Cagliostro, my Secret Chief, and Invisible Master

inline-images a 9-year-old child, while walking in the center of Rome with my father Elio, near Piazza Navona, I discovered the figure of the Count of Cagliostro. My parents talked about the mysterious magician, and Freemason (a word I still did not understand), a character who even challenged the Vatican with magical arts and knowledge. All this intrigued me, for the first time I learned that Giuseppe Balsamo, known as Count of Cagliostro, was actually a member of my family, but when I asked for clarification about him, my father Elio replied, “He was the black sheep of the family, just like you Leo.” My father had probably perceived my early interest in magic, and the fact I never wanted to conform to the system and its Matrix from the earliest age. From that moment on, more than any other, Cagliostro in some way became my Secret Chief, my invisible guide to the mysteries of the occult.

Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, alias Giuseppe Balsamo, was born on June 2nd 1743, and after a lifetime of “riding the tiger” as the Eastern saying goes, on December 27, 1789, Pope Pius VI ordered his arrest and initially imprisoned him in Castel Sant’Angelo. After the farce of a trial and forty-seven interrogations, on April 7th, 1791, Count Cagliostro was finally sentenced to life imprisonment. In Piazza della Minerva in Rome, they solemnly burned his Masonic insignia and regalia and the unjustly confiscated books. He was imprisoned on the 21st of April of the same year in the fortress of San Leo (near Rimini), which seemed to me almost a divine sign. In the Castle of San Leo, Cagliostro spent the rest of his life in horrible conditions, relegated to a secret cell called Il Pozzetto, a sort of well or sewer. He died on August 26, 1795, two and a half years before the arrival of the French troops lead by his disciple Napoleon, who could have freed him, but that was not the case, and some historians even said that French troops wanted to drink a toast with his skull upon their arrival to the infamous castle.

Cagliostro was the last victim of the Inquisition. The fact that he was a charlatan is truly a questionable matter, also because influential and uncomfortable figures operating within the intelligence community, or the Illuminati Network and Freemasonry, are often described as charlatans to the outside world, to cover-up the real importance of such figures in front of profane and mundane society. His secret teachings and the rituals of his famous Egyptian Rite, are regarded as very important by those who intend to learn the deepest secrets of the real Illuminati. That’s why I founded some years ago, in London, the Cagliostro Lodge (Aula Lucis Cagliostro) of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (known as F.R.A.), operating between 2001 and 2003, where I was Classroom Director, the Worshipful Master of this Rosicrucian Lodge.


FIG. 12 Dom Fra’ Manuel Pinto da Fonseca (1681 — 24 January 1773) was the 68th Prince and Grand Master of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta from 1741 until his deat. He was considered by Count Cagliostro as a true Illuminati.

The Egyptian Rite of Cagliostro is considered an anomaly by so-called regular Freemasonry, because of the divinatory and magical practices in it. Cagliostro was admired but also hindered by the most remarkable figures of his age. His particular personality led him to outsmart the Masonic paradigms of his time, to consider Masonry with the sufficiency of the Great Initiates, among men looking most of the time for vain glory.

Giuseppe Balsamo had many aliases, such as Count of Cagliostro, Comte de Phoenix, Marquess Pellegrini, and others. In 1766, he operated alchemically with his Secret Chief called Manuel Pinto de Fonseca, Grand Master of the Order of Malta, whose initiatic name was Althotas. The two met in the city of Messina during a walk in the harbor, another episode my father, who was born and raised there, loved to talk about. I often found myself in Messina, a Sicilian city of great importance for Christian Knighthood Orders, because during the Crusades, it was the last port where the Knights usually stopped before continuing their journey to the Holy Land.

A few years after Cagliostro’s first visit to Malta, a lodge of the Order of Illuminati founded by Adam Weishaupt would be opened, thanks to the groundwork done by Cagliostro years earlier. After numerous trips to Europe and North Africa, Cagliostro returned to Malta, where the new Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Fra’ Emmanuel Marie des Neiges de Rohan-Polduc, would grant him a chivalrous dignity. Cagliostro had his first Masonic initiation in the Loge de Saint Jean d’Écosse du Secret et de lHarmonie, based in the eastern part of Malta, but not being a recognized lodge by the Grand Lodge of England, and in desperate need of a Masonic passport valid throughout Europe, Cagliostro eventually was initiated again on April 12th, 1777 in Loge d’Espérance No. 289 in London, where he received the three degrees of the Craft on the same day. This episode of the life of Cagliostro is very familiar to me, since I did more or less the same thing after receiving my first initiation considered “irregular” by Prince Alliata of Monreale in the early Nineties in Rome, and then repeating it in London years later with utmost regularity by the United Grand Lodge of England, inside Kirby Lodge 2818 in Great Queen Street, simply to have a valid Masonic passport to travel around the lodges of the world.

Loge de Saint Jean d’Écosse du Secret et de l’Harmonie in Malta was later indicated as the first lodge to be in possession of the famous Arcana Arcanorum, linked to Cagliostro’s teachings, and to the alien entities that he worked with. This lodge apparently also became involved with the Illuminati Order of Adam Weishaupt. Michel Monereau, in The Secrets of Hermes of La Franc-Maison et les Rites de Misraïm and Memphis, published in Paris in 1989, writes that the lodge in question received a regular charter from the Grand Lodge of England on March 30, 1789. In a letter addressed to this Masonic power a few days before February 4, 1789, the main officers of the lodge stated that their legitimate Masonic affiliation had been present since the beginning of the century and that in 1764 they had also been affiliated with the Scottish Mother Lodge of Marseilles. 1


FIG. 13 Diploma attesting the post-mortem elevation of Giuseppe Balsamo Count of Cagliostro to the 33rd and last Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite. Sovereign Decree No. 8537 issued on the 5th of June 2003, from the Gran Loggia d’Italia degli ALAM (

Most of the members of this Maltese Lodge were Knights of the Order of Malta and, according to lodge documentation, of different origin, French, Venetian, Neapolitan, and the initiation of Giuseppe Balsamo was apparently recorded and present in surviving documentation. The lodge will later cease its activity when Napoleon banned the Order of the Knights of Malta from the island, but it served a very important role in the creation of the so-called Naples Arrangement or Arcana Arcanorum, elaborated later in Naples by Cagliostro, also thanks to the logistical and financial support of members of the Loge de Saint Jean d’Écosse du Secret et de l’Harmonie in Malta.

This was when Cagliostro first met his mentor from the occult elite, Francesco Maria Venanzio Aquino, Prince of Caramanico (1738–1795), ambassador to London and Paris for the Kingdom of Naples, and later viceroy of Sicily, a character of fundamental importance for the cognitive and initiatic development of Cagliostro, cousin of the famous alchemist Raimondo di Sangro Prince of Sansevero, who would invite Cagliostro to Naples. It is this connection with Prince D’Aquino that would lead Giuseppe Balsamo to become the legendary Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, acquainting him with the secret teachings of Arcana Arcanorum, connected to alien communication and the Invisible Masters. The Hermetic society—continued under different denominations—known as Neapolitan School, which claims to be the oldest Alchemical Transmutation School in the West today.

It seems that the members of this Lodge in Malta, were interested in so-called inner alchemy, linked to the ancient Egyptian tradition, which was said to have allowed them to acquire immortality and create a body of glory. The same symbolic finalization was expressed by the Eleusinian and Orphic mysteries, along with those of Isis and Osiris.

Two centuries after his death, and after many slanders and lies about him, Giuseppe Balsamo, alias Count Cagliostro, received posthumously the 33rd Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, a honorary degree in recognition of his outstanding service to the Rite, registered with Sovereign Decree No. 8537 issued on the 5th of June 2003 by the Gran Loggia d’Italia degli ALAM (Antichi Liberi Accettati Muratori), also known as Grand Lodge of Italy of the A.F.& A.M. (Antient Free and Accepted Masons), and popularly referred to as the Freemasons of Piazza del Gesù, due to their former headquarters in Piazza del Gesù, 47 in Rome, and now based in nearby Palazzo Vitelleschi, in Via San Nicola de’ Cesarini, 3 in Rome. An influential Italian Obedience with over 7000 members, with mixed-gender lodges after the Second World War, founded in 1910 as a schism from the Grande Oriente d’Italia and a member of the international association of Liberal Masonic jurisdictions, called CLIPSAS. Better late than never for Count Cagliostro, however it is a shame the only Masonic Obedience that would grant him this kind of posthumous recognition, now present in the Castle Of San Leo, was actually a Masonic Obedience considered “irregular” by most regular Masonic Obediences in the USA, especially after realizing how much Count Cagliostro influenced the Founding Fathers of the Declaration of Independence, and who were involved in Freemasonry.


The Lyon family is said to descend from Jesus and King David, who, according to Gardner’s theory, were of alien ancestry. Magic for me was tied to Invisible Masters who mysteriously helped me survive a strange and dangerous episode I had in the early years of my life, when I nearly died, after falling in a spring near my family home. The experience opened up direct contact with the invisible realm, and with entities that pushed me in the following years to become more and more interested in the occult and the hidden mysterious forces.

The first book I ever read was The Magic Power of Witchcraft by Gavin Frost (1930–2016) and Yvonne Frost 2 founders of the Church and School of Wicca in 1968. I found it by accident (or probably pushed by some invisible force), advertised in the back of a famous Italian comic book at the end of the Seventies, and after preserving the cutout of the ad for months, and thanks to the modest savings I put together, I eventually ordered it. I remember being extremely happy when the book finally arrived as if it was Christmas all over again. I noticed that the English title was very different from the Italian one, The Power of White Magic, clearly a much more innocent approach than The Magic Power of Witchcraft.

When I opened the book, and in the presentation of the authors, I discovered that they were related to the Wiccan religion, also known as The Craft, Wicca, Benevolent Witchcraft, and The Old Religion, of which the authors were high priests. I began investigating and practicing the teachings of this unusual book, that included astral traveling, and other exercises, like rituals of evocation and much more. I did all this with the group of children I was playing with, and I was naturally leading at the time, almost like a sort of lodge master, sometimes drawing these magic circles in the most unlikely places and scaring more than one person in the process. However, this book, in the end, left me rather confused because what was described as White Magic, was used for the control of people, and not just for good ends, but also for acts of manipulation and what was clearly Black Magic.


FIG. 14 The Magic Power of Witchcraft by Gavin Frost and Yvonne Frost published in 1976 by Parker Publishing Company, Inc., West Nyack, N.Y.

It is repeated (especially in the first chapter) that thanks to this book a magical power can be acquired to do basically, whatever you wish, even cause harm to others. This saddened me as a kid, as I always thought that white magic meant good magic used to do good, and not some doorway to Hell. However, after this disappointment, I decided to venture into the family library in search of true magical text and ancient grimoires. I discovered red magic, whose origins relate to the propitiatory rituals of the Egyptian Ptolemaic High priests, operating in the 3rd-1st centuries BC, that took the name “red magic” from the red-colored tunics worn by the priesthood. I even drifted into the darker reality of black magic of the ancient medieval grimoires, though with many reservations and a bit of healthy fear.

I also devoted myself to music and the art of DJing with a turn-table, originally invented by Thomas Edison, a proud member of the Masonic Fraternity, a unique invention, where I began experimenting with sounds and alchemy. A bond between music and magic, that will always be present in my life, and to which I have devoted ample space in my book, The Illuminati and the Music of Hollywood.3


Driven by my infinite curiosity, I continued my study of alchemy, after my initial study of magic. From there I discovered in the private library of my family a book called The Great Book of Nature.4 This is a very rare French Hermetic and Alchemical text published after two centuries, in an obscure Italian book from the 1920s, purchased years earlier by my father, with a preface and a top-level appendix, written by the great Sardinian Rosicrucian called Vincenzo Soro. An important figure of the Italian Illuminati, Soro claimed himself to be of an ancient Gnostic and Rosicrucian lineage, that originally operated from Sardinia, a truly magical place, full of powerful energy and dimensional portals.

In Silentium post clamores (1617), Michele Mayer writes that Rosicrucians are the successors of the Hindu Brahmins, the Egyptian High Priests, the Eleusinian Mysteries, the Magi of Persia and of Ethiopia, the Pythagoreans and the Arabs. In an original drawing by Vincenzo Soro, positioned in the first pages of The Great Book of Nature, we can see a simple circular diagram divided in a gradual and consecutive way, wherein the end we find at the center of the system The Invisible Masters, the “aliens” at the heart of the Western Initiatic System. The text is described as, “A Curious work of the eighteenth century about occult philosophy, the intelligence of the hieroglyphics of the ancients secret Society of the Brothers of The Rose Cross, of the transmutation of metals, and of the communication of man with Superior entities and intermediaries between him and The Great Architect.”


FIG. 15 Scheme translated and adapted in English by the author and Brad Kwiatek, originally created and drawn by the Sardinian Illuminati Vincenzo Soro that appeared on the Masonic essay from 1921 The Great Book of Nature that shows in the center of The Great Western Initiatic System the Invisible Masters.

This book (The Great Book of Nature), now unavailable and out of print, was originally published in Italy by the publishing house Atanor in 1921, after being published in France several times since the pre-revolutionary era, as a secret publication of the Order of the Philalethes, not to be confused with the more modern Masonic research society based in North America called The Philalethes Society. This group included The French elite of the Illuminati, who worked in the period prior to the French Revolution.


FIG. 16 The cover of the Italian edition of The Great Book of Nature states it talks about Occult Philosophy, of the intelligence of the hieroglyphs of the ancients, and of the communication of man with Superior beings, and the Great Architect (the aliens?)

This book contained all the hidden keys and all the secrets of the Illuminati, Freemasonry, and the Western Initiatic System at large, with all its various elements. In short, The Great Book of Nature was a book of a much higher level than that Wiccan piece of crap I bought as a young boy, and I ended up reading it over and over again, and carrying it with me for years to come around the world during all my adventures, never ceasing to appreciate it. A real goldmine of information about the Secret Societies that are responsible for the Illuminati network, which in all its emanations take orders from the aliens called The Invisible Masters.

It was yet another ancient text that brought me to a more direct contact with these alien entities, a grimoire entitled The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, today widely available in various editions. What impressed me most about the Great Book of Nature was a note about the word enlightened, which is “Illuminati” in Italian. What Vincenzo Soro wrote at the beginning of his commentary, revealed to me for the first time, the connection between the Illuminati and the Invisible Masters. Soro then describes the Rosicrucian Order as: “A Universal Mystic Communion that resides, unique and indestructible, at the center of the Initiatic System formed by all the Illuminati of the East and the West, of the one and the other Hemisphere, presided on top by the Custodians of Threshold, and the invisible hierarchy of secret societies, that are defined as the true Illuminati whose leadership guided all the spiritual evolution of our Planet. From which sprung all the Light Ambassadors, the instructors and the Messiahs, the illuminators of the peoples, and the founders of all Religions, that write and shape all the mystical currents that push mankind into becoming more.”


This is a brief excerpt from a commentary added to the Italian version of The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage:

The Malignant Spirits are there, around you, though invisible, and examine whether the one who evokes is courageous or timid if he has prudence and faith in God. We can take it and make them appear with little pain. But how many words wrongly spoken by an ill-intentioned person will come back against the same person who pronounced them with ignorance. And he who has such a character must not undertake this kind of operation because it means humiliating God and tempting him.

My most conscious result of contact with interdimensional entities was obtained at the age of 23, during and after the practice of the Magic of Abramelin, as outlined in Volume III of my Confessions. This is a long long ritual lasting several months, where it is necessary to isolate as much as possible from the rest of the world, in an ascetic manner. What we call “aliens” are hyperdimensional beings that have always been present in magical grimoires. They hide behind the veil of our perceptions and can project themselves into our visible reality at will, or when we evoke them using magic. They are not recent visitors to earth but have been here for hundreds of thousands of years, protected by an interdimensional reality we ignore. Some “aliens” helped genetically engineer the human race, while other factions later crippled human genetics in order to turn mankind into little more than a source of physical and etheric food. Today, those interacting with humanity via abductions, are not the same ones interacting with Moses, they are demonic and have a negative orientation, and intend to create a race of human-alien hybrids, capable of ruling over humanity while having total allegiance to the interdimensional demonic alien empire.

In a ceremonial magical operation conducted by a number of people, the mode is quite different, and it is crucial that individual efforts are coordinated, and so generally there is a master of a lodge or chapter, appointed for a particular magical operation, whose task is to monitor the course of the student, who can eventually be promoted, when a particular stage has been reached, and when it is time to move him to the next level. This, however, does not happen when you undertake the most complex ritual ever originated in the Illuminati, which the majority of initiates still feel too dangerous to this day, The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, is “knowledge and conversation with your Holy Guardian Angel,” that is after all, Alien Contact, and not an easy task to be sure.

It contains extremely powerful tools if mastered because it links the human to the preterhuman consciousness, but when you are alone in dealing with these forces, you could risk losing yourself in the abyss of cosmic consciousness and never return. If you are not prepared, you are more likely to create a form of thought, a vampiric Egregore, which can become your own abyss and a dead end. The real wizards of the Illuminati sects before succeeding not only in participating in the rituals of the occult lodges which they preside, but also while becoming a true enlightened teacher in the various mystery schools of origin, must travel on an introspective journey, and work profoundly on themselves. This kind of operation can even last several years. The alchemists, and later the Freemasons, call this work V.I.T.R.I.O.L. Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem (Visit the Interior of the Earth; by Rectification thou shalt find the Hidden Stone). Even the mythical Rosenkreuz’s crypt, according to the description presented in the legend, is located in the interior of the Earth, recalling the alchemical motto V.I.T.R.I.O.L. linked to the Invisible College and the Invisible Masters.

The tradition of the Unknown Superiors in Freemasonry hides in turn, that of the Secret Chiefs, sometimes called Invisible Masters, the alien link of the Illuminati. In ancient traditions, every tribe, every religion, every brotherhood, had entities that guide and protect their evolution and the tradition itself. These entities then incarnate primarily into associated bloodlines of the ruling elite, because DNA and the soul tend to correspond to a specific bloodline and lineage of people dear to that entity. So tracing bloodlines can show potentiality of destiny. It is said in the Illuminati mystery schools that bloodlines of a certain type rise via genetic modification by alien occult factions, or by a mutation in response to the soul frequency of ancestors who made negative soul pacts with higher dark powers to achieve material wealth and influence. These bloodlines have a physical and spiritual symbiotic relationship with their alien counterparts, often corrupt by greed and matter, if not truly spiritual and devoted to the angelic realm. In the Sabian tradition, a religious group mentioned three times in the Quran as a People of the Book, there are entities that guide and watch over their people and humanity just like the Watchers of Mount Tabor of the Jewish tradition. In the Islamic tradition alien entities even have their own Mosque of the Jinn in Mecca, also known as the Mosque of Allegiance, built at the place where a group of jinn are said to have gathered one night to hear the recitation of a portion of the Quran by Muhammad. Muslim pilgrims circle the Kaaba inside the grand mosque in Mecca, but what is less commonly known is the presence of a holy relic, literally a cornerstone that is part of the worship shrouded in mystery, and there is much speculation over what the stone might be. Many Muslims believe the stone is in fact, a meteorite possessing supernatural powers. The Invisible Master par excellence of the Islamic tradition is Khiḍr or al-Khidr, which literally means “The Green One.” Yes, like a green alien who according to the 9th-century Muslim writer Tabari: “because he sat on a white pelt, and when he got up from it, it was green.” Islamic scholar Gordon Newby, who translates this passage from Tabari, comments: “Al-Khidr is usually associated with fertility and fecundity, as indicated by his color and the story that he sat on a white skin which turned green. Muslim commentators usually identify the skin as the earth and the green as plants.” Another medieval writer, Thalabi, says that Moses saw al-Khidr “standing on a green carpet in the middle of the sea engaged in prayers.”5

In Muslim tradition, al-Khidr is widely known as the spiritual guide of Moses and Alexander the Great, a wali (saint), a prophet, and one of four immortals along with Enoch (Idris), Jesus, and Elijah. Qur’anic commentators say that al-Khidr is one of the prophets; others refer to him simply as an angel who functions as a guide to those who seek God, just as the typical Invisible Master. Al-Khidr is mentioned in the Qur’an, but not by name. He’s called “a servant from among our [Allah’s] servants”; the Islamic exegetical tradition is left to fill in the details. His story appears in what is perhaps the strangest and most cryptic of the surahs (chapters) of the Qur’an: Surah 18, Surat al-Kahf, the Chapter of the Cave. As we see, Jung found a special significance in this title. Khiḍr is associated with the Water of Life and immortality, another subject dear to the Illuminati, and he is described as the one who has found the actual source of life. He’s an “alien,” all right—as C. G. Jung perceptively called him. If Jung’s reading has even a grain of truth, he owes his existence to one of the deepest longings of the human soul: renewal and rebirth. In the East, where it is believed that human beings, after a multiplicity of births and deaths, can reach a level of spiritual evolution, there is a trace of masters of great spiritual strength who after finishing the cycle of existences chose not to associate with the absolute, as they would rightly deserve to complete their Sadhana. Instead, they decide to remain on the earth materially present and in secluded places to help humanity in its evolution, thus becoming themselves Invisible Masters.


My father Elio once told me that the spiritual and initiatic connotations of so-called Modern Speculative Masonry, created in 1717, referred to true spiritual entities that secretly guided the Order from the invisible realm, thanks to the Rosicrucians. This occult link was kept a secret to the majority of Freemasons, that these days are incapable of understanding the esoteric side of their Craft because they are too busy with some of its superficial materialistic aspects. This mysterious tradition is the same one we find in one of the most prominent figures of the British intelligence services, Sir Francis Bacon. Bacon’s alleged connection to the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons has often been discussed by authors and scholars in many books. A number of writers, some of whom were connected with Theosophy, have claimed that Francis Bacon (1561–1626), the English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, and author, was a member of secret societies. On the 22nd of January, 1621 in honor of Sir Francis Bacon’s sixtieth birthday, a select group of men assembled in the large banquet hall in York House without fanfare, for what has been described as a Masonic banquet. This banquet was to pay tribute to Sir Francis Bacon. Only the Rosicross (Rosicrucians) and Masons aware of Bacon’s leadership role were invited. 6

Sir Francis Bacon was considered one of the chief occultists in England during the Elizabethan age and was instrumental in the founding of America—the New Atlantis of the real Illuminati. Sir Francis Bacon believed that the New World was this New Atlantis. This idea was more than some fanciful intellectual dream, as it was originally transmitted to him by the Invisible Masters at the center of the Western Initiatic System. Bacon inspired an agenda to realize the idea that will finally result in the United States of America. Some of the most influential men of his day backed Bacon’s agenda and eventually set in motion the machinery for what became the American democracy. Bacon’s own secret society, the Rosicrucians, was established on American soil by the mid-1600s and among the colonizers of the New Atlantis were very powerful men, called the Order of the Quest, who sought to re-establish the glory of the Pagan Golden Age. America’s destiny was planned out over 150 years prior to the American Revolution. Bacon believed that in the far, far ancient prehistoric past, gods dwelt with man during a golden age. These gods taught man ancient wisdom that was eventually lost in the destruction of Atlantis. These gods envisioned by Bacon were the typical Invisible Masters, who handpicked specific humans who were then anointed as priests and mediators between the gods and humanity. 7

These special humans like Moses and Cagliostro were given keys to unlock the secrets of ancient wisdom, the keys I will unveil to you in this book, that are the secret to truly understand the alien interdimensional world we live in.

Biblically, Bacon’s gods were the fallen Watchers and their offspring. The so-called keys of the ancient wisdom are none other than the biblical Knowledge of Good and Evil, and forbidden angelic technology that the book of Enoch speaks of. America’s ancient name, Amaruca, was literally the ‘Land of the Plumèd Serpent, which for the occult elite has a central role in the Last Days.

In The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly Palmer Hall (1901–1990) writes:

No other sacred book sets forth so completely as the Popol Vuh the initiatory rituals of a great school of mystical philosophy. This volume alone is sufficient to establish incontestably the philosophical excellence of the red race.

“The Red ‘Children of the Sun,’” writes James Morgan Pryse, “do not worship the One God. For them that One God is absolutely impersonal, and all the Forces emanated from that One God are personal. This is the exact reverse of the popular western conception of a personal God and impersonal working forces in nature. Decide for yourself which of these beliefs is the more philosophical. These Children of the Sun adore the Plumèd Serpent, who is the messenger of the Sun. He was the God Quetzalcoatl in Mexico, Gucumatz in Quiché, and in Peru, he was called Amaru. From the latter name comes our word America. Amaruca is, literally translated, Land of the Plumèd Serpent.’ The priests of this God of Peace, from their chief center in the Cordilleras, once ruled both Americas. All the Red men who have remained true to the ancient religion are still under their sway. One of their strong centers was in Guatemala, and of their Order was the author of the book called Popol Vuh. In the Quiché tongue, Gucumatz is the exact equivalent of Quetzalcoatl in the Nahuatl language; Quetzal, the bird of Paradise; coat, serpent—’the Serpent veiled in plumes of the paradise-bird!’”

The Popol Vuh was discovered by Father Ximinez in the seventeenth century. It was translated into French by Brasseur de Bourbourg and published in 1861. The only complete English translation is that by Kenneth Sylvan Guthrie, which ran through the early files of The Word magazine and which is used as the basis of this article. A portion of the Popol Vuh was translated into English, with extremely valuable commentaries, by James Morgan Pryse, but unfortunately, his translation was never completed. The second book of the Popol Vuh is largely devoted to the initiatory rituals of the Quiché nation.

These ceremonials are of first importance to students of Masonic symbolism and mystical philosophy since they establish beyond doubt the existence of ancient and divinely instituted Mystery schools on the American Continent.

In 1793, the cornerstone of the Capitol building was laid by George Washington and hundreds of Freemasons. A silver Masonic trowel was made for the ceremony and hundreds of masons paraded to Washington D.C. to witness the historical event. This would be the first of many buildings and monuments to be erected by the Freemasons, and George Washington would be the first of at least fourteen known masons to take the office of President of the United States.8

So that’s why Washington, D.C. was precisely located on the 77th Meridian West, and why the original five colonial cities—Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. were built in precise alignment with each other, with Stonehenge across the Atlantic, and on a specific occult Ley Line suggested by the Invisible Masters of Freemasonry and the Rosicrucian tradition. Easter Island, the Nasca Lines of Peru and the Giza Pyramid, all line up along another Ley Line which is exactly 30 degrees to the equator. We are definitely connected to Mother Earth through the subtle electrical current that runs around the entire planet, that is involved with the activities of the Invisible Masters and their interdimensional travels. These electrical currents are known as Ley Lines and are almost like Mother Earth’s veins. The ancient wonders and holy sites of the ancient world—temples, shrines and pyramids, are all built on these Ley Lines, also known as Great Circles, which encircle the earth in perfect alignment.


FIG. 17 The Temple of the Rose Cross by Teophilus Schweighardt Constantiens, 1618.

Ley lines, also known as Energy Lines, are hypothetical alignments of a number of places of geographical interest, such as ancient monuments and megaliths. Some say that the Ley Lines are a lost ancient man-made technology when in reality it’s an Alien interdimensional technology still in use. These lines may be part of the planetary energy grid theory which operates through geometrical patterns that follow a specific symmetry linked to sacred geometry interdimensional portals. Perhaps the most adventurous explanation is that they involve energy that is now explainable by the String Theory.

This relatively new mathematical concept allows for the existence of extra dimensions as well as the idea of passage from one to the other, something the various Illuminati sects and Invisible Masters from the upper or lower realms have known for thousands of years. These extra dimensions represent profoundly different realities and forms of life, where our own laws of physics are replaced by others. Ancient societies and various mystery schools and religions understood the concept of interdimensional travel, but have kept it secret. Many of the great ancient sites were set in harmony with each other, along shared ley lines of alien energy that can be still be felt if physically aware. In a recent interview with, Hollywood psychic Aiden Chase said: “There’s an energy field in the land here that supports wishes and dreams. L.A.’s natural ‘good vibe’ energy, from the Hollywood Hills to the ocean has supported people’s dreams from actor to entrepreneur for over 100 years.” Okay, that sounds interesting, but are we sure there isn’t something else of a darker nature at work after viewing all the recent scandals? I will direct the interested parties to check out Volume II of my Confessions series of books for the definite answer.


Since antiquity, the true Hidden Masters (who are certainly not the black magicians of the elite), in contact with the divine through angelic and benevolent entities, hid in an impenetrable shadow. However, in order to encourage deserving adepts in their research, certain Masters have published allegorical and hermetic treatises that were impossible to fully decipher if not initiated into the ancient mysteries. They also addressed from time to time special emissaries that went from village to village, and even wandered the cities from time to time, looking for someone who deserved their attention. Cagliostro was also known as the Noble Traveler, and at times one of the mysterious figures who moved from town to town, visiting isolated alchemists, exchanging knowledge and secret occult instructions received from the alien interdimensional realm, or the Invisible College, as the Rosicrucians called it.

The secrecy of these adepts of the occult arts was often justified by the great fear of being discovered by the Church of Rome, that viewed them not only as heretics but as a possible competition to their Occult elite represented by the Jesuits. Obviously participation of the esoteric mysteries, in search of Invisible Masters, and Elemental Spirits of Nature that could help them in the discovery of the Philosopher’s Stone, said to be a substance or something which is said to render those who possessed it all-powerful, or the Universal Medicine, or panacea, to cure all forms of disease, are interests the Church never encouraged. Many historical facts seem to confirm the truth of such statements, and certain still-existing legal documents go on to prove that gold on certain occasions has been indeed produced by the alchemist using artificial means. The Rosicrucian’s always insisted that this art was only one of the most insignificant parts of their divine science and that they possessed far more important secrets.

The Rosicrucians themselves did not contradict such stories; on the contrary, they asserted that there were many occult laws and mysterious powers; of which mankind, on the whole, knew very little, because the spiritual powers of perception are not sufficient among mankind as a whole, to enable them to perceive spiritual things. They say that if our spiritual powers of perception were fully developed, we should see this universe peopled with other beings than ourselves, and of whose existence we know nothing at present.

They say that we should then see this universe filled with things of life, whose beauty and sublimity surpass the most exalted imagination of man, and we should learn mysteries in comparison with which the art of making gold sinks into insignificance and becomes comparatively worthless.

They speak of the inhabitants of the four kingdoms of nature, of Nymphs, Undines, Gnomes, Sylphs, Salamanders, and Fairies, as if they were people they were intimately acquainted with, and as if they did not belong to the realm of the fable, but were living beings of an ethereal organization, too subtle to be perceived by our gross material senses; but living, conscious, and knowing, ready to serve and instruct man, and to be instructed by him. They speak of Planetary Spirits who were formerly men, but who are now as far above human beings as the latter are above animals, and they assert that if men knew their divine powers, which are dormant in their constitution, and were to pay attention to their development, instead of wasting all their life and energies upon the comparatively insignificant and trifling affairs of their short and transient external existence upon this earth, they might in time become like those planetary spirits or gods. 9

However, there are often misconceptions about the true nature of Hidden or Invisible Masters, that guide from behind the scenes of the Rosicrucian reality. One of the most prevalent is that the Hidden Masters conspire to “rule our lives,” when in reality the ones dealing with the angelical realm are only trying to help us in our evolution as a species. Of course, these don’t include black magicians or witches like Aleister Crowley, and during the last few thousand years the vast majority of the world’s population were exploited, misled and manipulated by those seeking material power. In human history there have always existed as self-seeking opportunists that will sell their soul to the darkest forces, dealing with interdimensional demons for this reason. Whether such people are known to the public, or simply pull the strings of their puppets from behind the scenes, these are our enemies, and the enemies of true Freemasonry, those who plot various political, monetary and social agendas for their own selfish ends. Hidden Masters, Secret Chiefs, and Invisible Masters are concepts popularized in the 19th century, by the occultist and teacher, H. P. Blavatsky, to describe concealed preceptors, but we never know if the nature of these preceptors is truly benign, or, like in most cases, totally evil and manipulative.

In calling them in a certain way Blavatsky wasn’t simply following the age-old practice of referring to a teacher of spiritual verities as a terrestrial “Hidden Master,” but she was also referring to disincarnated entities, who existed on higher or lower planes of existence. Invisible Masters that incarnated in certain living beings reputed of importance for their mission, and could later gather in a special spiritual or magical location, such as Shambhala for example, a place very dear to the Theosophists, or scattered through the world, working anonymously. This is a concept exposed by the Unknown Philosopher / Claude de Saint Martin (1743–1803). The Invisible Master is an extra-dimensional entity or a human immortal, who only imparts his esoteric teachings to his carefully chosen disciples in secret, to plant the seeds of something greater. Jesus fulfills this role in the Gospels, as did Buddha before him. The fact that the words Hidden Masters may now mean anything or nothing and has even been adopted by a group of silly contemporary musicians playing with occult lore, does not alter its original value and importance. The real Hidden Masters in connection to what popular culture will call the good aliens, not the ones from the dark side, have indeed no desire to rule or control your life. Such coercion goes against all universal occult laws, and most manmade ones as well. But we know how the dark side attempts to operate beyond laws, they act as present guardians of the material world, the previously mentioned Archons, who are most of the time dangerous intrapsychic mind-parasites, just like most of their Islamic counterparts, the Jinn, used by the occult elite and the Intelligence agencies to trick and manipulate us.


FIG. 18 The Alchemical Door, also known as the Alchemy Gate or Magic Portal (Italian: Porta Alchemica or Porta Magica), is a mysterious monument built between 1678 and 1680 by Massimiliano Palombara.

However, freedom of thought and action is an inalienable right of mankind granted to us all by our Creator, don’t ever forget this. If it were not so, man would be no better than a mindless robot with no possibility of evolving to a higher state—something the occult elite is trying to stop before they lose their grip on materialistic reality. You may argue that some human beings are not free, such as those in prison, or who are enslaved in some way or another in their present human existence. But if you think about it, you will agree that at some time—in some way or other—whether in this life or a previous one, they exercised their Free Will to bring about their present circumstances. For the conditions in which we find ourselves are in every case the result of our own actions in this or a former life, a topic I touched in detail in my suppressed, and now rare book, The Decline of the Western Initiatic System and the rise of Satanism in our Society.

Higher dimensions are outside of our classic range of perception, so expanding our consciousness with the knowledge I am providing you is in my modest opinion, is the best way to gradually become more aware and conscious that we are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional universe.


The multi-dimensional reality of our world is a topic I began studying in my early twenties, in a period that coincided (i.e. a typical case of synchronicity), with the release of a movie called Stargate directed by Roland Emmerich. This film was Hollywood’s approach that I found illuminating, because God does not exist in only one place, and neither do you. That’s why in the so-called Egyptian Freemasonry of the Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Misraïm, God is known as the Great Architect of the Universes, not as the Great Architect of the Universe, as in all the other Masonic rites. Lately, there has been news of a radical new theory, that proposes the universe began from a hyper-dimensional black hole and for over a decade a group of scholars from different branches of science support theories that relate to the possible existence of a hyperdimensional universe. In particular, with regard to Ufology, well-known experts such as Harvard psychiatrist John Mack and astrophysicist Jacques Vallée, have singled out the issue of parallel dimensions on the basis of research in a controversial and fascinating field, that of abductions. 10

Others still argue—not because of their personal opinion, but because of deep knowledge of the cause—that although the extra-dimensional origin of aliens is not certain, they are certainly capable of traveling dimensionally, that is, certain ET races come from different levels of our reality, rather than distant galaxies. As I mentioned earlier, interdimensional travel could be the gateway to distant worlds. Too many, in fact, are the cases in which the supposed ET seems to appear to the abductee, in places with closed doors and windows, or even cement walls, and then disappearing shortly after into thin air, leaving no trace. Moreover, the machines we define as UFOs, also appear to be able to appear and disappear to and from strange worlds, or parallel realities, using physical laws not yet known to us. In science fiction films, the idea of a parallel dimension is often discussed, but as one realizes in certain cases, this is not fantasy, as everything is based on concrete scientific postulates, which occur within physics.

Electromagnetic fields became known by James Clerk Maxwell (1831–1879), Scottish mathematician and physicist, dating back to the late 19th century. He demonstrated these forces with the publication of A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field in 1865, that electric and magnetic fields travel through space as waves moving at the speed of light. Maxwell is best-known for his research in electromagnetic radiation, which unites the science of electricity, magnetism, and optics. Electricity flows through many metals because of the movement of electrons among the atoms of the metal.

Moving electrons also produce a magnetic field, the strength of which depends on the number of moving electrons. 11 These theories were later elaborated by Karl Ernst Ludwig Marx Planck (1858–1947) at the beginning of the twentieth century. Planck was studying black-body radiation and suggested that the energy carried by electromagnetic waves could only be released in “packets” of energy. Planck then developed the theory of quanta, that is, elemental particles whose presence explains the abnormal behavior of electromagnetic fields, especially in relation to the discontinuous emission of energy. From that point onwards in physics, a quantum (plural: quanta) is the minimum amount of any physical entity involved in such interaction. In 1905, Albert Einstein (1879–1955) perfected this theory in front of the general skepticism of his contemporaries, when he presented his paper, Concerning a Heuristic Point of View about the Creation and Transformation of Light, in Bern, Switzerland, on March 17, 1905, three days after his twenty-sixth birthday. From then on, 1905 became the year that Einstein referred to as “very revolutionary,” as he had introduced the concept of light quanta, as an indivisible packet. It was not until 1926 that this theory was fully embraced by the academic community, with the more modern term photon, coined by Gilbert Lewis (1875–1946), who first wrote about it in an article in Nature, substituting forever Einstein’s light quanta.

During more recent studies it was noticed that the extremely uneven behavior of atoms, was related to electrons which instead of performing a correct orbit around the nucleus, seemed to vanish from one point and reappear mysteriously in another. Such apparitions and disappearances of electrons were called quantum leaps. So a quantum leap is where the electron on rung X simply disappears and instantaneously appears on rung X+1, without ever traversing the space in between them. This is why the jump is called discontinuous, and why the quantum leap is not only considered surprising and interesting from a classical academic point of view but because of the much wider implications related to interdimensional travel or even time travel. Let’s not forget Quantum Leap, the American science-fiction television series that originally aired on NBC for five seasons, from March, 1989 through May, 1993. While the followers of Niels Henrik David Bohr’s theories (1885–1962) concluded that the irrational behavior of what was happening was due to the total unreliability of the used detection tools of the observer, other luminaries, including Bryce Seligman DeWitt (1923–2004) of the University of North Carolina, came to new, disconcerting conclusions.

According to them, the thing did not jump from one side to the other, but temporarily disappeared from this plane of reality and then reappeared. Today the most avant-garde scientists—including the aforementioned Jack Sarfatti and Fred Alan Wolf—have concluded that the only way to explain this bizarre behavior of what was a new scientific theory based on the wave function in quantum physics, is the theory of the Many Worlds interpretation, originally formulated in 1957 by physicist and mathematician Hugh Everett III (1930–1982), operating from Princeton University. In 1954, a young Princeton University doctoral candidate named Hugh Everett III came up with a radical idea: “That there exist parallel universes, exactly like our universe. These universes are all related to ours; indeed, they branch off from ours, and our universe is branched off of others. Within these parallel universes, our wars have had different outcomes than the ones we know. Species that are extinct in our universe have evolved and adapted to others. In other universes, we humans may have become extinct.”12

This thought boggles the mind and yet, it is still comprehensible only to a privileged few who have the understanding for it. Giuseppe Vatinno, who was a member of the Italian Parliament until 2013, described at one point as being “the world’s first transhumanist politician,” is a professor of physics residing in Rome. After a weird and unsuccessful political campaign based on his book, Transhumanism: A new philosophy for the man of the 21st century (Il Transumanesimo. Una nuova filosofia per l’uomo del XXI secolo), Vatinno, who I know personally, in 2012, was involved in a strange controversy in parliament when he submitted a question about the existence of UFOs. He told me later that he did it to invite the Italian parliament to deepen their knowledge of the extraterrestrial phenomenon. However, this unusual event created a subsequent social media quarrel, that eventually led one of the two Italian transhumanist association members that previously supported him, to explicitly disassociate from his activities, and at the same time, Giuseppe Vatinno received life-threatening messages on Twitter that were followed by a police investigation. Obviously someone disliked his questioning of the UFO phenomenon in the Italian parliament, and in the end, he returned to his previous job, as University professor.

Vatinno, who is a friend of the aforementioned Jack Sarfatti, pointed out to me that the quantum interpretation of the Many Worlds Interpretation, is part of a more general category of parallel universes elaborated in the superstring theory, Brane cosmology, and it appeared in work done in two of the most important early detecting devices used to study subatomic particles, known as cloud and bubble chambers.

Michio Kaku is the famous TV personality, theoretical physicist, author, and science educator, who is the co-founder of the Field String Theory, explains the existence in the universe of eleven dimensions. Well, that’s interesting, if you connect the Illuminati fixation for this number that Aleister Crowley singled out as the key to all rituals. Going back to Professor Giuseppe Vatinno, he also told me in private that the category of parallel universes is becoming in recent years particularly relevant in cosmology. Very well-known scientists, such as Hawking, Gell-Mann, Weinberg, and Feynman deployed in favor of the Many Worlds Interpretation, usually referred with the acronym M.W.I. Moreover, Vatinno specifies that there are parallel universes endowed with the same physical laws of ours, there are in fact, (and should not be confused), even parallel universes generated during the Bing Bang, as taught by Andrej Linde’s, Theory of Bubble Universes, and others that may be generated by nothingness (Theory of Continuous Inflation); but these kinds of universes might not have the same physical laws as ours. According to the theory of the multiverse (or metauniverse), there exist a plurality of parallel universes, so that every decision that each of us takes in this world, would create new ones in another. Based on this interpretation there would be, for example, a world in which the Third Reich came out victorious from World War II, and another in which Hitler is an unknown painter. It may sound like a screenplay for a movie, yet physicists have been studying these scenarios for at least fifty years, and there are complicated and elegant mathematical calculations that can describe them. 13

According to the latest research published in Physical Review X 14 while I was writing this book back in October 2014, a team from The University of California, Davis (also referred to as UCD, UC Davis, or Davis), and one from the Australian Griffith University, stated that not only do parallel universes exist, but they could even interact with each other. No wonder in her book, Knocking on Heaven’s Door, from 2011, well-known Harvard University theorist Lisa Randall explores how physics may truly transform with the latest discoveries of our whole understanding of the fundamental nature of the world. As the Smithsonian outlines: “She thinks an extra dimension may exist close to our familiar reality, hidden except for a bizarre sapping of the strength of gravity as we see it. She also ponders the makeup of dark matter, unseen particles that have shaped the growth of the entire cosmos. These ideas, once the sole province of fiction writers, face real tests in a new generation of experiments.”15


Like others have pointed out, rather than discrediting the occult, recent scientific discoveries in quantum physics seem to reaffirm a place for mystical ideas. When John Whiteside “Jack” Parsons (1914–1952), the American rocket engineer and rocket propulsion researcher, chemist, and Thelemite occultist, first visited the Agape Lodge of the O.T.O., he stated that as a scientist he found that Crowley’s magick teachings seemed to correlate with the work of the quantum field folks. The illogical nature of quantum physics is a subject that I gradually discovered myself, mostly while dealing with certain interdimensional beings as part of my own occult training in the Illuminati groups I joined early in my life. Orders and confraternities, where through ceremonial magic and rituals, I was involved in a reality entrenched with quantum physics, where I eventually taught what some call illumination or at least what I regard as a higher level of consciousness.

It’s synchronicity, as the great Swiss psychiatrist, and psychoanalysis Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) called it. At the base of Jung’s work on synchronicity is the so-called quantum entanglement, that also attracted the attention of Nobel Prize winner Wolfgang Pauli and gave rise to a close correspondence between the two, known as The Pauli/Jung Letters 1932–58. They were later published by Jung’s successor Carl Alfred Meier (1905–1995), of who my father Elio was the leading Italian collaborator at the end of the sixties and early seventies. To Jung, synchronicity was a meaningful coincidence in time, a psychic factor which is independent of space and time, but truly relevant. This revolutionary concept of synchronicity both challenges and complements the physicist’s classical view of casualty that the Illuminati and the Freemasons never believed. It also forces us to a basic reconsideration of the meaning of chance, probability, coincidence and the singular events in our lives.

Returning to the film Stargate, dealing with the theme of interdimensional passages in a new way, though still linked to a commercial and materialistic vision typical of Hollywood films, it can be said that from that moment onwards the Alchemical Door, also known as the Alchemy Gate or Magic Portal in Piazza Vittorio, built between 1678 and 1680, now found in the heart of the Esquilino district in Rome became my favorite “Stargate.”

This strange and unusual monument built by Rosicrucian Illuminati Massimiliano Palombara belongs to an original set of doors of Villa Palombara, destroyed over time. Once Rome became the capital of the new kingdom of Italy, it was completely removed, for the construction of the new Esquilino district. The only small part spared was the very doorway of the detached outbuilding, what today is known as the Magic Door of Piazza Vittorio, although probably Alchemic Door would have been a more appropriate name for it.

In this Villa, Palombara held meetings, attended by the most important Illuminati figures of his time, who shared his interests for alchemy and the Invisible Masters, people like the Swedish Queen Christina, who lived in Rome after having abdicated, the distinguished astronomer Domenico Cassini, the renowned Jesuit scholar Father Athanasius Kircher, and others linked to the mysterious Rosicrucians operating in Italy under Jesuit supervision. The Rosicrucian Illuminati was an important part of the Occult elite, that may even be seen as prefiguring the eighteenth century alchemical Gold-und Rosencreutz Orden, made public by Rosicrucian Magus Sincerus Renatus (Salomon Richter) in 1710.

Queen Christina’s practice of alchemy preoccupied her for most of her adult life. Her interest in alchemy also had some intriguing Rosicrucian connections. The original Rosicrucian pamphlets of 1614 spread high expectations for a new age, and a universal reformation of the arts that circulated among radical Paracelsians in Northern Europe. The Rosicrucian elements that were to surface in Italy, however, appear to have grown out of a purely alchemical interest, where the transmutational operations promised a future restoration of the golden age. 16

The ancient wisdom of transmutation, the secrets of the cosmos and longevity—this is what they were searching for—but (also) a link with the invisible world. Throughout the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, there were many scholars who claimed that they had received late night visits from mysterious members of a secret society that had accomplished the transmutation of metals, the means of prolonging life, the knowledge to see and to hear what was occurring in distant places, and the ability to travel across the heavens in heavier-than-air vehicles (UFOs?). Some students of the history of alchemy have stated that crumbling, yellowed records of the alchemists remain in dusty libraries—more than 100,000 ancient volumes written in a code that has never been sufficiently deciphered. Numerous occult groups and mystery schools within the Illuminati network like the Rosicrucians, have been created around the belief that centuries ago a secret society achieved a high level of scientific knowledge that they carefully guarded from the rest of humanity.

This is almost common knowledge in the Illuminati. According to these occultists, certain men of genius in ancient Egypt and Persia were given access to the records of the advanced technologies of the antediluvian world of Atlantis. Many hundreds of years ago, these ancient masters learned to duplicate many of the feats of the Titans of the lost continent. There are persistent legends in nearly every culture that tell of an Elder Race that populated the Earth millions of years ago. The Old Ones, who may originally have been of extraterrestrial origin, were an immensely intelligent and scientifically advanced species, who eventually chose to structure their own environment under the surface of the planet’s soil and seas.

The Old Ones are said to usually remain aloof from surface dwellers, but from time to time throughout history, they have been known to visit certain of Earth’s more intelligent members in the guise of alchemist or mysterious scientists, in order to offer constructive criticism and, in some cases, to give valuable advice in the material sciences. The Old Ones seem to be, after a close analysis, another emanation of the Invisible Masters at the center of the Western Initiatic System. In 1871, occultist and Rosicrucian Edward Bulwer-Lytton wrote, The Coming Race, a novel about a small group of German mystics who discovered a race of supermen living within the Earth’s interior. The super race had built a paradise based on The Vril Force, a form of energy so powerful that the older beings had outlawed its use as a potential weapon. The Vril was derived from the Black Sun, a large ball of Prima Materia that provided light and radiation to the inhabitants of inner Earth. 17

After all, the magicians of the Illuminati, as Aleister Crowley taught, clearly expressed the importance of communion with such beings, and Crowley was also a Rosicrucian, and included their secret teachings in the 5th degree of the O.T.O., in the Sovereign Prince Rose-Croix section. Crowley himself in one of the last statements, he made in 1944, clearly said: “My observation of the Universe convinces me that there are beings of intelligence and power of a far higher quality than anything we can conceive of as human; that they are not necessarily based on the cerebral and nervous structures that we know, and that the one and only chance for mankind to advance as a whole is for individuals to make contact with such beings.”

Crowley’s erstwhile secretary Kenneth Grant (who claims to have formed a link to his alien “angel” Aossic, and calls himself Aossic, Ossik, or A’ashik) has—together with his followers—developed a more or less comprehensible outline of a new cosmos, on the basis of an occult alliance with the alien world. Interested readers are referred to Grant’s books, many of which remain in print. We shall now concentrate on Grant’s resulting theoretical alien expansion of Crowley’s demonology. The latter never seems to have regarded angels or demons as very definite beings; for him, they ruled the material world and were used for things like obtaining money. Under Grant’s influence, they were elaborated into complex transcendental schemes of alternate dimensions outside the circles of space and time: “The terrestrial vehicle is an outcropping in three dimensions of the Angel: the Angel is the fountain of living waters which empowers the terrestrial vehicle.”


Through contact with the Holy Guardian Angel (HGA), the gate of remembrance of our supernatural reality opens, what Grant calls “the continuum often glyphed as the Goddess of which we are terrestrial facets.” Grant and his adherents remember the origins of Being, and have constructed a remarkably complicated collection of metaphors drawn from sources such as the Kabbalah, H.P. Lovecraft, Salvador Dalí, Michael P. Bertiaux, Austin Osman Spare, Lemuria, Atlantis, extraterrestrial visitors from Sirius, the promotion of at least one “New Aeon,” and a whole slew of “revelations.” Grant placed great emphasis on the development of an IX° degree dream-control technique, borrowed from Thomas Lake Harris, introduced into the Crowleyan O.T.O. by Ida Nellidorf under the name of eroto-comatose lucidity.

Before going to sleep the sexual energies were first raised by constant sexual stimulation without orgasm and then concentrated onto a talisman bearing a requisite symbol so that in the dream-state, the aroused libido would copulate with a dream-partner. The talisman would thus become magically charged and would make a particular wish—be it for gold or Gnosis—come true. But the greatest interest has been shown in the supposed alien entity called Lam, which Crowley “beheld” in 1918.

In October 1979, Kenneth Grant (under his alias of “Aossic Aiwass 718”), described Crowley’s Amalantrah Working of 1918 as an “active reflex and extension of Lam” and released “An Official Statement of the O.T.O concerning the Cult of Lam, the Dikpala of the Way of Silence.” Grant drew up a ritual meditation for making contact with Lam. The entity was imagined as an egg, and the practitioner would enter its eyes with the aid of the mantra Lam so that once united Tantrically with Lam, one could “see” the world from beyond. Grant judged the sex-magic versions of this meditation to be extremely dangerous, and most emphatically rejected all homosexual variations of it (in some O.T.O. groups like the Caliphate, the XI° it is the homosexual degree). To gain the most objective results from all contacts with Lam, Grant stated that none of its practitioners should inform each other of their own results for several years. 18 We will talk more about Grant later, I would like to now discuss the direct link between interdimensional entities, the Crowleyan O.T.O. and NASA, before going deeper into the relationship between the Illuminati and the interdimensional alien beings linked to them.

In 1997, syndicated talk show host Art Bell received a frantic call from a man claiming to have worked in Area 51. The entire radio station was zapped off the air as soon as the caller began to reveal detailed plans concerning extra- dimensional aliens, the government, and population control.

Here is a transcript of the disturbing talk:

Hello, Art? Art? Hi … I don’t have a whole lot of time … um, I was a former employee of Area 51 … I was let go on a medical discharge about a week ago … and … and … (starts to cry) I kinda been running across the country … um … um … man … I don’t know WHERE to start … they’ll triangulate on this position really, really soon … (starting to break up and get more frantic—Art tells him to give us something quick) … OK… um … um … What we’re thinking of as Aliens … they’re EXTRA-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS … that an earlier precursor of the SPACE PROGRAM MADE CONTACT WITH … uh … they are NOT what they claim to be … uh … they have INFILTRATED a lot of aspects of the MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT particularly Area 51 … uh … the DISASTERS that are coming … the GOVERNMENT knows about them … and there’s a lot of SAFE AREAS in this WORLD THAT THEY COULD BEGIN MOVING THE POPULATION TO … NOW—Art … but they are NOT doing anything about it … THEY WANT THE MAJOR POPULATION CENTERS—WIPED OUT SO THAT THE FEW THAT ARE LEFT WILL BE MORE EASILY CONTROLLABLE … (breaking up more, starting to cry) … I started getting …

Silence—Art went off the air at that point. Well, the comment on the “precursor of the space program” is very interesting. As one of the Californian leaders of Crowley’s O.T.O. in the 1940s, John Whiteside “Jack” Parsons (1914- 1952), an American rocket engineer and rocket propulsion researcher, credited with an important role in the founding of Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Aerojet, and is regarded as being among the most important figures in the history of the U.S. space program. Let’s remember he was one of the principal founders of JPL currently owned by NASA. Parsons was eventually expelled from JPL and Aerojet in 1944, due to the Lodge’s infamy, and allegedly illicit activities, along with his hazardous workplace conduct. In reality, he went on conducting a series of occult rituals for the Illuminati, that opened interdimensional portals, possibly helping interdimensional beings in their alien invasion.

The topic I will now unravel is the actual method of contact developed by certain Illuminati groups that have dealt for a long time with the alien overlords of the UFOs, understating their nature and their secrets. Everywhere, in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdom, we see innumerable gradations of existence, without any hard line of separation between them, or, if such lines are seen, it is because the “missing links” have been lost. Moreover, there are amphibious beings which are equally adapted to live in the air and in the water, in the earth and air, or in the earth and the water, and the same may be said about the Elementals, or Spirits of Nature, interdimensional beings living in a parallel reality.

As there are innumerable gradations of visible forms, likewise, there are innumerable gradations of invisible ones in the interdimensional realm, and there are amphibious existences in the realm of the Universal Soul which may exist in two different states—which may appear sometimes in visible forms, while at other times they are invisible to us. There are beings on the Astral Plane which are only seen by those who have developed their inner senses to an extent sufficient to enable them to perceive such forms from another dimension; but certain conditions may exist which may cause such ethereal forms to become more dense and material, so as to become perceptible even to the physical senses of man, (80) leading in some cases to mind blowing revelations and true “Contact,” but most of the time forcing us into unpleasant experiences where we are literally vampirized by these entities.


1 See Michel Monereau, The Secret Secrets of La Franc-Macconnerie and the Rites of Misraïm and Memphis, (Paris, FR : Editions Axis Mundi, 1989.

2 Authors known in Italy with the pseudonymsJohn and Katy Fair, Il Potere della Magia Bianca/The Power of White Magic, (Rome,IT : Editions Sans Egal 1979).

3 Available at the moment only in the Italian language: Leo Lyon Zagami, Illuminati e la Musica di Hollywood, (Arezzo,IT: Harmakis Editions, 2014).

4 See Vincenzo Soro, Il Gran Libro della Natura, (Todi, PG, IT: Atanor, 1921).

5 Quoted by Haim Schwartzbaum in Fabula, 1959.

6 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

7 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

8 Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, (San Francisco, CA: H. S. Crocker Company Inc.,1928), p. 195.

9 Franz Hartmann, Cosmology or Cabala Universal Science Secret Symbols of the Rosicrucians (Boston: Occult Publishing Company. 130 Tremont Street, 1888), p .1.

10 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

11 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

12 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

13 Article by Davide Patitucci, Universi paralleli, “ecco la prova della loro esistenza e interazione,” in II Fatto Quotidiano, 3rd of December 2014.

14 Physical Review X is a peer-reviewed open access scientific journal published by the American Physical Society that covers all aspects of physics.

15 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

16 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

17 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.

18 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017. 80 See Franz Hartmann, Ibid., pp. 7–8.