 by Wilhelm Röntgen, to discover X-rays. Röntgen stumbled on X-rays while experimenting with Lenard and Crookes tubes and began studying them. This object has so many visible similarities to the battery that appears in the bas-relief found in the temple of Hathor at Dendera that one wonders why they are still covering up this important discovery. Lon Milo writes: “I hear you laughing, dear students, but I must remind you that viable batteries have been found in Egyptian tombs of this period and before.”17

In reality, a real antique artifact, known as the Baghdad Battery, with the features of a modern battery that would confirm the interpretation of the bas-relief of Dendera, was made public in 1938, but as the name suggests it was found in Persia, and not in Egypt. DuQuette also reminds us that the Ark was considered: “A lethal weapon and the Israelites treated it as one. They kept it wrapped in cloth and leather, and the men carrying it had to wear special clothes and special shoes.”18 In addition to the Ark of the Covenant, Moses had to build the tent of meeting described in Exodus 33:7 in the following manner:

7 Now Moses used to take a tent and pitch it outside the camp some distance away, calling it the “tent of meeting.” Anyone inquiring of the Lord would go to the tent of meeting outside the camp. 8 And whenever Moses went out to the tent, all the people rose and stood at the entrances to their tents, watching Moses until he entered the tent. 9 As Moses went into the tent, the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance, while the Lord spoke with Moses. 10 Whenever the people saw the pillar of cloud standing at the entrance to the tent, they all stood and worshipped, each at the entrance to their tent. 11 The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent.19

This tent was clearly built so that outside you could not see what was happening inside, and the God of the Jews gave Moses precise instructions on how to build all these objects back on Mount Sinai. So Moses received some kind of technological preparation from his “alien” godly sources during his long stay on Mount Sinai, as did other characters who have changed the history of humanity with their inspired inventions more or less of a divine nature. All this is further confirmation of the fact that Moses had to deal with extra-dimensional entities with a well-defined hierarchy that he knew and respected, because tied to the one who should be our “Creator,” is obviously an alien God, as he dominates a multiverse reality, where nothing is as it seems. After a while, the alien Lord invited Moses again to Mount Sinai. Here the Lord came into the cloud and abducted him for forty days. The same forty days that we also find mentioned for Jesus in Acts 1:3: “3 After his suffering, he presented himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God.” (New International Version)

The number 40 is frequently used in major Biblical stories. Here’s a quick list:

40 days and nights of rain during the flood of Noah

40 days after flood Noah opened the door to the ark

40 years the children of Israel wandered in the desert

Moses was in Egypt (ego, flesh) 40 years, Midian 40 years, and then in the desert 40 years.

Moses was on the mountain for 40 days and 40 nights

Solomon reigned 40 years

Jonah said it would be 40 days until Nineveh would be destroyed

There are literally hundreds more verses that involve the number 40, but this short list from The Old Testament should suffice to show you how important it is. So what does the number 40 really represent? Mentioned 146 times in Scripture, the number 40 generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial or probation. During Moses’ life, he lived forty years in Egypt and forty years in the desert before God selected him to lead his people out of slavery. He also sent spies, for forty days, to investigate the land God promised the Israelites as an inheritance (Numbers 13:25, 14:34). Forty, in the end, represents the testing and trial of our physical life as a whole, and the number forty can also represent the regeneration and transformation of man. The same kind of transformation that illuminated Jesus, and was mentioned in The Gospel of John: “14 Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, [a] 15 that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.”20

“Must be lifted up”? Well in an unusual interpretation, this looks like a classic abduction scenario. The Travis Walton UFO incident, for example, an alleged abduction of an American logger by a UFO on November 5, 1975, saw Mr. Walton lifted in the sky by a beam of light, that reappeared only after a five-day search. Of course, he was not given any particular instructions or groundbreaking revelations for mankind, but this phenomenon is more common than most people think.

Within the tradition of the Illuminati linked to “alien” contact, the forty days topic is also present in the Great Work of the famous Count of Cagliostro, the controversial figure who had in Moses and Solomon, two important points of reference for his Masonic doctrine, along with the prophets Enoch and Elijah, considered by Cagliostro to be his Secret Chiefs and Invisible Masters, chosen intermediaries to the “Architect of all worlds.” These teachings are also found in his Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry, the Masonic ritual created by the Grand Copt, Count Alessandro of Cagliostro, which was the alias used by the occultist Giuseppe Balsamo. At the very moment the Worshipful Master of the Egyptian Rite elevates a Fellow Craft (second-degree) to the Sublime degree of Master Mason, blowing three times on his face, following this way the ancient tradition of Ptah, the demiurge of Memphis, god of craftsmen and architects and at the same time wrapping him with a red cord, doing simbolically what Ptah does in the Shaï-en-sin, when he wraps the deceased in a new body, after showing him the new apron and gloves, Cagliostro’s new Master Mason will also be blessed and consecrated by the angels, as well as by Enoch, Elijah, and Moses. In addition, in the Catechism of the Egyptian Rite we find, as I mentioned earlier, the instruction for the forty days period, in which through a series of spiritual exercises, one enters another dimension, regenerating both spirit and body, as Cagliostro used to say.

Here is a brief extract from the 2nd degree of Cagliostro’s Egyptian Rite:

Q. Did you find much happiness in your forty days of meditation and prayer?

A. No, but I know of the reason for it and its purpose.

Q. What are they?

A. Every man who wishes to travel with profit in natural and supernatural philosophy, must build in his heart a temple to the Eternal and search to regenerate himself not only physically but also morally. It is necessary that he employs all his efforts to discover the apostle and the celebrant of the grandeur and the Omnipotence of God; he is obliged in the highest degree to hide and render his individuality impenetrable to all profanes. The Eternal, in creating the primary matter, has endowed it with such perfection, that it alone can serve and prolong the years of mortals, that which it accomplishes through the redemption and the conduct of the forty days with a love for the natural and spiritual being. For the spiritual or natural operation, forty days is the time both determined and necessary to perfect our morality and bring us to the desired age. This spiritual regeneration consummated and perfected, we have no further need for protection or security from any mortal and one will be principal and master, and with the continuance of the grace of the Eternal one can conserve that power, so long as one conforms scrupulously to that which I will show you.

In the Islamic tradition, as well as in the Jewish one, admired by Cagliostro, who took inspiration from both for his Masonic rite and his own teachings, the collaboration between entities, spirits and men, for those who do not have the necessary prequisites and access codes to these realities, is only narrated, but strictly forbidden. Later I will talk about these entities, using the term UFOnauts—someone or something that travels in a UFO. After all this occult work, Cagliostro however, as some of you may already know, did not enjoy a happy ending to his otherwise adventurous and epic life around the courts of Europe. He was instead condemned by the Vatican to a barbaric ending, with a brutal imprisonment and a forced isolation in a cell of the Castle of San Leo, until his supposed death in 1795. The relationship with certain entities for the Vatican was, and still is to some extent even today, a sort of exclusivity that should not have been violated by the Illuminati Grand Master, Count Cagliostro, who became the last victim of the infamous Inquisition.

The mysterious Count had learned a lot, perhaps too much, in his famous Middle Eastern travels, that he often used to brag about, and where he seems to have acquired the teachings of a secret book of the Sheikh Abu’l Muwai jid of Gudscherat, entitled Dschawahiru’l Chamsa (The Five Precious Stones) quoted only in relatively recent times by Rudolf von Sebottendorf (also known as Rudolf Glauer), an important figure in the activities of the Thule Society, a post-World War I German occultist organization that influenced many members of the future Nazi Party. Von Sebottendorf does this in his celebrated essay Orientalische Magie, that appeared on numbers 4, 5 and 6 of Theosophie published in Leipzig between 1924 and 1925, which reconnects not only to the forty-day theme, so dear to the Illuminati and the Prophets, but also shows us the hidden secrets of esoteric Islam, and the Jinn, supernatural or supersensible beings, who along with humans and angels are an essential alien component of the cosmos, that have apparently helped a lot the early practitioners of what became that monstrosity called esoteric Nazism.

The only aim of black magic is to lead people astray, and to make their souls wretched, and that’s what Nazism eventually did when they put the whole country of Germany under a spell. This is always the key goal of evil magicians who deal with devilish Jinn. Actually, among the alien Jinn, there are believers and disbelievers, the believing Jinn are called Jinn, while the disbelieving Jinn are called Shaytan (the devil). Thus, when Muslims talk about Shayatin (devils), they mean the second kind of Jinn.

Sheikh Abu’l Muwai jid of Gudscherat explains that this science serves to:

  1. Create friendship or enmity between two people;
  2. Provide someone with healing, illness or death;
  3. Make sure you reach your own desires, temporal or eternal;
  4. Get to a win or defeat situation on the battlefield.

Let’s remember, however, that these occult practices are obviously contrary to the basic tenets of traditional Islam, that considers magic to be an act of blasphemy, even if you are using it to simply get in touch with the spirit world, in the usual forty-day marathon. To have clearer idea of why we shouldn’t use magic in our day to day life, it might be worth reading the following words from the actual Quran: “Suleiman (Solomon) did not disbelieve, but the devils disbelieved teaching men magic.” [Quran 2:102]

During the preparation to this magical ordeal envisioned in the Dschawahiru’l Chamsa, to get in contact, and eventually win the collaboration of certain alien entities, the courageous or blasphemous aspirant depending on the point of view, must be scrupulously clean, he doesn’t have to miss any of the laundry list of restrictions by the Islamic religion, no dogs, cats or strangers must enter his home, that must be suffused with natural incense and fragrances. It is very important to fast during the forty-days of what is defined by Sheikh Abu’l Muwai jid of Gudscherat as the Chilla, a spiritual practice of penance and solitude well-known in Sufism. You must rest on a mat laid on the floor, and you must sleep as little as possible during the forty days, and not be involved in any conversation during this time. Those who want to practice this retreat for forty days must do it in solitude. The diet to be observed must be oriented according to the divine names you are reciting during your prayers. Islam knows two types of divine names. The ones regarded as friendly or beautiful, and the terrifying ones. If you are reciting the beautiful names, you should not swallow butter, curdled milk, vinegar or salt. If you are using the terrifying ones, avoid flesh, fish, eggs, and honey. If you are using both categories, you should not eat onions and garlic. In any case, alcohol and pork are prohibited as the Islamic tradition prescribes. During the forty days of fasting, the practitioner must recite ten phrases from the Quran ten times.

These are all reminders that the Islamic world and belief system if analyzed in- depth, have accommodated traditional, pagan and pre-Islamic practices of the highest level in their magical teachings. The Islamic faith is shaded with the supernatural and occult, especially at the popular level, but they always tend to hide this element I am now investigating further, because of its connections to the alien reality. You can find visible manifestations of the occult in Islam everywhere—even on streets and in names. Protection from the evil eye is usually sought after. On the back of trucks in Islamic countries, one can see at times the picture of an eye with an arrow drawn through it. This means that anyone envious of the truck will not be able to cause an accident to happen to it; the eye of greed will be rendered powerless. Even small children often carry protection with them against the evil eye in the form of small blue pearls. Women wear gems to divert the evil eye so that its glance can do no harm, a bit like Crystals are used to offer protection against negative energies by New Agers. These items also serve in the Islamic tradition to frustrate the eyes of lust, distracting them. The Middle East is full of such elements, terms, and fetishes. If you suggest them to get rid of these practices, they will find it nearly impossible even if considered sinful by their own religion. They depend upon these beliefs and are not willing to abandon them.

Many believe in the power of the evil eye and its effects on men here in Italy, especially in Southern regions like Sicily, that have a strong Islamic influence. If you look at someone from behind or beside, he may sense it quickly and turn to you abruptly, staring into your eyes and even beat you up. Another form of the occult in Islam is the mandil or reading of the cloth. This is one of many ways in which secrets are revealed in the Muslim world. Once in a school in the Middle East, a watch was stolen and all the girls of that class had to go home. The headmaster said that she would not allow the teachers to teach until the watch was found. This went on for two days. On the third day, the parents came and said that they would not agree to this punishment because it put their daughters under suspicion of having stolen the watch. They resented this because they insisted that their daughters were innocent. An easy solution to the problem was suggested through a visit by a soothsayer (one with knowledge of the extrasensory world) who lived in the neighboring village. She would be able to reveal the whereabouts of the watch, for she had recently disclosed the exact location of two stolen cows which had been hidden fifteen kilometers away from the owner’s farm. The headmaster of the school did not accept this method, but fortune telling in the Middle East is part of daily life.

In Egypt once, I was forced to accept a reading made in a coffee cup from a known psychic advisor, they interpret the residual coffee grounds in the cup and on the saucer and tell your future. I remember on that same occasion, the famous Egyptian psychic also told me the story of a girl who vanished, and when the psychic was consulted by the police, she apparently gave all the details of the kidnapping thanks to the Jinn, including the name of the abductor and the country to which the girl had been taken. The most famous fortune tellers accept military generals, government officials and business people as customers, as well as ordinary citizens in Egypt. They all line-up in front of their doors and have to wait their turn, I saw this with my own eyes.

There is another form of fortune telling and soothe-saying; namely, predictions, as to whether one should marry a particular person and whether the union will be a happy one. Many are involved in these practices and are bound by them all their lives. In Islamic countries, Qur’anic texts, prayers or curses are sometimes written on small papers, not only for protecting a person but also to actively influence certain people in special situations. A sheikh once said that he was writing verses from the Qur’an that would help a businessman have a successful business trip. Also, a young man wanted to influence a girl to love him, so he asked someone to hide pieces of written texts under her mattress. Merchants who want the businesses and projects of their competitors to fail, also practice similar customs. An old leading figure in the world of the Islamic Illuminati called Ahmad ibn Ali al-Buni, who was a 12th-century author and esoteric student, investigated the occult properties of the 99 names of God, and advised the faithful on how they could harness their supernatural power through amulets and talismans in his book Luma’at al-nuraniyya (Brilliant Lights). We find the same approach also in the Dschawahiru’l Chamsa quoted by Rudolf von Sebottendorff, who indicates the following praying formula that is also an important spell: “Be praised, there is no God outside of You, Lord of all things, Provider, Donor, Consoler.” This spell for example, originally consists of 45 letters, for a total numeric value of 2613.

Von Sebottendorf conducts a detailed analysis of a series of snapshots of Arabic numerals and godly names related to the compulsory practice in the Islam Faith which is called the Zakat, which means “purity” or “purify,” and represents the charity that all Muslims, who are sufficiently well-off, must do in order to spiritually purify their wealth. So Rudolf von Sebottendorf, based his work on this mysterious, almost unknown text, left by a certain Sheikh Abu’l Muwai jid of Gudscherat, explaining that certain formulas must be recited during the forty days, about 70,000 times, which amounts to 1710 recitals a day, an effort requiring the total involvement of the practitioner that will absorb all of his intellectual abilities. As I told you earlier, for most traditional Muslims seeking the presence of a Jinn is not permissible regardless of the method by which it is done.

Jinn are dangerous and can cause chaos if interfered with, but generally, they keep to themselves. They live in our world and take their place where it suits them, usually remote or sacred areas. Evil Jinn, however, tend to stay in impure places like toilets, etc. Sebottendorf warns us that when we are involved in this kind of practice, ghost and demons are always watching us, both when we are awake and while we are sleeping, attempting to confide secrets of all sorts, often fueled with dangerous lies and perversions. It is clear that this kind of exercise, as Sebottendorf points out, requires tremendous effort for the human psyche, and very few people will attempt this kind of occult practice. These exercises are, therefore, considered very dangerous. The powers gained, however, are used by the practitioner according to what is indicated with great care.

In the rest of his essay, Von Sebottendorf, who tells us that in traditional texts you find a series of tables showing the original Arabic alphabet in relation to the numeric value of the letters, but Von Sebottendorf decided instead to propose these tables in a simplified version for the Western reader, reproducing the names using the Latin alphabet, also in use in the modern English and German alphabet. The letters present in the tables in the text are also correlated with the twelve signs of the Zodiac, with the four elements, and the seven planets. Once an Islamic expert using this occult method was asked if a man and a woman called Akram and Rahima were compatible with each other. It turns out that both names belong to the same manifestation of God, and that their quality also coincides with friendship. The corresponding planets present are not enemies, indeed according to the charts of planetary trends they show a mixture of friendship and enmity; so they are indifferent. The Zodiac signs involved indicate however the possibility of change from friendship to enmity between the two sides. According to the tables, the elements are conflicting and presumptuous. If, for example, the expert wants to help a certain individual called Bahran, by consulting the tables, he will find out that the five letters of the name (b.a.h.r.m.) Correspond to certain Jinn called Danusch, Husch, Rahusch, Qajapusch, and Madschbusch, and by calculating the corresponding names of God in the tables of the text, you will determine how many times you have to repeat a certain prayer. So in order to have the help of the genies in question, the expert must, therefore, recite no less than 24,000 times the following formula:

O Danusch, in the name of the Durable,

O Husch, in the name of the Chief,

O Rahusch, In the name of the Lord,

O Qajapusch, in the name of Allah,

Or Madschbusch, in the name of the King.

As the practitioner of Islamic magic is reciting this, he has to direct his face towards the home of the one he wants to put under his or her influence, and at the same time, as indicated in the tables of the book in question, he must also burn five times particular herbs to suffuse the ambience. In short, it is not an easy game to evoke or work with these genies, but for certain Illuminati, it’s a necessary requirement in their long trial for obtaining illumination, or their ultimate quest for occult power. In the Islamic texts, it is stated that the Jinn are able to materialize or disappear at will. This would imply one of three things:

1) They have control over the matter that we consider to be “everyday reality;”

2) They have control over certain aspects of our own psyche, and can create in us the subjective experience of matter;

3) They can create illusions of an external and very realistic nature in the same way that we create holograms. It is possible that this last suggestion includes the first.

Various researchers on the cutting edge of nuclear physics (i.e. Paul Davies) and also in the border-line medical field (i.e. Harry Oldfield) have speculated that there exists a kind of blueprint for physical beings and physical materials—this may be an electromagnetic lattice or hologram which tells each atom or molecule what to do and where to go. The reason for this kind of speculation is that our present knowledge of natural control systems is unable to explain the degree of specialization that many atoms/molecules/cells exhibit. 21

However, away from the battlefield and the materialist world of fundamentalist Islam, this religion and the supernatural frequently meet to this day, and the use of sacred words and phrases to cure the unwell, offer us a powerful reminder of the value traditionally attributed by Islam to sustained supplication and remembrance of God but also to his invisible Hierarchy.

Jinn, demons, humans, and angels make up the known sapient creations of God. Like human beings, Jinn can be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent and hence have free-will like humans. Since the Jinn, like humankind, face the judgment of God, they are on no account to be confused with God, who is alone to be worshipped. Yes, King Solomon appears to have had Jinn working for him, but only with God’s special permission.

Let’s not underestimate the power of these creatures and their connection to the Illuminati network. If we want to truly understand the alien phenomena, but also the present manipulation of mankind made possible now more than ever by modern technology, we need to understand the Invisible Masters and Secret Chiefs that rule us from their interdimensional reality.


When Moses, after completing his forty-day marathon, returned to his people, he returned looking different, his skin was radiant to the point that the Jews began to fear him. A fear that obliged Moses to put a veil in front of his face, as reported in Exodus 34:29:

29 When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord. (New International Version)

Obviously, Moses was subjected to some kind energetic treatment that empowered his magnetic flux or animal magnetism, a name given by Illuminati member Franz Anton Mesmer (1734–1815), to a science already practiced since ancient times. Mesmer was one of the two major protagonists of the esoteric scene of the eighteenth century, the other being Count Cagliostro.

Moses was a much more than an ordinary magnetizer. Many researchers, among them Protestants, spiritists, and other writers, claim that even Jesus was the greatest of all magnetizers and that the source of his miracles was animal magnetism. Meanwhile, the Lord on board his glory cloud decided when the Jewish people were to depart or to move toward the next stage of this liberating mission led by Moses. When the cloud moved, the people of Israel left for the next stage of their trip towards the Promised Land. Strangely enough, during the previous century, some churches began to report the appearance of various “glory clouds” around the globe.

They believed this to be a physical manifestation of God’s presence in the form of a glittery cloud that lingered over worship services. Such clouds have been reported in services all over the world, from one-room house churches in Brazil to mega-churches in California, and in places where UFO sightings have been usually reported. Those who have witnessed this phenomenon describe it as a glittering swarm of gold-like particles that settle on skin and hair and then vanish upward. Some describe hands and faces covered in oil or a glittery residue that returns even after wiping it off. There are also reports of feathers or “jewels” falling from these clouds. Some pastors, usually in the Charismatic or Pentecostal movement, claim that the cloud has so enveloped them before preaching that they could hardly see the congregation. They attribute it to the tangible presence of God anointing them for preaching, and they obviously use it as a reference for their biblical foundation, the Old Testament and passages from Exodus, as the actual term “glory cloud” is not found anywhere in Scripture, and many rightly wonder whether such a thing is biblical. It is significant that the “proof texts” for the so-called “glory cloud” come entirely from the Old Testament, and the experiences mainly made by Moses and the Israelites. Those who encountered the cloud of God’s glory in the Old Testament were often unable to approach it (see: Exodus 40:34—35; 2 Chronicles 7:2; and 1 Kings 8:11).

By contrast, those experiencing the modern version of a “glory cloud” greet it with singing, dancing, shouting, and basking in the glitter that engulfs them. This response is inconsistent with biblical accounts but is consistent with some UFO reports. When the glory of God was present in a cloud, the power of His presence was so overwhelming that mortal man could not enter it because at the time the alien forces at work for God didn’t want any contact with the majority of mankind, only with a few chosen ones that became their Prophets.

Ezekiel was also one of the privileged few that experienced this kind of alien encounter with God. He writes:

“Like the appearance of a rainbow in the clouds on a rainy day, so was the radiance around him. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. When I saw it, I fell facedown, and I heard the voice of one speaking” (Ezekiel 1:28; cf. 44:4).

When the Lord gave Isaiah a vision of His glory, Isaiah’s response was to cry, “Woe to me! I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty” (Isaiah 6:5). Abject humility akin to horror always followed Old Testament displays of the glory of God (2 Chronicles 5:14; 7:3; Isaiah 6:5).

The response of Ezekiel and Isaiah, to the glory of the Lord, were similar to the responses of those in modern Charismatic churches, but the same can be said of the way most ordinary people today when they encounter UFOs, do not connect this kind of event to a religious one. In descriptions, it has never been written that the “glory cloud” could be demonic, with close affinity to Jinn, whose dark and malicious nature are often prone to fool mankind with illusions. The Jinn or Jinni or Genies or Djinn are part of what the Ancient people of this Earth used to call “Elemental Spirits.”

What are Elemental Spirits?

Elemental Spirits are what some call the Nature Spirits or Devas or the Faeries, these type of Spirits have only one element to their nature, usually Air, Fire, Water and Earth, so Djinn are part of the Fire Spirits, but in Arabic the other groups are also known as JINN, since no human eye can see them. This is what most Arabic scholars call (Jaan al Bahar, Jaan al Hawa, Jaan al Ar’d, and Jaan al Nai’r) in English you can translate it to (Water Spirit, Air Spirit, Earth Spirit and Fire Spirit).

Do they have any names besides their Natural Elements?

Yes. Spirits of the Four Elements are divided into four categories, earth, air, fire, and water. Let us look at each of them, in turn.

1. EARTH: (Jaan al A’rd) Earth spirits, that is the beings, which relate to rocks, stones, minerals, precious gems, hills, and mountains are traditionally called in English (Gnomes). All aspects of the solid physical structure of the planet come under their domain.

Although they can be found within rocks, they also have a freedom to move around but generally stay close to the ground. They are a) Gnomes b) Kobolds c) giants d) mountain spirits also in Arabic they are called the (Ghul or Qu’laz) they are short about 1 to 2 feet tall and they look old with full beard those are the Gnomes or the Ghulz, the other type are bigger and bit taller, most of them live underground, under the trees or on hilltops.

2. WATER: (Jaan al Bah’ar) Water spirits are connected to all liquids, but their presence can be felt in a much more powerful way by streams, rivers, lakes and, of course, the sea. They are traditionally known as Undines or Al’Aunabiy’in although stories of mermaids or A’rusatual Bah’r and mermen are accounts of these beings. They are a) Nymphs b) undines c) nixies and d) na’iads. They have males and females, but females shine as if wet. The females are nude and without wings, the exquisite limbs gleam through the white auric flow, the arms are particularly long and beautiful, and she waves them gracefully in her flight. She is about four feet in height and her general coloring is silvery white, with gold stars around the head. (Al-si’ah)

3. AIR: (Jaan al Ha’wa) The spirits of the air are connected to all gaseous substances, but like water beings, are best sensed in winds and breezes. Because air moves so quickly they can be difficult to pin down. They are known as Sylphs in tradition although the perception of a “fairy” with tiny wings that can fly is a close approximation to how they appear to children. This type of spirit is what most scholars call “Al’arwah al Khaf’i” (the simple spirits) and they are very strong. They are: a) Sylphs b) storm spirits c) fairies. They live in the element of air and are like light in the atmosphere. Sensitive to the movement of the atmosphere, they have a sleepy consciousness. Their task is to transfer light to the plants. The stream of air caused by a flying bird creates a sound they can hear. They are like birds flying through the air. Sylphs are connected to movement in space, like modeling and directing the wind. Elves (or fairies) are more connected to the expansion of life in their area this is what some Scholars call the Al’irfid.

4. FIRE: (Jaan al Na’r these are what most people call the JINN) Fire spirits can be found in volcanoes in nature, but also in any fire, from candle to inferno. They are known as Salamanders or Vulcanii and are the most difficult of all of the elementals to connect with, that being said, they are to only associate with philosophers and adepts of the magical arts.22

The scholars Gordon Creighton and Chris Line, back in the 1980s, wrote two important articles published by the prestigious magazine Flying Saucer Review, stating that the UFOs were actually Jinn, and the famous scientist of ancient Persia Zakariyya al-Qazwini, states that “the Jinn are aerial animals with transparent bodies, which can assume various forms.”

This is a category of Jinn that lives in the atmosphere, the just mentioned Jaan al Ha’wa, that reminds us of the volatile plasma creatures of Trevor Constable, and even Kenneth Arnold, who, as I will show you later, practically started the modern phenomenon of Ufology, and believed that what we now call UFOs, are actually living beings. Obviously, to be visible from afar, Jinn must utilize plenty of electromagnetic energy to look enormous and luminous. This alien presence would be able to appear to the human eye, like the cigar-shaped alien spaceships that are often spotted all over the planet, and this would seem like one of the vehicles favored by some of the extra-dimensional beings that through dimensional passages can span the cosmos from one side to the other, showing themselves in various ways. Muslims believe that the Jinn can fly and adopt to whatever form. On the FBI website The Vault, accessible on the Internet since 2011, 23 aliens are described in one of the declassified documents of the FBI Memorandum, as beings of a multi-dimensional nature coming from extraterrestrial planets. However, according to this document generated within the mysterious Illuminati group known with the acronym B.S.R.A, namely the Borderland Science Research Association (later B.S.R.F. still in existence), these “ultraterrestrial” beings would sometimes operate in transdimensional flying disks with a crew on board; other times they would only be able to fly empty spaceships with a remote control. Both cases would, however, fall into what we call the UFO phenomenon, also in line with what I said about the Jinn phenomenon.

In 1996, Robert Dean (b.1929) a well-known American Ufologist who retired from the U.S. Army as a Command Sergeant Major after a 28-year career, was guested in Rome for an important World UFO Conference. He spoke of encounters with extraterrestrial entities and spaceships while serving in the U.S. Army and working at SHAPE, in the NATO headquarters of NATO Allied Forces. He said there were confirmed hypothesis by U.S. Navy scientists and pilots, that UFOs, were actually bioships, meaning alien ships that worked like living organisms. A shocking statement, for sure!

Matter, space-time, physical laws, and the human mind work flawlessly, along with the physical laws of space-time, in a logical and understandable way, what we all define as rationality. Logic, action and reaction, cause and effect, these are the rules to follow in order to fit into this material world from which we are surrounded (at least in appearance), otherwise we are considered crazy or New Age, especially when we are trying to lift the so-called veil of Isis on the UFO phenomenon, in its most hidden essence. They are linked not only to flashing lights in the sky but also to the occult, and the secret beliefs and practices of the Illuminati network made up of Secret Societies and religions that control our society.

CERN researchers were baffled when they made a new discovery in 2017, on how matter thrived in the early universe when it should actually have been destroyed by antimatter, a discovery that in itself evokes a theory that the universe is controlled by a mysterious realm lying outside space and time. This is, basically, evidence that boasts a 2009 theory of the existence of a Hypercosmic God, a discovery clearly in contrast with the rubbish promoted every day by globalists and leftist freaks, who push atheism and materialism every day. In the meantime, they deny the existence of aliens, and make statements like: “It will be too difficult for these aliens to ever reach us,” or, “they are light years away, so it is physically impossible as journeys in space can last hundreds of years,” and, “how could they ever cover these vast distances?”


FIG. 4 Professor Giuseppe Vatinno and Jack Sarfatti in Rome in May 2014, while Sarfatti signs the book entitled How the Hippies Saved Physics by David Kaiser

These pseudo-scientific statements are given with an embarrassing limit of understanding of the reality of space-time law, a reality that works only on a material level, that for interdimensional entities has absolutely no value. What we have today, thanks to the scientific community, is fundamentally a religion based on matter, or a religion of matter, which is from all points of view ruling planet Earth today. Especially because of the constant disinformation dictated by the pragmatist system imposed by the New World Order, an evil conspiracy that imposes a mathematic model from the past. This is a bit like what happened to Galileo, who ended with the infamous Galileo affair.

Even today’s Ufology has heavy limitations, obsessed with materialistic phenomena like lights in the sky, and nothing more. I have often found myself in so-called Ufology centers, where a long-lasting light in the sky was taken more seriously than a video of a presumed alien, or of a human being possessed by entities clearly not of this world, the latter considered garbage not worth further investigation. In short, they devote most of their time to research light effects, often and willingly generated by other humans or joker entities. There are the so-called tricksters and demonic entities, who live in the spaces between the spaces, the practical jokers who manipulate our reality. This is a short story about the figure of the joker, also known as the trickster. Its affairs are almost never motivated by a noble cause, so it is better not to trust their special effects. Most Ufologists are naïve or deliberately misguided or censured. When Gordon Creighton published his first controversial article on the True Nature of UFO Entities on November 18, 1990, he wrote something significant in the introduction, words that should make us understand more about the conspiracy of silence behind Ufology:

This article, which appeared originally in FSR 29/1 (October, 1983) is reprinted now at the request of a number of readers, and to remind all our readers of what lies ahead for Mankind. Ever since its publication, the article has been treated throughout the world with total silence, and there is a general agreement among all Ufologists on both sides of the Atlantic never to give it a mention.

FSR Consultant Dr. Richard F. Haines expected me to print his comprehensive REVIEW OF EXPLANATORY HYPOTHESIS FOR UNIDENTIFIED AERIAL PHENOMENA, and I promptly did so (FSR 32/2-1987).

But it might be noted that he did not deem it necessary to include the slightest reference to my work in his survey, even as a minimal gesture of courtesy. Four of the leading experts in Ufology in the world have written me privately to say that they think I am on the right track. Only one of them—Ann Druffel—has had the guts to say so publicly.

So what does contemporary Ufology do apart from silencing the truth on the true nature of UFO entities? What is its purpose nowadays?

The extra-dimensional reality and the paraphysical hypothesis on the different planes of existence that these beings can use at will, annulling in most cases any known physical law that we are aware of, needs to be taken seriously. The infamous Greys, which, according to authors like Nigel Kerner or Raymond E. Fowler, could even be a kind of biological robot created by an alien race ready to exploit us, a truth that seems farfetched and distant from what myself, and other researchers, who usually connect the Greys to Islamic Jinn or elemental entities, without discussing their possible bioelectric nature. But perhaps the truth lies somewhere in the middle, as this kind of hypothesis is not so blunt, after listening to the experience of contemporary physicist Jack Sarfatti.

Between 1953 and 1954, a group of American scientists, including the well-known Sarfatti claim to have been in contact with “extraterrestrials, or those who seemed extraterrestrial” as Sarfatti himself says: “That’s why I am so forward as a physicist. And there are others contactees among us, we are a good group.” Sarfatti made these statements in a shocking interview given to Italian journalist and Ufologist Maurizio Baiata in Rome in 2006, where he states:

I heard a metallic voice that I think belonged to an EBE, a Grey. Perhaps they were Androids because they said they were a computable computer…. One of my other interests in physics, in addition to propulsion, is conscience, but from a physical and non-spiritual point of view. I do not speak of spiritual or religious things, but of pure psychotronic engineering, or how to create a car that is as conscious as we are, because we are machines, in a way. At the level of a billionth of a meter, we are nanomachines. This is also one of the books of Sir Roger Penrose, such as “The Emperor’s New Mind,” “Shadows of the Mind,” or “The Road to Reality,” and Stuart Hameroff’s work on microtubules, a kind of nano-switch that would make us a sort of incredible chemical-quantum computer. The fact is that if you look at the nervous system, neurons with a sub-neural microscope and show a photo to an engineer who creates Intel chips, he’ll think it’s a chip. The structure of neural cells on a nanoscale resembles a large computer chip. Likewise, looking at images of the Universe with dark energy patterns in evidence, it will seem to look at a great, immense cosmic brain. 24


FIG. 5 Giuseppe Balsamo, “Conte di Cagliostro,” by Jean-Antoine Houdon, 1786, marble— National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, USA.

A different, but an interesting view is that of Sarfatti, which is built on the mystery school teachings. In both cases, whether you are interested in learning about the most technological and physical nature of these beings, or the most magical or mysterious, these aliens are interested in our soul, and our vital force. It is their motivation for possessing us, and possession, as we all know, is liberated only through a good exorcist. Be careful, then, in contacting this type of entity if you are not really prepared, for the result could ruin your life at best, and in the worst case scenario, it might kill you.


In 1964, art student Alexandar Paunovitch discovered two strange depictions in a 16th-century fresco of the crucifixion of Christ, located above the altar of the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo. In this fresco entitled The Crucifixion, that was painted in 1350, we find objects similar to UFOs. They represent two comets that look like spaceships, with two men inside of them, and are often quoted by Ufologists. More recently on the walls of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral in Georgia, there is another image of Christ that has sent conspiracy theorists into a frenzy. These frescos might not necessarily be linked to the UFO phenomenon, but they are definitely linked to our perception of Jesus being no ordinary man. Throughout history, Jesus Christ and Christianity have been linked to what is clearly alien activity. At this point the questions we need to ask are:

Why was Jesus Christ considered the Savior of humanity?

Why was Moses a key figure and prophet in all the Abrahamic religions?

And finally, why was the Grand Master of the Illuminati Giuseppe Balsamo known as Count Cagliostro, inspired by both of them?

How were these three important figures connected to non-worldly beings, called angels or demons by some, and Jinn by others? And in more recent times addressed as extraterrestrials, or even extra-dimensional beings? There is a link that most people ignore. Steven Greer, who is a well-known American physician who founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), and later the Disclosure Project, which seeks the disclosure of allegedly suppressed UFO information from governments, media and corporations, states that these entities are in fact, non-human, but at the same time they are not extraterrestrial. So what are they? Greer states that in evaluating the data and reports of alleged human-alien contacts, less than 10 percent of those cases are what they really seem, the remaining 90 percent is a combination of the following factors at work: incorrect identification of other paranormal experiences (mistakenly labeled as such) related to lucid dreams, out-of-body experiences, pre-death cases, astral encounters with other non-human (but not extraterrestrial) entities, and similar related phenomena. 25

I wonder what source gave Greer so much certainty on the true nature of alien beings, maybe his friends in the Democratic Party? Dr. Greer, a former emergency room doctor, was also involved in the unsuccessful Rockefeller initiative in the mid-1990s that involved both Bill and Hillary Clinton, with the late tycoon Laurance Rockefeller (1910–2004) who tried to get the Government to release all classified files about UFOs and aliens.

Dr. Greer thinks that Hillary Clinton would likely have revealed aliens exist if she made it to the White House in 2016: “There’s no question in my mind that Hillary Clinton is aware of the issue. Her campaign chairperson John Podesta came out in favor of disclosure and said that the government should come forward with this information.”

Greer’s message is that technology will save the Earth. That the aliens are good, and that current classified projects threaten the constitution, so they must be declassified. His message is: “We must not attack the ETs.” The Stargate Conspiracy by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince has proven like other books, that the CIA pushes this disinfo message over and over again. Also Nick Redfern’s books have proven the same promotion of techno-spirituality that is also linked to the New Age Movement. And why would non-human entities be considered by Greer terrestrial, and not extraterrestrial, when they clearly operate from another dimension? Obviously, in addition to the usual interpretations typical of people who accept without asking, it seems to me that Dr. Greer would rather distance himself from some researchers, than classify many unconventional experiences with UFOs or supposed aliens, as abductions, and define the people involved as abductees. Greer seems to think there is, in fact, the external involvement of shadowy groups that manipulate and use the abduction syndrome to spread disinformation that can discredit the UFO-ET phenomenon. 26

In this case, I agree with Dr. Greer on the disinformation factor at work in Ufology. I believe there is also a clear link with fragile subjects and victims of psychological problems, often manipulated by Illuminati sects, operating on behalf of Intelligence agencies, and although there is a great deal of casualties linked to mental illness, others fall into the reality of possession. Many people shudder when they hear the word possession, as it conjures up thoughts of frightening movies they have seen, stories they have read, reports they have heard from the media, or things they have been told within their family or friendship circles.

In other words, possession for a lot of people is strongly connected to the negative, the demonic, and to death, and not linked at all with the abduction phenomenon. Certainly traditional Ufologists tend to ignore the many similarities with other phenomena, but in his classic study Passport to Magonia (1969), French scientist Jacques Vallee (b.1939) presented many examples of similarities between fairy and UFO sightings for example, and Jean Bastide, in La memoire des OVNI (1978) went further and said: “modern contacts established with extraterrestrials precisely the same rules as contacts in the past with beings more or less human in form.” Similarities between UFO encounters and demonic encounters have also been outlined by various researchers. So, what exactly is happening here? The answer to that depends upon the time that you live in. Most people today would readily acknowledge this as a typical alien abduction story, but what if you asked someone who lived one or two or even ten centuries ago. How would they define all this? 27

I ask you now to open your minds to discover through my research, the real nature of the alien reality, made up of the Invisible Masters, but also of invisible attackers and vampiric alien entities, always ready to drain your energy, and participate at times in poltergeist activity. Some suggest a minority of poltergeist events are occurrences of playful aliens having a bit of sport at our expense. However, raised scratch marks often appear on the bodies of some poltergeist victims, and on one occasion an investigating police officer saw cuts spontaneously appearing on the legs and chest of a screaming poltergeist victim. Here is an example containing elements of sex, poltergeist, stigmata, and possible alien vampirism from a UFO abduction case reported by the late expert Dr. Karla Turner:

He woke up in his bed with a strange female alien being beside him. “She was trying to get me worked up,” he said. “She got on top of me and tried to make me respond, you know, sexually. But I kept refusing, I pushed her away and begged her to leave me alone … she was naked, though, and she felt really cold when she touched me.”… “I found these marks this morning,” he pointed… three large puncture marks on the skin on the back of his calf arranged in an equilateral triangle.

Dr. Karla Turner died of fast-moving cancer on January 10, 1996, after being threatened for her work. She was just 48. Shortly after her suspicious and untimely death (murder?), her publishing company was intimidated into halting the printing of Karla Turner’s haunting conclusions about the agenda of the evil Greys, and how it factors into the human power elite occultist’s agenda for a New World Order. Since then, several other people involved in UFO investigation have also experienced threats followed by highly unusual cancers.

Several of her case studies are also dead. Dr. Turner was widely respected in the UFO community for her research on alien abduction. A scholar and professional educator, she earned a Ph.D. in Old English studies and taught at university level in Texas for more than ten years. But in 1988, she and her husband and son endured a shocking series of experiences and recollections that forced them to recognize that they were all abductees. Dr. Turner was actually working on another book when she became ill in early 1995, this is an interesting extract from her courageous book Into the Fringe, published in 1992:

He was staying alone in a friend’s apartment, collapsing in bed after hours of walking the streets alone, and when he awoke he was covered with bruises and scratches all over his back … “I was sitting on the couch, and it was late at night. And all of a sudden, the couch started hopping up and down, and then this footstool started hopping, I mean, really hopping. It was shaking me!… I felt the whole bed started to shake, and when I tried to move, I found I was paralyzed. I couldn’t even speak, but somehow I finally managed to whisper a prayer, asking the god of truth and love to make this frightening force go away. I repeated the prayer again and again, until the paralysis broke, but the bed shook even more violently as my strength increased … I tried to rouse Casey and tell him what had happened, but he rolled over sleepily without responding. At that point, three women came in and approached me. They held me comfortingly and told me, ‘You did the right thing. You passed the test.’”28

In all these accounts there are certainly striking parallels. The first thing we notice in studying this phenomenon is that some encounters with entities seem to be accidental, and others seem to be clearly directed at the specific person for reasons I will try to make clear in this book. We wonder whether the seemingly accidental encounters are as accidental as they appear, but don’t be fooled. Does the manifestation occur in response to some hidden need, a psychological state that calls for outside intervention of some kind? In this regard, French ufologist Jean-Francois Boeded, in his book Fantastiques rencontres au bout du monde (1982) suggested that we should conceive of sightings as starting long before the actual experience. He points to many cases in which witnesses had premonitions that something was about to happen, or for some reason, they went home by a different route, or took an unaccustomed walk. Somehow, it would seem, the witnesses were being prepared for the experience they were about to undergo.

For the sake of comparison, let’s look at a condensed version:

A light appeared outside the window. The rest of her family appeared to go into a state of suspended animation. Four small creatures entered the room passing straight through a door. One of them communicated with her telepathically and led her outside where an oval craft was waiting. On board, she was subjected to a painful physical examination. A probe was pushed up her nose. Another probe was inserted into her navel and she was told she was being measured for procreation. She was made to sit in a glass chair where she was enclosed by a transparent cover and immersed in fluid; she could breathe through tubes attached to her nose and mouth. A sweet liquid oozed into her mouth. When she was released from the chair she found that she had traveled to the alien’s planet. Two of the creatures took her along a tunnel and through a series of chambers. The first was full of small reptile-like creatures; the second was a large green-colored space where they floated over pyramids to a city of mysterious crystalline forms. She was taken into one of the crystal shapes where she was confronted by a giant bird that burst into light and then collapsed into a pile of embers. A voice told her that she had been chosen for a special mission which would be revealed to her. When Betty stated she believed in God, the voice told her that that was why she had been chosen … the leader, Quazgaa, told her that secrets had been locked in her mind. She was then escorted back to her home where she saw the rest of her family still in a state of suspended animation.

In his book The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975), Jacques Vallee posits the idea of a control system, UFOs, and related phenomena are the means through which man’s concepts are being rearranged. Their ultimate source may be unknowable, at least at this stage of human development:

When I speak of a control system for planet earth, he says, I do not want my words to be misunderstood: I do not mean that some higher order of beings has locked us inside the constraints of a space-bound jail, closely monitored by psychic entities we might call angels or demons. I do not propose to redefine God. What I do mean is that mythology rules at a level of our social reality over which normal political and intellectual action has no power. 29


Count Cagliostro said:

I AM NOT OF ANY TIME or of any place; beyond time and space, my spiritual being lives an eternal existence. I turn my thoughts back over the ages and I project my spirit towards an existence far beyond which you perceive, I become what I choose to be. Participating consciously in the Absolute Being, I arrange my actions according to what is at hand. My name defines my actions because I am free. My country is wherever my feet stand at the moment. Put yesterday behind you if you dare, like the forgotten ancestors who came before you, give no thought to the morrow and the illusionary hope of greatness will never be yours, I am that I am. I have only one Father; different circumstances of my life have made me come to this great and moving truth, but the mysteries of this origin and the relationships that unite me to this unknown Father are and remain my secrets. Those who will be called to become, to understand more like me, know me and approve me. As for the hour and time at which my material body at the age of forty will leave this land, as far as the family I choose, not to increase the already heavy responsibilities of those who have met me—because it is written: You will not let the sky fall—I can tell you that I was not born of the flesh, nor the will of man, I was born of the spirit. My name, which is mine, and the one I chose to appear amongst you, here is what I claim. Those I have been given to on my birth or during my youth, those for which I was known, are of other times and places; I have left, as I have left yesterdays fashionable and now useless clothes. But behold, I am noble and adventurous, I speak, and your caring souls will recognize the ancient words. A voice that is in you and who for a long time was silent answered my call; I act and peace finds your hearts, health arrives in your bodies, hope, and courage in your souls. All men are my brothers, all the countries are dear to me, I traveled everywhere so that the Spirit can descend on us from a road and come to us. I do not ask the Kings, of whom I respect the power, that the hospitality on their lands, and when it is granted to me, I take the best possible benefit around me: but I can not pass it. I’m a noble traveler. Like the south wind, like the shining light of the noon that characterizes the full consciousness of things and active communion with God, so I go to the north, to the fog and the cold, leaving somewhere to my passage some of me Myself, spending myself, dropping me at every stop, but leaving a bit of light, a bit of heat, until I finally arrived and settled at the end of my career; then the rose will bloom on the Cross. I’m Cagliostro. Why do you need more questions? If you were children of God, if your soul was not so in vain and so curious, you would have understood it already. Instead, you need details, signs, and parables, so listen. You go back to the past as you like it.

All light comes from the East, all beginning from Egypt; I’ve been three years old like you, then seven years, then I became mature and from that age on I have not counted. Three cycles of seven years make twenty-one years and realize the fullness of human development. In my early infancy, under the law of rigor and justice, I lived in exile, like Israel among foreign nations. Just as Israel had in itself the presence of God, who as a Metatron leading them in their footsteps, I have a mighty Angel that watched over me and directed always my actions, cleansed my soul, developing the latent forces in me. He was my Master and My Guide. My reason was formed and clarified; I was interrogating, studying, and taking consciousness of all my surroundings; I traveled, many trips, all around the room of my reflections in the temples and in the four parts of the world; But when I wanted to penetrate the origin of my being and ascend to God in the thrust of my soul then my helpless reason silenced and left behind my conjecture.

A love that attracted all the creatures impulsively, an irresistible ambition, a profound feeling of my rights to all the things of the earth and of the sky possessed me, and they led me toward the life and the progressive experience of my strength, pf their play and their limit, it was the struggle I had to stand against the powers of the world, I was abandoned and tempted in the desert, I struggled with the angel like Jacob, with men and with demons, and these, once overcome, taught me the secrets of the domination of darkness, so that I never lose myself in one of those ways from which there is no return. One day—after so many years and journeys—Heaven met my efforts: he remembered his servant who, clothed in bridal dresses, had the grace to be admitted as Moses in the presence of the Lord. Since then, it has been like receiving a new name, a unique mission. Free and master of life I did not think that to use this force for the work of God. I knew that he confirmed my acts and my words, as I confirmed His name and His dominion on earth. There are beings who no longer have Guardian angels, I was of those. Here is my childhood and my youth, so that your restless and generous spirit asks them; But did they last for more or less years, that they have stopped in the countries of your fathers and in other cities, which matter to you? Am I not a free man? You judge my habits, as if to say my actions, say if they are good, tell me if you have seen them more powerful and then perhaps you will no longer care for my nationality, my rank, and my religion. If, following your happy journeys, one day you approached that land of the East that saw me born and reminded of me, you will pronounce my name, then you will see my father’s servants opening you the doors of the holy city. Then, when he comes back, he will tell his brothers if I have abused you with a false prestige, if I have taken something that was not mine in your dwellings.30

Cagliostro’s speech revolves around four very important points to reflect on:

1. “But the mysteries of this origin and the relationships that unite me to this unknown Father are and remain my secrets;”

2. “Just as Israel had in itself the presence of God, who as a Metatron leading them in their footsteps, I have a mighty Angel that watched over me and directed always my actions, cleansed my soul, developing the latent forces in me;”

3. “I was abandoned and tempted in the desert, I struggled with the angel like Jacob, with men and with demons, and these, once overcomed, taught me the secrets of the domination of darkness;”

4. “Heaven met my efforts: he remembered his servant who, clothed in bridal dresses, had the grace to be admitted as Moses in the presence of the Lord.”

The ways in which Cagliostro managed his “alien contacts” were only revealed to the initiators of Occult Freemasonry in the Arcana Arcanorum, the infamous system called The Naples Arrangement, cited several times by Aleister Crowley, and still present today in the latest degrees of the Misraïm Rite of Freemasonry, part of the so-called Egyptian Rites of Freemasonry (The Rites of Memphis and Misraïm or the Rites of Misraïm and Memphis depending on the Masonic lineage). This secret reveals a transcendental message of angelic communication that demonstrates how one clearly meets a superior reality, and therefore, extraterrestrial within Occult Freemasonry, which also in its more traditional style is based on its allegories and its mysteries on the Temple of Solomon, in turn, built by extra-dimensional entities.

Among other things, The Conjuration of the Four Elements, by Eliphas Levi or the conjuration of the seven angelic entities of the Arcana Arcanorum, drawn from the Rites of Misraïm and Memphis of Count Gastone Ventura (1906–1981), known by the initiac name of Aldebaran, that some view as the closest to the originals of Count Cagliostro, are exactly like those reported by Eliphas Lévi, in Sanctum Regnum, used in the consecration ritual to the degree of the Unknown Superior (S::I::/Supèrieur Inconnu) of the Martinist Order, which is considered to be the depositary of the knowledge of the true Illuminati.

As Allen H. Greenfield wrote in Secret Rituals of the Men In Black:

The Conjuration of the Four is a Ritual used by the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, in its Initiation ceremonies. It, too, is a development of an earlier cycle of rituals, employed by its predecessors in the Fratres Lucis, and before that, the Asiatic Brethren. These, in their turn, go back to the Gold Rosicrucians and the authentic Kabbalah, embodied in the teachings and practices of Jacob Frank, Sabbatai Zevi, and so forth, ultimately taking us to the dawn of Kabbalah in the Languedoc, when Isaac the Blind of Posquičres and his circle achieved communication with Elijah on the Day of Atonement early in the 12th Century of the Common Era.

Masonic Grand Hierophant General and Grand Initiator of Italian Martinism, Count Gastone Ventura, was definitely a class A Illuminati, and he used for his occult operations so-called Olympian spirits (or Olympic spirits, Olympick spirits), a term that refers to seven or sometimes fourteen spirits, mentioned in several Renaissance and post-Renaissance books of ritual magic and ceremonial magic, such as the Book of Magic Science, or the Arbatel de magia veterum, and The Secret Grimoire of Turiel.

The mythological pantheon may change at times, or another language is spoken for convenience or respect of the forces in the field, this happens for example, in the case of Latin or ancient Greek, but the essence, remember, remains the same, that is, the attempt by initiates in the occult arts to contact an alien guide, in this case of a presumed angelic nature. When the conjuration of the seven elements is recited, to any conspired entity, the framing of the Masonic Arcana Arcanorum requires the burning of the Olympic seal, or the corresponding Archangel, written on a piece of paper, where they draw the pentacles of the same planetary color of the seals themselves (corresponding color of that plane). At this point, after the conjuration of the entities, the Wizard Mason draws with his magic wand the Seal of Solomon in the air and then on the ground, the six-pointed star placed as above so below. Magic wands are also used in Mystic Masonry, but the operator identifies himself during the conjuring ritual of the Arcana Arcanorum with King Solomon, and he must find himself during this final phase constantly within the seal of Solomon he has drawn on the ground. It would appear that this ritual is considered similar to that in which King Solomon would have access to the alien angelic reality, at least according to the practitioners of the Masonic Arcana Arcanorum. And if the Old Testament focuses on the “fall” of King Solomon due to the “perversion of the heart” caused by the strange influence of foreign wives, which led him to worship other gods (Astarte, Milcolm, and Camos) in the Apocryphal tradition as well as in the Quran, they fully describe in detail the King’s magic abilities on these entities that the Quran calls Jinn.


FIG. 6 Image extracted from the Masonic Arcana Arcanorum of the Egyptian Rites of Misraïm and Memphis by Count Gastone Ventura shows Freemasonry dealing with supposed angelic forces.

The Testament of Solomon is a text originally written in Hebrew, in a Judaic setting in the first century AD, subsequently redrafted in Greek in a Christian environment in the 3rd century AD. The text, attributed to the same King Solomon, describes his repentance on his deathbed, when he confesses that he was able to build the legendary Temple bearing his name by using demons commanded by a magical ring entrusted to him by the Archangel Michael. (The classic alien gift?) From here came the legend that Solomon would have sealed in a bronze vase with magic symbols, the seventy-two demons he evoked to help him build the Temple, thus reciting the topos of the genie enclosed in the bottle.

During the late Middle Ages, The Solomon Key or Clavis Salomonis appeared, as a text of medieval magic originally attributed (by mistake) to King Solomon. Many of these grimoires attributed to him at that time were and are nevertheless, considered to be of paramount importance to the Illuminati network, because they were influenced by much older books by Jewish Kabbalists and Arab alchemists, who, in turn, often referred to the Greek-Roman mystery schools of the late ancient world. For this reason, The Key of Solomon was translated from Hebrew to English in 1889, by the supposed founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, mentor, and later enemy, of Aleister Crowley. However, during the period of their intense collaboration, Mathers gave Crowley the key rituals to help him access the invisible world of the Secret Chiefs, known only to the Illuminati of the upper levels, who are those who want to come into contact with their Invisible Masters and nourish their power.


Albert Pike was a Masonic thinker and a reformer of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Pike is known not only for his work, but also as a target of several anti-Masonic attacks made posthumously. Due to the gravity of these attacks, some Masonic authors have openly acknowledged his controversies and extravagance, and sought to distance themselves from him. For most Masons, Pike remains a legendary and enigmatic figure with an aura of mysticism and scandal. Few people read his books, which may be considered too complex for today’s readers. Nevertheless, within the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A. he is still highly esteemed almost to the degree of veneration. 31 Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike published in 1871, is Pikes’ 861-page volume of lectures on the esoteric roots of Freemasonry.

Until 1964, this book was given to every Mason completing the 14th degree in the Southern jurisdiction of the U.S. Scottish Rite Freemasons. Masonic lectures are standard oral presentations given during initiation to a new degree. Lectures provide background material for initiates and the discuss duties of the degree in general terms. They do not present details of the rituals, gestures, regalia, etc., for which one must consult other books on Masonry. Pike states right off that half of the text is copied from other works. Unfortunately, none of these quotes are properly cited, and in most cases it is only a shift in style that allows us to identify a quote. There are also lapses of fact and logic. So it would be a mistake to use this work as an authoritative source without additional research and critical thinking. That said, Morals and Dogma is a huge, rambling treasure-house of esoteric data, particularly on the Kabbalah and ancient mystery religions. Whether you just browse these pages or study it from beginning to end, this is a must-read book for anyone looking for long-lost knowledge. 32 Morals and Dogma has been described as a collection of thirty-two essays dedicated to each degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, which attempts to provide a philosophical rationale for the degrees in question.

Basically, Pike’s teachings are a backdrop for each of the degrees by supplying in-depth lessons in comparative religion, history and philosophy. An upgraded official reprint was released in 2011, with the benefit of annotations by the famous Arturo de Hoyos, a figure I talked about in my trilogy, who is the Scottish Rite’s Grand Archivist and Grand Historian.

My main reason for mentioning Pike, is that he talks extensively of the Elohim in his Morals and Dogma, mentioning the fact that we descend from them because of an act of self-sacrifice:

“Man descended from the elemental Forces or Titans [Elohim], who fed on the body of the Pantheistic Deity creating the Universe by self-sacrifice, commemorates in sacramental observance this mysterious passion, and while partaking of the raw flesh of the victim, seems to be invigorated by a fresh draught from the fountain of universal life, to receive a new pledge of regenerated existence. Death is the inseparable antecedent of life; the seed dies in order to produce the plant, and the earth itself is rent asunder and dies at the birth of Dionusos. Hence the significance of the phallus, or of its inoffensive substitute, the obelisk, rising as an emblem of resurrection by the tomb of buried Deity at Lerna or at Sais.” (Pike’s teachings for the 24th Degree: Prince of The Tabernacle, p. 393emphasis added)

Richard L. Thompson, writes in Alien Identities, that the geologist Christian O’Brien argued that these [ancient Hebrew and Sumerian] texts describe a race of beings called Shining Ones—his translation of the Hebrew word Elohim. These beings created modern humans from earlier human forms by genetic manipulation. Some of these beings, called Watchers, mated with humans, but this was considered a crime by the Shining Ones. One of the Watchers was named Shemjaza, and Yahweh was one of the Shining Ones. However Pike, has yet more illuminating words on this subject that bring us once again back to Genesis and to Mount Sinai, where the Israelites apparently became emancipated from their alien Lord (or at least tried too):

In the Hebrew writings, the term “Heavenly Hosts” includes not only the counsellors and emissaries of Jehovah, but also the celestial luminaries, and the stars, imagined in the East to be animated intelligence, presiding over human weal and woe, are identified with the more distinctly impersonated messengers or angels, who execute the Divine decrees, and whose predominance in Heaven is in mysterious correspondence and relation with the powers and dominions of the earth. In Job, the Morning Stars and the Sons of God are identified; they join in the same chorus of praise to the Almighty; they are both susceptible of joy; they walk in brightness, and are liable to impurity and imperfection in the sight of God.

The Elohim originally included not only foreign superstitious forms, but also all that host of Heaven which was revealed in poetry to the shepherds of the desert, now as an encampment of warriors, now as careering in chariots of fire, and now as winged messengers, ascending and descending the vault of Heaven, to communicate the will of God to mankind.

“The Eternal,” says the Bereshith Rabba to Genesis, “Called forth Abraham and his posterity out of the dominion of the stars; by nature, the Israelite was a servant to the stars, and born under their influence, as are the heathen; but by virtue of the law given on Mount Sinai, he became liberated from this degrading servitude.” The Arabs had a similar legend. The Prophet Amos explicitly asserts that the Israelites, in the desert, worshipped, not Jehovah, but Moloch, or a Star-God, equivalent to Saturn. The Gods El or Jehovah were not merely planetary or solar. Their symbolism, like that of every other Deity, was coextensive with nature, and with the mind of man. Yet the astrological character is assigned even to Jehovah. He is described as seated on the pinnacle of the Universe, leading forth the Hosts of Heaven, and telling them unerringly by name and number. His stars are His sons and His eyes, which run through the whole world, keeping watch over men’s deeds. The stars and planets were properly the angels. In Pharisaic tradition, as in the phraseology of the New Testament, the Heavenly Host appears as an Angelic Army, divided into regiments and brigades, under the command of imaginary chiefs, such as Massaloth, Legion, Kartor Gistra, etc.—each Gistra being captain of 365,000 myriads of stars. The Seven Spirits which stand before the throne, spoken of by several Jewish writers, and generally presumed to have been immediately derived from the Persian Amshaspands, were ultimately the seven planetary intelligence, the original model of the seven-branched golden candlestick exhibited to Moses on God’s mountain. The stars were imagined to have fought in their courses against Sisera. The heavens were spoken of as holding a predominance over the earth, as governing it by signs and ordinances, and as containing the elements of that astrological wisdom, more especially cultivated by the Babylonians and Egyptians. (Pike’s teachings for the 25th degree, Knight of the Brazen Serpentemphasis added, pp. 509–510)

Let’s analyze the Elohim through another key figure in the Illuminati network. Eliphas Levi is the author of the similarly entitled occult masterpiece, Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magie. The late Charles Lobinger, once official historian of the Scottish Rite of the Southern Jurisdiction, said about Pike’s book: “swarmed with citations from Eliphas Levi,” and that Morals and Dogma: “is shown to be literal and verbatim extractions from those of the French Magus.” Well, Eliphas Levi, in Transcendental Magic, makes a clear statement in the chapter entitled, The Nuctameron of the Hebrews declaring “the Elohim made all things.” Earlier in the same book, on page 267, Levi also states: “it is the luminous and living manifestation of Ruach-Elohim which, according to Moses, brooded and worked upon the bosom of the waters at the birth of the world.”

Therefore, there is no question of a privileged alien contact for the Jews. It is also important to remember that the two key figures of Jewish Kabbalah, a practice that goes far beyond ordinary demonology, where practitioners live the most esoteric side of Mystical Judaism, are in fact, Moses and King Solomon. The Jews believe, among other things, that the latter was the first great Kabbalist and ritualist in history, but Moses, however, was given the task of the first voluntary agreement with the “Lord” Yahweh, one of the Shining Ones. The Shining Ones true identity is considered by most people to be one of the greatest secrets ever kept from mankind by the Illuminati and their mystery schools. The Church tried to erase this almost forgotten race from history, but the legacy of the Shining Ones lives on, in each one of us. When the Lord called Moses into the famous Tent of Meeting, and dictated a statute that was to regulate the life of the Jews and the rest of the landlords who interacted with superior entities, their mission was to dictate new rules to people judged possibly as inferior and barbaric at the time by the Elohim. This statute consisted of a series of often very controversial, and violent rules, which suggests that the alien Lord Yahweh regarded Jews as very primitive people, unless these statutes were invented by the Jews themselves, and then attributed to the Lord to give some kind of credibility and respect.

I must also say, that the Lord in question, seemed very violent and unforgiving to believers of the Jewish faith, since it not only threatened with death and destruction those Jews who had not obeyed certain rituals, but went as far as burning alive two poor people who made an offer with the Lord, without following the ritual to perfection, and even put to death a little boy, who during a fight had blasphemed his name. In short, with the alien Lord Yahweh, no joking or light behavior is ever possible for the Israelites.

The alien Lord suddenly makes a long list of horrible threats for the transgression of the laws he imposes. In fact, Yahweh tells his people that if they do not put all his laws into practice, he will send terror, illnesses, and enemies who will decimate them. If, after all this, the Lord’s people will still not put all his commands into practice, then the Lord will make the land of his people infertile, mutilate the cattle, and even have their children kidnapped by wild beasts. And if his people insist on not putting his commands into practice, he will then devastate the cities of his people personally, place in them their enemies, and ultimately persecute all the remaining people. These threats are something that would be more logical to hear from Adolf Hitler, the man most responsible for the devastation of the Second World War and the disturbing horrors of the Holocaust, than God himself, or his alien overlord Yahweh.

It is, however, incredible for us, simple men from Earth, to believe that the supposed “Lord” used so much cruelty on his people, and that’s why some scholars prefer to think that some of these threats have been added later by Jewish scholars, to impose Israelite law. Nevertheless, we need to understand that we have been placed on this planet to serve the divinity that created us, that can use us in whatever way feasible.

Alien conspiracy theorists have been saying for years that extraterrestrials have already visited Earth, and world leaders all know this as proven fact, as well as Secret Societies, working together to keep us under an alleged truth embargo, amid fears over the impact the truth would have on religion and the rule of law. This is partly true from my own experience, but are we really ready to deal with the truth of what seems to be a kind of alien dictatorship? An alien dictator does its job on behalf of a very strict hierarchical structure at a universal level, where every entity in the organization including angels and demons, except the one we commonly refer to as God, are subordinate to a single other entity.

Indeed, the growing Luciferian nature of our society today will probably end with hell on earth if we were ever to deal directly with Yahweh, as in the days of the Old Testament, without a very long preparation. Do you understand now why we don’t encounter the shining aliens so easily as their demonic counterparts?

Worth citing in this case is Lucifer and Prometheus, a classic work of psychological literary criticism published in 1952, written by an important figure of the occult elite named R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, (1924–2015), an Israeli scholar of religion specializing in comparative religion and interfaith dialogue, who served as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem between 1965–1969.

Werblowsky argues that the Satan of John Milton’s Paradise Lost, became a disproportionately appealing character in modern society, because of attributes he shares with the Greek Titan Prometheus, who is as we know, very important for the occult elite. For Werblowsky’s purposes, however, the names “Satan” and “Lucifer” are used more or less interchangeably in his work, and in the book in question, Werblowsky also points out the essential ambiguity of Prometheus and his dual Christ-like/Satanic nature as developed in the Christian tradition. Werblowsky sets out to explore the heroic at its limits, and not only makes explicit the motivating factor of World War II and its horrors in undertaking his study, but he also points out on the growing influence of the devil:

The apocalyptic beast let loose has become a reality to our generation, and nobody knows what is still ahead of us. It is understandable therefore, that books on the devil have been on the increase lately… If the attempts of this school have not yet borne much fruit, it is because we fear the devil’s sight more than his activity, and because of a very understandable reticence to force open our “whited sepulchres.”

Going back to the at-times difficult relationship between God and his chosen people, a term that originally referred to Israelites, let’s remember that the phenomenon of the so-called chosen people throughout history has involved not only Christian denominations, who traditionally believe the church has replaced Israel as the People of God, but also groups of people who are not linked to the Abrahamic tradition, and consider themselves to be chosen by a deity or an alien deity for a purpose, such as to act as the deity’s agent on earth for a specific mission.

Anthropologists call it ethnocentrism, but often this type of attitude hides a true godly mission handed down by God’s hierarchy and given to the recipient by an Invisible Master. Let’s remember the Jews refer to this mission as a burden imposed on them to spread the message of One God, and I repeat, not a pleasure but a burden. 33

So after a long series of massacres operated by the “Lord” against his people to subjugate them, the Israelites finally arrive to the Promised Land, and the first thing Yahweh orders is to kill those who live there, and to destroy and pillage their cities, something that, unfortunately, continues to some extent even today. He then adds that if they do not obey, he will do to his people what they should do to the pre-existing local populations. The Jews are therefore, from Moses onwards, under some kind of constant alien blackmail, which is also why they are now in bed with the Vatican at the top of the New World Order, rewarded for their loyalty and in the past punished for their disloyalty. The ruthless Lord of the Old Testament directed the Jews to exterminate certain populations, where whole cities with men, women, and children, were raided and killed, while cattle and the ruins of the Cities were literally taken away or destroyed by the Lord’s command. It is possibly like what we see these days with supposed aliens stealing cattle, or cattle mutilations, and of course, with human abductions, only on a much bigger scale.

Most of us have heard of cattle mutilations, especially in the 70s, perhaps we have even seen disturbing pictures of such incidents. While most can put these incidents out of their minds as simply something strange that happens. This terrifying mixture of terror and mystery might have facilitated Moses and his alien overlord, in their mission to impose the choice of monotheism upon the Jewish people, at a time when polytheism, from Phoenicia to Babylon, was indeed prevalent. Different was the policy and the way of thinking of those who later supported the Messiah Jesus Christ, called “The Redeemer,” who promoted a belief system originally based on tolerance and peace. However this peace never came to fruition, and we are still waiting for the hopefully imminent establishment of the Kingdom of God, a complex operation given the inability of the majority of people to dominate their demonic side and the corruption of institutions like the Church, in promoting true Christianity. This means Jesus is basically part of an unfinished plan, but unlike Moses, he did not carry the sword of punishment but that of sacrifice and victory. The figure of Jesus is, of course, a revolutionary one within the Jewish world, but it must also be understood as part of a much wider and more unusual plan established by Secret Chiefs and Invisible Masters, which remains difficult to fully comprehend.

Returning to Moses, just before the Jews occupied the Promised Land, he named his successor Joshua, who received instructions directly from the Lord in the Tent of Meeting. Moses’ life ends, and the alien objects donated to him by his Lord Yahweh and his angelic entities, begin an obscure and secret legacy with certain power groups and secret societies, that will eventually attempt to dominate the world using such objects. All of them are obviously obsessed with The Ark of the Covenant.This object with others given to Moses, was entrusted to the Levites, who placed it in an underground cell of the Temple of Jerusalem in 587 BC. The Ark should still be there, located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem, the current site of the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque, although Orthodox Christians in Ethiopia say they own the only true “Ark of the Covenant” in The Church of Our Lady Mary of Zion, the most important church in Ethiopia, that claims to contain the Ark of the Covenant, where there existed a population who embraced Judaism.

His Holiness Abuna Paulos, patriarch of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church for the Smithsonian said: “Queen Sheba visited King Solomon in Jerusalem three thousand years ago, and the son she bore him, Menelik, at age 20 visited Jerusalem, from where he brought the Ark of the Covenant back to Aksum. It’s been in Ethiopia ever since.” There is another equally interesting hypothesis that says that the Ark of the Covenant eventually wound up in the hands of the Knights Templar. This story was confirmed by a document that French author Guy Tarade, a well-known and prolific French writer devoted to paranormal themes, passed on a few years ago to his friend, the American writer George C. Andrews, who will later speak about it and publish, Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes. This is an alleged document about the Templars and their involvement with The Ark of the Covenant.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify the validity of the information contained in the text, as the original documents that surfaced in France have apparently disappeared. We can only go back with certainty to 1937, when a Catholic priest, Abbot Corriol, submitted to a publisher named M. Reynaud, based in Forcalquier, a commune in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence department in southeastern France, the manuscript was entitled Recueil des Actes du Clergé Régulier et Seculier de la Haute Provence (Collection of Acts of the Recognized and Secular Clergy of Upper Provence).

The publisher never published the manuscript but, in 1972, showed it to some friends who had expressed a certain interest in it. The part of the manuscript that we are interested in is the transcription of notes written by one of the Inquisitors during the persecution and arrest of the Knights Templar, in which are quoted phrases of a Templar under torture for the fourth time, transcribed on February 13, 1310. The Templar, referred to as Brother Arnold said: “In the document, after finishing his testimony to the inquisitor whose name is not provided, gave a detailed list of the objects present in his castle were we find, in addition to ordinary furnishings, a few ceremonial objects and some ancient clay tablets plus the mention of a mysterious box.”

The Inquisitor asks the Templar about the box: “How was this box made? Where did it come from?” And the Templars reply is rather shocking:

“It was built of a metal unknown to me. Brother Blacas told me that it was the Ark of the Covenant, brought back to Jerusalem in 1127 and then deposited at the Abbey of Senanque, at the request of St. Bernard and St. Malachi.”

Unfortunately, at this point in the text Father Corriol suddenly stopped transcribing the original notes, explaining that the Templar in question must have been out of his mind because of great pain. In the end, remember, this was a Catholic priest living in France in the Thirties, so he certainly did not want to give rise to any dangerous speculation on his faith by writing about certain things. Father Corriol reports that in the rest of the Templar testimony he spoke of weird things like; traveling through time in the sky on chariots that spat fire, the Kindom of the Swan, a deep well of darkness lost in the sky through which one can obtain immortality and the possibility of reaching unknown stars and empires, that George C. Andrews thinks could be a Black Hole. The Templar also spoke of the Apocalypse, and celestial warfare between the powers of light and darkness. 34

The hypothesis that the Ark of the Covenant passed in the hands of the Templars, though with a very different version of the events, was reiterated recently by Graham Phillips in his book The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant: The Discovery of the Treasure of Solomon. 35 For Graham Phillips: “According to legend, the Ark of the Covenant was an ornate golden chest that was both a means of communicating with God and a terrible weapon used against the enemies of the ancient Israelites. In order to use it the high priest had to wear a breastplate containing twelve sacred gemstones called the Stones of Fire. These objects were kept in the Great Temple of Jerusalem until they vanished following the Babylonian invasion in 597 BCE.”

At the ancient ruins of Petra in southern Jordan, Graham Phillips uncovered evidence that the 13th-century Templars found the Ark and the Stones of Fire, and that they brought these treasures back to central England when they fled the persecution of French king Philip the Fair a century later. The author followed ciphered messages left by the Templars in church paintings, inscriptions, and stained glass windows to what may well be three of the Stones of Fire. When examined by Oxford University scientists, these stones were found to possess odd physical properties that interfered with electronic equipment and produced a sphere of floating light similar to ball lightning. The Bible asserts that the Ark had the power to destroy armies and bring down the walls of cities. Now Graham Phillips provides scientific evidence that these claims may be true and offers compelling documentation that the Ark may be located in the English countryside, not far from the birthplace of William Shakespeare at Stratford-upon-Avon.36

And what happened to the other sacred objects involved in Moses’ history? As for the bronze serpent donated by the Lord to Moses, it was destroyed in 725–697 BC by King Hezekiah, because it was worshipped as a sort of God. Of Moses’ magical wand, there is not a trace, but it seems it was also used by King Solomon to cut the stones of the famous temple that was built according to the Quran, with the help of alien entities, the Jinn, as I mentioned earlier. Concluding this whole affair, we can say that Moses is one of the most important and controversial characters that have ever existed.

A human being who was chosen from beings not of this world, to become the leader and the prophet of his “Chosen People,” who would have contributed in spreading the monotheistic belief, as both Christianity and Islam descend from the practices of the ancient Israelites and the worship of the God of Abraham, a new religious layout that will help the birth of a New World Order, thanks to an Invisible Master called Yahweh. The Gnostics concluded that the Demiurge Yahweh demanded faith (pistis) from his creation and because of this he was the bad God; contrasted by the good God, who can only be reached by “gnosis.”

Plato refers to the Demiurge frequently in the Timaeus as the entity who fashioned and shaped the material world. And Plato was the one who used for the first time the term gnostikos meaning; having knowledge, in the Politicus 258e-267a, referring to gnostike techne, the art of knowing, or perhaps the art of managing things known, in order to argue that the ideal politician is defined as the master of the gnostic art. However, the original Gnostics refrained from assuming any role in politics because their intention was not to change, or control our society through social engineering, and mind control but to produce a balanced and well-skilled enlightened individual, who would eventually be able to create a truly enlightened society, good enough to not be run by external alien management.

However, in certain Gnostic creeds that later became prevalent and belong to the dark side of the Illuminati, this good God is compared to the Ancient Greek god Prometheus, the Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave it to mankind, who is also identified as Lucifer, the spirit of evil and adversary of God in the Christian and Islamic religions. According to author and teacher John Lash (b. 1945), a comparative mythologist who has been called the true successor of Mircea Eliade and the rightful heir of Joseph Campbell, the Gnostics were: “Skilled in theology and dialectical argument, they were able to refute fanatical beliefs, but unable to protect themselves against the violence driven by those beliefs. And they had no recourse to the establishment powers either. Not only were gnostics like Hypatia apolitical, they deliberately refrained from involvement in politics in order to dissociate themselves from the other type of initiates, the Illuminati who had been enmeshed in patriarchal and theocratic power games from their outset.” 37

As a well-known artist author and publisher Uri Dowbenko once wrote:

The controversy began when certain initiates of the Mystery Schools began to abuse their mystical knowledge and redirect it into behavioral manipulation, psychological programming and mind control technology. In essence, the Illuminati gave up their role as teachers to become social engineers and advisors to the Ruling Class. This coincided with the rise of the patriarchal Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, which also required techniques of mind control to keep their followers (“believers”) in line.38

Sometimes the relationship with the invisible world, both in the angelic or the demonic realm, is very complex, as in the case of the Gnostics, who consider even the Son of God concept to be a delusional idea insinuated into the human mind by an alien species of aberrant, nonhuman entities or mental parasites, called the Archons. Archons and Jinn are said to be the same thing, so you have malevolent and benign Archons, and for some they have the role of the angels and demons of the Old Testament, but we also need to keep in mind that in the Gnostic view there is no absolute opposition of Good versus Evil. In fact, Gnostics did not characterize the problem posed by the Archons in terms of evil, but in terms of a godly error, and say that good and evil do not come from the same source, for this reason the relations with the Invisible Masters might have been simplified for mainstream humans, but not for the Gnostics.

If you were to ask me if the material universe is all evil, while the non-material world is good, as various Gnostic systems within the Illuminati claim, and if God can only be perceived as a Slave God, like the Yahweh of the Jews, or an extraterrestrial entity, as some authors depict Him these days with absolutely no evidence, I will say to you that the Supreme creator God certainly isn’t limited to the classic Jewish perception of Yahweh, or to an extraterrestrial figure. We need to consider Him well beyond such material concepts, and His presence is always felt everywhere in our Universe, and beyond our comprehension. The Anunnaki are not our creators, as the Illuminati would like you to believe.

They have indeed participated in our material evolution as human species by means of genetic manipulation in very ancient times, but they only help to create our physical bodies, not our souls. They are in no way the source of our spiritual side, created out of the pure energy by God. Zecharia Sitchin, in an interesting discussion attempts to answer a question that would have become unavoidable: “So, who was Yahweh? Was He one of them? Was He an extraterrestrial?” Well, in one sense he is, of course, an extraterrestrial, since he seemingly comes from beyond the Earth. But is—or was—he an Anunnaki? Or, more generally speaking, an inhabitant of Nîbiru? Sitchin establishes a series of comparisons with gods named on ancient clay plates. Even though there are various similarities with each of these gods in the biblical descriptions of Yahweh, the comparison doesn’t work out with any one of them, since there are often contradictions. However, for Sitchin the question, with its implied answer, is not so outrageous:


FIG. 7 Image with an alien twist based on The Creation of Adam the famous fresco painting by Michelangelo, which forms part of the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling, painted c. 1508—1512.

Unless we deem Yahweh—“God” to all whose religious beliefs are founded on the Bible—to have been one of us Earthlings, then He could only be not of this Earth—which “extraterrestrial” (“outside of, not from Terra”) means. And the story of Man’s Divine Encounters, the subject of this book, is so filled with parallels between the biblical experiences and those of encounters with the Anunnaki by other ancient peoples, that the possibility that Yahweh was one of “them” must be seriously considered.39


I have often quoted Schuré’s classic, THE GREAT INITIATES A Study of the Secret History of Religions, a book of great importance for the Illuminati, that I studied with great attention since my adolescence, thanks to my father, the late Dr. Elio Zagami, a well-known Jungian psychologist, who passed away in 2010. In this book, Schuré talks not only of Moses, but of all the great initiates, from Rama to Krishna, Pythagoras, to Plato, and of course, Jesus and others, showing them in a very different light from which we are traditionally accustomed.

Of course, traditional Christians might not agree with all the content of this book, but Freemason and Illuminati member Rudolf Steiner, wrote these very interesting words in the introduction to the German translation of this book by Marie von Sivers, published by the firm of Max Altmann in Leipzig in 1909:

Schuré is convinced that there is a future for spiritual culture … His artistic creativity rests upon this faith, and this book has grown out of it. It speaks about the “Great Illuminated,” the Great Initiates, who have looked deeply into the background of things, and from this background has given great impulses for the spiritual development of mankind. It traces the great spiritual deeds of Rama, Krishna, Hermes, Pythagoras, and Plato, in order to show the unification of all these impulses in Christ… The light streaming from Schuré’s book enlightens those who wish to be firmly rooted in the spiritual sources from which strength and certainty for modern life can be drawn. One who understands the religious needs of our time will be able to recognize the benefits Schuré’s book can provide in this area particularly. It offers historic proof that the essence of religion is not to be separated from the concept of “initiation” or “illumination.” The need for religion is universally human. A soul that assumes it can live without religion is caught in a deep self-deception. But these needs can be satisfied only by the messengers of the spiritual world, who have attained the highest level of development. Religion ultimately can reveal the greatest verities to the simplest hearts. Thus its starting-point lies where fantasy lays aside the cloak of illusion and becomes imagination so that the highest reality is disclosed to the soul, and where the search for truth becomes inspiration, at which stage not the reflected light of thoughts, but the primordial light of ideas, speaks.

Inasmuch as Schuré describes the great founders of religion as the highest initiates, he presents the religious development of mankind from its deepest roots. One will understand the essence of “initiation” of the future when one gains an insight into this through the great religious phenomena of the past.

Today there is much talk about the limits of human knowledge. It is said that this or that must be hidden from man because with his understanding he cannot penetrate beyond a certain point. In the future, one will recognize that a person’s limits of understanding will widen to the extent that he develops himself. Things that seemed unknowable enter into the realm of knowledge when man unfolds his capacities for knowledge which slumber within him. Once one has gained confidence in such a widening of the human capacities for knowledge, he has already entered upon the path, at the end of which stand the Great Initiates. Schuré’s book is one of the best guides for finding this path in our day. It speaks about the deeds of the Illuminated. These deeds can be recognized in the spiritual history of mankind, and this book traces the path from these deeds to the souls of the Illuminated themselves …

When people can become convinced that the spiritual impulses of the past, which continue to live on in their souls, have originated from the faculty of spiritual insight, then they will be able to work their way to the recognition that this faculty can also be attained today. “One who can trace the spiritual life of the present, not merely on the surface, but in its depths, will be able to observe how after the ebbing away of materialistic streams, sources of the spiritual life open up from many directions. Whoever observes this clearly will not question the transitory necessity of materialism. He will know that this materialism had to develop in these last centuries because the fruits of external culture were possible only under its one-sided influence. But such a person will also see the dawning of a new age of spirituality. In Schuré’s Great Initiates we believe we have one of the best symptoms of this approaching spiritual age. We include the author of this book among those who boldly step forward into the dawn of this age. The strength which flows from searching into the souls of the Great Initiates has given him the daring and the freedom necessary to write such a courageous book as the one before us.”

I came to understand, with the help of this book, the role of the Great Initiates, who represent the perennial wisdom of the real Illuminati, to be found in the lives and accomplishments of figures of truly extraordinary stature, that after their alien contact went on shaping what became the most influential religions. In the course of his investigations, Schuré covers such topics as the mysterious dawn of pre-historic Europe • the Bhagavad Gita: India’s dream of eternity • death and resurrection in ancient Egypt • the light of Osiris • esoteric wisdom of Moses • Orpheus and his lyre: a divine cosmogony • Pythagorean initiation, secrets of numbers, the divine Psyche • Plato: initiate and idealist • the Greek mysteries of Eleusis • the Essenes and their spiritual training • and the significance of Christ in human evolution.

The aliveness, the freshness, the excitement of discovery that breathes through The Great Initiates explains its continuing popularity to this day in certain knowledgeable circles. Born out of Schuré’s deep experience and observation, The Great Initiates encompasses long centuries of life on earth and reflects the greatest search of all, being the quest for the spirit made by those true Illuminati, who had not sold their soul to the dark side. “The world has never known greater men of action,” Schuré declared about the protagonist of The Great Initiates,40 a statement that my father, who encouraged me to study this book, seemed to like very much.

Schuré traces the story of the founders of the various religions that influenced so much of our society and traditions, by linking their teachings together in a fascinating manner, so as to reveal a single great divine plan. A universal religion crafted by the Invisible Masters in the course of millennia and known in its entirety only to the true initiates. Schuré knew both the Theosophical Society and Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophical Society, with whom he collaborated for several years. Speaking of Invisible Masters and Secret Chiefs, I always wonder how much spiritual influence and magical power was given by certain alien forces to Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the creator of Theosophy and a key figure in the advent of the One World Religion? She hypnotized the masses with her more or less fantastic stories about these mysterious beings that became the foundation of the future New Age movement, and she had an indifferent following, including illustrious figures, such as Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, also interested in Spiritism and the paranormal.

Amongst Blavatsky’s fans, were Scientists and Inventors like Alfred Russel Wallace or Abner Doubleday, historically credited with inventing baseball, although for some this is untrue. Even the wife of the Archbishop of Canterbury followed Madame Blavatsky’s work. When she died in 1891, the Theosophical movement she founded only a few years earlier, was said to have 10,0000 adepts. And now after a supposed Jesuit take over of the organization that took place after her death, Theosophy is at the heart of the pseudo-spirituality of the New World Order.

Even today, those who embrace this community are numerous, especially in English speaking countries, and among Freemasons. Let us now analyze the character of Blavatsky. Apparently, she did not have the magnetism or beauty to entrance thousands of people, let’s face it, frankly, she was rather ugly. So how did she do it? To fascinate all these people, she made public her alleged correspondence with the Invisible Masters, including Koot Hoomi Lan Singh, whose wisdom had been accumulated thanks to numerous reincarnations, according to Blavatsky.The messages from the Invisible Master Koot Hoomi could materialize everywhere, under pillows, in Blavatsky’s luggage, and sometimes even in the morning mail. In many pictures, Koot Hoomi seems to be depicted as a sort of Jesus figure. In our collective imagination he certainly fits the image of a spiritual master.

Certainly, it is hard to believe that these Invisible Masters could be involved not only with the benevolent side of humanity but also with the wicked, as in the case of Nazism and Himmler, who also admired the figure of Blavatsky and her studies. When German race theorists incorporated Blavatsky’s narrative, it was within a larger program of asserting German superiority, but there was also in it the hidden hand of the Invisible Masters. In 1888, Blavatsky published her magnum opus, the two-volume set The Secret Doctrine. In this work, she outlines a new vision of humanity’s evolution, one that places the Aryans at the top of a racial hierarchy. She claimed these revelations came from occult sources, meaning her Secret Chiefs, and she went on informing of various German occult organizations of the Illuminati network which, in turn, would later lay the foundation for the racial theories of Nazism.

The creation of a temple for communication by the SS elite, with the Secret Chiefs, considered the true Invisible Masters of esoteric Nazism, shows the ambivalence of the values of these entities from a typical human perspective. Often we have a limited understanding of their intervention in human affairs because we view it from their immortal perspective, not tied to our space-time reality. If we want to think like a Secret Chief or an Invisible Master, we have to have, first of all, a good idea of infinity… and then proceed as Jesus did, but also Gautama Buddha, the historical Buddha. That is why Esoteric Nazism had a very strong bond with Tibetan Buddhism, and with a few Buddhist sects who work in this direction in the hope of overcoming the impositions of our present understanding of the space-time continuum, so that we may have an otherwise inaccessible vision for common mortals.

Oxford physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose says that space and time are secondary constructs that emerge out of a deeper level of reality. Both quantum physics, where the future is unknown, and recent experiments verifying quantum entanglement, where particles instantaneously communicate over infinite distances, challenge our basic ideas about space-time. Alternate theories where space and time are minor players in our physical reality are still tentative, and so mathematically dense that physicists can barely follow what is going on. 41 However, the Great Initiates, as well as the Invisible Masters that secretly work with adepts on humanity’s evolution, often behind the closed doors of certain occult lodges of the Illuminati, know very well what is going on.


FIG. 8 Koot-Hoomi, the Invisible Master of Madame Blavatsky in a portrait by Hermann Schmiechen in 1884, with an absolute resemblance to the classic image of Jesus.


Otto Rahn, who enjoyed for a time a great prestige among Nazi leaders, is defined by the English newspaper The Telegraph, as the original Indiana Jones: “Like Jones, Rahn was an archaeologist, like him he fell foul of the Nazis, and like him he was obsessed with finding the Holy Grail—the cup reputedly used to catch Christ’s blood when he was crucified. But whereas Jones rode the Grailtrain to box-office glory, Rahn’s obsession ended up costing him his life.”42

Rahn was born on the 18th of February 1904, in Michelstadt, Southern Hesse, near Marburg in Germany. It was his father Karl who introduced him to the great German legends of Parzival, Lohengrin, and the Nibelungenlied, for this reason in secondary school he developed a fascination with the history of the medieval Cathars, their faith, and revolt against king and pope. Otto soon became passionate about the cultural aspect of the Languedoc region of southern France. He went on trying various faculties in the University of Heidelberg, Giessen, and Freiburg, but he was eventually inspired by his professor, Baron von Gall, to study the Albigensian (Catharism) movement and the terrible massacre that occurred at Montségur. It is uncertain if he graduated or not. I found disturbing evidence that Rahn intended to write a dissertation on Guyot, the Provencal Troubadour on whose lost Grail poem Wolfram von Eschenbach claimed to have based his Parzival. The medieval German romance of Parzival revived in the 1800s by Wilhelm Richard Wagner, inspired both Hitler since the tender age of 12, and Otto Rahn’s modern quest for the Holy Grail. Wagner was fascinated with Medieval legends, especially those concerned with the Knights Templar, which after their suppression evolved for some fringe historians like the late Laurence Gardner, into Speculative Freemasonry.

Consider also the following; around 1865 Wagner allegedly visited the area around Montségur while supposedly researching Grail material for his Parsifal, and strangely enough the composer, artist, music producer and inventor, Adrian Wagner (b. 1952), who is the great-great grandson of the famous nineteenth-century Grail opera composer, is described on the Internet as a colleague of the late Laurence Gardner, a scholar who examined the secret ties linking the Masons and the Knights Templar, to the supposed descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, who fell under the protection of these groups. 43

Otto Rahn soon pieced together a series of clues obtained from a detailed study ranging from the history of the Cathars to the poem of Wolfram von Eschenbach, and his deep interest in the Cathars and Grail legends, eventually pushed him to travel extensively from 1928 to 1932, in France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland, and in the summer of 1929, Otto Rahn finally made his first appearance in the Languedoc region of southern France. He quickly settled in the village of Lavelanet and over the next three months systematically explored the ruined Cathar temple fortress on Montségur as well as the surrounding mountain grottoes. Rahn believed that the secret teachings of Gnostic Manichaeism practiced by Cathars, preserved in some way by the late Troubadours, the traveling poets and singers of the medieval courts of France, contained the answer to the Grail mystery, and the secrets of the ancient Druids, the elite of the Western Illuminati. Rahn thought to be the key to this incredible secret was found in the caverns somewhere beneath the mountain peak, where the ruins of the fortress of Montségur are still located. It was the last Cathar fortress to fall during the Albigensian Crusade, the first ideological genocide in Christianity that gave rise to the infamous Inquisition.

The adherents to what is commonly known as Catharism were also sometimes known as Albigensians after the city Albi, in southern France, where the movement first took hold. In the days prior to the fall of the fortress on Montségur, after a terrible nine-month siege, several Cathars allegedly slipped through the besieger’s lines, carrying away a mysterious “treasure” with them that they apparently hid in these grottoes visited by Otto Rahn. However, most of the ruins of the present fortress at Montségur are not from the Cathar era—the original castle was completely pulled down by the French royal forces working for the Vatican against the heretical Cathars.

The castle is, nevertheless, still seen and considered by many as the last Cathar stronghold. The current ruin occupying the site is referred to by French archaeologists as “Montségur III,” slowly rebuilt after the destruction of what is considered “Montségur II” in 1244, precedently rebuilt by Raymond de Péreille in 1204, one of the two lords of Montségur, who decided to rebuild this castle that had already been in ruins for 40 years or more, considered “Montségur I.” So it was de Péreille who refortified the castle originally built on an ancient settlement that dated back to the stone age, later used by the Romans, and made it the most influential center of Cathar activities until the persecution and the final destruction of 1244. Otto Rahn’s knowledge of sacred geography, Nigel Pennick suggests, can be traced back to the Druids and Templars. The Cathars were also said to be familiar with this tradition. In many meetings with the local people (he is said to have spoken the local Provencal language fluently), Otto Rahn gathered everything concerning the Cathars and the Grail. These formed the basis of Rahn’s thrilling accounts of his exploration of the caverns of Sabarthes south of Montségur and especially the Lombrives caverns called “the Cathedral” by the local people. He described this magnificent cavern as follows: “In time out of mind, in an epoch whose remoteness has been barely touched by modern historical science, it was used as a temple consecrated to the Iberian God Illhomber, God of the Sun. Between two monoliths one which had crumbled, the steep path leads into the giant vestibule of the cathedral of Lombrives. Between the stalagmites of white limestone, between walls of a deep brown color and the brilliant rock crystal, the path leads down into the bowels of the mountain. A hall 260 feet in height served as a cathedral for the heretics.” Rahn tells how: “Deeply stirred I walked through the crystal halls and marble crypts, put aside the bones of fallen pure ones and knights.”

An old Languedoc shepherd’s tale recorded by Otto Rahn and incorporated into his first book, also displays profound mystical symbolism:

During the time when the walls of Montségur were still standing, the Cathars kept the Holy Grail there. Montségur was in danger. The armies of Lucifer had besieged it. They wanted the Grail, to restore it to their Prince’s diadem from which it had fallen during the fall of his angels. Then, at the most critical moment, there came down from heaven a white dove, which, with its beak, split Tabor [Montségur] in two. Esclarmonde, who was the keeper of the Grail, threw the sacred jewel into the depths of the mountain. The mountain closed up again, and in this manner was the Grail saved. When the devils entered the fortress, they were too late. Enraged, they put to death by fire all of the Pures, not far from the rock on which the castle stands in the Field of the Stake. All of the Pures perished on the pyre except Esclarmonde de Foix. When she knew the Grail to be safe, she climbed to the summit of Mount Tabor, changed into a white dove and flew off toward the mountains of Asia.44

There was endless speculation whether Rahn went initially to France as part of a Nazi plot—or spy—or whether it was only after the publication of his first book that he was enrolled as a valuable Nazi propaganda asset. The evidence suggests the latter scenario was more likely, if only because Rahn is known to have had serious financial problems, often having to borrow money to make his trips—and often unable to pay people back. If the Nazi’s wanted him in the south of France, it is likely they would have guaranteed his presence, simply by paying him to get there—and be able to stay there.

But a quick survey of his travels makes it immediately apparent Rahn was never “their man” on the ground, but rather an agent of the Secret Chiefs. Evidence of this appeared in March 1932, after a controversy broke out in a local French newspaper still in existence called La Depeche, which published articles about the activities of a group known as Polaires that were excavating in Montségur. Otto Rahn was mentioned—though his name was twice misspelled, once as Rams, once as Rahu. It was clearly said that he was the leader of this mysterious group, 45 described in Le Bulletin des Polaires from June 9, 1930 in the following way:

The Polaires take this name because from all time the Sacred Mountain, that is the symbolic location of the Initiatic Centers, has always been qualified by different traditions as “Polar.” And it may very well be that this Mountain was once really Polar, in the geographical sense of the word, since it is stated everywhere that the Boreal Tradition (or Primordial Tradition, a source of all traditions) originally had its seat in the Hyperborean regions.

The foundation for what would later become La Fraternité des Polaires was laid in 1920 by the Italian Illuminati and Intelligence operatives Mario Fille and Cesare Accomani, with the help of Fernand Divoire (1883–1940), a French journalist and author. According to limited sources, the history of this secretive Illuminati Order begins in Italy back in 1908, when a young Mario Fille meets a mysterious hermit during a holiday in Bagnaia, a small and charmingly historical town in Northern Lazio, in the Province of Viterbo on the slopes of Monte Cimino, an area renowned for its hot springs, Renaissance villas and Etruscan ruins. Here Fille met the local hermit, a certain Father Julian, during one of his long walks. The locals of the village were fearful of the hermit, or so the story goes. Mario Fille befriended Father Julian (Padre Giuliano) and visited him frequently during his stay in Bagnaia. Father Julian enjoyed so much the long and deep conversations with the young Franco-Italian that when Fille left Bagnaia, Father Julian gave him a special gift consisting of some old and withered parchments later referred to as L’Oracle de Force Astrale. This was an unusual gift from a supposed monk, that would, in turn, trigger 12 years later, the birth of the Polaire Brotherhood, and became a direct link of its members with the Unknown Masters and the alien world.

Father Julian stated the following when giving Mario Fille this important gift: “What you have here are some pages taken from the Book of Science of Life and Death: these pages contain a successful Method of Divination on an arithmetical basis. If you,” Father Julian spoke to the astonished young man, “want the answer to a really important question or issue, then write the question down, add your first and last name as well as your Mother’s name to it. Then you have to convert the letters into numbers and carry out certain lengthy arithmetic operations. But do not let this put you off because when you finally convert the results back into letters, you will have the answer to the question. But please beware, you are the only one who has the key, you are commanded not to pass on this knowledge without the authorization of the Unknown Superiors.”46

Father Julian expressively warned young Mario not to reveal this knowledge because of the severe consequences which would follow; insanity or even death would be the price one had to pay. Consultation of this method, this Oracle, called for processes that were allegedly “painstaking and lengthy.”

As a matter of fact, because of this warning from Father Julian, Fille did not bother to apply the learned skills and knowledge for the following twelve years. It was in, or around 1920, that, during a time of personal crisis, Mario Fille began working with Father Julian’s Oracle. According to some sources, this was what Father Julian also had advised him to do; only to use the magic oracle in times of trouble or desperation. He followed the old man’s instructions as it was laid out by him back in 1908, and after several hours work, a final series of numbers emerged which, when retranslated into letters, gave a cogent and grammatically correct answer to his question. Mario Fille was truly left amazed. Although the question had to be phrased in Italian, its answers were sometimes in English or German. Nevertheless, the Oracle apparently never “failed to behave with perfect reliability.”47

In 1920, Fille allegedly visited Egypt, where he met his fellow countryman Cesare Accomani. Fille told Accomani about his experiences with Father Julian in the hills north of Rome. Both Accomani and Fille began working together with the Oracle and it was notably Accomani who “became very enthusiastic” about the Divination method of Father Julian. But it was Fille and Fille alone who possessed the key to the Oracle’s manipulation. Mario Fille decided to pay a second visit to Father Julian, but what he apparently feared came true; Father Julian no longer lived in the small hut in the mountains just outside of Bagnaia. He finally had the idea to apply the divination method to find out the whereabouts of the old Italian hermit. But first, he became acquainted with the magic oracle.

During one of the first divinatory sessions, the Oracle revealed its name, L’Oracle de Force Astrale (The Oracle of the Astral Force). Fille also learned that it was not a mere method of divination, but an actual channel of communication, a channel between the user and the Invisible Masters operating from the Rosicrucian Initiatic Center of Mysterious Asia. This center was supposedly situated in the Himalayas and was directed by the so-called Three Supreme Sages or the Little Lights of the Orient. These Sages supposedly lived in Agartha, a place where the spiritual activities of our Earth were/are directed by the Secret Chiefs. Fille soon learned that Father Julian was one of them, and according to some sources, Fille received this answer in 1918. This simple and modest hermit turned out to be one of the highest initiates on earth, directing the fate of humanity in secret from a hidden monastery in the Himalayas.

The Three Supreme Sages were directed by the Superior head, who was allegedly from Europe. The claim of a Rosicrucian center in the Himalayas has been around since at least the seventeenth-century in Illuminated circles. In 1618, a certain Henrichus Neuhusius published a manifesto, Pia et Utilissima Admonitio de Fratribus Rosae Crucis (the title translates something like: A practical and explicit warning/reminder from the Brethren of the Rose and Cross), which states that the Rosicrucians left for the East due to the outbreak of the Thirty Years War (1618–1848) and the instability in Europe. A similar claim was later made in 1710 by Samuel Richter, and in more recent times, by René Guénon (1886–1951). Both presented the idea in some of their works. After the first sessions with Father Julian’s Oracle, Fille and Accomani decided to settle in Paris (at Monmartre) where they began demonstrations with the oracle, with a group of writers and journalists. The sources claim that the Oracle sent the message that Fille and his friend should journey for Paris. It is stated that demonstrations were given in the hopes that the writers present would publicize what they saw and experienced. In other words, for some reason, both Fille and Accomani wanted to promote the Oracle to the public. According to a German source, Fille had received authorization to demonstrate the Oracle (translated from German) to a “small group of experts.”

Although this source does not elaborate on the details of the authorization, the German text suggests that Fille needed to find suitable candidates to form an occult working group. The articles were supposed to attract these candidates. The Great Sages in Tibet prepared both the leaders of this group for the coming of the Spirit under the sign of the Rose and Cross. The group of writers and journalists who were approached by Fille consisted of Maurice Magre (writer), Jean Marquès-Rivière (writer), Fernand Divoire (journalist), Jean Dorsenne (journalist), Jeanne Canudo, René Guénon and others. The personalities mentioned above were favorably impressed and began a collaboration with both Fille and Accomani. During this period both men associated themselves with many influential personalities. 48

L’Oracle de Force Astrale (The Oracle of the Astral Force) opened up many doors for both Fille and Accomani. It turns out that available sources are relatively silent about this period. Officially, the Polaire Brotherhood, La Fraternité des Polaires, did not exist until 1929, the year in which the group received the task to establish an Order, the Polaire Brotherhood. Cesare Accomani, whose initiatic name was Zam Bhotiva, wrote that he received a number of communications from the Oracle during the months of June and July 1929, which referred to the foundation, or better, the reconstruction of a group called Polaires.

The Oracle literally gave them a mission; the reconstitution of the Polaire Brotherhood whose members were dispersed in the fifteenth century through hatred of the True Light. The Oracle furthermore revealed that the establishment of the Brotherhood could no longer be postponed, because the time was near; when rods of fire will once again descend upon certain countries of this earth, and men shall have to rebuild everything once again what he has destroyed because of his thirst for gold and his egoism. For a year or two René Guénon, who is one of the more well-known luminaries of the twentieth century, and somebody I wrote about extensively in my trilogy, was captivated by the Oracle and its messages, but his interest slowly faded, and he eventually decided to disassociate himself from the newly founded Brotherhood. His attitude towards the Polaires changed so dramatically, that he decided to publish a very critical and negative article about them, which was published in the February, 1932 issue of Le Voile d’Isis, a publication that started in 1890 as the official organ of the Groupe Indépendant d’études Esoterique. 49

However, the regular communications between the Polaire Brotherhood and Alien Intelligence resurrected a movement of real Illuminati, which Fille and Accomani claimed had previously been known as Cathars, Gnostics, Albigenses, Knights Templar, and the Essenes. They claim as incarnated Brothers those who have always been men of great capacity such as Jesus, St. John, Shakespeare, Francis Bacon, Arthur Conan Doyle, etc. 50

As mentioned earlier, the beings they communicated with had intelligence, knowledge and spiritual power, and lived in a place called Agartha a.k.a. “the Rosicrucian Initiatic Center of Mysterious Asia,” situated somewhere in the Himalayas. They were also referred to as the Great White Brotherhood, a phrase that came into use through the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky and Annie Besant Maurice Magre, who published Pourquoi je suis Bouddhiste (Why I am a Buddhist) in 1928, stated the following on the subject: “The existence of this Brotherhood, variously known as Agartha and as the Great White Brotherhood, is what it always has been, but unproven by those ‘material evidence’ of which the Western mind is so fond.” As mentioned on page two, the Sages of the Himalayas, the “Troit Petites Lumières,” were headed by someone from Europe to whom the oracle referred to as Le Chevalier Sage, “The Wise Knight.” It is stated that this European Sage is named “Celui qui attend” (“He who waits”) and that he is a Rosicrucian.

Joseph George Caldwell wrote that the communications received by the group after April 8, 1930 are said to have come from a Chevalier Rose-Croix (Rose-Croix Knight), who some identified as the Master Racoczy, a favorite of the neo-Theosophists. So as far as the foundation of La Fraternité des Polaires, the story goes that Accomani and Fille received all the necessary instructions via the Oracle, of the Invisible Masters, regarding the rules and regulations of the Order, its rites, as well as its goals and aims. The first meetings of the Brotherhood were organized in the office of a Parisian newspaper, whose chief editor let the Polaires use the offices based in Rue Richelieu during the evenings.

For a short period, the newspaper’s address was also the correspondence address of the Polaire Brotherhood. On August 27, 1930 the Order moved into a studio on the ground floor of a major building at 38, Avenue Junot, in Paris. It contained a large room with a high ceiling with a large, massive table in its center. Oak chairs of an archaic style were placed along the walls. On the left of the entrance stood a Tibetan magical statue, a so-called Kwal-Ynn, placed on a small wooden platform attached to the wall. The statue became an issue of debate among the Polaires because apparently it was not doctrine-related. Eventually, the magical statue was removed and replaced with a map of the world. On the right, were stairs leading to a small, high-ceiled room, which was intended for initiation-ceremonies, the actual Lodge room. This Lodge was located at 36, Avenue Junot in “e XVIIIème arrondissement,” which was for the Illuminati, a sign that the Lodge was under the protection of the Invisible Masters. 36 and 18 are in fact, multiples of the numbers 3 and 9. Let’s remember the magic oracle is based on numbers. So with regard to the symbolism of the Polaires, it is clear that certain numbers were frequently used and repeated within the organization.

The numbers 3, 7, and 9 (3x3) were privileged numbers and it is not a coincidence that the membership of the Polaire Brotherhood in France did not exceed a total of 63 members at any given time because the number 63 is the outcome of 7x9. This is just one of the many examples of how number symbolism was used in the Polaire Brotherhood. The “Central Group” was lead instead by nine people known as Les Neuf (The Nine). “The Nine” consisted of, amongst others, Cesare Accomani; Henri Meslin du Champigny (1896–1949); a Martinist and Gnostic Bishop known as Tau Harmonius, who later consecrated the famous Illuminati of Robert Ambelain in Paris on 15 June 1945, according to the pontifical of the Eglise Gnostique Universelle; the French author Ernest Gengenbach, also known as Jehan Sylvius (1903–1979), who is the co-author of La Papesse de Diable (1931); Madame Fernande Guignard; René Odin, an old Martinist and Kabbalist involved with Fille, in shady espionage activities on behalf of the infamous O.V.R.A., the Italian secret police founded by Mussolini.

The highest dignitary of the Brotherhood was, despite contrary belief, not Mario Fille but a Catholic priest, Mgr. Lesètre, a Papal Chamberlain, a court title given by the Pope to high-ranking clergy as well as influential lay persons prior to 1968. It had been decided that the Grand Maître de L’Ordre’s secret dignitary had to be someone of a high rank or position and of course, Mgr. Lesètre in his position was the ideal choice. Lesètre headed the Order for a brief period of time.

Pierre Geyraud in his book, Les Sociétés Secrètes de Paris - Parmi les sectes et les rites, Les Petites Eglises de Paris, describes a scene in which Lesètre, wearing a mask, interrogates the Three Little Lights, considered the Invisible Masters of the Order, through conciliation of a trance medium. Undoubtedly, Geyraud describes a scene in which the Oracle of the Astral Force was consulted and the use of a medium mentioned by Geyraud shines new light on their method of divination. Allegedly, Mgr. Lesètre was too authoritative and was forced to step down as leader. He returned to his career in the Catholic Church and was succeeded by Henri Meslin du Champigny. The Polaires advocated the theory that Christian Rosenkreuz the legendary, possibly allegorical, founder of the Rosicrucian Order had been initiated into Catharism by Albigensian refugees in Germany.

Maurice Magre a member of the Polaires, in his book Magiciens et illuminés (Magicians and Illuminati) published in 1930, tells the story of a man named Christian Rosenkreutz who was the last descendant of a German family called Germelshausen, a family that allegedly had embraced Albigensian (Cathar) doctrines during the 13th century. They were all put to death, except for the youngest son. He was carried away by an Albigensian priest from the Languedoc, and was brought up in their monastery, and the rest is history. Magre claims that his account was derived from oral tradition. There’s another theory also connected to the Polaires which claims that they believed that Christian Rosenkreutz had visited the region when he left Spain, after his decision to return home.


Otto Rahn mysteriously disappeared during a snowstorm on March 13, 1939, on the Kaiser Mountains in the Austrian state of Tyrol, a few months before the beginning of World War II, which officially began on the 1st of September 1939, with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany. But his book was published just two years earlier entitled, Luzifers Hofgesind, eine Reise zu den guten Geistern Europas (in short Lucifer’s Court), was imposed by the Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler to the main dignitaries of Nazism, 51 thus giving Rahn a mythological status within Esoteric Nazism.

The late Rahn had actually written and published two books linking Montségur and Cathars with the Holy Grail: Kreuzzug gegen den Gral (Crusade Towards the Grail) in 1933 and Lucifer’s Court in 1937. After the publication of his first book, Rahn’s work came to the attention of Himmler, the head of the SS, who was fascinated by the occult and had already initiated research in the south of France. Himmler, who was deeply interested in Otto Rahn’s research at Montségur, had acquired the Castle of Wewelsburg in 1934, under the auspices of the SS Brigadeführer Karl Maria Wiligut, Himmler’s Rasputin, who felt there was great spiritual strength in this castle, and knew its real nature as an interdimensional portal. It is said that Wewelsburg was going to be the Grail Castle of the Nazi regime once they had established themselves as rulers of the world.

The castle was not built by the Nazi regime, but its history started several centuries before the National Socialists came to power in 1933. The castle was built from 1603 to 1609 as a secondary residence for Fürstbischof Theodor von Fürstenberg, the prince-bishop of Paderborn, whose primary residence was the castle at Neuhaus. However, an older fortress existed on the site from the 9th century onwards. At the time, it withstood an invasion of the Huns, and its location was auspiciously close to what was believed to be the site where the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest occurred. This battle occurred in 9 AD, when various Germanic tribes made an alliance and ambushed and destroyed three Roman legions. The battle was the start of a seven-year long war, whereby the Rhine became the boundary of the Roman Empire. It should, therefore, not come as a surprise that it was seen as a symbol of German unity and a demonstration that a united Germany could conquer all. It meant that the estate had the shape of a spear, underlining the unconfirmed belief that the site would become the location where the Spear of Destiny would be held.


FIG. 9 Cover of the Italian edition of the book Luzifers Hofgesind (Lucifer’s Court) by Otto Rahn. In this Antichristian work, Rahn identifies Lucifer with the true principle of good engaged in an eternal struggle against the true principle of evil, then incarnated by The Church of Rome and its corrupt hierarchy.

There is a story that Hitler saw his future when he visited the Museum in Vienna where the Spear was on display, and that he became convinced that whoever possessed it would control the fate of the world. That Wewelsburg was going to be the New Jerusalem at the epicenter of Germany is in evidence from 1941 onwards, when the architects called the complex the Center of the World. In line with sacred mythology, the design would have the castle on a mountain, surrounded by a lake, as there were plans to flood the valley. 52 To acquire this place Heinrich Himmler signed a castle rental contract for one hundred years for the symbolic amount of one hundred marks with the district of Paderborn in Westphalia, where the castle is located. Under the main floor of the castle, we find an awesome underground meeting room referred to as the “Crypt of Himmler”—a spooky vault that was supposed to be The Holy of Holies for the SS, where the high priests of Nazism communicated with the hidden chiefs of the inner world, their Invisible Masters, in a secret chamber known amongst the high priesthood of the SS, as the Walhalla, or Hall of the Dead. The most sacred of places for the Nazi’s that, according to some claims, was supposed to become the site where Himmler’s body would reside after his death.

The swastika in the crypt’s ceiling is physically linked with a sun wheel known as the Schwarze Sonne, embedded in the center of the marble floor of the room above known as the Obergruppenführersaal, within the inner sanctum of Wewelsburg castle. The vault was also made to eventually receive the Holy Grail on an altar of black marble engraved with the letters “SS” in silver, written using a Runic alphabet. A Catholic publication in the early 1970s wrote: “Wewelsburg’s guests meditated on mysticism on the morals of honor, on the spiritual myth of blood, and on other Gnostic and dualistic themes dear to the German elite. These retreats were made in the scenery, of a room of almost five hundred square meters, above the vault where was located the altar of the new religion.”53

The Temple used by the SS Nazi’s to communicate with their Invisible Masters has been open to visitors since 2010, as today’s Germans have created a somewhat controversial and “macabre museum,” as pointed out by the British tabloid Daily Mail. Now dubbed Naziland by critics, the space is dedicated to the history of Nazi Germany’s evil SS “in the eerie castle that was once home to its boss Heinrich Himmler.” 54

In 2010, the so-called Crypt at Wewelsburg castle was opened during an exhibition called “Ideology, and Terror of the SS.” One of the portraits exhibited for the occasion clearly resembles the image of a grey alien. Is this an indirect confirmation of alien forces behind the esoteric side of Nazism? The crypt, before its public opening, was repeatedly visited and used for occult workings since the early 1980s by the infamous Satanist, and founder of the Temple of Set, former Lieutenant Colonel of the US Military Intelligence, Michael Aquino. The well-known British journalist and reverend of the Church of Satan, Gavin Baddeley states: “Undeniably in 1984, Aquino—like Nikolas Schrek—made a visit to the SS Castle of Wewelsburg, conducting a rite in the notorious Hall of the Dead. ‘The reality of this chamber rushed in on me,’ Aquino later wrote. This is no Holywood set, no ordinary room painted and decorated to titillate the senses. 1235 inmates of the Nierderghagen concentration camp prisoners died during the construction of Wewelsburg for the SS.”55 Aquino also indicates on the official website of the Satanic Order of the Trapezoid two years earlier, that he conducted occult activities in Castle of Wewelsburg:

The emblem that is used today for the Order of the Trapezoid was conceived in the Wewelsburg Castle, Westphalia, Germany during the Wewelsburg Working on October 19, XVII / 1982 in the Hall of the Dead (Walhalla), was sketched out on a desk in the Wewelsburg caretaker’s office (when I returned the Walhalla keys to him following the Working), and was drafted in precise mathematical proportions on a table in Eva Braun’s tea-room in the Eagle’s Nest at Obersalzberg. I could have done the drafting earlier but wanted the environment to be magically appropriate. There were a few tourists milling around the main room of the Eagle’s Nest, but as it turned out I had the wood-paneled tea-room to myself.56

Aquino conducted the rituals in order to connect with the Secret Chiefs and Invisible Masters of esoteric Nazism, along with other U.S. Intelligence officers of his dangerous sect, like Col. John B. Alexander, while officially in Europe on a NATO mission. Baddeley confirms: “He had visited Wewelsburg while on Secondment for NATO in Europe.”57 Secondment means the transfer of a military officer or corporate executive to another post for temporary duty. So what kind of duty is this supposed to be? Baddeley points out that Aquino was merely “interested in techniques used by Nazi occultists, rather than racial or political issues.” 58

Aquino managed to practice Satanic rituals internationally, at the expense of the unknowing taxpayer, but Aquino was not the only one in recent times to use Wewelsburg and its surroundings for rituals. A few years earlier, it was used by underground film director, magician and Satanist (despite that he says the contrary), Kenneth Anger, IX° degree honorary member of the O.T.O., quoted several times in my publications. Anger used the Externsteine, a distinctive sandstone rock formation located in the Teutoburg Forest, near Wewelsburg Castle, for some ritualistic scenes in his film Lucifer Rising, because it is a particularly powerful location connected to the energies of various entities.


FIG. 10 The Castle of Wewelsburg. In the ritual crypt of SS, an unmistakable image of an alien emerged over a period of several months in 2010, during an art exhibition.

Like Glastonbury Tor (a hill near Glastonbury in the English county of Somerset), it was the focus of pagan rituals before being co-opted by the Christian church. Externsteine was the Irminsul, which in ancient times was considered to be the sacred pillar bearing the Universe and linking Heaven to Earth, a pagan symbol from Germanic paganism identical to the Cosmic Tree of Norwegian mythology, the Yggdrasil, since both are the representation of the reality behind the apparent and ephemeral material world. Externsteine was profaned with the destruction of the Irminsul by Charlemagne in the 13th century, defeating the Saxons, forcing them to convert to Christianity.

“We must never forget what happened in Verden in 782 … There was the massacre. Four thousand five hundred Saxon prisoners were killed by the Christian soldiers of Charlemagne,” wrote Jean Mabire, an important historian and political journalist from the French far-right in an article entitled Thule the Sun rediscovered by the Hyperboreans. 59 For the Nazis to leave for the legendary Thule, (which many scholars believe to be Iceland), doesn’t mean only navigating to this mysterious island that the ancients consecrated as the land of origins of wisdom, but also to discover, beyond the known world, the very secret of life. I spent a lot of time in Iceland during my 20s and early 30s, in search of knowledge to dominate certain occult forces in me and around me. Iceland is definitely a magical island from all points of view. The strong presence of Illuminati groups like the Theosophical Society and the Ordo Templi Orientis (Caliphate) remains there to this day.

There are alien entities that the Illuminati collaborate with from the beginning of time, to achieve the supreme fulfillment of the Great Work, that of achieving immortality. The Guardians of the Threshold are often called dwellers on the threshold, are supposed to manifest as soon as the student of the occult is in contact with the alien realm. Only then would it be possible to fully join the spiritual center of the world’s Initiatic system, that of the Invisible Masters, who together with their Secret Chiefs would encapsulate the immortals of all the epochs and their vital energy that could render immortality. One of the few who seem to have achieved this was the famous Count of Saint-Germain. French author and Illuminati Serge Hutin wrote in his book, Invisible Government and Secret Societies:60

In 1784, Saint-Germain died in one of the Castles of his faithful disciple, the Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel. Was it a real death, or rather a cover-up, to conceal a temporary disappearance, and to allow Saint-Germain to escape the embarrassing curiosity of the people? The evidence that the count was not dead is given by the testimony of his participation in the general assemblies of Freemasonry in Paris and Wilhelmsbad in 1785.

This could only take place through contact with celestial beings, the true Invisible Masters of the Cosmos, whose technology is unlimited and can grant humans the gift of immortality. In the Zelator ritual of the S.R.I.A., the ultimate purpose of this Order of Rosicrucian Illuminati is made clear: “The greatest secret yet lay hid, the prolongation, the rejuvenation of animal life. ‘Twas death to strike the tocsin bell, save by him whose skill had solved one of four problems: First, the rejuvenation of the ever-burning lamp; Second, the transmutation to Silver; Third, the transformation into Gold, and Fourth, the Discovery of the Elixir of Life.” 61


FIG. 11 Thomas Edison had an interest in the occult, and was tied to Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and The Theosophical Society. Edison was the inventor of the light bulb and the phonograph, one of the first instruments designed to record and reproduce sound, which subsequently gave life to the most famous turntables originally created by Edison, in an attempt to communicate with the dead.


1 See Laurence Gardner, Bloodline of The Holy Grail: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed (Boston, US:Element Books, 1996).

2 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/obituaries/laurence-gardner-alternative-hisorian-whose-work-helped-inspire-dan-brown-2056096.html ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

3 See Laurence Gardner, Genesis of the Grail Kings, (Ealing, London, UK: Bantam Press, 1999).

4 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist:_the_Movie ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

5 See Adrian Gilbert, Secrets of the Stone of Destiny: Legend, History, and Prophecy, (Italian Edition-Arezzo, IT: Harmakis Ed., 2014), p. 16.

6 Édouard cé, The Great Initiates: A Study of the Secret History of Religions, (Italian Edition-Bari, IT, Gius. LATERZA E FIGLI, 1929, 2nd reprint of the 5th edition), p. 114.

7 Ibid.

8 Ibid., p. 128.

9 Ibid., p. 142.

10 Ibid., p. 138.

11 Ibid., p. 153.

12 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wand ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

13 See Jorg Sabelicus, Magia Pratica vol. 4, (Rome, IT: Ed. Mediterranee, 2001), pp. 12–13.

14 Eduard Schuré, THE GREAT INITIATED, Ibid., p. 163.

15 Jorg Sabelicus, MAGIC PRACTICE VOL. 4, Ibid., p. 11.

16 Translation of The Book of Breathings by Michael D. Rhodes, Department of Ancient Scripture Brigham Young University.

17 Lon Milo Duquette, THE CHICKEN QABALAH OF RABBI LAMED BEN CLIFFORD, (York Beach, ME: Weiser Books, 2001), p. 77.

18 Ibid., p. 76.

19 From the New International Version.

20 From the New International Version.

21 Article by Chris Line on Flying Saucer Review Vol. 34 No. 4 December Quarter, 1989.

22 See https://somalisufisam.wordpress.com/2011/06/06/the-realm-of-jinn-the-elemental-spirits/21 Article by Chris Line on Flying Saucer Review Vol. 34 No. 4 December Quarter, 1989. ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

23 See http://vault.fbi.gov/ ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

24 https://mauriziobaiata.net/2015/07/20/jack-sarfatti-entanglement-ufo-e-paranor-male-il-fisico-quantistico-rivela-tutto-in-unintervista-straordinaria// ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

25 See Roberto Pinottti, UFO: oltre il contatto Prospettive e scenari di un incontro epocale, ( Milan, IT: Mondadori, 2013), p. 233.

26 Ibid.

27 http://www.danielrjennings.org/SimilaritiesBetweenUFOActivityAndDemonicActivity.html ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

28 See Karla Turner, Into the Fringe, (New York City, US: Berkley Books, 1992), pp. 64, 73, 77.

29 See Jerome Clark, FATE Magazine, 1978.

30 From “Memory for Count of Cagliostro, accused against the Attorney-General” — Paris 1786.

31 See https://albertpike.wordpress.com/albert-pike-and-his-vision-of-masonry/ ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

32 See http://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/md/index.htm ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

33 See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jews_as_the_chosen_people ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

34 See George C Andrews, Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes, (Lilburn, GA Illuminet Press, 1993), pp. 101–102.

35 See Graham Phillips, The Templars and the Ark of the Covenant: The Discovery of the Treasure of Solomon, (Rochester, UK: Bear & Company, 2004).

36 http://www.simonandschuster.co.uk/books/The-Templars-and-the-Ark-of-the-Covenant/Graham-Phillips/9781591430391 ‡ Archived 28th November 2017.

37 John Lamb Lash, Not in His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, and the Future of Belief, (White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishing, 2006) p. 276.

38 https://www.newdawnmagazine.com/articles/the-illuminati-renegades-of-the-mystery-schools ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

39 See Zecharia Sitchin: Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries, (New York: Avon, 1995), p. 347–380.

40 E.Schuré, IGRANDIINIZIATI, Ibid., p. 18.

41 http://www.ws5.com/spacetime/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

42 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/starsandstories/3673575/The-original-In-diana-Jones-Otto-Rahn-and-the-temple-of-doom.html ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

43 See http://littlemurphydog-sacrifice.blogspot.it/2013/05/esoterica-wagneriana.html ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

44 https://otto-rahn.com/it/node/7 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

45 See http://philipcoppens.com/rahn.html ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

46 From the article Die Brüderschaft der “Polarier” Ein Kapitel zur Geschichte der geheimen Orden by Ing. Lambert Binder published in Mensch und Schicksal, Jg. 4, Nr. 24, Villach 1951.

47 See Joscelyn Godwin, Arktos: The Polar Myth in Science, Symbolism and Nazi Survival (London, UK:Thames & Hudson Ltd, 1993).

48 See Victor Blanchard, A Brief Summary of his life and work: http://www.hermanubis.com.br/artigos/EN/ARENVictorBlanchard.htm ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

49 See Pierre Geyraud, Les Sociétés Secrètes de Paris, ( Paris, FR: Editions Èmile-Paul Frères, 1939) pp. 56–66.

50 From the article Phantoms of Reality by Keith Shelton - The information in it comes from the English White Eagle Lodge, which was founded in 1936 with the help of the Polaire Brotherhood of Paris.

51 See http://www.centrosangiorgio.com/occultismo/articoli/il_nazismo_esoterico.htm ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

52 http://www.militaryhistorytours.co.uk/tours/third-reich/himmlers-ss-wewelsburg-castle/ ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

53 Article extracted from the magazine Catolicismo n. 249, September 1971, available online at: http://catolicismo.com.br/Acervo/Num/0249/P01.html ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

54 See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1267405/Heinrich-Himmlers-eerie-castle-plays-host-macabre-Nazi-memorabilia.html

55 Gaving Baddeley, Lucifer Rising: A Book of Sin, Devil Worship and Rock n Roll, (London, UK: Plexus, 1999), p. 153.

56 http://www.trapezoid.org/thought/evolution.html ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

57 Gavin Baddeley, Ibid., p. 154.

58 Ibid., p. 153.

59 See Jean Mabire, Thule. Il sole ritrovato degli Iperborei, (Turin, IT: L’Età dell’Acquario, 2nd edition 2016).

60 Serge Hutin, Governi occulti e societ segrete, (Rome, IT: Ed. Mediterranee, 1973, Second Edition, 1996,) pp. 99–100.

61 See Rituals of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (Zelator).