1874 Born in West Branch, Iowa
1884 Orphaned
1885 Sent to Oregon
1891 Enrolls at Stanford University
1895 Graduates from Stanford with bachelor of arts in geology
1896 Employed by San Francisco mining engineer Louis Janin
1897 Arrives in Australia as agent for Bewick, Moreing and Company
1899 Marries Lou Henry
Sails to China
1901 Becomes partner in Bewick, Moreing Moves to London
1908 Sets up independent consulting firm
1909 Publishes Principles of Mining
1912 In collaboration with Lou Hoover publishes De Re Metallica
Elected trustee of Stanford
1914 Organizes Committee of American Residents in London for Assistance of American Travellers
Appointed chairman of the Commission for Relief in Belgium
1917 Appointed food administrator
1918 Heads postwar European reconstruction
1919 Maintains American Relief Administration as private operation
Appointed vice chairman of Second Industrial Conference
1920 Announces he is a Republican
Defeated in Republican presidential primary in California
1921 Appointed secretary of commerce by President Harding Sends relief to Soviet Union
1922 Publishes American Individualism
1927 Heads relief operation for Mississippi River flood victims
1928 Elected president of the United States
1929 Signs Agricultural Marketing Act
Meets with British prime minister J. Ramsay MacDonald
Convenes White House conferences to cope with the Wall
Street crash and the onset of the Great Depression
1930 Signs Hawley-Smoot Tariff bill
Establishes President’s Emergency Committee for Employment
Stresses financial prudence in State of the Union address
1931 Federal Farm Board collapses
Mukden incident erupts in Manchuria
Kreditanstalt fails in Austria
Proposes moratorium on war debts and reparations
Sets up President’s Organization on Unemployment Relief
National Credit Corporation created
1932 Stimson Doctrine enunciated
Signs bill chartering Reconstruction Finance Corporation
World Disarmament Conference meets in Geneva
Signs Emergency Relief and Construction Act
Bonus army routed
Defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in presidential election
1946 Appointed food ambassador by President Truman
1947 Heads the first Hoover Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch
1953 Appointed chairman of the Second Hoover Commission
1964 Honored on his ninetieth birthday
Dies in New York City