

“Writing is not a career for those who are easily discouraged.” So said someone famous and wise whose name now escapes me…

But for my part, to have gone from the tiniest kernel of an idea to writing a novel and eventually seeing it published has been both a surreal experience and a long, often bruising journey. One I couldn’t have made alone. Which means I have a few people to whom I owe both what remains of my sanity, and a debt of gratitude.

So, to Elizabeth. Your encouragement was in many ways a catalyst to my beginning this journey. Thank you for always being excited to read my writing. I’ll always celebrate and appreciate the part you played in this story. Always.

I am so thankful too for the love and beauty of my family. My mother, Shimeer, whose strength, courage and dignity I will never be able to fathom or measure. My brother, and hero, Daniel. My sisters: Iveren, Iember and Hannah; whose personalities and colour continue to shape and build me – thank you for being the beautiful and dynamic women that you are. And special thanks to Iveren in particular for your reading of those earlier drafts – your care, patience and encouragement were invaluable. Each of you are, and always will be, a profound treasure.

Burt Ronald… Dude, I’m so thankful for your friendship these last couple of years in particular - your insight, your empathy, and of course the banter. Love you, brother.

To Rachael Kearney, for seeing both this journey and its destination, and cheering me on toward it. You are a precious gift. Thank you.

Thanks to Chris Dabbs and the rest of the Unlimited Potential gang for teaching me to take my passion and dreams seriously.

To my brothers from other mothers: Eniola Foloranmi, Michael Nnadede, Mikey and Ian Fennell, Adrian Ekechukwu, Michael Carolan, Lance and Damien Salmon, Leigh O’Neill and the rest, for being what you are and keeping me company on this crazy ride called life. All love.

Special thanks to John Wordsworth for your diligence, enthusiasm and guidance and for being the literary equivalent of Jerry Maguire. And to my agent, Robert Dinsdale, for your keen insight as a reader, and for the belief and, quite frankly, inhuman levels of perseverance and passion you showed in helping to bring this project to fruition. I am unspeakably grateful.

Thanks too to the editing savant otherwise known as Phil Jourdan. You have a dark and mysterious gift my friend. Marc Gascoigne, for being an all round publishing don and a dude seemingly incapable of anything less than deeply fascinating conversation. And last, but the opposite of least, my deepest thanks to God for all of the above, you make each day that much more fun and beautiful.