3:08 a.m.

3:08 A.M.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

—Galatians 6:2

PERHAPS YOU HAVE BEEN IN DIRE NEED AT SOME POINT in your life and received comfort from a friend or relative. Having someone to walk beside you through a difficult time may have meant very much to you. This is one of the ways God demonstrates his love for us. Whenever you love someone in this way, God loves that person through you.


Edna rolled over and looked at the clock: 3:08 a.m. She turned back and found a dim light emanating from the closet and heard her husband, Charlie, rustling around. She rose from the bed and wandered over to the walk-in and watched him, oblivious to her presence, dressing for work.

“What are you doing? It’s three in the morning!” she inquired.

“I can’t sleep. I just can’t—there’s too much to do at work, and I need to go in.”

“That’s crazy—come back to bed,” she implored.

Charlie stood in the closet half dressed and looked at her. He ran his hands through his hair.

“What’s the point? I won’t sleep anyway.”

“You don’t have to sleep; just let me pray for you,” she replied, which then began a habit they continued several times a week for the next few months until his job situation changed.

Turning the lamp on low, Edna began to read to him from Psalms. God’s words of comfort and encouragement flowed from her mouth for over an hour. She heard him snoring and turned off the light.

“Dear God,” she prayed, “bless him and keep him. Help him get all that he has to do done. Give him your strength, your perseverance, your wisdom, and your guidance. Be with him, Lord, and help him finish this project. Help him be highly regarded among his peers. Make his management look favorably upon him, Lord. Help him find his way through this.”

As the months passed, Edna continued to pray for her husband and his job situation. He confided in her about his struggles, and she simply listened and did her best to encourage him. Finally, a light appeared at the end of this tunnel. He was able to add staff, and after several more weeks, things started getting somewhat back to normal.

Meanwhile, circumstances and a challenging economy found one of Charlie’s friends out of work. His wife, Becky, consistently complained about his behavior, whining to both of them about what a “loser” he was.

One night Charlie mentioned this situation to Edna. “I wasn’t sure I was going to make it through last year,” he said. “I feel bad for Nick. He probably feels awful right now, especially since Becky isn’t supporting and encouraging him at all. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you.”

Edna felt privileged to have walked through their trial by her husband’s side. She had sensed all along that God was using her to turn her husband back to God for strength and comfort. She knew she would never regret the lack of sleep nor the intimacy she felt being with him and God in the middle of those nights.


BOTTOM LINE: Carry your husband’s burdens and walk alongside him during troubles, praying your way through it together. Two bound together with God are inseparable.


1. Think of the last time you were in real trouble. Did you go to your husband first or even at all? Why or why not?

2. Have you and your husband had any serious struggles in the years you’ve been married? List the top three hardest ones.

3. How did you handle these challenges? Did you grow closer together or farther apart?

4. How involved was God in the midst of your difficulties? Did you cling to him together, separately, or not at all?

5. Is there a difficult situation you are dealing with now in which you sense God’s direction? How do you feel led to respond?

Perhaps you’ve been blessed with the opportunity to cling to your husband during a really difficult time.

Perhaps you’ve been there for him when he’s needed you. Maybe there have also been times when you have let him down. Ask God to show you those right now.

Your challenge today is to do one or both of the following activities with your husband:

• Make a list of all the wrongs your husband has committed against you. Make another list of the wrongs you’ve committed against him. Take his list and burn it, making an active choice to forgive him.

Ask your husband if you can speak to him for a few moments. Show him the list of your wrongs and apologize for the times you’ve let him down or not stood by him when he’s needed you. Let him know you regret losing the opportunity to love him well during those times and that you are sorry for letting him down. Ask his forgiveness.

• Tell your husband that you want to go on the record as desiring to stand by him always. Tell him you would like to do whatever it takes to become the person he trusts the most and considers his most valued confidante. Tell him you consider it a privilege to pray for him, and let him know you will be asking him for prayer requests on a daily basis.

In prayer, ask God to help you achieve these things.