ince the reopening of interdimensional portals operated first by Aleister Crowley, and later by his followers in California, a wave of extraterrestrial activities and UFO sightings began. The synchronicity of the events that took place in the year Crowley died, has in fact, led most occult experts to assume that the wave of sightings and extraterrestrial activities can all be linked to the opening of the aforementioned dimensional portals, that created a fault in the Great Wall— which in the Abrahamic tradition protects humanity from Gog and Magog. This Great Wall is described by French metaphysician and Illuminati René Guénon, as a circular wall (Lokâloka), that separates the world (loka) from outer darkness (aloka). Guénon wrote that Gog and Magog are obviously similar to Koka and Vikoka, important figures of Hindu mythology, and twin generals who aid the demon Kali in her final battle against Kalki, the 10th and final avatar of the god Vishnu, arriving to herald the end of an age. Guénon commented on the roles that these two figures play in Islam as: Yajuj and Majuj (Gog and Magog). For Islam, Earth is not a unique planet. Other planets like Earth exist throughout the universe. The Quran also says that other planets also have land animals: “And from His signs, He created the heavens and the Earth, and the land animals that He scattered in BOTH of them (heavens and Earth), And He is capable of gathering them (in one place) if He wishes.” (Quran 42.29)
For certain Islamic scholars, the Quran says that extraterrestrial creatures will invade Earth one day. 1 Apparently, there is an interdimensional wormhole right here on Earth that connects Earth with another planet. One day the creatures on that planet will use this wormhole as an interdimensional passage to invade Earth. Allah gave a method of transportation to his angels throughout the universe. The Quran calls them Ma’arej (Quran 70.3) and describes how angels use them for long-distance travel. Today Muslims know that these “Ma’arej” are what scientists call wormholes.
This is how angels (or any interdimensional alien) can reach any place in the universe before you finish reading this sentence: Wormholes. Muslims also believe that wormholes are not strictly for the use of angels. For example, their prophet once used a wormhole in the Israa & Me’raj (Me’raj is singular of Ma’arej) (Quran 17.1). In another incident, the Quran describes a clan of Yajuj and Majuj using a Me’raj (wormhole): “This clan (who didn’t understand human speech) were wreaking havoc on Earth.)” This leads to the infamous armies of Gog and Magog, in the Hebrew Bible near the end of times, the advent of the Antichrist, and the great alien deception that surrounds it all. As Gary Bates discussed in his book Alien Intrusion, the alien/UFO phenomenon is very real, but very misleading. Aliens are not creatures from another planet, they are beings from another dimension (a.k.a. fallen angels led by the greatest deceiver of all—Satan).
Hundreds of thousands of people in many parts of the world are claiming they are encountering UFO entities in one way or another, but who and what are they really encountering? They may have had what is called a Close Encounter of the Third or Fourth Kind, a term used by ufologist J. Allen Hynek. There is also growing public interest in this phenomenon due to media attention. Some contactees and abductees, and also some claiming to channel extraterrestrials, are being revealed the following kinds of information: We are not alone in the Universe. We are told—this earth has been visited many times in the past and present by different types of extraterrestrials. These ET’s have been involved in our creation, evolution, religions, myths, beliefs, etc. Some contactees are told that humans are the consequence of ET encounters with earlier forms of humans. Without this contact, humans never would have evolved to the point we have. Rael, the chosen prophet, and Messiah of the New Age Raelian movement was told that humankind was created by a group of ET’s called the Elohim, using advanced genetic engineering in laboratories.
Others who believe in the messages of the Pleiadians are told that the Pleiadian ancestors were some of the Original Planners of Earth, who seeded this and other worlds. Whatever the explanation, fictitious or real, we are told that ET’s are involved in our evolution and creation; something the Illuminati mystery schools seem to confirm. However, most contactees in the New Age game, seem to have an excessive faith in alien intervention, as they are told that humankind stands in a transitional period before the dawn of a New Age, and with peace, love, and understanding, the people of Earth will see a great new era begin to dawn.
For the New Age movement and its followers, the Space Beings are here to teach, not to invade, just as taught by the late Aleister Crowley. They say they are here to help awaken the human spirit, to help humankind rise to higher levels of vibration, so that the people of our primitive race may be ready to enter the New Age and new dimensions. We are told over and over to be ready for a quantum leap that will move humankind forward, on both biological and spiritual levels. In the meantime, however, the Satanic and evil reality around us tells another story. So should we believe them? They say the human soul will evolve, but if we do not raise our vibration within a set period of time, at that point severe earth changes and major cataclysms are said to take place. Such disasters will not end the world but shall serve as cataclysmic crucibles to burn off the dross of unreceptive humanity. Those who die in such dreadful purging will be allowed to reincarnate on higher levels of development so that their salvation will be more readily accomplished through higher teachings on a higher vibratory level.
Others are told that the receptive or chosen will be saved by benign ET’s when these disasters take place. Some, like the Raelians are told they will experience some kind of eternal existence through further genetic engineering, i.e. cloning. For the New Agers, a major leap in consciousness and evolution is about to take place. Crop circles, UFO sightings, contactee and abductee experiences, are preparing those who are receptive to these paradigm changes. Events such as the Harmonic Convergence are in this contest to lift the veil, so the Higher Galactic Intelligence of the universe will be able to channel their energies and influences to facilitate the shift towards a New Age. Evidence for these claims is said to be the many abductee and contactee experiences with similar stories and messages, physical scars, hybrid babies, recognition of some kind of symbolic or hieroglyphic language etc., all symptoms typical of demonic possession. There seems to be according to researchers, increasing cases worldwide of UFO sightings, crop or landing circles, animal mutilations, abductions of men, women, and children. All activities, including the crop circles, have always been attributed to Jinn in the Islamic tradition. There is, however, some disturbing evidence according to the late Dr. Karla Turner, who worked with over 400 abduction cases:
Aliens can alter our perceptions of our surroundings.
Aliens can control what we think we see. They can appear to us under any number of guises and shapes.
Aliens can be present with us in an invisible state and can make themselves only partially visible.
Abductees receive marks on their bodies other than the well-known scoops and straight-line scars. These other marks include single punctures, multiple punctures, large bruises, three-and four-fingered claw marks, and triangles of every possible sort.
Female abductees often suffer serious gynecological problems after their alien encounters, and sometimes these problems lead to cysts, tumors, cancer of the breast and uterus, and to hysterectomies.
A surprising number of abductees suffer from serious illnesses they didn’t have before their encounters. These have led to surgery, debilitation, and even death from causes the doctors can’t identify.
Abductees often encounter more than one sort of alien during an experience, not just the greys. Every possible combination of grey, reptoid, insectoid, blond, and widow’s peak have been seen during single abductions, aboard the same craft or in the same facility.
Abductees report being scoffed at, jeered at, and threatened by their alien captors. Painful genital and anal probes are performed… Unknown fluids are injected into some abductees.
Abductees—“virgin” cases—report being taken to underground facilities where they see grotesque hybrid creatures, nurseries of hybrid humanoid fetuses, and vats of colored liquid filled with parts of human bodies.
Abductees report seeing other humans in these facilities being drained of blood, being mutilated, flayed, and dismembered, and stacked, lifeless like cords of wood. Some abductees have been threatened that they, too, will end up in this condition if they don’t co-operate with their alien captors.
Aliens come into homes and temporarily remove young children, leaving their distraught parents paralyzed and helpless. In cases where a parent has been able to protest, the aliens insist that “The children belong to us.”
Aliens have forced their human abductees to have sexual intercourse with aliens and even with other abductees while groups of aliens observe these performances. In such encounters, the aliens have sometimes disguised themselves in order to gain the cooperation of the abductee, appearing in such forms as Jesus, the Pope, certain celebrities, and even the dead spouses of the abductees.
Aliens perform extremely painful experiments or procedures on abductees, saying that these acts are necessary but give no explanation why … Painful genital and anal probes are performed, on children as well as adults.
Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans … will be “rescued” from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report they don’t believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the “rescued” humans.
Dr. Karia Turner died under mysterious circumstances. In every instance, there are multiple reports from unrelated cases, confirming that such bizarre details are not the product of a single deranged mind. These details are from the late Dr. Turner, convincing evidence that, contrary to the claims of many UFO researchers, the abduction experience isn’t limited to a uniform pattern of events. This phenomenon simply can’t be explained in terms of cross-breeding experiments or scientific research into the human physiology. For Dr. Turner, before we allow ourselves to believe in the benevolence of these alien interactions. we should ask ourselves the following questions:
Do enlightened beings need to use the cover of night to perform good deeds?
Do they need to paralyze us and render us helpless to resist?
Do angels need to steal our fetuses?
Do they need to manipulate our children’s genitals and probe our rectums?
Are fear, pain, and deception consistent with high spiritual motives? 2
There is no doubt, Dr. Turner’s questions and her discoveries, alarmed the Military Industrial Complex, and the Secret Societies of the Illuminati Network, that seem to promote only the benevolent side of the alien UFO phenomenon in the eyes of the public, that are however becoming more aware in recent years.
by B. Alan Walton
From Contact Forum May/June 1995 – ReptilianAgenda Website
CF: You are widely regarded as one of the leading experts in the field of UFO and “alien-abduction” research. How did you get started in your study of these things?
KT: Our family knew nothing about the phenomenon when we started having UFO sightings and abduction encounters. Being a researcher, I turned to the UFO literature for an explanation. When I absorbed what was available, I found no answers that I felt were trustworthy. I decided that this was a crucial situation for my family (if not globally), and the only way I could get answers was to do the research myself. The only way to do the research, in this case, was to go out into the field and deal with abduction cases.
CF: Was Into the Fringe the first result of that? [Karla’s first book]
KT: Actually, “Into the Fringe” was not a result of research to gain answers. It is more of an account of my family’s awakening to, and coping with, these experiences during the first year and a half when they were very intense. It was not until after that that I started to branch out and work with other people. I worked with Barbara Bartholic (Story of A UFO Investigator) on our case and began working with her on other cases. Many times she would come to Texas (where I lived) and we would set up a four-or-five-day work session, during which people in that area who wanted to work with her would come to my home. She would interview them and place them under regressive hypnosis there. I began to learn by acting as her assistant. (If Ph.D.’s were available in this field, Barbara should certainly have one. Working with her proved to be much more educational than my academic career.) Then Barbara’s caseload got so heavy that she was no longer able to handle it. It was no longer enough for me to assist, and I had to be doing preliminary investigative work myself. And that was how my involvement developed.
CF: We have been finding, in a lot of cases, that experiencers’ parents, sometimes their great-grandparents have had the same types of encounters that they have. Is that what you found in your family?
KT: Yes, it is definitely “transgenerational” in Elton’s family. [Elton, Dr. Turner’s husband, was given the pseudonym “Casey” in the books Into the Fringe and Taken. They no longer feel it is necessary to protect his identity.]
Before Elton’s grandmother died, in 1990 or 1991, the family knew she was near the end of her time here, so they asked her to tell some of the old stories and videotaped her response for posterity … My mother refuses to say anything because it is just too frightening to her. She has not yet even finished reading Into the Fringe. Each time she reads a page or two, she becomes so upset that she can’t go any further—which tells me that there is probably a reason for her feelings. I remember that, in 1965, when I was a senior in high school, a big flap was making national news. It was one of the few times that I had ever paid attention to the UFO thing. One day, Mother and I were listening to the TV while doing something in the kitchen. Walter Cronkite was talking about the UFO flap, and I told Mother that if a UFO landed in the backyard, I probably would go get on it. My mother, who is extremely gentle, and who never raised her voice or hit me, stopped what she was doing, grabbed me by both shoulders and shook me until I felt as if my teeth would fall out. All the while, she was saying, forcefully, “You swear to me, you will not ever, ever, ever get near one! Don’t you dare even say that!” It was the only outburst I have ever known my mother to have in my entire life. I now know—from research—that extreme responses like that to this phenomenon are often indicators that a person has had experiences.
CF: You mentioned the use of hypnosis, which has been the subject of a lot of controversy. Some of the other researchers have said that people under hypnosis can come up with scenarios that did not happen, in order to please the hypnotist. Some have said that the multiple levels of experience—where one can break through screen memories and ferret out buried memories that are differen—are artifacts of the process of hypnosis. What are your opinions about these issues?
KT: I think those positions are completely untenable, they grow out of what I call armchair research. I don’t conceive you will find them being espoused by anyone who has actually had the experiences. If they have been through them and want to come back and talk about what happens when they undergo hypnosis, to look at what they consciously remember, then we can have a dialogue. Right now, they are speaking without knowledge. They are speaking hypothetically, and their opinions are based on erroneous understandings of the phenomenon, of the experiences, and of the control exerted upon abductees during these experiences. It is easy to philosophize any number of explanations, but that does not mean that those explanations have any relationship to what is really going on. Also, there are bad hypnotists and good hypnotists. A bad hypnotist probably can foul up a number of things. I know that people who have gone to hypnotists for smoking or dietary problems have sometimes suffered more after hypnosis. Obviously, some things can be mishandled. But my experience with hypnosis and the veracity of what is recalled has, in several cases, been proven to me to be accurate. I have been able to investigate these cases. At times erroneous material does surface or is created because of the situation, but that is not typical. I conclude that hypnosis is, by and large, one of the most excellent tools we have. Used properly, it may be the only tool we have to get certain pieces of information (or levels of information) back up to the conscious state. I have been able to test a number of hypnotically recalled memories against externally verifiable evidence, and they have proven to be correct.
CF: You have found, have you not, that sometimes there are multiple levels, like the layers of an onion? An experiencer undergoes hypnosis and comes up with a scenario, then, when he is regressed to a deeper level, he breaks through the first level (you find out that it was a screen memory), and a different scenario emerges.
KT: Yes, and it seems to me that, in some cases, a bottom level can be reached.
CF: How many layers are there; how deep can you go, and what’s at the bottom?
KT: We have not done enough research to answer any of those questions without being an armchair philosopher. Typically (not always) the first recall deals mostly with conscious information. When the subject is taken to the next deeper level of the trance state and asked to focus, often what will be reported is that what was seen was not the same as the conscious recall. Then a groping process begins. The subject thinks, “This was inaccurate; I feel that something was wrong, and when I focus, I see that it was not what I thought it was.” That is a transitional level. There may be only a couple of levels—as opposed to, say twenty levels—but there certainly is a cover level, underlain by a more solid foundation. If the subjects are helped to program their mental computers to penetrate illusion and to speak only truthful, accurate statements, to, as Barbara has often said, “clarify vision,” then they will recall radically different scenarios—not expanded versions of the firsts scenarios, but something quite different from what their conscious memories had left them with. There are at least two levels, and possibly three.
CF: People have told us that they can break through screen memory after screen memory until they get to a scenario involving reptilians, and that is as far as they can go. Have you found that to be the case?
KT: In the few cases that I am very familiar with, when the “baseline” was reached, reptilians were involved.
CF: Are the greys always involved at the top level?
KT: Sometimes the first level involves greys, sometimes humans, sometimes Pleiadians, sometimes strange animals.
CF: Abductees tell stories of seeing beings—angelic Nordics, for example, and then, when they concentrate and try to focus on their memories of those beings, they disappear, and behind them are these “lizard people.”
KT: I am not familiar with a number of cases. I have heard other researchers talk about the same thing. In one case that I recount in Into the Fringe, James had mostly conscious recollections and almost no hypnosis. He remembered being drawn into the proximity of a beautiful “Pleiadian” woman, who was very alluring and tender, and almost seductive. She wanted him to come into her embrace. When he got into the embrace and thought she was going to kiss him, she disappeared entirely, and what was left in her place was a purplish-black, bumpy, almost slimy-looking character with fairly asymmetrical features. I have encountered this same type of creature in a couple of other cases. The entity was very strong. Instead of embracing James, the creature threw him down to the ground and shoved a two-foot-long tube down his throat, into his stomach, and pulled up stomach juices. The next day, he still had some of the bile taste, the interior of his throat was sore, and he discovered claw marks around both sides of his neck, where he had been held down. Whatever the entity was, there was something claw-like about it (which, of course, matches reptilians). Maybe, as close as he was to it, he could not perceive the whole figure. But he could see a bumpy covering, which could equate to the rough, scaly exterior sometimes reported to be reptilian. It is described as bumpy, ridged, bony, strong, clawed.
CF: Apparently these beings have the ability to project different images.
KT: Some people say that they transform—that they mutate or change their own real forms. I don’t accept that as accurate. I don’t believe they really look like a blond, and they do something to trick you and then they suddenly look like a reptilian. I think that what they alter is human perception. They certainly can project false images—just as Ted’s [Ted Rice’s] grandmother was shown her dead husband so that she would consent to have a sexual encounter. Ted’s grandfather had been dead for six years. And in the middle of having the encounter with what she thought was her restored husband the image disappeared—I suppose because the aliens wanted to get the “emotional juice” from her—and she saw a “reptoid” on top of her. We also have heard stories about military people being present during an abduction, and when people focus on them, they change. Budd Hopkins tells a story about a person who saw a military policeman. He wondered why on Earth the MP was there and tried to focus very carefully on him. When he did so, the MP changed, before his eyes, into an officer of high rank, and then into a Nazi officer. The aliens cannot allow us to be involved with them in our normal state of mind because we would be under our own control, and that is not what they desire.
CF: A question about the “psychic vampire” nature of the aliens?
KT: Yes. Now you are getting to why may be the crux of the “harvest.” That may be that they not only need emotional energy, but also at least one faction (and I would be tempted if I were to guess, that they would be reptoids) actually uses the physical bodies. They are trying hard to get us detached from our bodies by telling us that they are “only containers.”
CF: Why?
KT: Because they eat our bodies. If a cow knew you were going to eat it, you would want to tell that cow (if they could understand), “Your body is not important. It doesn’t matter.”
CF: Regarding the spiritual nature of the Greys and the Reptiloids?
KT: I think it is something to think about. I don’t believe the greys have souls but are more like “Frankensteins” or “zombies” or whatever term you want to use for the “living dead.” When I have been with them, I have had an overwhelming feeling that they are not alive—that they are dead.
CF: Any positive (ethical) ETs?
KT: I do accept there are intelligent forces that can contact and inform us—perhaps to help us help ourselves.
CF: What about the so-called “Alien Prophecies?”
KT: Aliens make predictions of an imminent period of global chaos and destruction. They say that a certain number of humans—and the number varies dramatically from case to case—will be “rescued” from the planet in order to continue the species, either on another planet or back on earth after the destruction is over. Many abductees report that they don’t believe their alien captors and foresee instead a much more sinister use of the “rescued” humans.
Further statements from the late Karla Turner on her important research can be found at
Alex Vandenberg, a contributor to the Waking Times, wrote in April 2016:
When scurrying down the rabbit hole on the pathless path one is inevitably confronted by an interdimensional race of beings, often of an insect-like reptilian nature, perched atop the pinnacle of power that constitutes the nucleus of the New World Order. The appellations attributed to these dark interstellar actors are myriad and run the gamut of everything from the Sumerian Anunnaki to the Sons of God. While there is a plethora of contemporary material available on the subject, it appears very little has been written on what these ancient “gods” actually are. Instead of adding to the convoluted nature of the subject with more conjecture, let’s try to pin down these phantasmagoric apparitions and put them within a contextual framework that sheds light on their true nature. For if we are to defeat our enemy we must truly understand that enemy.
Vandenberg clearly states that we are being suppressed by this enemy:
As a result of this suppression of the instinctual roots of the unconscious, the world is now engulfed in the flames of psychosis as a psychic split has emerged within the collective consciousness of humanity. Thus our current impasse is a function of sheer insanity. This is a world in which we are all being paganized, brutalized, sexualized, and debased in what is this Nigredo phase of the Alchemical Great Work; a world in which we are literally being fed on by a Force. We hear it every day. Incessant, relentless chatter about how our leaders (or rather misleaders) are completely mad and how everything around us is inverted, corrupted, and perverted.3
In 2012, a film called John Carter was released, about interdimensional and shape-shifting aliens, few in number and near immortal in lifespan, who manipulate willing leaders, for endless wars. They pretend to be legendary gods and live for psychopathic esoteric domination. In the story, after they establish control of Mars, Earth will be next. The protagonists must accomplish two objectives for their freedom; to have the planetary populations rise above contrived fear, hate, and wars, and to recognize and reject the shape-shifters manipulation. These beings are the interdimensional and shape-shifting reptilians, that David Icke documents as the esoteric power behind human history. However, John Carter is a movie with a message: Our real-world Earth, not a fictional Mars, requires accomplishment of the film’s two objectives for humanity’s freedom. 4
David Icke (b. 1952), is an English writer and public speaker, with an extraordinary sense of humor and some pretty unconventional ideas. Icke, born in an English working-class family, was a football player, and later became a sports broadcaster for the BBC. However, he is known since the 1990s as a sort of guru of the fight against the New World Order, but for some of his harsh critics, like Adam Wears, he is just a professional conspiracy theorist that has: “A net worth of 10 million pounds, accumulated through book sales and expensive, sold-out live talks.”5 You might not agree with everything he writes or says, and some of his initial predictions failed to manifest, but Icke is a true idealist living a very modest life in a very normal apartment in the Isle of Wight. “No mansion, and no Bentley.”6
FIG. 27 David Icke.
David Icke, who was a BBC television sports presenter and spokesman for the Green Party, completely changed his life when a psychic, the late Betty Shine, professed in March 1990, that he had been placed on Earth for a purpose, and would begin to receive messages from Wang Ye Lee a messenger of the spirit world. 7
Interestingly enough, Wang Ye worship is a Fujianese and Taiwanese folk religion, frequently considered as an aspect of the Taoist belief system linked to Invisible Masters known as Wang Y, supernatural beings, spirits that were once, according to legend, real human beings. There are many kinds of Wang Ye; some traditions claim there are a total of 360, with 132 surnames among them. The most important element in Icke’s new role is that they are divine emissaries who tour the world of the living on behalf of the celestial realm, expelling disease and evil from those who worship them.
Betty Shine was a gifted spiritualist, medium, and healer from England. She was born in 1929 and passed away in 2003 at the age of 73. Before embarking on her healing and clairvoyant career, she sang professionally. At times she also delved into vitamin and mineral therapy, as well as medical hand analysis. She also taught yoga. 8 David Icke visited her four times, and one of the things she said to him was: “One man cannot change the world, but one man can communicate the message that will change the world.” Betty who reached literally millions with her New Age best-selling books functioned as a medium, and Invisible Master, a spirit voice that followed her since she was two years old. As a child, Betty had many psychic experiences. She often heard a male voice speaking to her, and initially assumed everyone heard him. She realized this wasn’t the case when comparing notes with a friend. Betty Shine suffered for many years with choking fits, dizziness and heart palpitations. Doctors were unable to help her situation.
Fearing that she may die, she visited a well-known medium by the name of Charles Horrey. Charles Horrey told Betty that she was to be a healer and the attacks were caused by a build-up of unused energy. He told Betty that once she started healing her health problems would clear up, and so they did. He told her she was also going to be a great medium. As her healing work expanded, Betty Shine was able to see mind energy, which she felt resembled a halo as portrayed in biblical times. She assigned various mind exercises to help her clients improve their mental energy, and hence improve their situation. If a client of Betty was depressed their mental energy would funnel in toward their head. As Betty Shine’s healing sessions continued this energy would change its shape and begin to radiate out as a healthy mind would. Shine wrote many books in her lifetime. Three of them in particular, stress the importance of using your mind energy to help you achieve what you want in this lifetime. 9
David Icke was contacted by Wang Ye Lee, an entity that changed his life, and this happened through Betty Shine, a medium of the Invisible Masters, that appeared in David’s life in March 1990, after Icke had searched for answers from the invisible world while alone in a hotel room. A few days later, Icke was playing soccer, his favorite game, with his son Gareth. He visited the seafront at Ryde on the Isle of Wight, a place where he would regularly go with his son, and later have lunch at the railway station café, a short walk away. The café was full that day, and as they turned to walk away, someone recognized David and began to chat with him about soccer.
When the conversation was finally over, David couldn’t find his son Gareth, but he knew he would probably be in the newspaper shop nearby looking at books he liked. David stood at the entrance to the shop and said they were going now to find another café, but as he turned to leave, his feet wouldn’t move. They were stuck to the ground as if two magnets were pulling them to the floor. He then heard a voice in his head say: “Go and look at the books on the far side.” His immediate thought was: “What the hell was this all about?” He knew this shop very well and the books in that section were of no interest to him. But given the voice and what was happening to his feet, he went over to see what would happen. The first book he saw was one by Betty Shine and he was immediately intrigued because of the presence he had felt around him. 10
Icke’s experience demonstrates that Spiritualism is not always demonic or an end-times deception, even if the initial messages and apocalyptic visions Icke received were incomplete, and were obviously implanted in him by a trickster entity, that made him look at times like a fool to the outside world.
However, for every form of provocation by a trickster, there is always a hidden lesson that eventually led Icke to learn the truth about these entities. Let’s remember that Spiritualists like the late Betty Shine, who practice healing or mediumship, often pray to God not only for assistance but also for the protection upon those who receive certain messages from the psychic world. Like some researchers have pointed out, demons would not propagate a religion (i.e. Spiritualism), that says you have to earn your way into heaven by good works and that you have to atone for evil deeds also by good works. In fact, why should demons or evil interdimensional entities encourage people to do good works at all, when they actually want to manipulate and control the world of matter for evil purposes. According to the parable of A Tree and Its Fruit, Spiritualism cannot be evil when it yields good results or is a vehicle for an important message for humankind, like in the case of Betty Shine and David Icke. Spiritual healers like the late Betty Shine, are responsible for many physical cures, and mediumship has truly helped many people suffering from grief.
There are also great dangers to be found in the practice of Spiritualism, with the majority of mediums interested in making money, and others involved in the occult and Satanism, often acting willingly or unwillingly, as tools of demonic interdimensional forces. Demon spirits prey on those who are weak mentally, physically and emotionally. When a person suffers a trauma in their life and they are unable to cope with the trauma mentally and emotionally, a part of their soul chooses not to have that experience and splits off causing soul fragmentation. 11 This leaves a vacuum or space for demon spirits to reside within the soul and influence the mind and feelings of the person who becomes involved with a medium to find consolation. They can become possessed, deprived of sleep, attacked physically by these entities, who are often heard slamming doors, knocking on walls, etc. This, of course, was not the case for David Icke.
In February 1991, Icke followed his first strong spiritual experience, when he visited a pre-Inca Sillustani burial ground near Puno, Peru, where he felt drawn to a particular circle of waist-high stones. As he stood in the circle, he had two thoughts: that people would be talking about this in 100 years, and that it would be over when it rained. His body shook as though plugged into an electrical socket, he wrote, and new ideas poured into him. Then it started raining and the experience ended. He described it as the kundalini (a term from Indian yoga) activating his chakras, or energy centers, triggering a higher level of consciousness. 12
David Icke now lives in the town of Ryde on the Isle of Wight, and is one of the world’s most successful lecturers; gathering hundreds, even thousands of people at times, for his public speeches/performances. He has published many books based on his conspiracy theories, translated all over the world into several languages, promoting his unusual and uncensored vision of the current political, economic, and social fact. Icke has certainly been one of the first to deal with certain issues right at the birth of the internet era, and I have to thank him for promoting on his website back in 2006, some of my early articles, when I began my blogging activity, fearing for my own life and the possibility of retaliation from my enemies. Icke has been dealing with an Invisible Master, who pushed him to deliver his visions to humankind. Like in all cases related to Spiritualism including David Icke, we need to always keep in mind the Parable of the Tree and its Fruits (also called the Trees and their Fruits), a parable of Jesus about testing a prophet beginning at Luke 6:43 (NIV) that says: “No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. Each tree is recognized by its own fruit.”
So we will judge David in years to come and his Invisible Master on the fruits of his divulgation, not on the lies or the disinfo spread today by his detractors.
Regarding David Icke and Reptilians, did you know that the pheromones in human women and iguanas are a chemical match? You only have to look at the bottom of the human spine to see the remnant. Indeed, some humans continue to be born with tails or caudal appendages. For Icke, the Reptilian Race covertly controls humanity from a dimension of reality very close to this one, just beyond visible light, and that is why we do not usually see them. The world that we live in is on a set frequency range very similar to a radio station on a receiver. Icke’s reptilian theory always made me think these beings could actually be the Jinn of Islamic folklore, supernatural beings made of smokeless fire invisible to human sight. This is a theory I originally made public over ten years ago in an article published by Illuminati News in November 2006, 13 explained later in detail in my interview on Project Camelot. 14
Jinn are said to inhabit the unseen world, just beyond the visible universe of humans. The visible spectrum of humans is a very narrow band of electromagnetic spectrum. In Islamic teachings, Jinn are said to have the mango shaped eyes with an iris-like cat’s eyes. We cannot say definitively what they look like, as we cannot see them. They do not frequent clean places, like mosques, churches, etc. They feed on low vibrational frequency (fear, hate, etc), and are repelled by high vibrational frequency (love, happiness, etc). The evil Jinn are said to vex and harm people. Jinn are akin to demons in the Christian gospels. They are said to inhabit people. The ministry of Jesus was casting out the Jinn/Demons from possessed individuals. The gospel stories make a big play on Jesus casting out demons, especially the earliest one, Mark. The reptilians of David Icke are in fact, Jinn/Demons operating just outside visible sight, possessing people in the power system. These are the Reptilians, Icke believes in, most of the time invisible to human sight. If our three-dimensional world is set at a frequency of 98 then these Reptilian inter-dimensional entities would exist on a frequency range of 98.1, which would be the lower fourth dimension just beyond our ability to see them.
The physical Universe is teeming with various Reptilian races. They can be found in many forms and variations, from those of humanoid appearance with green scaly skin to albino whites, and those with tails and horns and even wings. For the record not all Reptilian beings or Jinn are bad. Some are malevolent, some are benevolent, and most of them are somewhere in between.
There has been much talk about interdimensional worlds, even in the mainstream media. It seems like the scientific community is actively working on the concrete possibility of creating artificial interdimensional doors, careless of any possible consequences, especially the growing fear regarding the experiments that take place in CERN. Most of you who have heard of CERN, will have heard of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider), the largest scientific instrument which exceeds 20 miles in diameter and travels under the sovereign territory of two countries (Switzerland, France), but some might not know that the Large Hadron Collider has been created to discover the FIFTH dimension, with the possibility of creating doorways to other universes. These are a couple of extracts from their official website stating their future intentions: “Though it may sound like science fiction, if extra dimensions exist, they could explain why the universe is expanding faster than expected, and why gravity is weaker than the other forces of nature.” How are they going to achieve this? Well CERN says that: “One option would be to find evidence of particles that can exist only if extra dimensions are real. Theories that suggest extra dimensions predict that in the same way as atoms have a low-energy ground state and excited high-energy states, there would be heavier versions of standard particles in other dimensions.”15
So by using the LHC to create microscopic black holes and other scientific diableries, CERN wants to achieve access to a multi-dimensional reality. Of course, piercing the universe in search of answers might not be such a good idea after all. Bizarre images of cloud formations have in fact, appeared above CERN’s Large Hadron Collider (LHC) on the 24th of June 2016, 16 on the FEAST of St. John the Baptist, a key moment in the Masonic year, as well as the International Flying Saucer Day, in honor of Kenneth Arnold’s encounter on June 24th, 1947 with nine saucer-like objects spotted over Washington state. And this event that appeared, thanks to a brilliant photo in the media, could actually be the shocking proof that the world’s biggest experiment is moving further in opening a portal to another dimension, helping to facilitate a possible alien invasion. And what’s up with the human sacrifice staged on the grounds of CERN in front of the statue of Shiva, just a few weeks later, that was conveniently disregarded as a prank? 17
While many may not think twice about it, Shiva is, in fact, the Hindu god of creation, death, and destruction. When Shiva mates with his consort, Kali, they are depicted as a beast of destruction, and a time of death as they combine like Voltron during Tantric sex, a practice Aleister Crowley and other occultists in the Illuminati knew very well. In the previously cited BSRA Memorandum, found in the FBI Vault, put together by Meade Layne (1882-1961) and his associates from the venerable Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, it says in regards of these entities that: “Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.” But can we trust Meade Layne and his perception of the interdimensional alien agenda? Greenfield, tells us that Layne was for many years the editor of BSRF’s Round Robin and other journals, and he worked closely with trance channeler Mark Probert. Layne who was also a student of Frater Achad (Charles Stansfeld Jones) of the O.T.O, and even Israel Regardie at one time, had also been a member of the Society of the Inner Light, a direct offspring of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. At the end of the 19th century, this important Secret Society developed its rituals from certain Rosicrucian cipher manuscripts based on the teachings of the Third Order, or Secret Chiefs, or Ascended Masters—which are for Greenfield and most contemporary Illuminati, identical with the Space People in contact lore.
A lot of the cipher material that shows up in and around Layne, who was said to be in frequent communication with the Great White Brotherhood, is highly suggestive that he was one of those who introduced the cipher into UFO trance-channeled contactee lore. Let’s remember that Layne was also writing about flying discs before Kenneth Arnold’s sightings. He also introduced the idea of channeled masters to UFOlogy. The mysterious Memorandum now known as Memorandum 6751, addressed to scientists and military authorities, and produced under the editorial direction of Meade Layne, for the BSRA publication Round Robin/Flying Roll, that can now be easily found on the FBI Vault website under the UFO section, just by opening the first document (1 of 16), and typing 22 at the bottom of the page. There shows a very interesting date: July 8, 1947. This is the day of the Roswell incident; a key event in the history of Ufology, which occurred in Roswell, New Mexico (USA). A strange case of synchronicity, or is there something more to it? The document states:
This memorandum is respectfully addressed to certain scientists of distinction, to important aeronautical and military authorities, to a number of public officials and to a few publications. The writer has little expectation that anything of import will be accomplished by this gesture. The mere fact that the data herein were obtained by so-called supernormal means is probably sufficient to ensure its disregard by nearly all the persons addressed: nevertheless, it seems a public duty to make it available. (The present writer has several university degrees and was formerly a university department head).18
The Roswell incident was indeed the end of a large wave of UFO sightings across the world, including Europe, the UK, and South America, with a number of flying saucers that were spotted across America, but we also know that at that time the infamous Babylon Working of John W. Parsons and L. Ron Hubbard had completed its first phase, just before the Roswell incident. Therefore, Illuminati occult activities were heavily monitored by the state authorities who feared Parsons’ growing bonds with the interdimensional realm, especially considering his role of great importance in what would later become NASA. In the Memorandum Meade Layne also warns about the heavy responsibility of authorities: “We give information and warning and can do no more. Let the newcomers be treated with every kindness. Unless the disks are withdrawn an (illegible, illegible) with which our culture and science are incapable of dealing. A heavy responsibility rests upon the few in authority who are able to understand this matter.” 19
Apparently, as also noted by Allen H. Greenfield, many groups involved with the New World Order, like the Knights of Malta, are involved in privately selling cooperation between ultraterrestrial forces of dubious motivations, and terrestrial governments and industrial groups. In February of 1937, on the eve of the Second World War, an American representative of the Knights of Malta, met with the esoteric leadership of the Third Reich in Germany. The meeting took place in a hidden SS retreat and was attended by General Karl Haushofer, the senior initiate of the Black Lodge inside the German Reich. The purpose of the meeting was to sell the Nazi regime on contact with what the young Maltese Knight called “the coming race.”
Asked by Greenfield in 1979 what he meant by the term, he stated: “The Ultraterrestrials, of course. The Germans had noted their ‘ghost rockets’ in Sweden and were aware of their power. Most of the older Nazis present, though, were former members of the Thule Group or the archaic Vril Society and took me to be talking about Tibetans or Aryan supermen or some such bunk. Except for Haushofer, who knew better, and the ‘Man with the Green Gloves’ who, though supposedly a Tibetan himself, was certainly an Ultraterrestrial.” The deal fell through when the Reich fell, and the Knights switched their attention elsewhere.
In the early 1950s, U.S. President Eisenhower unknowingly bought into a similar plan proposed by the Knights of Malta, on behalf of ultraterrestrial overlords, in the name of the anti-communist crusade of that period. Deviants were rounded up, and unprecedented power was placed in the hands of the Military Industrial infrastructure throughout the decade, until Eisenhower, in a surprise farewell address, asserted his fundamental decency and libertarian patriotism and roundly denounced the whole deal, and the Military Industrial Complex that is still the biggest problem in today’s America, regardless of ones political view.
The Knights of Malta’s viewpoint infiltrated organized occultism and UFOlogy on behalf of the Jesuits, through the connection between William Dudley Pelley’s underground American fascist organization found in 1933 called The Silver Legion of America, commonly known as the Silver Shirts prior to World War Two, and the occult Black Lodge within the Third Reich, centered in the SS, the Ahnenerbe Society, and the appropriately named Black Order—that descended from such black magical bodies as the Thule Group and the Vril Society, as detailed in Greenfield’s Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts. Pelley and his outfit were certainly tools for the Maltese Knights, and key figures in UFOlogy became involved, including George Adamski and George Hunt Williamson aka Michael d’Obrenovic, and Brother Philip, another American flying saucer contactee, channel, and metaphysical author in the 1950s.
Adamski was introduced to Williamson by Pelley at a time when Adamski was trying to sell his contact story as science fiction to Ray Palmer, then a prominent publisher. For Greenfield, these initiates, not including the well-meaning Adamski, were knowledgeable about the Ultraterrestrial Cipher, and the Sirius-Oannes legend, but they were still met with a spirited libertarian resistance from the very start by Meade Layne, and his immediate successor, the late Riley Crabb, who blew the whistle on the interaction between the U.S. Government, the Knights of Malta and ultraterrestrials since at least 1954. 20
In the early 1930s, while living in Laguna Beach, Adamski founded the Royal Order of Tibet, that held its meetings in the Temple of Scientific Philosophy. The O.T.O., the B.S.R.F., and many other sects of the Illuminati Theosophical Network operating in the Post World War II period recalled in many ways the work done in esoteric Nazism, which featured mediums chosen by the Nazi elite to communicate with distant worlds, the so-called Vril-Damen.
In 1940 Adamski, his wife, and some close friends moved to a ranch near California’s Palomar Mountain, where they dedicated their lives to studying religion, philosophy, and farming. In 1944, with funding from Alice K. Wells, a student of Adamski, they purchased 20 acres (8.1 ha) of land at the base of Palomar Mountain, where they built a new home, a campground called Palomar Gardens, and a small restaurant called Palomar Gardens Café. At the campground and restaurant, Adamski often gave lectures on Eastern philosophy and religion, sometimes late into the night to students, admirers, and tourists. He also built a wooden observatory at the campground to house his six-inch telescope, and visitors and tourists to Palomar Mountain often received the inaccurate impression that Adamski was an astronomer connected to the famed Palomar Observatory at the top of the mountain.
On the 9th of October 1946, during a meteor shower, Adamski and some friends claimed that while they were at the Palomar Gardens Campground, they witnessed a large cigar-shaped mother ship. In early 1947, Adamski took a photograph of what he claimed was the 1946 cigar-shaped mother ship crossing in front of the moon over Palomar Gardens. In the summer of 1947, following the first widely publicized UFO sightings in the USA, Adamski claimed he had seen 184 UFOs pass over Palomar Gardens one evening. In 1949, Adamski began giving his first UFO lectures to civic groups and other organizations in Southern California; he requested and received, fees for the lectures. In these lectures, he made fantastic claims, such as: “Government and science had established the existence of UFOs two years earlier, via radar tracking of 700-foot-long spacecraft on the other side of the Moon.”
In his lectures, Adamski further claimed that: “Science now knows that all planets [in Earth’s solar system] are inhabited,” and “photos of Mars taken from the Mount Palomar observatory have proven the canals on Mars are man-made, built by an intelligence far greater than any man’s on earth.” However, as one UFO historian has noted: “Even in the early 1950s (Adamski’s) assertions about surface conditions on, and the habitability of, Venus, Mars, and the other planets of the solar system flew in the face of massive scientific evidence …‘mainstream’ ufologists were almost uniformly hostile to Adamski, holding not only that his and similar contact stories were fraudulent, but that the contactees were making serious UFO investigators look ridiculous.”21
Was Adamski deliberately sabotaging UFOlogy on behalf of the Vatican and the Knights of Malta? Strangely enough in 1963, Adamski claimed that he had a secret audience with Pope John XXIII, and that he had received a Golden Medal of Honor from His Holiness. Even if many skeptics are doubtful in regards to the possibility that this meeting ever took place, it shows clearly his will to serve the Pope.
Among other strange occurrences regarding Mount Palomar, the Agape Lodge of the O.T.O. founded by Wilfred Talbot Smith in Hollywood in 1935—where Parsons was initiated—later moved to Pasadena, where they established a temple near Mount Palomar, a place that will become shortly after, the home of the Mount Palomar Observatory.
The controversial events of George Adamsky also took place in proximity to this important observatory, initially one of the most important in America, equipped with the largest telescope in the world between 1949 and 1952. In Alchemical Conspiracy and the Death of the West, Michael Hoffman says: “The O.T.O. believed that Palomar was the sexual chakra of the Earth. Parsons commuted regularly between Palomar and Pasadena. The Mount Palomar Observatory opened in 1949. Smith probably consecrated his temple on Palomar soon after his move to California in 1930, before the Observatory was planned. Palomar lies just minutes north of the 33rd parallel. This is significant because 33 is an important number in Masonic symbolism. It is the number of the highest grade of the Scottish Rite. It is also the number of years Christ walked the earth. Hoffman mentions the 33 bones of the human spinal cord. This brings to mind kundalini yoga. Crowley’s O.T.O. was a quasi-Masonic order. The higher grades show esoteric Hindu influences of a sexual nature.”22 This brings us right back to the Hindu statue that was unveiled at CERN, the European Center for Research in Particle Physics in Geneva in 2004, a two-meter tall statue of the Indian deity Shiva Nataraja, the Lord of Dance.
The statue, symbolizing Shiva’s cosmic dance of creation and destruction, that was given to CERN by the Indian government to celebrate the research center’s long association with India, but also something far more sinister connected to the New Age movement—most notably Fritjof Capra and his international bestseller The Tao of Physics (1975), that draws interesting parallels between theories in New Physics, and traditional forms of mysticism, thus arguing that ancient religious ideas are now being proven by contemporary science.
In choosing the image of Shiva Nataraja, the Indian government acknowledged the profound significance of the metaphor of Shiva’s dance, to the cosmic dance of subatomic particles, which is observed and analyzed by CERN’s physicists. The parallel between Shiva’s dance and the dance of subatomic particles was first discussed by Fritjof Capra in an article entitled, The Dance of Shiva: The Hindu View of Matter in the Light of Modern Physics, published in Main Currents in Modern Thought, back in 1972.
Shiva’s cosmic dance then became a central metaphor in Capra’s The Tao of Physics. A special plaque next to the Shiva statue at CERN explains in fact, the significance of the metaphor of Shiva’s cosmic dance with several quotations from The Tao of Physics. Here is the text of the plaque:
Ananda K. Coomaraswamy, seeing beyond the unsurpassed rhythm, beauty, power, and grace of the Nataraja, once wrote of it: “It is the clearest image of the activity of God which any art or religion can boast of.”
More recently, Fritjof Capra explained that: “Modern physics has shown that the rhythm of creation and destruction is not only manifest in the turn of the seasons and in the birth and death of all living creatures, but is also the very essence of inorganic matter,” and that, “for the modern physicists, then, Shiva’s dance is the dance of subatomic matter.”
It is indeed as Capra concluded: “Hundreds of years ago, Indian artists created visual images of dancing Shivas in a beautiful series of bronzes. In our time, physicists have used the most advanced technology to portray the patterns of the cosmic dance. The metaphor of the cosmic dance thus unifies ancient mythology, religious art, and modern physics.”23
Now we have verified there is an invisible thread between CERN, interdimensional portals, occult activities and the ROSWELL INCIDENT, we can confirm we are not alone in the multi-universe, but what will happen once the genie is let out of the bottle?
Learning the theosophical aspects of Memorandum 6751 might help us in our quest to not only understand but to protect ourselves from this great evil being unleashed upon humankind.
To complete the study of Memorandum 6751 from the FBI Vault, let’s analyze this focal passage: “A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to the ‘flying saucers.’ If one of these should be attacked, the attacking plane will almost certainly be destroyed. In the public mind, this might create near panic and international suspicion. The principal data concerning this craft is now at hand and must be offered, no matter how fantastic and unintelligible it may seem to minds not previously instructed in thinking of this type.” The Memorandum continues:
Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control.
Their mission is peaceful. The visitors contemplate settling on this plane.
These visitors are human-like, but much larger in size.
They are not excarnate Earth people but come from their own world.
They do NOT come from a planet as we use the word, but from an etheric planet which interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us.
The bodies of the visitors, and the craft, automatically materialize on entering the vibratory rate of our dense matter.
The disks possess a type of radiant energy, or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship. They reenter the etheric at will, and so simply disappear from our vision, without a trace.
The region from which they come is not the “astral plane,” but corresponds to the Lokas or Talas. Students of esoteric matters will understand these terms.
They probably cannot be reached by radio, but probably can be by radar. if a signal system can be devised for that apparatus.
After the nine points, an addendum specifies that: “The Lokas are oval-shaped, fluted length, oval with a heat-resisting metal or alloy not yet known, the front cage contains the controls, the middle portion a laboratory; the rear contains armament, which consists essentially of a powerful energy apparatus, perhaps a ray.”
Lokas or Talas, are terms and concepts of Hindu origin launched in the West by the Theosophical Society, confirming that Layne was still very close to his Theosophical roots. This suggests that the supernatural means through which Layne came into possession of the information of the Memorandum, came from his occult background in the Illuminati network. The concept of Lokas was adopted by Theosophy and can be found in the writings of Blavatsky and G. de Purucker. There is also reference to kamaloka (a world of desires) as a sort of astral plane or temporary after-life state, according to the teachings of Blavatsky, Leadbeater, and Steiner.
The Occult Glossary by Gottfried de Purucker, republished in 1996, by The Theosophical Society (Pasadena), describes the words Tala and Loka (Sanskrit) in the following way:
Tala: A word which is largely used in the metaphysical systems of India, both in contrast and at the same time in conjunction with loka. As the general meaning of loka is a place or rather a world, so the general meaning of tala is an inferior world. Every loka has as its twin or counterpart a corresponding tala. Wherever there is a loka there is an exactly corresponding tala, and in fact, the tala is the nether pole of its corresponding loka. Lokas and talas, therefore, in a way of speaking, may be considered to be the spiritual and the material aspects or substance-principles of the different worlds which compose and in fact, are the cosmic universe. It is impossible to separate a tala from its corresponding loka—quite as impossible as it would be to separate the two poles of electricity.
The number of talas as generally outlined in the exoteric philosophies of Hindustan is usually given as seven, there being thus seven lokas and seven talas; but, as a matter of fact, this number varies. If we may speak of a loka as the spiritual pole, we may likewise, call it the principle of any world, and when we speak of the tala as being the negative or inferior pole, it is quite proper also to refer to it as the element of its corresponding loka or principle. Hence, the lokas of a hierarchy may be called the principles of a hierarchy, and the talas, in exactly the same way, may be called the elements or substantial or material aspects of the hierarchy. It should likewise be remembered that all the seven lokas and all the seven talas are continuously and inextricably interblended and interworking and that the lokas and the talas working together form the universe and its various subordinate hierarchies that encompass us around. The higher lokas with the higher talas are the forces or energies and substantial parts of the spiritual and ethereal worlds; the lowest lokas and their corresponding talas form the forces or energies and substantial parts of the physical world surrounding us, and the intermediate lokas with their corresponding talas form the respective energies and substantial parts of the intermediate or ethereal realms. Briefly, therefore, we may speak of a tala as the material aspect of the world where it predominates, just as when speaking of a loka we may consider it to be the spiritual aspect of the world where it predominates. Every loka, it should be always remembered, is coexistent with and cannot be separated from its corresponding tala on the same plane. As an important deduction from the preceding observations, be it carefully noted that man’s own constitution as an individual from the highest to the lowest is a hierarchy of its own kind, and therefore, man himself as such a subordinate hierarchy is a composite entity formed of lokas and talas inextricably interworking and intermingled. In this subordinate hierarchy called man live and evolve vast armies, hosts, multitudes, of living entities, monads in this inferior stage of their long evolutionary peregrination, and which for convenience and brevity of expression we may class under the general term of life-atoms.
Loka: A word meaning a place or locality or, as much more frequently used in theosophy, a world or sphere or plane. The lokas are divided into rupa-lokas and arupa-lokas—material worlds and spiritual spheres. There is a wide range of teaching connected with the lokas and talas which belongs to the deeper reaches of the esoteric philosophy. (See also Arupa, Rupa, Tala) 24
Lokas and Talas, the high and the low, the virtuous and the vicious, dharma and sin, knowledge and ignorance. In this context, the evil spirits are the Asuras or demons (Suras were the gods) that constantly fought the gods in heaven while living in Patala above Naraka (Hell), one of the three Lokas. For the Theosophist, they must become fully conscious in all the lokas and talas and sub-lokas and sub-talas before they truly know the Universe and themselves. On the subject of interdimensional travels in relation to multidimensional demonic entities, there is a film that I recommend called Event Horizon, a British-American science fiction horror film distributed in cinemas back in 1997, directed by Paul WS Anderson, and set mainly on a starship, called the “Event Horizon.” The story is more or less this: In 2047, a distress signal is received from the Event Horizon, a starship that disappeared during its maiden voyage to Proxima Centauri seven years before and mysteriously reappeared in a decaying orbit around Neptune. The Event Horizon spontaneously appears in orbit around Neptune. Searching the ship for signs of life, the rescue crew learns that the Event Horizon was responsible for testing an experimental engine that opened a rift in the space-time continuum, allowing a hostile interdimensional demonic entity on board the ship. This makes me think of the experiments with the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. The crew discovers an experimental gravity drive and the drive, surprise, surprise, generates an artificial black hole (exactly what they are trying to achieve at CERN) and is used to bridge two points in space-time, reducing travel time over astronomical distances. However, the crew soon discovers a video log of the Event Horizon’s crew going insane and mutilating each other. Let’s pray this never happens at CERN! The video log ends with a shot of the Event Horizon’s captain, who has apparently gouged out his own eyes, holding them up to the camera and saying in Latin, liberate tuteme ex inferis (“save yourself from Hell”). Maybe they should screen this film at CERN to remind them of the possible dangers of playing with a multi-dimensional reality.
FIG. 28 FBI Memorandum dated 8 July, 1947. The highlighted part supports the multi-dimensional hypothesis of the phenomenon.
The following is a rare historical gem I decided to include in my book. It is probably the only copy extant, a 12-page set of typed notes from a 1950 lecture on the subject of UFOs by the late Manly Palmer Hall, a 33° Mason and a prolific author often mentioned in my writings. The classic language and the prosaic perspective exercised by Manly P. Hall might disappoint some of you, but the document is nonetheless of great value for historical purposes.
by Manly Palmer Hall (33°), July 2, 1950
Typed lecture notes by Virginia B. Pomeroy
241 Orizaba Avenue, Long Beach 3, California
This morning our purpose is to analyze certain aspects of the human mind in connection with the mysterious case of the Flying Saucers. First of all, I would like to create a little parallel, something that will help folks to see just what we are up against in a matter of this kind. Quite a number of years ago a famous stage magician by the name of Harry Keller created a strange illusion, he perfected in stage magic the Illusion of levitation. Keller, who was a very able exponent of the art of conjuring, worked out a method by the means of which the human body could be suspended in the middle of a well-lit stage without any visible means of support. He was able to so project it that a committee, honestly chosen from the audience could walk around the stage and even could walk under the floating body.
Of course, in those days legerdemain was one of the principal forms of entertainment. It has failed in popularity because folks of our generation are insulted rather than amused when they are fooled. Keller gave his professional secret, the mystery of the floating lady, to Howard Thurston, who exhibited it to the public throughout his life. In order to add glamour to the spectacle, the scene was decked in Oriental splendor, like the Arabian Nights which brought to the mind of the beholder the wonderful story of the magic of the East, all of which contributed to the disorientation of his judgment, which was the necessary ingredient of such entertainment.
After watching this illusion a number of times from the audience, I used to listen to the explanations that were given. Those present knew in their common mind that it was a trick of some kind. The majority of these audiences assumed that and were not profoundly shaken in their judgment even though completely deceived by their eyes, which proved definitely that you cannot always believe what you see. There were, however, in such groups several classes of people, and there was always that little group interested in Eastern mysticism, which would have been willing to die to defend the belief that the lady actually floated, that it was done by a secret formula right out of the Arabian Nights. Nothing could have convinced them to the contrary.
Then there was another group semantically addicted to the belief that conjurers and mirrors were always associated. When you do not know how it is done, it is done by mirrors. So another group was very smug, happy and wise and knew all about it, it was done with mirrors. Having decided that, they gained proper distinction in their own eyes and among their associates and they were ready to enjoy the performance. There was another group with a more scientific type of mind. This group would gather in the corner of the lobby and explain in detail how it was all done with magnets. Magnets were the mysterious thing you could do anything with. It never occurred to these people to have it done by magnets would be more difficult than to have the lady actually float.
I listened to these groups explaining the wonder and it was only on rare occasions that anyone ever suggested anything that was close to the facts. In the first place, facts were too simple and in the second place, the mind was conditioned away from the prosaic understanding of the matter. It was very amusing because I happened to know how it was done after being present on a number of occasions when the device was assembled. They did not realize how perfectly, how simply and how completely the human mind can be misdirected. Of course, incidentally, we may say there was the lunacy fringe that had decided the whole audience had been hypnotized. But the real answer was very simple, but very cleverly and intelligently worked out.
Also when I was younger than I am now, considerably, I lived in a small town where circuses went by. One year before these more recent devices, such as the radio, but not before the party line on the telephones which was the great method of communication at the turn of the century, everybody listened to everybody else, the deepest rut in the linoleum was in front of the phone. On this occasion, an old, decrepit, dying, mangy lioness disappeared from one of the cages. In the following week, the lioness was sighted in an area of over five hundred miles. It was seen anywhere from three to ten places at the same time. It frightened dozens of reputable, honest, God-fearing citizens, all of the solid citizens. Then the lioness showed up dead two hundred yards from the circus tent. It had ambled over there and fallen dead. Yet all of those who reported having seen it were honest, God-fearing people, which brings us to a simple fact that has been studied and analyzed for centuries, that is the delusion of masses.
Once a story starts it is almost impossible to determine how far it will go and how many variations it will assume before the journey is ended. Like interesting fragments of gossip, it develops jet propulsion and also passes through innumerable transformations, so the final account has little resemblance to the original story. Knowing these tendencies of the human mind, these tendencies that are present in perfectly honest and honorable people, we have to approach all remarkable accounts, not in an effort to demonstrate how remarkable they are, but to discover, if possible some simple, natural, normal explanation, clinging to that until that explanation itself obviously falls. There are always levels of explanations ascending from the simple to the complex. We should carefully wear out every level, exhausting its most reasonable probabilities before we ascend to more rarefied strata of opinions.
Not long ago I was talking to a gentleman who had had a very bad moment, he had nearly killed a friend while out deer hunting. He told me the happiest moment of his life was the moment he realized he had missed him. But he said while he was aiming, while he was attempting to shoot what he believed to be the deer, which, of course, was obscured in the thicket, he would have taken an oath on any Bible and swear before God as a witness, that he actually believed he saw the deer. He saw movement, he saw movement in the underbrush, twig and branches took the actual appearance of antlers, and he was perfectly willing to swear that he saw the deer.
Now such visualization along lines of expectancy is not a new experience, and after a number of reports are circulated we have to recognize the possibility of such delusions. We must, however, bear in mind that the elements of delusion may not disprove the entire structure, but may account for certain difficulties which arrive later. I read an article recently on the flying saucers in which one researcher in the field was attempting to reconcile all the differences in the accounts, and trying to find an explanation large enough to include all the details of the various authentic statements.
This was to my mind a mistake. These authentic details will probably never be completely reconciled when all the facts are known. It is not necessary for us to verify every tiny thread of the report. It is impossible. These very threads may be so tangled and so exaggerated and enlarged in the retelling, that they obscure rather than contribute to a general statement of facts. The facts will probably show that a great many honest reports were untrue and that many very simple and factual elements were completely overlooked.
I do not believe there is any use in attempting to explain away the existence of these flying saucers. Even had we not the most recent reports, such as that which appeared in the last issue of the Readers Digest, and even before that, probably a year ago when Winchell mentioned the flying saucers in his column, telling the people not to worry, it was a government secret, even without these statements that have never been disputed there is still evidence enough that there is something, or several somethings, that has been seen.
Thus we may assume without any great exaggeration that something not previously generally considered is happening, and that there are basic truths under the stories of the flying saucers, that these truths like the levitation of the lady, have been explained very badly is also pretty evident, inasmuch as explanation utterly irreconcilable cannot all be right. Conversely, we can say they cannot all be wrong. That may also be possible, then again the truth may be a little different from all the reports, because it is hard to formulate reports where the necessary facts are not available.
But assuming for the moment that which I think we are entitled to assume without too much allowance for imagination, that something has been seen, and that the various reports about it like those matters in which they are in common agreement may have some validity, we are then confronted with the question of what we have seen. Nearly all accounts report several different things seen. Naturally, some of these accounts, including the flying cucumber, and the report of a great spaceship that took fifteen minutes to float across the horizon, and reached from side to side of the visual heavens, might be suspected of exaggeration. These things get larger the longer we think about them, and like the famous fish story, they improve with the telling and with the enthusiasm of the narrator.
The various things seen and described can be classified into various groups; one group consisting of the flying saucer which is round, almost round, oblong, concave and convex. That various sizes have been noted, we know, some being of no great size, and others being of considerable proportion. Then something resembling the jet propulsion machine, either without wings, or with exceedingly thin, fin-like extensions, propelled by a tremendous power from what appeared to be gills on the sides, the whole structure shaped roughly like a cigar, have also been described by several persons. Detached floating lights that are seemingly under control have also been noted. Rays, beams and lights, and such phenomena, disassociated from any visible structure have been reported. These might, theoretically, represent the distortion due to the pressure of the excitement of seeing something, but as the reports gather and fall naturally into several classifications they are worthy of being given consideration in those classifications.
But we must consider the type of person testifying. Several witnesses have been of more than common integrity, they have been specialists in various fields, they have been experts in aerial physics and things of that nature. We must also take into consideration the pressure of an enlarged legend and how this legend can bring with it a tendency toward the fulfillment of expectancy. No sooner had the mysterious missiles, or whatever they were, begun to accumulate as stories, then we began to have the same type of thing that we had in the story of the floating lady. We had a number of well-authenticated, well-documented forms of hysteria. Of course, the milleniumists moved in immediately.
This was a new indication of the end of the world and the Second Coming. I think that can be somewhat discounted. I do not believe the next Avatar will arrive on a flying saucer. In spite of the delinquencies of humanity, I am also loath to believe we are apt to be wiped out by the wrath of the Almighty, or something of that nature. Not the wrath of the Almighty, but the stupidity of man, is causing most of the trouble. So those who used the flying saucer as a “Repent ye, the day is at hand” made quite a stir at the time and worked upon the level of thinking that has been so tormented in the past by such procedures as to be rather receptive to the most incredible beliefs. This would be equivalent to tying the floating lady to the Arabian Nights, and making it appear it could be justified that the magician is a fakir of India or some other equally wonderful explanation.
The next question that arose was the possibility that the so-called flying saucers were a guided or propelled weapon, and that they were the result of experimental research in military armament. I imagine that if at any time since the flurry began Mr. Gallup had conducted a poll on public opinion, he would have found the idea that they were experimental research in arms was held by the majority of people, end to a degree this rather matter of fact attitude toward the subject would indicate that the mass mind is calmer and collected than any of the individual elements which compose it. If the flying saucer, the floating cigar, and the very highly stratified will-o’-the-wisp, if these were indications of armament projects, then naturally it would be difficult for the average citizen to pierce the protective wall which the government has placed around such research under prevailing world conditions.
I remember very well the flurry in Santa Fe and that area during the development of the atom bomb. Santa Fe is only a short distance from Los Alamos where so much of the research was carried on, and of course, the cracker barrel congress was held in the lobby of the Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe. It was there the great physicists brushed elbows with the agents of espionage from various countries. It was there that detectives and secret service men were breathing down each other’s necks all the time. It was here also we had a factory for rumors that was almost out of this world. Everyone had the inside of it. Everyone had a friend who had a friend who was in the know. The stories, when the facts became known, were all of them wrong, but each one was strongly defended by a group of champions who are now ready to defend something else equally uncertain.
I remember one day while I was down there in that mountain country, something happened that almost belongs in the department, projects flying saucers. Out on a ranch there of several thousand acres, and standing on the side of a hill with the view extending from ten, twenty or thirty miles, I noticed one afternoon an extraordinary roar. It was far stronger and more powerful than the sound of an ordinary airplane motor, even a large transport or passenger plane. Suddenly without any warning whatever, this roaring took on the proportions of a definite vibration and something moved at an incredible rate passing almost directly over the place where I was standing.
That it was moving very close to the ground was evidenced by the fact that pinion trees not more than ten feet high were bent half way to the ground. The thing passed in a fraction of a second, but I saw absolutely nothing although there was ample visibility for miles in the direction in which the sound seemed to fade out. What it was I have not the slightest idea, but I am quite certain it was not the Second Coming. The thought that came to mind was that it was a jet-propelled instrument of some kind, moving more rapidly than the human perception could follow, and by the time I could organize myself to look for it, it was gone. That almost certainly was the answer. It is also quite possible that the sound of the instrument, or whatever it was, was such that it actually was moving in the opposite direction from that which the sound seemed to be traveling, and in looking in one direction I failed to see it because it moved in the opposite direction.
Anyway, nothing was visible, it left no track of any kind, no smoke or gas, there was a terrific roar as it moved over the ground, bending the trees and it was gone. Well, at that time what was going on in these research laboratories was not known to us, but it seemed almost certain that it was a high powered, possibly jet-propelled plane. I thought no more of it and said nothing about it until it came to my mind in connection with the project saucer. Almost certainly these things have an explanation in terms of the incredible advancements that have been made in scientific research in recent years.
Considering the next problem we have to bear in mind also the association between the concept of the flying saucer and the rapidly intensifying science-fiction literature which is getting more and more attention in the popular mind each year. This is like tying the story of the floating lady to the Mahatmas of India. It is a fortuitous circumstance that reality and fiction should exist at the same time which would incline thousands, possibly millions of people, to enlarge their sense of the possible and cause them confusion when trying to estimate the probabilities.
We have become comparatively immune to such abstracts as interplanetary travel, we have become immune to the fantastic fortunes of Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon. We would not be surprised to see Superman float in our window at any minute; there might be a slight shook but nothing serious. We are being constantly conditioned by the pressure on one hand of a science fiction concept, and on the other hand by the quiet but intense findings of our great geophysicists and astrophysicists, and persons of that caliber. These groups seem to melt together and defend each other, but this defense is more of appearance than reality.
If we go beyond the second theory of the possibility of international armament, which we will come back to later, we come into the most delightful phase of the whole problem, and that is the problem of interplanetary or interworld communication. The reasonable and inevitable conclusion held by some as being demonstrable and the only adequate explanation is that the flying saucer is a spaceship. Back to our illusion, there is no doubt in the world that the lady floats because of magnets. Obviously, there is no other explanation except the scientific theory. Now the space-ship idea appeals to a great many people but it has been my observation during the two and a half years I have been watching it, that it appeals to the wrong people; that is, it has appealed to a group of people who represent a level of worry, a group that is always present and always ready to be involved in such problems.
One of the interesting phases has been to draw Charles Fort and some of his opinions into it in an effort to prove that mysterious atmospheric visitors have been reported for more than two hundred years. Now, if that can be proved then we have a new equation to consider, but before we consider it seriously let us remember that not only were the aeronautical sciences inferior two hundred years ago to anything we have today—in fact, unknown except to men like Leonardo—but the general approach to any phenomena was exceedingly inadequate. We have in the history of periods back to the beginning of time, reports of various things. Let us consider, for example, the accounts of comets.
Scientific books, and books of pseudo-scientific interest, borderline theories, very often include tables of comets, in which the shape, form, and appearance of comets are distinctly described. Some of them show as many as twenty forms of comets, each type in the form or shape of some familiar object, a comet exactly the shape of a sword with hilt and decoration, a comet exactly the shape of a snake with two eyes and a forked tongue, a comet exactly the shape of a crown with jewels set around it. These comets were claimed to have been seen, and one was reported in the form of a sword hanging over Jerusalem at the time of its fall, and a similar one was seen hanging over Mexico City at the time of Cortez.
Now I think we can safely say that in the experience of astronomy in the last two hundred years there have been no comets that exactly resembled swords. There are no comets that can be seen writhing away in the sky like snakes, and there are no comets that resemble physical articles so closely that the article itself seems to be floating there. So we must assume a considerable degree of interpretation. We can also find well-authenticated accounts of sea-serpents, lake monsters, and within the last two hundred years quite a collection of very justifiable, authentic and conscientious descriptions of mermaids.
These are not due to the desire to deceive, but it is believed that a certain type of penguin was mistaken at a distance for a mermaid. That is quite possible, although to me they look more like a groom at a wedding, but a dozen penguins standing on a piece of ice, just barely within the actual vision range of some old salt of the Seven Seas, suddenly developed long golden curls and started playing harps gesticulating wildly. These stories are not intentional fabrications, they are the result of the human mind looking for that which it expects, and taking a dim and uncertain form and clothing it in those expectations.
The problem of space navigation around this planet is one which remains as yet in the position of remote probability, nothing is impossible. We should be wise enough to realize that, and we should also be modest enough to recognize that other planets might have very well developed arts and sciences, far beyond our own accomplishments. At the same time we have incredible time factors. We have to begin to think of man or creature built machines that can go at the speed of light. We have to think of cosmic energy already controlled as a means of fuel.
We have to further assume that the production of spaceships on other planets, or other suns, or other planets revolving around other suns, would present innumerable difficulties. We have incredible difficulties, difficulties as to whether creatures of other worlds could even exist in the atmosphere of the earth, which would make it necessary for them to be protected by some special kind of device. We have already so completely embraced the concept of a trip to the moon that the first two or three journeys are already sold out and it will not be long until they will be subdivided with a slight additional charge for frontage facing the earth.
Some three, four or five years ago people believed so certainly that lost Lemuria was coming up near the coast of California that they even bought land that has not shown up yet. There is always someone to believe everything, but the problem of the spaceship as a solution to the present dilemma should be held, it seems to me, as a last recourse to be considered only when every other explanation fails. It involves too much that is imponderable to us, too large an explanation for what we see and for what we have seen. It makes the tail of the kite much longer than the kite and gives us such a tremendous disorientation that we should consider it carefully.
The concept, in fact, as far as can be discerned, landed on the public mind with a dull thud. It would be impossible to assume that we would have the present sense of complacency in the matter if we really believed that these ships navigated by intelligent creatures capable of building them were approaching and sailing around in good military formation, not alone entirely, but in bunches and clusters, without a definite reaction from the only group that could really estimate what it means, and that is, your scientific body.
The only person able to mentally envision even twenty-five percent of the implication would be your physicists, astrophysicists and your researcher in the fields of cosmic energy and atomic power. These particular people are not apparently suffering from unnervement. They are not collapsing on street corners, they are not wandering around their homes absent-mindedly as though the sword of Damocles was hanging over their heads, they are not breaking up and falling to pieces under the nerve tension of it. In fact, from these distant, austere ivory towers there is a thundering silence. The wrong people are talking about space navigation.
If there were a reasonable probability of these mysterious things actually being the spearhead of a possible “project earth” being carried on from elsewhere, this fact in itself would almost inevitably unite the earth in a common determination to devote every possible research of every nation to determining the aims, purposes and means available for such contact between this planet and another. We would have no more right to assume that such space visitors were friendly than we would have a right to assume they were unfriendly. If they exist and are capable of such methods of transportation they must be accepted as at least equal and possibly superior to ourselves in scientific accomplishment because if they exist they got to us well before we had the means to get to them, which would indicate a very high degree of scientific knowledge.
That these strangers for some reason might scout the outer atmosphere of the planet is fantastic but conceivable, but that they should suddenly take such an interest in these matters, gives us time for pause. Either those in the best position to know do not believe that these mysterious projectiles come from the outer atmosphere, they do not believe they are spaceships, or the whole group of them is the most idiotic combination ever recorded. They are stupid beyond concept if they believe or have any scientific evidence of penetration of our earth’s atmosphere from the outside and are still worrying about China, Korea, India, Russia, America, England or any other nation on the earth. If our experts are still pondering how to raise taxes, or lower the budget, or the politicians and statesmen of the world are still trying to cheat each other, in the presence of such a situation, then their imbecility is beyond calculation.
The least we should expect from those like Einstein, or other leaders In these fields, although they might be able to explain something created by another culture, is that they shall not be indifferent to its imponderables. If these people have information which they are not passing on to other leaders of the world, information that would unite the planet against a possible threat, if such things do not happen we must assume that those in a position to make them happen either know a great deal, or else are incapable of knowing anything. While there might be exceptions to both extremes it seems unlikely that we have a complete breakdown among all the leaders of our higher scientific and diplomatic life.
It would, therefore, appear, that unless we see more interest in preparing the planet on the basis of a global concept that we are not much concerned about this possibility. You will remember the result at the beginning of the second world war of the actions and intentions of Hitler when his planes flew over France without dropping a bomb, until the people hardly expected anything to happen, then suddenly without warning a terrific bombardment began. The possibility that spaceships floating in the earth’s atmosphere might be cruising about indefinitely for no reason is no better a possibility than that these are the spearhead of a project of some kind, and the earth, its people, its leaders, and scientists, should either be unrolling the red carpet for friendly visitors, or else getting into a position for taking care of unfriendly ones.
Neither procedure has been followed. Therefore, we can only assume that the spaceship theory is interesting people who are interested in the scientific-fiction approach to life, but not those deeply concerned with the salvation of the planet. There seem to be no reason for the assumption, and no actual proof, that these mysterious flying saucers and their retinues of other factors have to be explained as belonging to some other universe or coming to us from out of space.
There is an ingenious belief that the explosion of the atom bomb here and the recent report of something that happened in the flash of an instant, purported to be an explosion on Mars, might be tied together, and that the investigation of the planet is due to the reports of such atomic phenomena which has been noted by the astronomers and physicists on another planet, but this again more or less undermines the idea that scientific-fiction writers have advanced, that this touring around the earth’s atmosphere has been going on long before the atomic bomb.
The whole issue is a little too confused on these matters to require much further consideration along those lines. I think it is possible that someday there will be communication between planets, but we will have to make several very marked advances beyond even what we know as our atomic project before we will be ready to launch ourselves into the incredible vicissitudes of space, where we know with the highest concept of energy and power we possess today that even presuming we had all the equipment necessary, the human being would not live long enough to make the trip there and back, even with very old age.
That such things might happen on other planets where life might be different, where life may be longer and the problem of the rejuvenation of life has been accomplished, all this is possible, but where it means fifteen, twenty or twenty-five years of travel through space at an incredible speed, with fuel problems almost beyond estimation, traveling at a speed almost as great as that of light, we might be wise and look for something simpler, and only depend upon such a concept in an emergency. Where everything else fails we are forced to fall back on the miraculous as an explanation of the problem we face.
Now let us consider the problem that was originally advanced. and which has been more or less sustained by documentation and recent reports. We know that on various continents in secluded areas very elaborate experimental laboratories have been functioning for a number of years. We know that prior to the collapse of Germany the Germans were already pondering a number of ideas in relation to the development of atomic armament, and fantastic, scientific dreams about the earth’s outer atmosphere. Many of these scientists survived the disastrous collapse of Hitler’s regime, and have disappeared behind the Iron Curtain. It is known with reasonable certainty at least a few of these scientists are now cooperating with the Russian atomic project.
We also have every reason to believe that that project is situated in the great Mongolian area in a little community called the State of Tanna-Tuva, where many of these laboratories are underground and where research in atomic missiles and in the delivery of these missiles is under consideration. There are almost certainly other such centers of this research which will account for the reports of jet- propelled rockets, or something of that nature that were seen in a considerable number over Sweden and other Scandinavian countries several years ago. There are other reports that Britain has experimental projects in Australia and Canada. There is every reason to believe that even France may be carrying on moderate work in one of her lesser-known colonial possessions.
We do not know exactly where, but we can well imagine they could do a lot of private work in Madagascar, where the inhabitants seldom leave their own country, and very few people go there. That the United States has an elaborate research project we know too well to even question it, because the reports that come out, little by little, are backed up by every indication that we actually lead the world in that type of research.
That all these nations are searching for certain means which include both missiles and the delivery of missiles, and undoubtedly include a number of other problems relating to matters of which we have no knowledge—and probably it is not good that we necessarily have knowledge if that knowledge can be of any comfort or assistance to a real or potential enemy—cannot be questioned. We know, for example, that we hear very little about the development of bacteriological warfare, yet there have been hints of research in that field, and from material that has come to my hands, I do not think all of it is imagination.
There has been a hint of pollution warfare in which sources of, water can be so rapidly and definitely contaminated as to completely wipe out huge areas of civilian population. These things in themselves are very terrible to think about, very horrible to contemplate, but are still, apparently, the inevitable consequence of the materialistic trend of our way of life. We are dooming a great part of our own race to destruction by our own ingenuity. We have enough strength and resourcefulness to do this but we have not as yet sufficient greatness of heart and goodness of spirit to find constructive solutions to world problems. With the situation as it is we must realistically recognize a tremendous rise in atomic armament, a tremendous determination for one people to excel or exceed all others in the accomplishment of the instrument of offensive warfare.
There seem to be very good grounds for believing flying saucers are an experimental project in such warfare research. There has been some question as to where they came from. A recent opportunist film indicated they originated in Russia. I think probably that would cause Uncle Joe to have a broad smile under his mustache. I do not believe that is true. I think again it is the field of the unknown dramatized by the mystery of the Iron Curtain. We always wonder what someone is doing who is off in a corner where we cannot see him. It seldom interests us sufficiently to go over and explore, we simply sit down and wonder. The chances are if we go over we find him doing something just as useless as we would be doing under the same circumstances, probably nothing.
But with the conviction of Russia’s broad militaristic program, and the great chart or map of the Communist revolution dangling before our eyes, we are quite certain that with the various scientific minds that have been commandeered from other countries, the Russians could be well on their way toward the development of atomic science, and through spies, espionage and treason have most of our knowledge on the subject. Therefore, it would seem possible to some that these missiles might be of Russian origin.
This presents us, however, with another problem. Problems multiply when we contemplate them. One is, what would cause the massing of these missiles over certain areas of our own country where they would be extremely remote from their source or origin. If these missiles were developed within the boundaries of the Soviet Union, even in Mongolia, they would have to cross Japan, or at least the great Pacific wastes, and finally come here, almost halfway around the world. That such missiles traveling at such distances should be so completely controlled as to be able to move a little to the right or left when some airplane approaches them would be a little hard to believe in terms of guided missiles. That guided missiles might be brought within a reasonable scope of their objective, yes, but most of the reports of these projects indicate that the instrument was exceedingly sensitive in its reaction to almost any contact.
Well, we have again the dear old magnetic theories and other things to fall back on, but the fact seems to beg if the missiles were guided and came from another nation there would be a larger report of these disabled in various ways, disintegrated in mid-air, or things of that nature. It at least offers an interesting thought, but it seems unlikely as a first choice that if these missiles contained living persons and are guided by crews, which might be possible with the larger ones, that they would be used experimentally by one nation on the opposite side of the earth from its own laboratory and expose them to a number of accidents which might dump them and their entire secret right into the lap of the enemy.
Of course, there is the possibility of detonation equipment intended to destroy the instrument in case of disability. The possibility of such instruments themselves being destroyed when they become disabled brings up the problem of a crew that would have to bail out or die with it, and even if the crew died with it, there would be wreckage of some kind, so it would seem such an experiment would be carried on over an isolated area. That it should be so secret and so wonderful that no one is allowed to know anything about it, and yet to have the testing field on the opposite side of the earth presents too many technical difficulties to me.
Another consideration we have to face is, that for whatever espionage we have operated in countries dominated by the Soviet policy to have no way of determining the work going on there, this seems a little strange, and it also seems a little strange that absolutely no effort has been made by any of our equipped military forces to shoot down or attack any of them. Nothing has been done to pursue and investigate them. Where any effort has been made to contact them, it was instinctively on the part of some individual pilot who thought for a moment of trying to ram the disk or something of that nature. There is no program, as might be expected for those in authority being ordered to get hold of one of these disks. Even traveling at high speed over various areas a few potshots should have been taken at them.
An alert could have been created and still could be, by which some military emplacement would get a visible opportunity to turn anti-aircrafts on them, but no such thing has been done. Certainly, a foreign country sending such instruments without our knowledge could not complain if we attacked and destroyed them. In some instances, they have been reported as low as one thousand feet, in other instances as high as fifty, or twenty thousand feet, and at other places have been reported to be stationary for a considerable time. These reports indicate efforts could be made to bring them down if anyone wanted to do it.
There has gradually drifted out from the same sources a report that the facts about the saucers are known and those who apparently have the facts are not worried. I met one individual who has the facts, who was not talking. He did not tell me anything, but he was not collapsing from worries, in fact, he was playing bridge. Now with so heavy a cosmic secret as some folks would like to maintain, it does seem like he would have trumped his partner’s ace, but he was in good form. He was undoubtedly a member of the air intelligence and knew the answer.
The only conclusion that seems to be reasonable and carries a larger part of the story is that which is now beginning to drift to our contemplation, and that is that the flying saucers and the floating cigars are the products of our own research equipment, that the flying saucer is some type of research device, an experimental device for either defensive or offensive armament. It is the only practical explanation that exists. This explanation violates none of the essential facts of the matter. So prosaic an explanation should not immediately discourage us.
There is every indication that the secret of the flying saucer will come to the public in the relatively near future, that the time of useful secrecy is nearly passed. Whatever it is we will know, and whatever knowledge we receive will be received with mixed emotions by those who have already thought about it. Some will accept it when the explanation comes, other will insist that the explanation is only a blind to cover up the fact that Venus, or Mars, or a Fixed Star has frightened us out of our wits. Actually, almost certainly the explanation will be the correct one.
Upon the point of explanation, we can all speculate. Certainly, I have no further enlightenment on it than anyone else has. If anyone really knows it would be his duty to refrain from any factual statement as long as the government or intelligence service desires that it should be that way, but without any prior knowledge, therefore without any restrictions of secrecy we can speculate within the bounds of the reasonable. Our speculations may be as false as any other, but there are things that apparently are necessary for armament today, and we may be right to assume that that which is necessary to the balancing of the efficiency of our modern defense program would be the logical direction in which research would be carried on. We would be plugging weaknesses in our defense structure and also plugging weaknesses in our offensive program if we have to carry a program of offense into another nation’s territory.
The one thing that seems to me to have been a weakness, up to the moment, in nearly all the defense programs, and the offensive programs of other nations, is in the ingenuity for the discovery of such incredible instruments as the atomic bomb, the hydrogen bomb, the bacteriological bomb and the pollution bomb, the difficulty with all of them is delivery. The only way we have of delivering them at the moment is the old traditional forms. We can deliver them by controlled rockets which, however, as was proved in the blitz on England was not effective directly and against which various defenses could be created. We can deliver them in high-powered, high-flying airplanes, in which one plane in a large convoy of planes carries the bomb, but against this we will find a rising tide of defense. No matter how far we extend the ceiling for anti-aircraft, the enemy can extend the anti-aircraft defense. We have the problem of trying to reach a destination with various kinds of material.
We also have another problem which relates to protection against types of armament, which we can well imagine will be developed in other countries, but about which our public knows nothing. This interval of efficiency between available means of accomplishing certain projects, and the more desirable means, could explain the problem of saucers. It could well represent a guided missile or an instrument with a living crew, capable of certain advantages in the delivery of armament, in the delivery of bombs, or the delivery of some forms of material. They could also definitely be useful in the development of observation in the discovery and checking of the activities of an enemy.
But their construction, their formation, the way they operate suggest they have one of several possibilities, either they are going to be used for the distribution of rays or some natural force that could be the focal point, possibly some means of short- circuiting motors, or affecting or attacking various mechanized devices. or they could be used for the delivery of bombs, they could control or pilot robots, and function upon larger instruments and give the nation that has them complete control over the air.
That this type of thinking should be consistent with the projects as we know them, and with the temper and thought of our times, would seem to suggest that this is the general direction. There is always a possibility they may represent an entirely new dimension of cosmic rays or the penetration of some principle of energy by which we could have very definite advantages. There is a discussion as to the possibility of these devices being radioactive. That situation has not been satisfactorily solved. There is the report that some are luminous, according to others, they appear to be either a silver light or white disk. Whatever they may be they are most certainly instruments for the defense of a land, or for the extending of the power of the military into the land of the occupied, and there is much to indicate the experimental work is being carried on in the United States.
The question as to why such experiments are permitted in areas with considerable habitation, where there is the possibility of one of these huge disks, some being two hundred and fifty feet in diameter, falling to the earth, injuring individuals, or destroying property, has caused a number of speculations against it being developed here. It seems we would be endangering our population in the experimental research. Yet most accounts report these devices contain some means for their own annihilation. What this means is we are not aware. As far as I know, no one has seen one of them disintegrate and break up. There has been no wreckage to speak of, although one or two have reported it.
That the project may be in experimental stage and completely harmless is also a possibility. That it is extremely light, having the appearance of mass, but actually consisting of a small amount of any heavy material is suggested by the type of research. We have thought of it as containing motors and things of that type, but no report has been made that any such motor power has been used. It is possible the entire device in its experimental stage is completely harmless, and even if it should fall in a community would cause no more damage then a little consternation. We must therefore assume it is in an experimental stage and not equipped with whatever is intended to be used as a device of offense or defense.
That some of them are comparatively small might indicate they are involved in a new principle, either of motion or focus of energy of some kind. That they have practical utility is certain or else they would not be developed as a military project. These things have to pass very extreme groups of critics, scientists and research men before the army or navy would adopt them, and their utility must be demonstrated, or else a good probability of it, before the project begins. The project seems to have been running for several years, but is gradually emerging. The public mind does not seem to be unnecessarily anxious, and from everything indicated, the secret will soon be out.
But up to that time it is a very good example for those persons who wish to be thoughtful to assume the attributes, attitudes, and policies of mature thinking, and show how intelligent human beings can approach the unknown, and also give those of a less stable and substantial type of mind an opportunity to control their own thinking and escape from a tendency toward the fantastic. If we approach these things reasonably we shall generally be right; whereas, if we approach them too dramatically we shall be wrong.
The device in all probability is some highly specialized scientific structure intended to advance research. The device itself may not be the project, but some means of testing for something else, but whether it is a means to an end, or is the end itself, it is almost certainly humanly guided, humanly devised, and is being advanced in the unfoldment of necessary research into the great and powerful potentials of the planet. Beyond that, I think we shall simply have to wait until Uncle Sam decides to talk, and anyone who talks before that would be doing every one concerned a great unkindness.
Those who are familiar with actors like John Travolta, Jenna Elfman, and Tom Cruise, might also be familiar with Scientology, but not necessarily with the Ordo Templi Orientis. Kenneth Grant refers to Frater H (i.e. L. Ron Hubbard) as: “A confident trickster who wormed his way into the O.T.O. on the pretense of being interested in Magick.” Explaining this while Hubbard was still at large [1972], having grown wealthy and famous by a misuse of the secret knowledge which he had extracted out of Parsons. In Jack Parsons and the Fall of Babalon, Paul Rydeen clearly confirms the identity of Frater H, adding that: “Other writers refer to him merely as Frater X. The late Frater X’s identity is now clearly a matter of public record. I see no reason to do anything other than calling him by name. He was L. Ron Hubbard: philosopher, world traveler, science fiction author, and founder of Scientology.” 25
It began in the spring of 1945, when Parsons met a new aspirant to the Great Work, a young man called L Ron Hubbard. Hubbard’s magical potential was very great, and he made a considerable impression upon the members of Agape Lodge, especially on Betty, the mistress of Dr. Parsons—she soon found herself sleeping with him. Frater 210 (Dr. Parsons) was not unduly upset about this, for he had decided to follow even more closely in the Beast’s footsteps and find, by magical means, a Scarlet Woman, his own true Whore of the Stars. He proposed, in other words, to attract an elemental or familiar spirit: “About three months ago I met Ron Hubbard,” as Parsons wrote in July, 1945 to Crowley whom he addressed as “Most Beloved Father.” Continuing, “About 3 months ago I met Capt. L. Ron Hubbard, a writer and explorer of whom I had known for some time; He is a gentleman, red hair, green eyes, honest and intelligent and we have become great friends. He moved in with me about two months ago, and although Betty and I are still friendly, she has transferred her sexual affections to him.” Parsons’ letter to Crowley continues:
Although he has no formal training in Magick he has an extraordinary amount of experience and understanding in the field. From some of his experiences, I deduce he is in direct touch with some higher intelligence, possibly his Guardian Angel. He describes his Angel as a beautiful winged woman with red hair whom he calls the Empress…. He is the most Thelemic person I have ever met and is in complete accord with our own principles. He is also interested in establishing the New Aeon, but for cogent reasons, I have not introduced him to the Lodge.
We are pooling our resources in a partnership which will act as a parent company to control our business ventures. I think I have made a great gain, and as Betty and I are the best of friends, there is little loss … I need a magical partner. I have many experiments in mind. I hope my elemental gets off the dime (gets moving)—the next time I tie up with a woman it will be on (my) own terms.
Thy son, John.
The magical partner is a reference to Hubbard, not to a shakti or Scarlet Woman, as some of you might have initially supposed. In January 1946, Parsons devised an Operation to, as he put it, “obtain the assistance of an elemental mate.”26 How to attract an elemental (which one can turn into one’s familiar spirit) is set forth in the top-secret O.T.O. treatise entitled De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum cum Hominibus.27 This treatise was rewritten by Crowley, who added, of course, his own characteristic touches. In the following two months, Parsons set to work to obtain his goal. At the end of February 1946, Parsons returned to the Mojave Desert and invoked Babalon. He gives no further details of this, unfortunately. All he does say is that during this invocation: “the presence of the Goddess came upon me, and I was commanded to write the following communication.”
This communication, which purports to be the words of Babalon, consists of 77 short verses. Whether it was a direct voice, trance, or inspired writing, he does not say. The answer probably lies in his Magical Record for this period, but as far as I know, it has not survived. This communication of 77 verses he entitled Liber 49. He does not explain the title, but no doubt considered such explanation unnecessary since 49 is a number sacred to Babalon.
A few days after receiving Liber 49, Parsons put in hand the ritual preparations as indicated in the text. Again in his own words:
On March 1 and 2, 1946, I prepared the altar and equipment in accordance with the instructions in Liber 49. The Scribe, Ron Hubbard, had been away about a week and knew nothing of my invocation of BABALON, which I had kept entirely secret. On the night of March 2, he returned and described a vision he had had that evening, of a savage and beautiful woman riding naked on a great cat-like beast. He was impressed with the urgent necessity of giving me some message or communication. We prepared magically for this communication, constructing a temple at the altar with the analysis of the keyword. He was robed in white, carrying a lamp, and I in black, hooded, with the cup and dagger. At his suggestion, we played Rachmaninov’s Isle of the Dead as background music and set an automatic recorder to transcribe audible occurrences. At approximately 8 am he began to dictate, I transcribing directly as I received. 28
He wrote to Crowley that he had followed the VIII° instruction carefully, with a talisman consecrated in the proper manner, the rite ending with the command to the spirit in question to appear visibly before him. For this class of magic (VIII°), one needs no assistant for it is sexual magic of the solitary kind (i.e. masturbation), but Parsons chose to perform the rite in the presence of Ron Hubbard. The fact L. Ron Hubbard was present at the VIII° ritual implies by O.T.O. rules and regulations 29 that he was an Eighth Degree (VIII°) member of the Ordo Templi Orientis. Parsons was wearing a black hooded robe, and Hubbard a white one. Thundering away in the background was one of Prokofiev’s piano concerto or Rachmaninov’s symphonic poem, Island of the Dead. The ritual must have been one of Parson’s or Hubbard’s own making, for it went on for about eleven nights. Hubbard, it seems, partly instructed Parsons. The magic drive which Parsons was screaming for most of the time (if not the puerility of his verses to Babalon, the Scarlet Woman) would have offended Crowley’s sense of magical propriety. Another letter to Crowley contained a further account of the operation:
For the last three days, I have performed an operation of birth, using the air tablet, the cup, and a female figure, properly invoked by the wand, then sealed upon the altar. Last night I performed an operation of symbolic birth and delivery.
The Air Tablet, or the Elemental tablets of Fire, Earth, and Water is the magical system of John Dee and his scryer, Edward Kelly, which Crowley had successfully worked during 1909 in the North African desert with his chela, Victor Neuburg. The wand was his penis; the talisman was placed on the altar, symbol of the womb. The only immediate result of this operation was a violent and unnatural wind storm. “The wind storm is very interesting,” wrote Parsons to his Most Beloved Father, “but that is not what I asked for.” In February 1946, the gestation period ended and the elemental inhuman form appeared. Frater 210 wrote exultingly to Crowley: “I have my elemental! She turned up one night after the conclusion of the Operation and has been with me since, although she goes back to New York next week. She has red hair and slant green eyes as specified. If she returns she will be dedicated as I am dedicated!”
Her name was Marjorie Cameron. Crowley replied: “I am particularly interested in what you have written to me about the elemental because for some little time past I have been endeavoring to intervene personally in this matter on your behalf. I would, however, have you recall Lévi’s aphorism: ‘The love of the Magus for such things is insensate and may destroy him.’” With his Scarlet Woman (Marjorie Cameron) and in the presence of Hubbard, Parsons began to perform IX° magic to produce another higher being. “I can hardly tell you,” he wrote somewhat incoherently to the Beast:
I am under the command of extreme secrecy. I have had the most important—devastating experience of my life between February 2nd and March 4th. I believe it was the result of the IX° working with the girl who answered my elemental summons. I have been in direct touch with One who is most Holy and Beautiful as mentioned in The Book of the Law. I cannot write the name at present. First instructions were received directly through Ron the seer. I have followed them to the letter. There was a desire for incarnation. I do not yet know the vehicle, but it will come to me, bringing a secret sign. I am to act as instructor guardian for nine months; then it will be loosed on the world. That is all I can say now…
Not the sort of letter to please the Beast, and he replied thus: “I thought I had a most morbid imagination, as good as any man’s but it seems I have not. I cannot form the slightest idea what you can possibly mean.”
And to Frater Saturnus (Karl Germer) in New York, Crowley wrote: “Apparently Parsons or Hubbard or somebody is producing a Moonchild. I get fairly frantic when I contemplate the idiocy of these louts.” But the “lout” Hubbard had a great business ability, and later founded his celebrated Church of Scientology. The two magicians in Pasadena quarreled, and Hubbard departed with Betty in Parsons’ yacht. Frater 210 put on his magic robe, seized his wand, entered the magic circle and performed the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram, which is preliminary to all magical work, then a full invocation of Bartzabel, the spirit of Mars, whose aid he sought. The result: “a squall blew the yacht to the rocks. I have them tied up; they cannot move without going to jail,” he wrote gleefully. 30
FIG. 29 Journal article cutout dedicated to Crowley and Hubbard in the Sunday Times of October 5, 1969.
In October 1969, the London Sunday Times exposed Hubbard’s magickal connections with Aleister Crowley. The Scientologists threatened legal action and the Sunday Times, unsure of its legal position, paid a small out-of-court settlement. Without retracting their earlier article, they printed a statement submitted by the Scientologists:
Hubbard broke up black magic in America: Dr. Jack Parsons of Pasadena, California, was America’s Number One solid fuel rocket expert. He was involved with the infamous English black magician Aleister Crowley who called himself “The Beast 666.” Crowley ran an organization called the Order of Templars Orientalis [sic, actually “Ordo Templi Orientis”] over the world which had savage and bestial rites. Dr. Parsons was head of the American branch located at 100 Orange Grove Avenue [actually 1003 South Orange Grove Avenue], Pasadena, California. This was a huge old house which had paying guests who were the U.S.A. nuclear physicists working at Cal. Tech. Certain agencies objected to nuclear physicists being housed under the same roof.
L. Ron Hubbard was still an officer of the U.S. Navy because [sic] he was well-known as a writer and a philosopher and had friends amongst the physicists, he was sent in to handle the situation. He went to live at the house and investigated the black magic rites and the general situation and found them very bad…. Parsons wrote to Crowley in England about Hubbard. Crowley “the Beast 666” evidently detected an enemy and warned Parsons. This was all proven by the correspondence unearthed by the Sunday Times. Hubbard’s mission was successful far beyond anyone’s expectations. The house was torn down. Hubbard rescued a girl they were using. The black magic group was dispersed and destroyed and has never recovered. The physicists included many of the sixty-four top U.S. scientists who were later declared insecure and dismissed from government service with so much publicity.31
During the Scientologist’s case against Gerald Armstrong in 1984, the original of this particular statement was produced. It is in Hubbard’s handwriting and the statement is mistaken on several points. Karl Germer, not Parsons, was in charge of Crowley’s organization in America. Parsons, known as Frater Belarion or Frater 210, was head of the single “Church of Thelema,” or “Agape Lodge,” in Pasadena. Hubbard’s opening statement, the claim to have broken up black magic in America, is of course, ridiculous.
Hubbard did, however, contribute significantly to Jack Parsons financial difficulties. There is no evidence to support the claim that Hubbard was working for Intelligence. Parsons’ FBI file shows that he was routinely investigated from 1943 onwards, because of his peculiar lifestyle. There is no mention of Hubbard in the file and despite investigations, Parsons retained his high-security classification until shortly before his death in 1952. However, the Scientology statement does admit Hubbard’s involvement with Parsons. In a bulletin written for Scientologists in 1957, Hubbard said this of the man whose black magic group he had “dispersed.” He described Parsons as: “One chap, by the way, gave us solid fuel rockets and assist take-offs for airplanes too heavily loaded and all the rest of this rocketry panorama and who [sic] formed Aerojet in California and so on. The late Jack Parsons… was not a chemist, the way we think of chemists… He eventually became quite a man.” 32
Parsons was indeed quite a man. He was one of the developers of Jet Assisted Take-Off (JATO) units and an original member of CalTech’s rocket project, which became the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Hubbard also had something to say about Aleister Crowley, Parsons’ mentor. In the Scientology Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures, given by Hubbard in 1952, there are several references to Crowley. Hubbard made it clear that he had read Crowley’s pivotal Book of the Law. He also said: “The magic cults of the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th centuries in the Middle East were fascinating. The only work that has anything to do with them is a trifle wild in spots, but it’s fascinating work… written by Aleister Crowley, the late Aleister Crowley, my very good friend. It’s very interesting reading to get hold of a copy of a book, quite rare, but it can be obtained, The Master Therion … by Aleister Crowley. He signs himself ‘The Beast,’ the mark of the Beast, six sixty-six.” In another Hubbard lecture we are told: “One fellow, Aleister Crowley, picked up a level of religious worship which is very interesting—oh boy! The Press played hockey with his head for his whole lifetime. The Great Beast—666. He just had another level of religious worship. Yes, sir, you’re free to worship everything under the Constitution so long as it’s Christian.”33
FIG. 30 Alleged members of the Vrilerinnen, also known as the Vril-Damen—Maria, Traute, Sigrun, Gudrun and Heike—who are said to have channeled transmissions that dictated diagrams and blueprints of advanced flying machines, complete with the mathematics and physics to go with them from 1922 to 1945.
Hubbard’s work will begin in that period, in the early 1950s, a program of ideas in a book called Dianetics, which was distributed through the Dianetics Foundation, but the foundation soon entered bankruptcy and in 1952, Hubbard lost all the rights to his seminal publication entitled, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, published two years earlier in 1950.
He then recharacterized the whole subject as a pseudo-religion and renamed it Scientology, retaining the terminology, doctrines, the E-meter, and the infamous practice of auditing, which he previously outlined in his book. Within a year, he regained the rights to Dianetics and retained both subjects under the umbrella of the Church of Scientology or the Church of Fear as suggested by the title of John Sweeney’s book released in 2013, 34 on this dangerous sectarian reality.
Scientology is apparently tied to the mysterious Xenu, a kind of alien Satan. Xenu also called Xemu, was, according to Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who 75 million years ago brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm. These events are known within Scientology as “Incident II” and the traumatic memories associated with them as “The Wall of Fire” or “R6 implant.” The narrative of Xenu is part of Scientologist teachings about extraterrestrial civilizations and alien interventions in earthly events, collectively described as “space opera” by Hubbard. Hubbard detailed the story in Operating Thetan level III (OT III) in 1967, warning that the “R6 implant” (past trauma) was “calculated to kill (by pneumonia, etc.) anyone who attempts to solve it.”
Within the Church of Scientology, the Xenu story is part of the church’s secret Advanced Technology, considered a sacred and esoteric teaching, which is normally only revealed to members who have completed a lengthy sequence of courses costing large amounts of money, 35 but the church officially denies this. A statement quoted by The Telegraph in 2012 said: “Scientology holds no such belief. Adding, Any suggestion otherwise is as absurd as asserting that those of the Christian faith believe themselves descended from aliens because they believe there is a Heaven.” 36 Despite this, much material on Xenu has leaked to the public via court documents, copies of Hubbard’s notes, and the Internet. 37
In the short term, Hubbard with his questionable Bridge to Total Freedom and the creation of what Rolling Stone described as America’s “most controversial religion,” 38 has certainly served the dark side and Satan, in a much more effective way than Crowley’s O.T.O. However, Crowley laid the foundations for Hubbard’s work and the work of many other False Prophets of the New Age.
L. Ron Hubbard’s son confirms this in his 1983 interview with Penthouse Magazine. L. Ron Hubbard Jr., ( Ron DeWolf ) stated: “I believed in Satanism. There was no other religion in the house! Scientology and black magic. What a lot of people don’t realize is that Scientology is black magic that is just spread out over a long time period. To perform black magic generally takes a few hours or, at most, a few weeks. But in Scientology, it’s stretched out over a lifetime and so you don’t see it. Black magic is the inner core of Scientology—and it is probably the only part of Scientology that really works. Also, you’ve got to realize that my father did not worship Satan. He thought he was Satan. He was one with Satan.”
According to Hubbard’s son, the inner core of Scientology is involved with black magic and Satanism! In this shocking interview to Penthouse Magazine, L. Ron Hubbard Jr., also explains in detail his father’s fascination for Aleister Crowley’s occult practices since the tender age of sixteen:
That involvement goes back to when he was sixteen, living in Washington. D.C. He got hold of the book by Aleister Crowley called The Book of Law. He was very interested in several things that were the creation of what some people call the Moon Child. It was basically, an attempt to create an immaculate conception—except by Satan rather than by God. Another important idea was the creation of what they call embryo implants—of getting a satanic or demonic spirit to inhabit the body of a fetus. This would come about as a result of black-magic rituals, which included the use of hypnosis, drugs, and other dangerous and destructive practices. One of the important things was to destroy the evidence if you failed at this immaculate conception. That’s how my father became obsessed with abortions. I have a memory of this that goes back to when I was six years old. It is certainly a problem for my father and for Scientology that I remember this. It was around 1939, 1940, that I watched my father doing something to my mother. She was lying on the bed and he was sitting on her, facing her feet. He had a coat hanger in his hand. There was blood all over the place. I remember my father shouting at me. “Go back to bed!” A little while later a doctor came and took her off to the hospital. She didn’t talk about it for quite a number of years. Neither did my father.39
FIG. 31 Maria Orsitsch, also known as Maria Orsic, was a famous medium who later became the leader of the Vril Society.
The first hint of the Vril Society’s existence would seem more like a scene out of one of Dennis Wheatley’s occult thrillers. In the news media, on 25 April 1945, it was reported:
A group of battle-weary Russian soldiers were making their cautious way through the shattered remnants of Berlin, mopping up the isolated pockets of German resistance that remained in the heart of the Third Reich. The soldiers moved carefully from one wrecked building to another, in a state of constant readiness against the threat of ambush. In a ground-floor room of one blasted building, the soldiers made a surprising discovery. Lying in a circle on the floor were the bodies of six men, with a seventh corpse in the center. All were dressed in German military uniforms and the dead man in the center of the group was wearing a pair of bright green gloves. The Russians’ assumption that the bodies were those of soldiers was quickly dispelled when they realized that the dead men were all Orientals. One of the Russians, who was from Mongolia, identified the men as Tibetans. It was also evident to the Russian soldiers that the men had not died in battle but seemed to have committed suicide.
Over the following week, hundreds more Tibetan bodies were discovered in Berlin: some of them had clearly died in battle, while others had committed ritual suicide, like the ones discovered by the Russian unit. What were Tibetans doing in Nazi Germany towards the end of the Second World War? 40 The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, represented as a Swastika made up of Sig runes—which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya, emitting radiation in the form of Vril. The term Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (Sun Wheel), is a symbol of esoteric and occult significance. Its design is based on a sun wheel mosaic incorporated into the floor of the Obergruppenführer Hall (SS Generals’ Hall) in Wewelsburg Castle. It is not known with any certainty whether this symbol was placed in the marble floor at Wewelsburg before or during the National Socialist Regime. 41
There remains speculation as to whether the symbol was placed in the hall by the Nazis, or whether it was there previously, but there is no definitive proof either way. Today this symbol is also used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft—inspired esotericism—but not necessarily in a racial or neo-Nazi context. However, the Black Sun is often associated with the mystic-esoteric aspects of National Socialism. 42 The origin of this post-war SS mysticism, which refers to the Black Sun, not as a symbol, but as a kind of esoteric concept, is the right-wing Illuminati esoteric circle founded in the early 1950s in Vienna by former SS member Wilhelm Landi (1909-1997), known as the Landig Circle, Vienna Group, or Vienna Lodge. 43
The Vril Force or Vril Energy was said to be derived from the Black Sun, a big ball of Prima Materia, which supposedly exists in the center of the Earth, giving light to the Vril-ya, and putting out radiation in the form of Vril. The Vril Society believed that Aryans were the actual biological ancestors of the Black Sun. This force was known to the ancients under many names and it has been called “Chi,” “Ojas,” “Vril,” “Astral Light,” “Odic Forces” and “Orgone.” In a discussion of the 28th degree of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry—called Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept—Albert Pike said: “There is in nature one most potent force, by means whereof a single man, who could possess himself of it and should know how to direct it, could revolutionize and change the face of the world.”
This is the force that the inner occult circle of Thule were so desperately trying to unleash upon the world, for which the mysterious Vril Society had apparently groomed Adolf Hitler. Vril is a substance first described in Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s 1871 novel, The Coming Race which was later reprinted as Vril: The Power of the Coming Race. The novel is an early example of science fiction. However, many early readers believed that its account of a superior subterranean master race and the energy-form called Vril was accurate, to the extent that some theosophists accepted the book as truth. The Coming Race was originally published anonymously in late 1871, but Bulwer-Lytton was known to be the author. Samuel Butler’s Erewhon, (“Nowhere”—in reverse) was also published anonymously, in March, 1872 and Butler suspected that its initial success was due to it being taken by many as a sequel by Bulwer-Lytton to The Coming Race.
The use of Vril in the novel among the Vril-ya, vary from an agent of destruction to a healing substance. According to Zee, the daughter of the narrator’s host, Vril can be changed into the mightiest agent over all types of matter, both animate and inanimate.
It can destroy like lightning or replenish life, heal, or cure. It is used to render ways through solid matter. Its light is said to be steadier, softer and healthier than that from any flammable material. It can also be used as a power source for animating mechanisms. Vril can be harnessed by use of the Vril staff, or by mental concentration. A Vril staff is an object in the shape of a wand or a staff, which is used as a channel for Vril. 44
It is also said that if an army met another army and both had command of the Vril-force, both sides would be annihilated. Considering Bulwer-Lytton’s alleged occult background, many commentators were convinced that the supposedly fictionalized Vril was based on a real magical force. Helena Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, endorsed this view in her book Isis Unveiled (1877) and again in “Die Geheimlehre” or The Secret Doctrine (1888). Blavatsky’s esotericism was virulently anti-Christian, however the racial ideas of Madame Blavatsky, concerning root races and the emergence of a spiritually-developed type of human being in the Aquarian Age, were avidly accepted by the nineteenth-century German nationalists who mixed Theosophical occultism with anti-Semitism, 45 and the doctrine of the racial supremacy of the Aryan or Indo-European peoples.
Edward Bulwer-Lytton, 1st Baron Lytton PC (25 May 1803 – 18 January 1873), was an English novelist, poet, playwright, and politician. He was immensely popular with the reading public and wrote a stream of bestselling novels which earned him a considerable fortune. In 1870, the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.) appointed Bulwer-Lytton as their “Grand Patron.” Although Bulwer-Lytton apparently complained about this by letter in 1872, the claim has never been revoked. 46
The S.R.I.A is a Masonic Christian Rosicrucian order formed by Robert Wentworth Little between 1865, and 1866 or 67, depending on the source and reclutes their members from the ranks of subscribing Master Masons from the United Grand Lodge of England. The structure and grade of this order, as A. E. Waite suggests, were derived from the 18th-century German Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross. It later became the same grade system used for the Golden Dawn. Lytton’s association with many contemporary occultists in his day, such as Eliphas Lévi, has also caused speculation about his actual affiliation or possible link to the birth of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a magical order which practices theurgy and spiritual development, that was officially founded after Baron Lytton’s death in 1887.
The three founders, William Robert Woodman, William Wynn Westcott, and Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers were Freemasons and members of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.) Westcott appears to have been the initial driving force behind the establishment of the Golden Dawn. 47 Author Theo Paijmans, in his book Free Energy Pioneer, states that:
According to Wynn Wescott, one of the founders of the Golden Dawn, in 1850 Bulwer-Lytton was appointed “member in absence” of the exclusive German high-grade Rosicrucian lodge “Karl zum aufgehenden Licht” based in Frankfurt. This ancient lodge was founded in the 18th century and was one of the last representatives of a German Masonic-alchemical Rosicrucian system … Bulwer-Lytton allegedly corresponded with this lodge and became intimate with their alchemical teachings and doctrines. 48
While Bulwer-Lytton’s honorary membership in the German Masonic lodge, Carl zum aufgehenden Licht #273 is now confirmed, his alleged membership in another Lodge in the same city called Zur aufgehenden Morgenröthe, has been proven wrong. 49 Known Illuminati researcher Terry Melanson explains that: “The Vril Society or The Luminous Lodge combined the political ideals of the Order of the Illuminati with Hindu mysticism, Theosophy, and the Cabbala. It was the first German nationalist groups to use the symbol of the swastika as an emblem linking Eastern and Western occultism. The Vril Society presented the idea of a subterranean matriarchal, socialist utopia ruled by superior beings who had mastered the mysterious energy called the Vril Force.”
The existence of a Vril-Society was mentioned for the first time after the Second World War by Louis Pauwels, in his 1954 book titled Monsieur Gurdjieff, 50 where he claimed that the Vril Society had been founded by General Karl Haushofer, a student of Russian magician and metaphysician Georges Gurdjieff. The Vril-Society, was later discussed in greater detail in 1960, by the same Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, in their bestselling book, The Morning of the Magicians, where they claimed that the Vril-Society was a secret community of occultists present in pre-Nazi Berlin, described as a sort of inner circle of the Thule Society. They also thought that it was in close contact with the English group known as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
The Vril information takes up about a tenth of the volume, the remainder of which details other esoteric speculations, but the authors fail to clearly explain whether this section is fact or fiction. Historians have often shown that there has been no actual historical foundation for the claims of Pauwels and Bergier and that the article of Willy Ley, that I will talk about shortly, has only been a vague inspiration for their own ideas. Nevertheless, Pauwels and Bergier influenced a whole new literary genre dealing with the alleged occult influences of National Socialism, 51 that is taken more seriously in recent years by mainstream historians, but have however defined the Vril Society as fictional. It is said that in this branch of the Illuminati network they practiced methods of concentration and a whole system of internal gymnastics by which they would be eventually transformed. Terry Melanson writes that:
These methods of concentration were probably based on Ignatius Loyola’s Spiritual Exercises. The Jesuit techniques of concentration and visualization are similar to many occult teachings, especially in shamanic cults and Tibetan Buddhism. The Nazi’s revered these Jesuit Spiritual Exercises, which they believed had been handed down from ancient Masters of Atlantis.... The occultists of the time knew that Ignatius was a Basque—some claimed that the Basque people were the last remnant of the Atlantean race—and the proper use of these techniques would enable the reactivation of the Vril for the dominance of the Teutonic race over all others. The Vril Society believed that whoever becomes master of the Vril will be the master of himself, of others around him and of the world. The belief was that the world will change and the “Lords” will emerge from the center of the Earth. Unless we have made an alliance with them and become “Lords” ourselves, we shall find ourselves among the slaves, on the dung-heap that will nourish the roots of the New Cities that will arise.52
FIG. 32 The cover of the first English edition in 1981 by Gerald Suster, Hitler and the Age of Horus, which shows a deep knowledge of the esoteric symbolism in which we note Hitler and Horus as a kind of two faced Janus, linked to the natural cycles of time so dear to the followers of Thelema, the religion promoted by Crowley, that believes that the history of humanity is divided into a series of aeons (also written æons), This is the Aeon of Horus, which was controlled by the child god, symbolised by Horus. In this new aeon, Thelemites believe that humanity will enter a time of self-realization and self-actualization.
FIG. 33 (left to right) Heinz Haber, Wernher von Braun, Willy Ley.
In The Unknown Hitler, Wulf Schwarzwaller writes:
In Berlin, Haushofer had founded the Luminous Lodge or the Vril Society. The Lodge’s objective was to explore the origins of the Aryan race and to perform exercises in concentration to awaken the forces of “Vril.” Haushofer was a student of the Russian magician and metaphysician George Gurdjieff. Both Gurdjieff and Haushofer maintained that they had contacts with secret Tibetan lodges that possessed the secret of the “Superman.” The Lodge included Hitler, Aalfred, Rosenberg, Himmler, Goring and Hitler’s subsequent personal physician Dr. Morell. It is also known that Aleister Crowley and Gurdjieff sought contact with Hitler. Hitler’s unusual powers of suggestion become more understandable if one keeps in mind that he had access to the “secret” psychological techniques of Gurdjieff which, in turn, were based on the teachings of the Sufis and the Tibetan lamas and familiarized him with the Zen teaching of the Japanese Society of the Green Dragon.53
The evidence of the existence of the Vril Society comes from none other than Willy Ley (1906-1969), a German-born scientist and scientific writer who emigrated to the USA in 1935, best known for his historic conversation with German rocket scientists (and ex-Nazi), Wernher Von Braun. Highlights of this conversation recorded June 9th and 23rd, 1959, in New York City and Redstone Arsenal, Huntstville, Alabama, including the development of the German rocket programs during WWII and the space program in the 1950s. A few years earlier, Ley wrote a revealing article entitled, Pseudoscience in Naziland published in May 1947, in the science fiction magazine Astounding Science Fiction. In this article, Ley attempts to explain to his readers how National Socialism could have fallen on such a fertile ground in Germany. 54
Basically, Willy Ley explained how the high popularity of irrational convictions in Germany during the time, was actually crucial for the rise of Nazism. Among other pseudo-scientific groups present in Nazi Germany, he mentions one in particular, in search of the Vril, that partly confirms the existence of the Vril Society, that Ley called the “Society for Truth” (in German Wahrheitsgesellschaft), probably omitting the real name for fear of reprisals by the many high level German Nazi’s, like Von Braun, who moved to the USA in those years, protected by American counter-intelligence, who recruited former Gestapo officers, SS veterans and Nazi collaborators to oppose the Soviet Union. This is the crucial passage of the article in question by Willy Ley:
The next group was literally founded upon a novel. That group which I think called itself Wahrheitsgesellschaft—Society for Truth—and which was more or less localized in Berlin, devoted its spare time looking for Vril. Yes, their convictions were founded upon Bulwer-Lytton’s The Coming Race. They knew that the book was fiction, Bulwer-Lytton had used that device in order to be able to tell the truth about this “power.” The subterranean humanity was nonsense, Vril was not, Possibly it had enabled the British, who kept it as a State secret, to amass their colonial empire. Surely the Romans had had it, enclosed in small metal balls, which guarded their homes and were referred to as lares. For reasons which I failed to penetrate, the secret of Vril could be found by contemplating the structure of an apple, sliced into halves. No, I am not joking, that is what I was told with great solemnity and secrecy. Such a group actually existed, they even got out the first issue of a magazine which was to proclaim their credo. (I wish I had kept some of these things, but I had enough books to smuggle out as it was.) 55
Nonetheless, the mondialist occult elite are still denying to this day the very existence of the Vril Society, scared of the truth behind links with its members to an interdimensional reality. The German Wikipedia for example, describes the Vril society as complete fiction in the very first sentence. 56 But who were the members of the Vril Society and how did they operate?
The Vril Society was apparently formed by a group of female psychic mediums led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Cen Tauri, in the Aldebaran system. Allegedly, these aliens had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-Il” (“like god”). A second medium was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotan’s nine daughters in Norse legend. The Society taught concentration exercises, in an attempt to awaken the forces of Vril with their main goal to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight) to reach Aldebaran. To achieve this, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft, to fund an ambitious program involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations from the Aldebaran aliens. Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Göring, and Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. These were the original members of the Thule Society, which supposedly joined Vril in 1919.
The NSDAP (NationalSozialistische Deutsche ArbeiterPartei) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later. Dr. Krohn, who helped to create the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist. With Hitler gaining power in 1933, both Thule and Vril Gesellschafts allegedly received official state backing for continued disc development programs aimed at both spaceflight and possibly a war machine. After 1941, Hitler forbade secret societies, so both Thule and Vril were documented under the SS E-IV unit. The claim of an ability to travel in some interdimensional mode is similar to Vril claims of channeled flight with the Jenseitsflugmaschine (Other World Flight Machine) and the Vril Flugscheiben (Flight Discs). 57
The origins of The Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn are still a matter for dispute. Somehow or other, some coded manuscripts fell into the hands of two gentlemen interested in the occult, Dr. Woodford and Dr.Wynn Westcott. When deciphered, these manuscripts turned out to consist of some skeletonic rituals, and the address of a certain adept, one Anna Sprengel, who lived in Nuremberg. Dr. Westcott asked an occult scholar Samuel Liddell (or Liddel) MacGregor Mathers, to assist him. Mathers agreed to write a series of suitable rituals based upon the skeletons, and Westcott wrote to Anna Sprengel and received a charter to found an Order and much occult teaching. Now, it has been alleged that Anna Sprengel never existed and that the Golden Dawn was the creation of Westcott and Mathers, but this does not really matter; the Golden Dawn is important for what it was and not for who founded it. We can at least state that it was founded in 1888.
In 1891, it was claimed that Anna Sprengel died, her successors in Nuremberg broke off all correspondence, and that they urged the English magicians to formulate their own links with the Secret Chiefs. Who or what were these mysterious beings? It seems that they were the same as the Hidden Masters of Blavatsky or the Unknown Supermen of Lytton. 58 In 1892, S. L. Mathers claimed to have formulated a link with them, and his description is of interest:
Concerning the Secret Chiefs of the Order, to whom I make reference… I can tell you nothing. I know not even their earthly names. I know them only by certain secret mottoes, I have but very rarely seen them in the physical body, and on such rare occasions, the rendezvous was made astrally by them. They met me in the flesh at the time and place appointed beforehand. For my part I believe them to be human and living on this earth but possessing terrible superhuman powers. When such rendezvous has been in a much-frequented place there has been nothing in their personal appearance or dress to make them out as differing in any way from ordinary people except the appearance and sensation of transcendent health and vigour … which was their invariable accompaniment; in other words, the physical appearance which the possession of the Elixir of Life had traditionally been supposed to confer. On the other hand when the rendezvous has been in a place free from any access by the Outer World they have usually been in symbolic robes and insignia. But my physical intercourse with them on these rare occasions has shown me how difficult it is for a Mortal, even though advanced in Occultism, to support the presence of an Adept in the physical body … the sensation was that of being in contact with so terrible a force that I can only compare it to the continued effect of that usually experienced momentarily by any person close to whom a flash of lightning passes during a violent storm; coupled with a difficulty in respiration similar to the half strangling effect produced by ether, and if such was the result produced on one as tested as I have been in Occult work, I cannot conceive a much less advanced Initiate being able to support such a strain, even for five minutes without death ensuing.59
The late Gerald Suster (1951-2001), who knew Israel Regardie and Gerald Yorke personally, was a member of the Tabula Rasa of the O.T.O. in London (in those days an Oasis), explained in Hitler and the Age of Horus, that Mathers emerged as the Order’s undisputed master, and though Westcott, who resigned in 1897, later claimed that a Belgian occultist, rather than Unknown Supermen, dictated occult knowledge to Mathers, the latter definitely believed that he was in contact with the Secret Chiefs from that moment onward. Indeed, he was a remarkable man, who devoted his life entirely to magic. He was the translator and editor of such arcane medieval classics as The Greater Key of Solomon and The Sacred Magic of AbraMelin the Mage; The Qabalah Unveiled, and a short book on the Tarot from which most subsequent authors have borrowed without acknowledgment. Yet nowhere in these books does he display the synthetic genius which enabled him to create the system of magic practiced by the Golden Dawn. He weaved together rituals, methods, and knowledge from innumerable sources, into something that was beautiful, harmonious, logical, and, for those who worked with it, efficacious.
The aim of Golden Dawn magic is nothing less than to become Superman: the method is the use of light, color, sound, scent, words, and ceremony, and meditation—to train the human brain and focus the human will so that a transformation of the magician’s life can take place, enabling him to know and use his full potential. A strong supporter both of the hereditary principle and of authoritarian government, Mathers believed that man could become Superman here and now, but that this course was only for the few. In 1894, he moved to Paris with his wife, and founded another Order temple; meanwhile, the membership of the Golden Dawn grew to three figures, without publicity, and temples operated in London, Edinburgh, Bradford, and Weston-super-Mare. English men and women, from all walks of life, studied and practiced means of tapping Lytton’s Vril force, developing the unconscious, and coming into contact with the supersensible beings of another world. It is a very odd fact that when they attained to the Grade of Zelator, which was connected with the energies of the element of Earth, members learned to give a certain sign, which may or may not have been learned from Anna Sprengel and her Order in Nuremberg: this sign, which invoked the power of the soil, would become notorious as that of Heil Hitler! 60
Eventually, a quarrel between W. B. Yeats and S. L. Mathers and his ally, Aleister Crowley, will split the Golden Dawn into a group of warring sects, while others left the Order. Aleister Crowley portrayed Mathers as a villain named SRMD in his 1917 novel Moonchild. According to Crowley’s memoirs, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley, Mathers was in the habit of ostensibly playing chess matches against various pagan gods. Mathers would set up the chessboard and seat himself behind the white pieces, with an empty chair opposite him. After making a move for himself, Mathers would then shade his eyes and peer towards the empty chair, waiting for his opponent to signal a move. Mathers would then move a black piece accordingly, then make his next move as white, and so forth. Crowley did not record who won. Earlier, Crowley wrote in his diary that: “As far as I was concerned, Mathers was my only link with the Secret Chiefs to whom I was pledged. I wrote to him offering to place myself and my fortune unreservedly at his disposal; if that meant giving up the Abra-Melin Operation for the present, all right.”61
Golden Dawn groups have lingered on to this day, one of the most sincere and relevant is guided by my friend David Griffin, but the Order’s significant work was done by 1900. A few inhabitants of the most industrialized and rational empire in the world acquainted themselves with the ancient and neglected arts of magic. Nor had the people of Great Britain’s leading competitor for world supremacy, the German Empire, been left untouched by this sudden occult fever. Various groups, quite ferociously nationalistic, continued throughout the nineteenth century.
In 1895, Karl Kellner, a wealthy iron-master, who was taught by one Arab and two Hindu masters, proclaimed the establishment of the quasi-Masonic Order of the Oriental Templars, or O.T.O. By 1904, this Order produced a periodical, The Oriflamme, teaching a system of sexual magic based upon the control of the Vril. Though this Order became the second greatest influence upon twentieth-century esoteric thought, it was not at the time of its foundation as important as two German magicians independent of it, Guido von List and Lanz von Liebenfels.
In 1875, Guido von List, a white-bearded magus in flowing robes, celebrated the Summer Solstice by burying a number of empty wine bottles on the summit of a hill overlooking Vienna: these wine bottles were placed in the form of a sign which had not been seen in the land before; it was used as a Badge of Power in the Golden Dawn, where it was known as The Hermetic Cross; it was also known as the Hammer of Thor; it was an exclusively Aryan symbol; it was the Swastika. In 1907, Adolf Lanz, who called himself Lanz von Liebenfels, ran up a flag from his magical temple which overlooked the Danube; it was the Swastika.
The sign stood for all that List and Liebenfels believed in: an abandonment of Christianity, an embracing of neo-paganism, a desire to become or create the Superman, and an affirmation of Aryan racial superiority. We will be returning to these two strange men, who had much effect upon the views of Hitler. Such were the ideas which were born or resurrected at around the same time as Hitler’s birth. Such were the ideas which he would greedily imbibe in Vienna. Such were the ideas which began to infect a world which believed it could not be infected. Such were the ideas which played their part in making the twentieth century what it is. One could be pardoned for observing that the values and gods of the world were entering upon their dotage, and that the gods of a new, strange, and terrible age were stirring in their sleep and about to awaken. Was there a meaning behind this assortment of signs, portents, prophecies; beliefs, omens, coincidences and lunacies? 62
Why does Crowley end his sentence by talking about suspending the practices of Abramelin Magic? It’s something I’ll follow up on shortly. From the words of Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers it is noticed that, despite the human aspect, these mysterious Secrets Chiefs have supernatural and almost divine characteristics, but differ in some respects from the mysterious preternatural figure obtained with the knowledge and conversation of one’s Holy Guardian Angel; a term that originates in the Catholic Church, where a morning prayer is recited which reads: “Holy Guardian Angel whom God has appointed to be my guardian, direct and govern me during this day/Amen.”
The idea of a Holy Guardian Angel is also central in The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage by the German Cabalist Abraham of Worms, who wrote this book on ceremonial magick during the 15th century, that was later translated by Mathers, and popularized by creepy Crowley within his hideous religious and philosophical system of Thelema built for the New Age. However, the original concept goes back to the Zoroastrian Arda Fravaš—Holy guardian angels who guide people through their lives. In S.L. Mathers’ publication of The Book of the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, a key text of the Illuminati used to establish contact and deals with interdimensional beings, he writes: “If thou shalt perfectly observe these rules, all the following Symbols and an infinitude of others will be granted unto thee by thy Holy Guardian Angel; thou thus living for the Honour and Glory of the True and only God, for thine own good, and that of thy neighbour. Let the Fear of God be ever before the eyes and the heart of him who shall possess this Divine Wisdom and Sacred Magic.” Later, author and occultist Aleister Crowley popularized the term within his religious and philosophical system of Thelema. 63
It is obvious that in the rituals of the orthodox Western ceremonial magick tradition, as contemporary Illuminati Allen H. Greenofield also points out, we find the technology for contacting Ultraterrestrials across barriers of time, space and dimensionality, but also for breaking such contact should this prove necessary, or for containing any force being brought forth in this manner to avoid being vampirized or manipulated. The immediate past source for such rituals are the medieval magical texts termed grimoires or grammars that is, basic instructional texts—but their sources are much older. A clue to the origin of such texts can be found, for example, in the introductory narrative of the Clavicula Salomonis, or Key of King Solomon. In the 1888 translation by S.L. Mathers, we are told by Solomon, the purported author: “I suddenly beheld, at the end of a thickly-shaded vista of trees, a Light in the form of a blazing Star, which said unto me with a voice of thunder: Solomon, Solomon, be not dismayed; the Lord is willing to satisfy thy desire by giving thee knowledge of whatsoever thing is most pleasant to thee.”
What follows Solomon’s request for wisdom are various techniques for conjuring Celestial Powers and Beings, of controlling their energies and sending them back to their places of origin. These beings are named and described in detail, as are the planets and spheres of their origin. While the antiquity of some of this material is unknown, some of it shows a knowledge of ancient Gnostic Wisdom Literature unavailable in medieval Europe, suggesting a very ancient origin. One ritual that invokes the Power of Contact that comes from the Stars is certainly of very ancient origin. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn polished the ritual as The Bornless Ritual for the Invocation of the Higher Genius, in the late 19th Century, but a cruder version was published in 1852 under the unappetizing title: Fragment of a Greco-Egyptian Work Upon Magic, and later reprinted by the great Egyptologist E. A. Wallis Budge in his turn-of-the-century book, Egyptian Magic. 64
In ancient Egypt, people generally knew that some hierophants had risen to a high condition of knowledge and power as compared with ordinary humanity, thanks to their links to the alien world. Definite systems of initiation were known to lead upward towards those heights using secret ciphers and codes to communicate with each other and with their ultraterrestrial masters, viewed by Thesophists as the Secret Chiefs of the Great White Brotherhood, and others as Greenfield writes: “have used the same or similar ciphers to communicate with their opposition,” 65 meaning their Satanic counterparts.
Though later generations have completely lost sight of this deeply significant truth, it is still as true as ever, especially when linked to the alien mystery. The (relatively) lower levels of the Divine Hierarchy are still recruited in that way. In recent ages, the Illuminati system has been veiled from common observation in the reserved groups, by the likes of Freemasonry and others. However, the progress of humanity is worked out in accordance with a definite secret Divine plan guided by the Invisible Masters and their Secret Chiefs. For a time it was necessary that human intelligence should be trained in the study of a more physical nature. The improvement of brain capacity was the first task before humanity could move forward to the next level of human evolution. Knowledge, and the fascination for the unknown, attracted the recent pioneers of brain culture on the path to awaken humanity, that seems to be on the wrong path of materialism and ignorance. Human evolution does not stop short at the stage reached by the most brilliant representatives of our current civilization, and should lead on to the appreciation of the idea that infinitude is applicable to this evolution, as to the loftier conception of Divine nature, a concept Alfred Percy Sinnett underlined in his Collected Fruits of Occult Teaching. 66
Going back to the reason why Crowley at one point offered to abandon the Abramelin operation, let’s remember that such an operation would have emancipated Crowley from Mathers and the Golden Dawn, putting him in direct contact with the Secret Chiefs and Invisible Alien Masters, who assist humanity by secretly guiding the various Orders of the Illuminati. This is something that eventually happened when Crowley broke with Mathers in 1903, after causing the Golden Dawn disintegration. The following year he went to Cairo to get in touch with Aiwass, a Secret Chief of the god Horus, and receive from it, Liber Al vel Legis, also known as The Book of the Law, which will help him, within a few years, to formulate his new pseudo-religion of Thelema, so dear to the modern Illuminati and their infamous New World Order. The first time that the name of Aiwaz (or Aiwass, as Crowley spelled it) was heard by Aleister Crowley was in March 1904, when his wife, Rose Edith Crowley née Kelly, spontaneously entered into a state of trance. It is often forgotten that it was not Aleister Crowley who sought out the Cairo Working. It was an unknown intelligence communicating itself through the spontaneous mediumship of Rose that called Crowley to fulfill his role of the Beast 666, who he identified himself with both in his childhood imaginings and in his poetry. It was Rose who told Crowley that the source of the cryptic messages concerning the Child, Osiris, Horus, the Equinox of the Gods, Christian Rosy [sic] Cross, and the Solar Force was one Aiwass. Years later, Crowley would state that he had never heard this name before.
This is probably true. Aiwaz (Aiwass is an intentional misspelling) is very rare. One search showed only 29 individuals have this surname, mostly in the United States and Pakistan. There are also numerous variations (e.g., Awazi, Awaz, Ahwaz, etc.). It is the 2,158,018th most popular surname in the world. Rose then instructed Crowley to sit at his writing desk at 12 noon on Friday, April 8, 1904 and for the next two days write down what he heard. He obeyed, armed with paper and fountain pen (it was a Swan quill dip pen), and at 12 noon precisely, he heard a voice and had a vivid impression of a ghost-like figure behind his left shoulder. Crowley described the voice as passionate, deep, musical, expressive, tenor or baritone. Crowley found the voice “startling and uncanny” because it was completely devoid of any accent, and therefore, the voice sounded not human.
Crowley also felt the voice as an odd vibration in his heart. The ghost-like figure was tall, dark, a little older than Crowley himself (at the time, Crowley was all of 28), personable, athletic, aristocratic, and Persian-Assyrian in appearance, “with a face like a savage king” (this was a psychic impression; at no time did Crowley turn and look at the figure). In Crowley’s vision, the figure wore a veil or mask across his eyes. Aiwass is identified as the speaker in the seventh verse of the first chapter of The Book of the Law, as the subsequent dictation came to be called: “Behold! it is revealed by Aiwass the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat.” Aiwass refers to himself in the third person. Whereas the physical voice of The Book of the Law is that of Aiwaz, he himself is the medium of the three ultimate cosmic beings: Nuit, the Egyptian goddess of the sky; Hadit, the winged solar disk; and Horus, the avenging son of Isis and Osiris. Aiwaz says only that he is the “minister.” A minister is both a minor priest (or a priest’s servant) and a high officer of the Crown (or the state). Originally, “to minister” is to serve food or drink. Aiwaz’s superior is Hoor-paar-kraat (Eg. Har-pa-khered, Heru-pa-khered; Gk. Harpokrates, lit. “Horus the Child”). Harpokrates, the god of silence, is represented as a small boy with his finger held to his lips. In fact, the voice of Aiwaz himself is never heard in The Book of the Law. He is perfectly inscrutable. At first, Crowley interpreted the Cairo Working, as he called it, as an astral vision and The Book of the Law an automatic writing. Crowley, who intensely disliked spiritualism, was initially embarrassed by The Book of the Law, and distanced himself from it as I also stated earlier in the book, but clearly, he was also fascinated by it. He doodled on the cover page of the Book, and there is a large stain on the first page of the third chapter. He took the Cairo Working seriously enough, however, to inform S.L. Mathers, the Chief of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, that a New Eon had been proclaimed with Crowley to supplant Mathers not only as the Head of the Order (i.e. Golden Dawn) but also as the Prophet of the New Aeon.
After some preliminary kabbalistic analysis, Crowley ruminated whether to include the Book in his collected works, then promptly lost the manuscript that reappeared years later in his Boleskine House. Crowley carried on with his spiritual work without any further reference to The Book of the Law. By this time he was no longer merely a magician, he was a mystic, seeking personal communion with his own Godhood. He invoked his Holy Guardian Angel. He crossed the Abyss and attained the grade of Magister Templi (Master of the Temple) of the A∴A∴ or Silver Star. He founded the Order of the A∴A∴ initially without any reference to the Cairo Working or The Book of the Law, based rather on his experiences in the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, Yoga, Buddhism, and metaphysical philosophy that he synthesized in his system called Scientific Illuminism. 67
In this system, Crowley added the memorization of certain Holy Books and The Book of the Law itself was memorized in part in the grade of Zelator. The specific Thelemic task of the Great White Brotherhood is also described in Liber V, the Ritual of the Mark of the Beast, in the grade of Philosophus. Within the system of the magical Order A∴A∴ founded by Aleister Crowley, one of the two most important goals is to consciously connect with one’s Holy Guardian Angel, representative of one’s truest divine nature—a process termed Knowledge and Conversation.
In some branches of occultism, the term Holy Guardian Angel is widely known as HGA, a common abbreviation now used even in non-English-speaking countries. Crowley seemed to consider it equivalent to the Genius of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Augoeides of Iamblichus, the Atman of Hinduism, and the Daemon of the ancient Greeks. 68
He obviously borrowed the term from the Grimoire The Sacred Magic of Abramelin the Mage, translated by his friend, turned enemy, S.L. Mathers. Even though the Holy Guardian Angel is considered by some the higher self, it is often experienced and considered by the occultist in the Illuminati network as a separate alien being of a superior kind, independent from the adept. Crowley said however that the Abramelin procedure was not the only way to achieve success in this endeavor. He wrote in One Star In Sight:
It is impossible to lay down precise rules by which a man may attain to the knowledge and conversation of His Holy Guardian Angel; for that is the particular secret of each one of us; a secret not to be told or even divined by any other, whatever his grade. It is the Holy of Holies, whereof each man is his own High Priest, and none knoweth the Name of his brother’s God, or the Rite that invokes Him.69
Since the operation described in Abramelin is so complex and requires time and resources not available to most people, Crowley wanted to provide a more accessible method. While at the Abbey of Thelema in Sicily, he wrote Liber Samekh.70 Going back to Crowley’s Thelema, Sex magick is also Thelemic, of course, though not exclusively so, as it existed in the various mystery schools of the Illuminati in the Far East, and in witchcraft since time immemorial. However Crowley’s version of it was later grafted onto the original A∴A∴ system in Magick in Theory and Practice, especially the grades of Zelator, Philosophus, and Adeptus Minor (Within), in connection with the formula of the Rosy Cross in the College of the Holy Ghost and Devotion to the Order. Thus, the final system of the A∴A∴ that I joined during my time on the dark side of the Illuminati (reaching The Order of the S∴S∴), includes both the Law of Thelema, and the Supreme Secret of the O.T.O., without being subordinate to either.
The central tasks of the Great White Brotherhood in Crowley’s vision, was simply the underlying universals of the Great Work attributed to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life (Etz Chayim). The story of Crowley’s conversion to his own religion of Thelema—or, rather, the religion that had been revealed to him as the apotheosis of his own work for Satan and his fallen angels, was fully realized by Crowley together with the significance of the Cairo Working, only after he crossed the Abyss, and rededicated his life to the promulgation of the Law of Thelema in June 1909, more than five years after the original alien transmission.
In the course of his subsequent career, Crowley explained the identity of Aiwaz in different ways, not necessarily mutually exclusive. Crowley identified Hoor-paar-kraat, the silent child-god of the sun, with the True Self, which would make Aiwaz the minor of the True Self, the Holy Guardian Angel, interior Genius, or daemon. In the Ab-ul-Diz Working, an account of a communication with a preterhuman (intelligence man) through the seer Ouarda, Crowley (as Frater Perdurabo), was informed that he was the demon of the Aeon, and his age the number of Chaos (1400). 71
More, properly, is a contracted form of
Kin, “sign,” indicative of the accusative tense. Crowley also glosses this word as “the” or “Essence” (401), “the sum and essence of all, conceived as One.” Crowley is at times hostile to his biographer, John Symonds, who had a rather negative interpretation to the connotation of the word “demon” (daemon or daimon), 72 but for ordinary Thelemites or most Illuminati, this term is not necessarily a pejorative. The idea of a daemon comes from the beliefs of the Ancient Greeks. To them, a daemon was a spiritual being falling somewhere between a god and a human, or the ghost of a fallen hero. Daemons are even considered good or helpful spirits. So the idea of the daemon to have survived to this day, as a sort of Guardian Angel or an inner driving force, is not uncommon. According to Plato, in his Cratylus, the etymology of δαίμονες (daimones) from δαήμονες (daēmones) (=knowing or wise), though in fact, the root of the word is more probably daiō (to distribute destinies). In Plato’s Symposium, the priestess Diotima teaches Socrates that love is not a god, but rather a “great daemon” (202d). She goes on to explain that “everything daemonic is between divine and mortal” (202d-e), and she describes daemons as “interpreting and transporting human things to the gods and divine things to men; entreaties and sacrifices from below, and ordinances and requitals from above” (202e). In Plato’s Apology of Socrates, Socrates claimed to have a daimonion (literally, a “divine something”) that frequently warned him—in the form of a “voice”—against mistakes but never told him what to do. However, the Platonic Socrates never refers to the daimonion as a daimōn; it was always an impersonal “something” or “sign.” 73
Like Socrates, Plato taught that the soul is immortal, and all knowledge gained in one’s life is knowledge learned from a previous lifetime, a concept considered of great importance by Count Cagliostro and the Illuminati mystery schools. For those interested, I wrote extensively on the subject of reincarnation in one of my previous works. 74
For some, this is also where human intuition (wisdom) originates from. The knowing within our very DNA that helps our soul to be guided through life with the assistance of our spirit guides, AKA benevolent aliens or interdimensional demons. Manly P. Hall also wrote on demons and angels in his most popular book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages:
The Christian Church gathered all the elemental entities together under the title of demon. This is a misnomer with far-reaching consequences, for to the average mind the word demon means an evil thing, and the Nature spirits are essentially no more malevolent than are the minerals, plants, and animals. Many of the early Church Fathers asserted that they had met and debated with the elementals.
The word demon can also have the same meaning as the English word, genie. The name genie is derived from the Latin genius, meaning a guardian spirit thought to be assigned to each person at birth. The various synonyms for genie are spirit, jinnee, ghost, gin, genius and of course, the Arab Jinn. There is evidence, however, that the word jinn is derived from Aramaic, where it was used by Christians to designate pagan gods reduced to the status of demons, and was introduced only later into Arabic folklore late in the pre-Islamic era.
In the Spring of 1904, Crowley believed he was in contact with a praeter-human intelligence called Aiwass, who was the source that he dictated the three chapters that make up The Book of the Law. The essential empowerment of the grade of Adeptus Major of the Interior College of the Great White Brotherhood, that Crowley claimed to have reached in that moment, was simply his act of enslavement to alien entities. In the biographical note in The Book of Thoth, Crowley states that he attained this grade in April 1904, but at what cost?
More generally, Crowley identified Aiwass with the libido, more in the Jungian sense of psychic energy, than in the Freudian, strictly sexual sense. Although Crowley regarded Aiwass as both a magical formula and entity, at no time did Crowley consider that Aiwass might be the proper name of a man. Crowley thought the word was an artificial kabbalistic construction like Abrahadabra or Babalon, perhaps subconsciously realizing they were alien ciphers. Crowley replaced the “C” in “Abracadabra” with an “H,” which the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in their Neophyte ritual linked with Breath and Life as well as with the god Horus, who later delivered The Book of the Law through Aiwass, the minister of Horus the Child.
The late John Keel, influential Ufologist who is best known as the author of The Mothman Prophecies, (made into a film starring Richard Gere) wrote: “The UFOs do not seem to exist as tangible, manufactured objects. They do not conform to the accepted natural laws of our environment. They seem to do nothing more than transmogrifications tailoring themselves to our abilities to understand. The thousands of contacts with entities indicate that they are liars and put-on artists. The UFO manifestations seem to be, by and large, merely minor variations of the age-old demonological phenomenon.”75
The Christians think that prior to the Second Coming of Jesus, a pair of harbinger angels will make an appointed appearance. The angel flying in mid-heaven, and the second angel is said to follow the first angel as related in Revelation 14:6-8. They will proselytize to the people of the Earth, proclaiming an eternal gospel to its inhabitants (See Matthew 24:14) and are to serve as heralds of the coming Judgment. God has, however, forewarned us. Do not confuse the cherubim of these angels who are loyal messengers of God, with the cherubim of the fallen angels. Apparently, the Second Coming (See Matthew 24:30-31), will be hailed initially as a malevolent alien invasion, and some say, 76 the Bible prophecies such an attack:
And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse (a white cherub), and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True (this is the cherub of the conquering Jesus), and in righteousness, he doth judge and make war… And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses (angels in white cherubim) … And I saw … the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse (against Jesus in his cherub), and against his army (of angels). —Revelation 19:11,14,15-16,19.
As Keel points out:
It would be very dangerous for us to exclude the possibility that a very small residue of sightings may be very real. Most scientists agree that there is a chance that there may billions of inhabitable planets within our own galaxy, there is always a chance that living beings on those planets might have visited us in the past, are visiting us now, or are planning to visit us in the future. To regard all UFO sightings as illusions, hallucinations and paraphysical manifestations would expose us to a potentially volatile situation—an invasion from another world. There have been many apparently physical sightings and landings which produced markings on the ground and other evidence that the objects were solid machines. But if those events represent the presence of true manufactured spacecraft in our atmosphere, then the overall evidence suggests that they are following a long-range plan, a covert military-style buildup which will culminate in hostile action. In psychic phenomena and demonology, we find that seemingly solid physical objects are materialized or dematerialized. There are many baffling cases of houses which appeared and disappeared mysteriously. In religious demonic possession, well-documented by attending priests and doctors, the victims regurgitated impossible quantities of stones and even sharp steel needles. Apparently, these foreign objects materialized in their bodies. Some victims have levitated to the ceiling and had to be forcibly tied to their beds to keep from floating away.
Ufologists have constructed elaborate theories about flying saucer propulsion and antigravity. But we cannot exclude the possibility that these wondrous “machines” are made of the same stuff as our disappearing houses, and they don’t fly, they levitate. They are merely temporary intrusions into our reality or space-time continuum, momentary manipulations of electromagnetic energy. When they “lower their frequencies” (as the contactees put it) and enter a solid state, they can leave impressions on the ground. But to enter that state, they need some atoms from our world, parts of an airplane, an auto, or blood and matter from an animal or human being. Or, in some cases, they need to drain off energy from the human participants or from power lines and automobile engines. This may seem like a fantastic concept, but we have wasted twenty years trying to simplify all this, trying to find a more mundane explanation. The fact is, all of the evidence supports our fantastic concepts more readily than it supports the notion that we are receiving visitors from Mars or Aenstria.77
The late General Douglas McArthur once warned that: “The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets.” And his British counterpart in those days (circa 1950 AD), Lord Mountbatten, likewise addressing the UFO threat also concluded that: “If the human race wishes to survive they may have to band together.” But can we believe them? John Keel said that the late General Douglas MacArthur, a man who must have been privy to much secret information, repeatedly made public statements asserting that the next war would be an interplanetary conflict with humankind, uniting to combat “evil forces” from some other world. 78
Keel was trained in psychological warfare during his time as a propaganda writer for the U.S. Army and was particularly conscious of this double-barreled threat, and particularly concerned over the obvious hoaxes and manipulations apparently designed to foster both belief and disbelief in the reality of the flying saucers. These days, however, there is growing talk in the conspiracy world of a faked alien invasion portrayed as the famous Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds broadcast, as well as talk about a possible faked Second Coming of Christ.
Kelly L. Segraves offers us the following prescient warning concerning the subject of New Age teachings: “In recent years a fascinating new religion has landed upon the world scene. It is the (New Age) religion of UFOlogy… Reportedly these super-intelligent visitors from outer space claim to be our gods and the entire Bible are to be reinterpreted in the light of this frightening concept… Even the sacred belief that Jesus Christ is the Son of God is challenged by these champions of UFOlogy as we are told that Jesus Christ was simply a saucer being … that he will come again with his myriad of saucers to take control of this world that is waiting for judgment. These new religionists firmly believe in their concept and with the evangelistic fervor, they proclaim their beliefs for all who will listen. But what is the purpose behind their preaching? What is the meaning of their message? … the evidence clearly shows that the (New Age) concepts of UFOlogy are really Satan’s last attempt to falsely fulfill Bible prophecy (particularly as concerns the Second Coming of Jesus) in an effort to deceive mankind in the end times. Satan and his followers are preparing now to establish the kingdom of… the antichrist (a false Christ).”79
The lying Antichrist will not only deceive the masses, manipulating their naivety, but will also compile worthy acolytes among the worshipper and the powerful. They have been working to overthrow tradition to establish a caricature of the Celestial Jerusalem: a New World Order all terrain and material, which according to some researchers will take a visible form with the 2020 turning point for humanity. They are the occult power groups that drive global agenda, as I have shown extensively in my earlier publications. They are run by the British Royals, the Vatican and the great economic power of the Zionist lobby, the big banks, Big Pharma, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Liberal side as well as the corrupt elements on the Conservative side of the Craft, the Satanic Illuminati sects, etc. Their influence is evident, but they simply work on behalf of the Secret Chiefs and Invisible Masters from the alien world; that’s why there is no interest for the elite the central/core perpetrators of globalization to reveal the actual truth about the alien/UFO issue.
Yes, they are silently driving us towards something new, to colonize and control our dimension, and Aleister Crowley’s contacts, and work for Higher Intelligence, must be observed in this new light. Grady Louis McMurtry, known with the name Hymenaeus Alpha, who served as Caliph of the O.T.O. from 1969 until his death in 1985, observed: “Some of the things Aleister said to me, could be interpreted as hints pointing that way,” in relation to Crowley’s alien link. He then went on to quote Crowley’s aphorisms about various standard entities contacted by Magick; the Abramelin spirits, for instance, need to be watched carefully. “They bite,” Aleister explained to him in his best deadpan am-I-kidding-or-not? style. That the Enochian “angels,” on the other hand, don’t always have to be summoned. “When you’re ready, they come for you,” Aleister said flatly. McMurty also explained that the theory of higher dimensions made more sense to him than the extraterrestrial theory in terms of actual spaceships entering our biosphere. He also said something pretty earth-shattering:“There’s war in Heaven. The Higher Intelligence, whoever they are, aren’t all playing on the same team. Some of them are trying to encourage our evolution to higher levels, and some of them want to keep us stuck just where we are.” According to McMurty, some occult lodges are working with non-human intelligence who want to accelerate human evolution, but some of the others are working with the intelligence who wish to keep us nearer to an animal level of awareness. 80
A demonic feature of the Jinn is their affinity with the reptiles, under whose appearance they are manifested in most cases as attested by Arab tradition and folklore. Professor Toufy Fahd, a professor at the University of Strasbourg, has conducted a remarkable study on this subject in a book compiled by him and other authors, and published in Italy in 1994, entitled “Geni, Angeli e Demoni” (Genies, Angels and Demons). 81 Professor Fahd says that: “Despite the affinity of blood between humans and Jinn, the latter are characterized in particular, by their greater affinity with animals, especially the reptiles, under which they appear in most cases. Numerous testimonies in this regard are gathered by Damir.” 82
Just look at the collection of legends reworked in One thousand and one nights, to realize the frequency with which the Jinn appear in the form of reptiles, mostly gigantic snakes, also with wings, able to fly or embark on aerial combat. These legends also help us understand their reptilian and multi-dimensional nature, which allows them the ability to fly but to also disappear suddenly. In regard to the reptilian aspect in relation to religion, the name Ophites, which in ancient Greek means snake, is a type of Christian Gnostic sect that worship the serpent that corrupted Adam and Eve. Epiphanius of Salamis (d. 403), wrote in Panarion:
They have a snake, which they keep in a certain chest—the cista mystica—and which at the hour of their mysteries they bring forth from its cave. They heap loaves upon the table and summon the serpent. Since the cave is open it comes out. It is a cunning beast and, knowing their foolish ways, it crawls up on the table and rolls in the loaves; this they say is the perfect sacrifice. Wherefore, as I have been told, they not only break the bread in which the snake has rolled and administer it to those present, but each one kisses the snake on the mouth, for the snake has been tamed by a spell, or has been made gentle for their fraud by some other diabolical method. And they fall down before it and call this the Eucharist, consummated by the beast rolling in the loaves. And through it, as they say, they send forth a hymn to the Father on high, thus concluding their mysteries.
In the 5th century, Theodoret tells (Heresies 1:24) of having found serpent worship practiced in his diocese by people who he called Marcionites, but who may have been Ophites. Of the Nag Hammadi Gnostic texts that mention the serpent, three appear related to early church accounts of the Ophites. These texts are Hypostasis of the Archons, On the Origin of the World, and the Apocryphon of John. 83
Going back to the Jinn, Toufy Fahd adds in his research: “That the Jinn have assumed the reptilian form is a fact that that has been largely witnessed by Arabic-Islamic literature and folklore if we think of the great respect and fear that the Arabs feel for serpents and the close relationship between the Jinn and the divinities of Arab paganism, the existence of an affinity between the two things in Arabic culture that does not seem to be excluded.” 84 As intermediaries of esoteric knowledge, the Jinn created by fire and the appearance of snakes, according to Émil Amman, in his Dictionnaire de théologie catholique, 85 is a function analogous to that of the Archons in the Gnostic texts. This is probably from Judaism in the Christian era, and then protracted until the end of the 6th century AD. In order to have another point of view, it is possible to consult the book of the great Illuminati and Freemason, Robert Ambelain, entitled, Adam, dieu rouge de l’esoterisme judeo-chretien, gnose and les oplite. Luciferien et Rosecroix. 86
The Pistis Sophia, a text still considered of fundamental importance by the Illuminati of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (F.R.A.), which I have been part of for a few years, is derived from the Ophite system probably elaborated between 250 and 300 AD, and it seems to have had a great influence on the subsequent formation of Islamic Cosmogony. I quote, for example, chapter 139 of the famous Coptic edition curated by Carl Schmidt (1868-1938) in Copenhagen in 1925.
Returning to the research of Toufy Fahd on the nature of Jinn, he states that they are: “mutilating and elusive figures, the Jinn seems from time to time a goblet comparable to the se’irim, and to Lilith in Jewish poetry, a genie of places.”87 When an Arab traveler entered a valley and camped to spend the night, he would say: “I put myself under the protection of the Jinn of this valley so he can distance from me tonight, any danger.” In another interesting excerpt: “a wolf took a lamb from the shepherd who reminds the lord of the place that it was his duty to protect him (Jivar); then he went to the wolf and forced him to leave his prey.” 88
A few years ago, WikiLeaks released secret cables, that disclosed information about ETs in our solar system, but nothing yet on their interdimensional nature and technology. However, documents released by Wikileaks, offered hints about an alien extraterrestrial presence, and recently, even NASA is accused of hiding evidence of alien life. I predict that in a few years, when humankind is finally revealed the truth about the interdimensional alien/UFO phenomenon, this book will be viewed as pioneering science, and not a conspiracy.
Wikileaks documents didn’t bring down government or agencies implicated in the cover-up as some expected after the revelations, but it did tell us, before NASA, that there exists supposed extraterrestrial life. Here’s the proof: This cable, for example, is from the year 2006, from the American Embassy in Vilnius, Lithuania. The statement was made by Albinas Januska, who at the time, was an appointed adviser to the Lithuanian Prime Minister. The cable states: “Reflecting his self-image as a patriot fighting off Russian influence, he (Januska) also warned of the existence of ‘a group of people, who are directed from the East, a group of UFOs, who are making influence from the Cosmos,’” adding elliptically that: “there also exists a decreasing group of persons, who are trying to rationally analyze the situation and to objectively evaluate what is happening.”
Januska held much power in the country, as is noted in the cable: Albinas Januska’s continuing influence in Lithuanian politics cannot be overstated. In addition to being a cunning strategist, he is extraordinarily well-connected among Lithuania’s political class. Another cable comes from Japan, in 2007, on how the Chief Cabinet Secretary Nobutaka Machimura, was unhappy with the government’s official view, rejecting the existence of UFOs: “I am sure that unidentified flying objects exist, otherwise it is impossible to explain the Nazca Lines (in Peru), isn’t it?” There is another important Wikileaks cable to analyze from 2010, when the mayor of the Tajik city of Dushanbe, Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev, met with U.S. Ambassador Ken Gross in 2010.
Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev might not be a name well-known outside Tajikistan, but he has most certainly been someone well-known to Tajikistan’s people throughout its 25-year history as an independent country. Tajikstan is a Central Asian country bordered by Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China. Ambassador Gross summarized his meeting with Ubaidulloev in a classified document later released by Wikileaks. The talk was mostly concerned with political, as well as economical projects for Tajikstan, that focused on the topic of extraterrestrials. Gross wrote: “[Ubaidulloev] asserted the existence of life on other planets, caveating this by noting that we should focus on solving our problems on Earth.” Gross even quoted Ubaidulloev: “We know there is life on other planets, but we must make peace here first.” Apparently, the chat was not a pleasant one for the U.S. ambassador, who summed it up as: “a right painful 90 minutes.” Gross characterized Ubaidulloev as “difficult, unpredictable, and sometimes hostile.” During their meeting, the mayor obviously lied about free elections, voluntary contributions to the dam project, and free media, according to Gross, but why did Mahmadsaid Ubaidulloev also asserted the existence of life on other planets? In the Wikileaks cables there appears material of interest regarding the dangerous UFO cults often used and controlled by Satanists.
Tara MacIsaac, for Epoch Times, reported that: “A couple of unclassified documents, one listed as coming from the American Embassy in Ottawa and the other from the American Consulate in Montreal, express some concern over the Raelian religion in Canada. The Raelians believe humanity was created by extraterrestrials as a lab experiment, according to the documents. They had targeted high schools in the province of Quebec to persuade Roman Catholics to renounce their faith. The Raelians even had a plan to give students crosses to burn, according to the cables. One of the documents cites local news analysis in stating that: ‘The ultimate goal of Raelians is to create life in a laboratory which would make human beings immortal and enable them to create another civilization on another planet.’ In the meantime … [they] want to build an embassy in Israel to welcome the Elohim when they come back in 2035. The group has also been criticized for advocating the use of genetics for eugenic attempts at improving the human race. At the time the cable was written, the group had claimed to have successfully cloned a human.”
Some may remember back in 2002, when Boisselier, a Raëlian bishop, and CEO of Clonaid, a mysterious company registered in the Bahamas with ties to the UFO religion Raëlism, announced at a press conference in Hollywood, Florida, that Clonaid had successfully performed the first human reproductive cloning. Since then there has been no further evidence, and the Clonaid claim seems more of a publicity stunt for Raëlism. So what about the Elohim return to Israel in 2035? Maybe by that time, the building of a third temple in Jerusalem will truly be a reality. However, at the end of an interview dating back to 1986, Rael declared 2020 as the ultimate deadline for the Elohim’s arrival. This is an interesting indication, as this year is indicated by many as truly relevant in the New World Order scheme of things. Ex-Raelian members even said at one point that the deadline was 2015, but sociologist Susan J. Palmer indicates 2025 as the deadline most held by Raelians in her book Aliens Adored (2004).
The latest official deadline from the Raelians seems to be 2035 (at least since 2001, when Rael published Yes to Human Cloning, in which he mentions Vernor Vinge’s concept of a technological Singularity). The date 2035 was often cited by the proponents of the concept. Interestingly, in 2035, Rael will turn 89 years old. By then, he’ll have nothing to lose for sure. 89
There is a special relationship between the families of the elite, and the entities they serve, a link established through a union that is still considered sacred amongst the men and women of the dark side of the Illuminati, and what the Rosicrucian alchemists called Alchemical Wedding, on which Crowley based some of his teachings in the IX° degree of the O.T.O. in relation to the sexual practices used to create this union. The ultimate goal that Crowley sought through his sexual magic went far beyond the mundane desire for material wealth or mortal power. In his most exalted moments, Crowley appears to have believed that he could achieve a supreme spiritual power—the power to conceive a divine child, a godlike being, who would transcend the moral failings of the body born of mere woman. This goal of creating a divine fetus, Crowley suggests, lies at the heart of many esoteric traditions, from ancient Mesopotamia to India to the Arab world:
This is the great idea of magicians at all times—To obtain a Messiah by some adaptation of the sexual process. In Assyria, they tried incest … Greeks and Syrians mostly bestiality. … The Mohammedans tried homosexuality; medieval philosophers tried to produce homunculi by making chemical experiments with semen. But the root idea is that any form of procreation other than normal is likely of a magical character. 90
Sex magic, particularly in its transgressive, nonreproductive forms, can thus unleash the supreme creative power: the power to create not an ordinary fetus, but a magical child of messianic potential. 91 Witches, who are usually not from nobility, have joined the alien demonic entities through the so-called Sabbath, also spelled Sabbat or Sabba. Distinguishable features that are typically contained within a Witches Sabbat are assembly by foot, beast, or flight, a banquet, dancing and cavorting, and sexual intercourse. 92 Such gatherings of witches usually implemented under the cover of darkness in remote and solitary places like a forest, will see the witches gather around a fire to honor their evil Masters and copulate with them. Sex is central to the rituals; witches copulate with Satan and other demons in the Sabbath, that usually culminates in an incestuous orgy. The chief inquisitor Henri Boguet, a Burgundian judge in the days of the Inquisition, known for his Discours des sorciers (“Discourse on Sorcerers” or “An Examen of Witches”) of 1602, presented a graphic discussion of the threat posed by witches as well as a discussion of whether witches actually copulate with demons.
FIG. 34 Fethullah Gülen (b. 1941), the leader of the Gülen movement who allegedly works for the CIA and lives in exile in the United States, residing in Saylorsburg, Pennsylvania, speaks openly to his followers of the uninhibited use of Jinn, Extra-dimensional entities, by the U.S. Intelligence operatives.
Some commonly mentioned dates for this type of ritual referring to the Sabbath are said to be February 1 (to some February 2), May 1 (Great Sabbat, Walpurgis Night), August 1 (Lammas), November 1 (Halloween, commencing on October 30’s eve), Easter, and Christmas. Other less frequently mentioned dates were Good Friday, January 1 (day of Jesus’ Crucifixion), June 23 (Saint John’s Eve), December 21 (St. Thomas), and Corpus Christi on October 3. The modern Sabbats that many Wiccans and Neo-Pagans now follow are; Imbolc (February 2), Ostara (Spring Equinox), Beltane (May 1), Litha (Summer Solstice), Lammas (August 1), Mabon (Autumn Equinox), Samhain (October 31) and Yule (Winter Solstice). According to the testimonies of Benandanti and similar European groups, common dates for gatherings are during the weeks of the Ember days, during the twelve days of Christmas or at Pentecost. 93 Let’s also remember that the term Sabbath was initially a Christian demonization of the Judaism’s day of rest, called Shabbat. In the 13th century, the accusation of participation in a Sabbath was said to be considered very serious. European records indicate cases of persons being accused, or tried for taking part in Sabbath gatherings, from the Middle Ages all the way to the 17th century or later. Witches still today, encounter demonic entities hoping to acquire new powers, but back in those days if they were discovered by the Church, they will obviously be killed.
Some witches managed to eventually create a Magickal child from these meetings. A typical example is Merlin, as Crowley also pointed out in The Book of Thoth. The legendary figure best known as the wizard featured in the Arthurian legend, is described as the son of a demon, an incubus, and of a mortal woman, who inherited his powers from birth. And even though Walt Disney (among other roles, a CIA agent and Freemason), in his The Sword in the Stone, a 1963 classic animated musical fantasy, Disney attempted to make a positive character out of him, and many medieval sources give Merlin a very different image, at times truly disturbing and diabolical. Is all this only a thing of the past? As Donald Tyson writes in his Sexual Alchemy book: “In the modern Western world carnal union with spirits has ceased to be a matter for religion and instead become a subject for medicine and clinical psychology.” 94
The bond with these entities is maintained as we have seen over and over again, through the rites of ceremonial magic by both the well-to-do, and the less-favored classes, where the use of low magic and witchcraft, seems to attract the less important entities/Jinn, who enter this dimension and serve their Principalities of evil, including Beelzebub, Satan, and Lucifer, who obviously rule them, and even in this dimension treat them as slaves, while they reside in bodies worthy of their rank, usually linked to an elite.
In either case, to satisfy these interdimensional entities, even human sacrifice is required at times. The earthly aristocracy has a bond with these entities, present in their mutual DNA, and that is considered more worthy by their alien overlords. In return they offer them the temporal power they need, practically enforcing total control over the Matrix that surrounds us, becoming the threshold guardians, charged with preserving the equilibrium of that which is above and that which is below, the Men in Black.
The most powerful alien overlord, for acts of Black Magic, is according to some, Set, the Satan of Christians, who some say works and collaborates with certain elements in the U.S. Military Intelligence through the already mentioned Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino, but there are also many other demons, or Jinn, in the service of U.S. Intelligence. This is also confirmed by Fethullah Gülen, born in Erzurum, Turkey, on April 27, 1941, a controversial Islamic leader and Turkish writer, known for his influential religious movement, and as an alleged member of the CIA. This fact has repeatedly been reiterated in 2012, by the well-known investigative journalist program, 60 Minutes on CBS. Gülen, who has been recently accused of collusion with the Clinton’s, and is wanted in his native Turkey for being the mastermind behind the 2016 Turkish coup d’état attempt, is among other things, an alleged descendant of Prophet Mohammed. He currently resides for security reasons in the United States, in the Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania.
Gülen, during one of his usual Friday sermons, said that U.S. Intelligence works with Jinn, and is completely controlled by them in their actions, and not vice versa. This is a very serious fact, don’t you think? In my opinion, this could partly confirm the reasons why Michael Aquino is still indicated by many as one of today’s top mind control experts in the Intelligence community. Gülen, whose schools educate the Turkish elite across the world to this day, interprets science in an entirely different order and nature than we understand in the West. Gülen inhabits a magical world of Jinn and sorcery, where he began talking Aramaic as a child with no prior knowledge of it. Strangely enough, demon-possessed people are sometimes said to speak in languages they never learned, even dead languages such as Aramaic. Science is just a powerful form of magic for Gülen and his Turkish Illuminati, that must be used to enhance their worldly power, as he writes in his 2005 book, The Essentials of the Islamic Faith:
Jinn are conscious beings charged with divine obligations. Recent discoveries in biology make it clear that God created beings particular to each realm. They were created before Adam and Eve and were responsible for cultivating and improving the world. Although God superseded them with us, he did not exempt them from religious obligations.
As nothing is difficult for God almighty, he has provided human beings, angels, and jinn, with the strength appropriate for their functions and duties. As he uses angels to supervise the movements of celestial bodies, he allows humans to rule the Earth, dominate matter, build civilizations and produce technology.
Power and strength are not limited to the physical world, nor are they proportional to bodily size … Our eyes can travel long distances in an instant. Our imagination can transcend time and space all at once … winds can uproot trees and demolish large buildings. A young, thin plant shoot can split rocks and reach the sunlight. The power of energy, whose existence is known through its effect, is apparent to everybody. All of this shows that something’s power is not proportional to its physical size; rather the immaterial world dominates the physical world, and immaterial entities are far more powerful than material ones.95
So when Gülen talks about the union of religion and science in his long interminable speeches, what he means quite concretely is that the magical view of Jinn in the Quran aids the Islamic believer in enlisting these occult forces to enhance the power of a supposed True Islam. Basically, science for Mr.Gülen means the management of alien Jinn and a privileged Contact with the alien world. For this reason, the Gülen Movement has secretly intensified in recent years, the gradual infiltration of NASA by its top mathematicians, something the National Security Agency and the U.S. State Department should investigate, as it’s dangerous to let these guys take over the alien agenda.
Gülen’s pan-Turkic mysticism views Turkey as the center of a new Caliphate uniting the Muslim world just like Daesh/Isis. Even before the failed coup attempt in 2016, in December 2015, the Gülen movement was already classified as a terrorist organization by Turkey under the assigned names Gülenist Terror Organization (Fethullahçı Terör Örgütü, FETÖ) or Parallel State Organization (Paralel Devlet Yapilanmasi, PDY) but nothing has been done by the U.S. government. Is Gülen protected by Jinn, or by the Deep State, or both?
The research provided in the next pages, especially in relation to Atlantis and Lovecraft/Necronomicon lore, originates from Freemason and occult author, Tracy R. Twyman, the former Editor of Dagobert’s Revenge Magazine, who has been a recognized expert on occult history for many years, and was once associated publicly with the now-deceased British writer Nicholas Logan Weir, known as Nicholas de Vere, as well as Prince Nicholas Thomas de Vere von Drakenberg (1957-2013). A controversial, if not colorful figure of the contemporary Illuminati network, de Vere was deeply involved in black magic and occultism since a young age, and claimed to be the head of a mysterious secret society with an ancient lineage called “the Dragon Court.” He stated that he was the foremost scion of a royal bloodline going back to praeter-human creatures that pre-dated the Garden of Eden, but he never produced any satisfying elements to fully confirm, his, at times, outlandish claims. Nevertheless, the alleged Sovereign Grand Master of the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court and Order, Nicholas de Vere, who was secretly working with the late black magician Andrew D. Chumbley, and the UK-based Satanic group, Cultus Sabbati, provided, the inspiration, and the research, for quite a large portion of the writing that appeared in two of the best-known works by the late Laurence Gardner, the previously cited Genesis of the Grail Kings, and Realm of the Ring Lords.
Amazingly enough, de Vere who was a good friend of Laurence Gardener, is not even listed as a co-author, and received absolutely no credit at all for these books. For the late Nicholas de Vere: “The dragon tradition related to all the current genetic and historical evidence says yes they were. Both relatively recent and ancient accounts of Dragons or Elves going back to the Annunaki speak of them as having clearly distinct physical attributes, and these attributes are inherited from a species that scientists now assert preceded the human genetic bottleneck by about thirty thousand years. These attributes are not human in the accepted sense. Whether this ancient race was hybridized with another before history is anybody’s guess but their later hybridization to produce the Elven God-Kings and Ring Lords: (the King Tribe), is clearly recorded in the Cylinder Rolls.”
In the same interview, he also stated that these Dragons were the same as the Nephilim of the Bible, or the Watchers of The Book of Enoch, adding that: “The Platonic Atlantis theory is preceded by a much older tradition relating to the ‘Ogdoad.’ The Ogdoad, sacred to Jesus himself, were the eight great Gods who raked the Sacred Mountain—‘Atlantis’—after the original Flood. This Flood occurred in the Black Sea and the Sacred Mountain, so inundated, was believed to be the Pontus Euxine. … Apparently, the Ogdoad failed in their attempt to bring fertility back to the Holy Place and abandoned it for a life wandering the planet. This is probably why the legend of the Flood spread and can be found in most cultures.”96
These answers were given by de Vere in an interview from 2004, with Tracy R. Twyman, who had full access to Nicholas de Vere’s vast archives, and later expanded on the Atlantis topic in an interesting article originally written by Twyman for the DragonKeyPress Website. This article does not necessarily represent her current viewpoint, however, it seems to lay down some interesting points on this topic. So here are a couple of extracts from the article in question:
The Secret Doctrine given to the elite castes of mankind by the “Anunnaki” (the gods of ancient Sumeria and Atlantis), has been passed down through the ages, not only to the Masons, Templars, Rosicrucians, and other fraternal orders which perpetuate the tradition within the Illuminati network, but also to the teenage geeks and “gamers” of today. The Lovecraft/Necronomicon lore has in fact, given birth to a cornucopia of role-playing and computer games, in much the same way that Monty Python and the Society for Creative Anachronism (S.C.A) have kept the Grail myth alive for these same teenagers. The fact that S.C.A.’s membership correlates strongly with participation in Lovecraftian role-playing games is no coincidence, for the “demons” of the “Cthulhu Mythos” as its called, are the same as the gods of ancient Sumer, and the fallen angels who spawned the Grail family. The “Grail Blood” and the “bloodline of the Great Old Ones” are the same thing. They also represent the same archetypes as legendary sea-monsters such as Leviathan or Dagon, the “Lords of the Deep” and gods of the “underworld,” or “Abyss” recorded in the legends of many ancient cultures. It takes only a cursory examination of H.P. Lovecraft’s most quintessential work, The Call of Cthulhu to see that his entire system of mythology is based on The Book of Enoch, the Nephilim story in Genesis, and the universal tale of the fall of Atlantis. In this story, Lovecraft’s main character finds a strangely carved idol in his late grand-uncle’s effects, its appearance described as that of, “an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature … scaly body, rudimentary wings.” The discovery of this idol leads to his investigation and uncovering of a sinister, age-old “cult of Cthulhu” (the name of the idol), who worshipped the creature represented by the idol, and the entire race of demons from which he had come. The description of the idol bears a striking resemblance to the descriptions of the Sumerian god-king Enki, also known as Dagon or Oannes, a half-human, half-fish combination who was known as the “Lord of the Flood,” and was said to rise out of the sea every day to teach his secret knowledge to those who followed him. He is mentioned in I Samuel:5, when the Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant and place it in the Temple of Dagon. Two nights later, Dagon was fallen upon his face to the ground before the Ark of the Lord, and the head of Dagon and both the palms of his hands were cut off upon the threshold; only the stump of Dagon was left to him. The physical description attributed to Dagon applied to an entire race of gods, or as they were described in the Bible, Nephilim, or fallen angels—the Great Old Ones, as Lovecraft calls them. The Watchers, those who were cast down, are described in The Book of Enoch literally as stars that descended to Earth. Cthulhu is also described with wings, another attribute of the Nephilim, who were real flesh-and-blood beings, and ruled as the antediluvian kings of the ancient world over a global kingdom whose capital was Atlantis. As they were an expert sea-faring people—navigators—they were also depicted as sea gods, half-man, and half-fish, with the horns of a goat.97
For Twyman, and obviously for de Vere, the fact that Lovecraft’s “Great Old Ones” ruled over Atlantis is quite clear, as their city, called R’lyeh, is covered with what Lovecraft describes as “cyclopean architecture,” the same word used by author Ignatius L. Donnelly in Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, a very influential book published in 1882, by the late Minnesota politician, who was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1831. Donnelly considered Plato’s account of Atlantis as largely factual, and attempted to establish that all known ancient civilizations were descended from this lost land considered of great importance by the Illuminati. Many of its theories turned out to be the source of modern-day concepts about Atlantis, including: The civilization and technology beyond its time, the origins of all present races and civilizations, and a civil war between good and evil.
Much of Donnelly’s scholarship, especially with regard to Atlantis, as an explanation for similarities between ancient civilizations of the Old and New Worlds, was inspired by the publications of noted French writer, ethnographer, historian and archaeologist, Charles Étienne Brasseur de Bourbourg (1814-1874), and the fieldwork of Augustus Le Plongeon, French-American photographer, amateur archeologist, antiquarian and author, who studied the pre-Columbian ruins of America in the northern Yucatán Peninsula. Atlantis: The Antediluvian World, was also avidly supported by the publications of Helena Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, as well as Rudolf Steiner.
Some authors and researchers on the subject have openly accused Madame Blavatsky of having largely plagiarized Donnelly’s work on Atlantis, that inspired furthermore the books by British occult writer James Churchward on the lost continent of Mu, also known as Lemuria. Churchward’s younger brother, Albert (1852-1925), was a Masonic writer, known as the author of The Origin and Evolution of the Human Race. His theories have also influenced the visions of Edgar Cayce, and more recently the creation of the superhero Namor, the Sub-Mariner in the 1969 pop song “Atlantis” by Donovan, and the 2001 film Atlantis: The Lost Empire, written by Graham Hancock, and last but not least the plot of the 2009 film 2012 by Roland Emmerich. 98
Returning to the research of Tracy R. Twyman and Nicholas de Vere, Love-craft’s descriptions paint a picture of multi-dimensional, non-Euclidean angles, as if they existed in a space-time different than ours, perhaps in an “other-world” somewhere in between the planes of Heaven and Earth. They are described as grand and mighty creatures, with a moral creed similar to that of Aleister Crowley’s Do what thou wilt, and they trounced on all those weaker than them, bringing destruction to the Earth, devouring every living thing. This is exactly the behavior that is ascribed to the sons of the Watchers, or Nephilim, the giants who wrought havoc upon the world, oppressed and devoured all of God’s living creation to feed their own voracious appetites. Because of the pride and destructive behavior of the Great Old Ones, their empire city, R’lyeh, sank beneath the ocean as part of a punishment by a natural disaster mercifully imposed by God.
This is exactly what is said to have happened to the island kingdom of Atlantis, which also sank because of the pride of its inhabitants. It is also what is said about the Nephilim in the Bible, who, along with their offspring, were destroyed by God via the Flood of Noah. The fact that the Great Old Ones are lead by a being called Cthulhu is significant, for Thule, which is another name for Atlantis. The Nazis believed that an advanced civilization was literally located inside the Earth, in the “underworld,” the city of Agartha or Agade, the abode of the Gods. The Hollow Earth, or underworld seems to be the place where R’lyeh ultimately sank to, where Cthulhu and the rest of the Great Old Ones now remain, sleeping in their watery tomb, dead but dreaming, as Lovecraft now describes it. They are waiting for the day when they will awaken, and their city will rise from the waves, and their empire will once again hold dominion over the whole earth. This echoes the story of the Watchers or the Nephilim, who were said to be imprisoned by God inside the Earth, or in “the Abyss,” which was a word used by the ancients to describe the ocean. The theme of a subterranean Lord, imprisoned in the underworld, who will one day awaken from his death-like slumber to reclaim his kingdom is, as I have established in other writings, is a very common archetype, most notably in the form of Kronos. Called the Forgotten Father and the Hidden One, Kronos was the leader of the Titans, and the King of Atlantis, whose kingdom was cast down into the Abyss, and who was imprisoned therein, to be thereafter known as the Dark Lord of the underworld. And there is clearly an etymological connection between “Titan” and Teitan, otherwise spelled Satan.
The Titans, or Satans, and the Nephilim are clearly the same as the Great Old Ones, and Kronos, otherwise known as Saturn, or Satan, is clearly the same as Cthulhu. He is also synonymous with Dagon or Oannes, who is referred to in the Bible as Leviathan, the beast who will rise from the sea at the Apocalypse. The return of Cthulhu, the Great Old Ones, and the city of R’lyeh would appear to be Lovecraft’s way of depicting the Apocalypse. Confirmation of the above conclusions can be found by examining quotations from Lovecraft’s manuscript, the implications of which, in light of what I have just said, will be self-explanatory.
When the main character in The Call of Cthulhu manages to interview an actual member of the Cthulhu cult to determine their beliefs, the descriptions that follow parallel precisely the tales of the Nephilim, the Titans, and the war in Heaven between God and Lucifer, as well as the fall of the Atlantean empire:
They worshipped, so they said, the Great Old Ones, who lived ages before there were any men, and who came to the young world out of the sky. These old ones were gone now, inside the earth and under the sea; but their dead bodies had told their secrets to the first man, who formed a cult which had never died. This was that cult, and the prisoners said it had always existed and always would exist, hidden in the distant wastes and dark places all over the world until the time when the Great Priest Cthulhu, from his dark house in the mighty city of R’lyeh under the waters, should rise and bring the Earth again under his sway. Someday he would call when the the stars were ready, and the secret cult would always be ready to liberate him. Meanwhile, no more must be told. There was a secret which even torture could not extract. Mankind was not absolutely alone amongst the conscious things of the Earth, for shapes came out of the dark to visit the faithful few. But these were not the Great Old Ones. No man had ever seen the Old Ones. The carven symbol was great Cthulhu, but none might say whether or not the others were precisely like him. No one could read the old writing now, but things were told by word of mouth. The chanted ritual was not the secret—that was never spoken aloud, only whispered. The chant meant only this: In his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming.
FIG. 35 Secret teachings of the Illuminati typewritten in a rare internal document from the 1970s states that: “Hence the final initiation marks the return of the oldest of all cults: the Cult of Set, the darkstar whose brooding consciousness symbolizes the oldest and most primordial of all forces, burning within our souls is the ecstacy of Set, beyond morals and ethics waiting to be realized and to bring out the final transformation for those prepared for the greatest Initiation, that of the Dark Flame. … Man, the alien child, must at least return home.”
For Tracy R. Twyman, this clearly describes the secret Luciferian doctrine of the gods being transmitted to their offspring, the first man, just as the serpent gave wisdom to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They created a covenant with man, and a cult of magic, of ritual and sacrifice, in order to preserve their infernal secrets, one of which is so secret that it could not be talked about, only whispered. This is what has been done in the rites of Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, the Knights Templar, the Greek and Egyptian mystery schools, the Sufis, the Assassins, and countless other secret occult orders, which Lovecraft was no doubt alluded to when he referred to the: “cult which had never died … had always existed, and always would exist,” preserving the teachings of the Forgotten Father, until such time as he should rise again from the sea to once more rule the Earth. The connections to Leviathan and the rise of the Antichrist do not even need to be elucidated. Lovecraft’s description is as follows:
Old Castro remembered bits of hideous legend that pale the speculations of Theosophists and made man and the world seem recent and transient indeed. There had been eons when other things ruled on the Earth, and they had had great cities. Remains of them … were still to be found as Cyclopean stones on islands in the Pacific. They all died vast epochs of time before man came, but there were arts which could revive them when the stars had come round again to the right positions in the cycle of eternity. They had indeed come themselves from the stars and brought their images with them.
Tracy R. Twyman explains that Lovecraft, like the prophet Enoch, and like ancient man himself, conceived of the Atlantean gods or Nephilim as possessing supernatural power, and, like Enoch, states that this power comes from the stars— that these beings, in fact, had come from the stars themselves, and seem to be metaphysically affected by the movement of the stars, being able to resurrect from the dead only when the stars were in a certain position. Likewise, the Atlantean god-kings purposely associated themselves with the stars and the planets, taking on the personifications of planets and constellations, each of which had a particular energy, or plain of existence associated with it. This energy is further manipulated by the prayers and rituals of the cult members in Lovecraft’s stories, who are loyal to the Great Old Ones and wish to see their kingdom rise again.
In much the same way, Masons, Rosicrucians and other occultists today perform rituals in hope of bringing about the Great Work called the New World Order, a new Golden Age, just like the one that covered the antediluvian world when the Atlantean god-kings (whom they revere) ruled over the Earth directly. 99
Michael Aquino for example, in his infamous Temple of Set, describes the Master of the Temple (IV° degree), as a person who wears the Pentagram of Set against blue, the traditional color of the most advanced and accomplished initiates such as the Philosopher-Kings of Plato’s Republic, or the Priest-Kings of Atlantis. 100
1 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
2 Aliens -Friends or Foes by Dr. Karla Turner (from -UFO Universe, Spring 1993)
3 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
4 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
5 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
6 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
7 See Michael Barkun, A Culture of Conspiracy: Apocalyptic Visions in Contemporary America, (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 2003), p. 103.
9 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
10 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
11 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
12 See David Icke, Tales from the Time Loop, (Wildwood, MO: Bridge of Love Publications, 2003), pp. 12-13, 16.
13 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
14 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
15 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
16 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
17 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
18 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
19 Ibid.
20 See The Secret Rituals of the Men in Black, Ibid.
21 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
22 See Paul Rydeen, Jack Parsons and the Fall of Babalon, (PKerrville, TX: Crash Collusion Publishing, 1995).
23 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
24 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
25 See Paul Rydeen, Jack Parsons and the Fall of Babalon, (Kerrville, TX: Crash Collusion Publishing, 1995).
26 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
27 These secret instructions given to the members of the eight degree of the O.T.O are reproduced in their entirety in Leo Lyon Zagami, Confessions of an Illuminati Vol.1, pp.99–104.
28 Ibid.
29 The International camp, oasis and Lodge Master’s Handbook (Revised July 1997) states:“The official instructional documents of the VII°,VIII°, IX°, X° are to be treated as strictly confidential to the members of those degrees.”
30 See John Symonds, The Beast 666, (London, UK: Pindar, 1997).
31 Sunday Times, London, 5 October & 28 December 1969.
32 Technical Bulletins of Dianetics & Scientology, vol. 3, p. 31.
33 Philadelphia Doctorate Course lectures 40, 35 & 18.[emphasis added].
34 John Sweeney, Church of Fear, (Kidderminster, Worcestershire, UK: Silvertail Books, 2013).
35 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
36 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
37 See Urban, Hugh B, Fair Game: Secrecy, Security, and the Church of Scientology in Cold War America, Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Oxford University Press, Volume 74, Issue 2, 1 June 2006.
38 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
39 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
40 See Peter Crawford: ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
41 See Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity (New York, US: New York University Press, 2002).
42 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
43 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
44 Peter Crawford, Ibid.
45 See. ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
46 Ibid.
47 Mark Salot, from “Excerpts in progress” a note publicly distributed on Facebook from CHAPTER IX (a) of the upcoming Nazi Technology and Beliefs.
48 Theo Paijmans, Free Energy Pioneer: John Worrell Keely, (Kempton, IL: Adventures Unlimited Press, 2004) p. 242.
49 Julian Strube, Vril. Eine okkulte Urkraft in Theosophie und esoterischem Neonazismus, (München/Paderborn, DE: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 2013), pp. 55-74.
50 See Louis Pauwels, Monsieur Gurdjieff : documents, témoignages, textes et commentaires sur une société initiatique contemporaine, (Paris, FR: Éditions du Seuil 1954, rééd. Albin Michel, 1979 et 1995).
51 See Julian Strube, Ibid., pp. 126-142.
52, Ibid.
53 See Wulf Schwarzwaller, The Unknown Hitler: His Private Life and Fortune, (Toronto, ON: Stoddart Publishing, 1988).
54 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
55 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
56 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
57 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
58 See Gerald Suster, Hitler and the Age of Horus (1981; in the United States as: Hitler: The Occult Messiah)
59 Letter by S. L. Mathers quoted in Francis King’s Ritual Magic in England and in Pauwels & Bergier.
60 Gerald Suster, Ibid.
61 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
62 Gerald Suster, Ibid.
63 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
64 See Allen Greenfield, Secret Rituals of the Men in Black.
65 Ibid
66 Alfred Percy Sinnet, Collected fruits of occult teaching, (Philadelphia, PA : J. B. Lippincott & Co, 1919), pp. 24-25.
67 ‡ Archived 11th December, 20i7.
68 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
69 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
70 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
71 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
72 See Sepher Sephiroth, Liber LVIII, and John Symonds, The Great Beast, pp. 157, 171.
73 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
74 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
75 John A. Keel, Why UFOs: Operation Trojan Horse (New York: 1970) p. 281.
76 See John of the Gentiles, The Demonic Theory of UFOs (Copyright 2012-2016 by JMB Productions).
77 John A. Keel, Ibid., pp. 279-280.
78 Ibid., p. 281.
79 John of the Gentiles, Ibid., p. 346.
80 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
81 Vv.Aa., Geni, Angeli e Demoni, (Rome, IT: Edizioni Mediterranee, 1994).
82 Ivi., 164
83 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
84 Ibid., p. 165.
85 Émil Amman, Dictionnaire de Théologie catholique XI, 931, pp. 1063-1076.
86 See Robert Ambelain, Adam, dieu rouge de l’esoterisme judeo-chretien, gnose and les oplite. Luciferien et Rose + Croix, (Paris, FR : Editions Niclaus, 1941).
87 Vv.Aa., Geni, Angeli e Demoni, Ibid., p. 165.
88 Ibid., p. 177.
89 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
90 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
91 Hugh B. Urban, Magia Sexualis: Sex, Magic, and Liberation in Modern Western Esotericism, p. 133
92 ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
93 Ibid.
94 Donald Tyson, Sexual Alchemy- Magical intercourse with Spirits, ( St. Paul, MN: llee-wellyn Publications, 2000), p.25.
95 See M. Fethullah Gülen, Essentials of The Islamic Faith, (Tughra Books, 2011).
96 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
97 See The Great Old Ones by Tracy R. Twyman: ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
98 See ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
99 [emphasis added], ‡ Archived 11th December, 2017.
100 Michael A. Aquino VI°, Black Magic, (© Michael A. Aquino 1975-2002) p. 39, [emphasis added].