Even in bed I pose: desire may grow

More circumstantial and less circumspect

Each night, but an acute girl would suspect

That my self is not like my body, bare.

I wonder if you know, or, knowing, care?

You know I know you know I know you know.

I am not what I seem, believe me, so

For the magnanimous pagan I pretend

Substitute a forked creature as your friend.

When darkness lies without a roll or stir

Flaccid, you want a competent poseur.

I know you know I know you know I know.

Cackle you hen, and answer when I crow.

No need to grope: I’m still playing the same

Comical act inside the tragic game.

Yet things perhaps are simpler: could it be

A mere tear-jerker void of honesty?

You know I know you know I know you know.

Leave me. Within a minute I will stow

Your greedy mouth, but will not yet to grips.

‘There is a space between the breast and lips.’

Also a space between the thighs and head,

So great, we might as well not be in bed.

I know you know I know you know I know.

 I hardly hoped for happy thoughts, although

In a most happy sleeping time I dreamt

We did not hold each other in contempt.

Then lifting from my lids night’s penny weights

I saw that lack of love contaminates.

You know I know you know I know you know.

Abandon me to stammering, and go;

If you have tears, prepare to cry elsewhere –

I know of no emotion we can share.

Your intellectual protests are a bore

And even now I pose, so now go, for

I know you know.