
This book was a special challenge for me, despite the return to my shifter roots. But I had fun with every single word! However, as usual, it takes an entire village to turn a story into a book, and some special thanks are due.

Thanks to Maria Barbo, the original editor for this story, whose enthusiasm for my “little army of red riding hoods” idea got the ball rolling. And to my agent, Ginger Clark, who makes things happen.

Thank you, especially, to Catherine Wallace, whose vision made Red Wolf the book it is today. Your guidance has been invaluable, and I could not be more pleased for the opportunity to work with you.

A huge thank-you to the HarperCollins art department, for one of the most beautiful covers ever to bear my name. I love this art. Seriously. I love it. Front and back.

My gratitude also goes to the HarperCollins editorial and production departments, for their incredible eye for detail. For catching the balls I dropped.

And, most important, a huge thank-you to everyone who will read this book and find a place in their heart for Adele and her little monsters. May she keep you safe in your dreams.