1874 |
Born in West Branch, Iowa |
1884 |
Orphaned |
1885 |
Sent to Oregon |
1891 |
Enrolls at Stanford University |
1895 |
Graduates from Stanford with bachelor of arts in geology |
1896 |
Employed by San Francisco mining engineer Louis Janin |
1897 |
Arrives in Australia as agent for Bewick, Moreing and Company |
1899 |
Marries Lou Henry |
Sails to China |
1901 |
Becomes partner in Bewick, Moreing Moves to London |
1908 |
Sets up independent consulting firm |
1909 |
Publishes Principles of Mining |
1912 |
In collaboration with Lou Hoover publishes De Re Metallica |
Elected trustee of Stanford |
1914 |
Organizes Committee of American Residents in London for Assistance of American Travellers |
Appointed chairman of the Commission for Relief in Belgium |
1917 |
Appointed food administrator |
1918 |
Heads postwar European reconstruction |
1919 |
Maintains American Relief Administration as private operation |
Appointed vice chairman of Second Industrial Conference |
1920 |
Announces he is a Republican |
Defeated in Republican presidential primary in California |
1921 |
Appointed secretary of commerce by President Harding Sends relief to Soviet Union |
1922 |
Publishes American Individualism |
1927 |
Heads relief operation for Mississippi River flood victims |
1928 |
Elected president of the United States |
1929 |
Signs Agricultural Marketing Act |
Meets with British prime minister J. Ramsay MacDonald |
Convenes White House conferences to cope with the Wall |
Street crash and the onset of the Great Depression |
1930 |
Signs Hawley-Smoot Tariff bill |
Establishes President’s Emergency Committee for Employment |
Stresses financial prudence in State of the Union address |
1931 |
Federal Farm Board collapses |
Mukden incident erupts in Manchuria |
Kreditanstalt fails in Austria |
Proposes moratorium on war debts and reparations |
Sets up President’s Organization on Unemployment Relief |
National Credit Corporation created |
1932 |
Stimson Doctrine enunciated |
Signs bill chartering Reconstruction Finance Corporation |
World Disarmament Conference meets in Geneva |
Signs Emergency Relief and Construction Act |
Bonus army routed |
Defeated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in presidential election |
1946 |
Appointed food ambassador by President Truman |
1947 |
Heads the first Hoover Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch |
1953 |
Appointed chairman of the Second Hoover Commission |
1964 |
Honored on his ninetieth birthday |
Dies in New York City |