And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

—Philippians 1:6 NLT

TODAY, SPEND TWENTY TO THIRTY MINUTES READING through the pages of this book and any accompanying journal you may have created, paying attention to the notes you made along the way, the questions you answered, and the prayers you wrote. Highlight or underline the prayers that God has answered.

Today is the day you review your list of expectations for your own behavior changes that you made on Dare 1, and answer the following questions:

1. Were the expectations I had of myself realistic?

2. What progress have I made on these expectations?

3. Do I need to adjust my expectations of myself or of my husband? Why or why not?

4. Review the initial assessment you took for Dare 3, and circle any areas where you have seen progress. Pray that God helps you see the truth and helps you not be discouraged. Remember, any effort is going to result in improvements! What did you discover?

5. Sit down with your husband and go over the assessment with him. Ask him where he has seen improvement in you over the last forty dares. Pray that God helps you both see the truth. If your husband does not see the same changes you see, without becoming defensive, explain what you have been doing that is different, and ask him to comment. What did you discover?

6. Where have you grown in the following areas, compared to where you were when you started The Respect Dare?

  ࡯ Disciple

  ࡯ Household Manager

  ࡯ Communicator

  ࡯ Confident and Assured Woman


Revisit the purpose statement you created that you have been reading every day for the last forty days. Incorporating the previous assessment and everything else you’ve learned, write a new, positive, present-tense “I am” vision statement for yourself. Refer back to the original instructions if you have questions.

After completing this statement, tape it somewhere you will see it multiple times daily.

Pray for God to complete this work within you. Share it with your group, and ask them to pray for you.


Your final dare is simple, but a little risky.

Today, call several girlfriends who are not in your current respect dare group. Schedule coffee with them.

Tell them about your experience with The Respect Dare, and invite them to join you in starting a new group of daretakers. Lead, pray, and support them through the forty-dare process to not only help other women grow spiritually and in their marriages, but to continue your own growth. Join our Facebook page by searching “The Respect Dare,” and be part of our community of growth!

May God be with you and may your experience glorify him and multiply in more marriages!