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Adams, Franklin P.
Adams, John
Addams, Jane
aeronautics bureau
African Americans
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA)
Agricultural Credits Act (1923)
Agricultural Marketing Act (1929)
agriculture and farming
crop prices and
drought of 1930
losses and, in Depression
marketing cooperatives
relief for
subsidies and
tariffs and
Agriculture Department
Alabama Power Company
Alaska salmon fisheries
Albert I, king of Belgium
Albright, Horace
Alcatraz prison
American Bankers Association
American Construction Council
American Economic Association
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
American Individualism (Hoover)
American Iron and Steel Institute
American Relief Administration (ARA)
American Telephone and Telegraph
Anderson, Paul Y.
Anderson, Sherwood
antitrust laws
Arnold, Peri
Arthur, Chester
Austin, Mary
automobile industry
Baker, Ray Stannard
Baldwin, Stanley
Balfour, Arthur
Baltimore Sun
Band of Hope
Bank of United States
banks and banking
Depression and failures of
Barber, James David
Barry, John M.
Baruch, Bernard
Bates, Sanford
Beard, Charles
Benchley, Robert
Bernstein, Irving
Bewick, Moreing and Company
Big Five meatpackers
Bissing, Moritz von
Bolshevism. See also Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
bonus marchers
Borah, William
Borglum, Gutzon
Boston Chamber of Commerce
Boston Globe
Boston Herald
Boulder Canyon Project Act (1929)
Boxer Rebellion
Brandeis, Louis
Branner, John Casper
Brazilian Iron Syndicate
Bretton Woods system
British Foreign Office
Brogan, Denis
Brookhart, Smith Wildman
Broun, Heywood
Bryan, William Jennings
Buchanan, James
building and loan associations
Bullitt, William
Bull Moose campaign
Bureau of Labor Statistics
Bureau of Markets
Bureau of Mines
Bureau of Prisons
Bureau of Public Roads
Bureau of Standards
Burke, Edmund
Burner, David
business and corporations
Depression and
Latin America and
Business Week
Byrd, Richard
elections of 1932 and
Republican primary of 1920
water legislation and
Camp Fire Girls
Capone, Al “Scarface,”
Caravans of Commerce (Marcosson)
Cardozo, Benjamin
Carlsbad Caverns preserve
Census Bureau
censuses of market behavior
Challenge to Liberty, The (Hoover)
Chamberlain, Lawrence
Chesapeake Bay
wheat exchange
World’s Fair (1893)
Chicago Daily News
Children’s Bureau
Child’s Bill of Rights
child welfare
Chinese Engineering Company
Christian Science Monitor
Churchill, Winston
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
civil liberties
Clark, J. Reuben
Clements, Kendrick
Cleveland, Grover
coal industry
strike of 1922
Collier, John
Colorado River
Colorado River Commission
Columbia School of Mines
Commerce Department
Commercial and Financial Chronicle
Commission for Relief in Belgium (CRB)
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch
Commission on the Conservation and Administration of the Public Domain
Committee of American Residents in London for Assistance of American Travellers
Committee on Public Information
community chests
company unions
Conference for Continued Industrial Progress
Conference on the Economic Status of the Negro
Connally, Tom
conservatives and conservatism
Coolidge, Calvin
Costa Rica
cotton prices
Council on Foreign Relations
Cox, James M.
credit crisis
Creel, George
Croly, Herbert
Current Opinion
Curtis, Charles
Customs Statistics Bureau
Daniels, Josephus
Daniels, Roger
Daugherty, Harry
David Copperfield (Dickens)
Davis, Richard Harding
Debs, Eugene V.
Democratic Party
crash of 1929 and
crisis of 1931–32 and
elections of 1928 and
elections of 1930 and
elections of 1932 and
Hoover’s early presidency and
balanced budget and
banking crisis and
foreign affairs and
Hoover advises FDR on
Hoover blames Europe for
Hoover as ex-president and
Hoover fails to address poverty in
onset of
term coined
DePriest, Jessie Williams (Mrs.)
Mayor’s Unemployment Commission
Dewey, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Doak, William
Dominican Republic
drought of 1930
East Murchison United mine
education spending
Edward VII, king of England
Eighteenth Amendment
Eisenhower, Dwight D. “Ike,”
of 1912
of 1916
of 1918
of 1920
of 1924
of 1928
of 1930
of 1932
of 1936
of 1940
of 1944
Ellis, Edward Robb
El Salvador
Emergency Banking Act (1933)
Emergency Relief and Construction Act (1932)
Espionage Act (1917)
ethnic and racial minorities. See also specific groups
financial crisis of 1931
post–WW I food aid for
European Children’s Fund
European Coal Council
Everglades National Park
export bounty, proposed
Federal Farm Board
federal government
balanced budget and
bank bailout and
drought relief and
employment service and
expanded role of, with Hoover heading Commerce Department
intervention by, vs. private and local aid
regulation by
unemployment relief and
WW I and
Federal Land banks
Federal Power Commission (FPC)
Federal Reserve
discount rate
Federal Trade Commission
Federation of Jewish Charities in Philadelphia
Ferrell, Robert
Fess, Simeon
financial system
European panic of 1931 and
Foch, Ferdinand
aid to Europe, post-WW I
crisis of 1946
Food Administration
“Food Conservation Army,”
Ford, Henry
Ford Motor Company
Fordney-McCumber tariff
Foreign and Domestic Commerce Bureau
foreign policy
Hoover as head of Commerce Department and
Hoover as president and
Hoover’s critique of Truman’s
Forty-two Years in the White House (Irwin Hood Hoover)
Four Freedoms
Fourteen Points
Fox, Charles James
Franco-German potash syndicate
Franklin Trust Company
Freedmen’s Hospital
free market theory
Freidel, Frank
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gandhi, Mahatma
Gary, Elbert “Judge,”
General Electric
General Motors
Geographic Names Board
Geological Survey
George V, king of England
reparations suspended
Gibbons, Floyd
Gibson, Hugh
Gifford, Walter S.
Gilbert, Prentiss
Glad, Paul
Glass-Steagall Act
gold standard
Gold Star Mothers
Goldwater, Barry
Gompers, Samuel
Good Neighbor Policy
Göring, Hermann
Gorky, Maxim
Grain Corporation
Grain Stabilization Corporation
Grand Teton preserve
Grant, Ulysses S.
Great Britain
gold standard abandoned by
Great Bull Market
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Great Society
Grey, Edward
Guggenheim, Daniel
Hamaguchi, Osachi
Hamill, John
Hapsburg empire
Harding, Warren
Harmsworth, Alfred (Lord Northcliffe)
Harvard University
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act (1930)
health insurance
Hearst, William Randolph
Hearst press
Hindenburg, Paul von
Hitler, Adolf
Hollweg, Theobald von Bethmann
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Jr.
Home Loan Discount banks
Hoover, Herbert Clark
agriculture and
ARA headed by, post–WW I
arms race and peace treaties and
balanced budget and
bank failures and financial collapse and
birth and early life of
Bolshevism and
British residency and
cabinet of
California and
child welfare and
Colorado River Commission and Hoover Dam and
as commerce secretary
Commission for Relief in Belgium headed by
Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch headed by
commissions and conferences appointed by, as president
Congress and, as president
conservation and
conservatism of
death of
death of parents and
death of wife, Lou, and
Depression policy failures of
economic policy and
education of
Eisenhower and
Employment Service bill vetoed by
ethnic rights and
European Coal Council and
ex-presidency of
family life and
FDR and
as food czar, in WW I
foreign policy and
Hawley-Smoot Tariff and
health of, and early breakdown
“Herbert Hoover Day” and
housing policy and
inauguration of
Inter-Allied Food Council headed by
Inter-American High Commission headed by
JFK salute to
labor and
lame-duck presidency of
liberals attacked by
meets and marries Lou Henry
Memoirs of
mining career of, in Far East and England with Bewick, Moreing
as mining consultant after leaving Bewick, Moreing
Mississippi flood relief and
oil policy
old-age insurance and
Old vs. New World and, post–WW I
Panama-Pacific International Exposition and
personality and pessimism of
politics disdained by
presidential election of 1920 and
presidential election of 1928 and
presidential election of 1932 and
presidential nomination of 1936 sought by
presidential nomination of 1940 sought by
presidential reputation of
press and
progressive policy of, in early presidency
Prohibition and
public service sought by, after success in mining
racial attitudes of
radio reforms by
Republican Party membership and
Second Industrial Congress and
speeches of, accepting nomination of 1928
speeches of, Armistice Day
speeches of, as commerce secretary
speeches of, radio address of 1946
speeches of, State of the Union of 1931
Stanford and
stock market crash and
stock market reforms proposed by
Supreme Court and
Supreme Economic Council headed by
trade associations fostered by
travels of, as mining consultant
travels of, European in 1938 and meets Hitler
Truman foreign policy critiqued by
Truman recruits, for global food crisis
unpopularity of
USSR and
Versailles Treaty and
veterans and
voluntarism and, vs. government intervention
water resources and
World Disarmament Conference and
writings of
writings of, American Individualism
writings of, De Re Metallica with Lou
writings of, Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson
writings of, Principles of Mining
writing style of
WW I and
WW II and
Hoover, Herbert, Jr. (son)
Hoover, Huldah Randall Minthorn (mother)
Hoover, Jesse (father)
Hoover, Lou Henry (wife)
death of
De Re Metallica and
as First Lady
meets and marries Hoover
Hoover, Mary “May” (sister)
Hoover, sons
Hoover, Theodore “Tad” (brother)
“hoover” and “Hoovervilles,” added to language
Hoover Dam
Hoover Dam Act
Hoover Field
Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace
House, Edward M.
House of Morgan
housing bureau
Houston, Texas
Howard University
Huber family
Hughes, Charles Evans
hunger marchers
hydroelectric power system
Ickes, Harold L.
illegal aliens
immigration quotas
Imperial Valley
Indian Bureau
Indian rights
Indian Rights Association
insider trading
Instinct of Workmanship and the State of the Industrial Arts, The (Veblen)
insurance companies
Inter-Allied Food Council
Inter-American High Commission
Inter-Argentine Syndicate
Interior Department
international financial system
International Harvester
Irwin, Will
Janin, Louis
Japanese exclusion issue
Jim Crow
Johnson, Hiram
Johnson, Lyndon Baines
Joseph, Archduke
Joslin, Theodore
Justice Department
Kaiping mines
Kansas City Star
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
Kennan, George
Kennedy, David M.
Kennedy, John F.
Kent, Frank R.
Keynes, John Maynard
Klein, Julius
Kreditanstalt crisis
Krock, Arthur
Ku Klux Klan
Labor Department
labor unions
Ladies’ Home Journal
La Follette, Robert
La Guardia, Fiorello
Lamont, Thomas
Land Office
Land O’Lakes Creameries
La Prensa (Buenos Aires)
Latin America
Lausanne conference on war debts
League of Nations
Leavenworth riot (1929)
Leopold III, king of Belgium
Lever Act (1917)
Lewis, John L.
Lewis, Wilmot
liberals. See also progressives
Lindbergh, Charles
Lindgren, Waldemar
Lippmann, Walter
Lisio, Donald
Lloyd George, David
local government, federal aid to
Lodge, Henry Cabot
Logan Act (1799)
London arms conference of 1930
Longworth, Nicholas
Los Angeles Times
Lovett, Robert Morss
Lusitania, RMS
MacArthur, Douglas
MacDonald, J. Ramsay
Manchuria, Japanese invasion of
Marconi, Guglielmo
Marcosson, Isaac
Massachusetts Department of Corrections
McCarthy, Joseph
McCormick, Anne O’Hare
McNary, Charles
McPherson, Aimee Semple
Mellon, Andrew
Memoirs (Hoover)
Mencken, H. L.
Merriam, Charles
Mills, Ogden
minimum wage
mining industry
Minthorn, John (uncle)
Mississippi flood (1927)
Mitchell, Wesley
Monroe Doctrine
Montgomery Ward
Moran, George “Bugs,”
Moreing, Charles Algernon
Morgan, J. P.
Moton, Robert Russa
Mundo al Día (Bogotá)
Myers, Bernard
Nash, George H.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
National Business Survey Conference
National Coffee Association
National Commission on Law Observance and Enforcement (Wickersham Commission)
National Conference of Social Work
National Conference on Street and Highway Safety
National Credit Corporation (NCC)
National Electric Light Association
national forest reserve
National Guard
National Institute of Health
National Park Service
National Recovery Administration (NRA)
Nature of the Judicial Process, The (Cardozo)
Nevins, Allan
New Deal
New Republic
New York Herald-Tribune
New York Times
New York World
Nine-Power Treaty (1922)
Norris, George
Norris, Kathleen
Norris–La Guardia Act (1932)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Northcliffe, Lord. See Harmsworth, Alfred
Odum, Howard
oil industry
old-age pensions
Ordeal of Woodrow Wilson, The (Hoover)
Oregon Land Company
Paderewski, Ignacy
Page, Walter Hines
Palmer, A. Mitchell
Panama Canal
Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915)
Parker, Dorothy
Parker, John J.
Parole, Board of
Patent Office
Pearl Harbor attacks
penal reform
Penney, J. C.
Percy, Eustace (Lord)
Phoenix, SS
Pierce, Franklin
Pilsudski, Józef
Pius XII, Pope
Poincaré, Raymond
pollution regulations
Pound, Roscoe
President’s Emergency Committee for Employment (PECE)
President’s Organization on Unemployment Relief (POUR)
Price Interpreting Boards
controls on
deflation in
Principles of Mining (Hoover)
Pringle, Henry
private philanthropy.
See voluntarism
Progressive Party
public health
Public Health Service
public lands
public utilities
public works
Puerto Ricans
radio bureau
radio licensing
strike of 1922
Raleigh Community
Rand McNally
Reagan, Ronald
Recent Social Trends in the United States
recession of 1921–23
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC)
Red Cross
Relief for the Allied and Associated Powers
Report on Lawlessness in Law Enforcement (Wickersham Commission)
Report on the Causes of Crime (Wickersham Commission)
Republican Club of New York City
Republican National Committee
Republican National Convention
of 1928
of 1932
of 1936
of 1940
of 1944
Republican Party
Hoover postpresidency and
Hoover presidency and
elections of 1920 and
elections of 1928 and
elections of 1930 and
elections of 1932 and
financial crisis of 1931–32 and
Research Committee on Social Trends
Revenue Act (1932)
Rhoads, Charles J.
Rising Tide (Barry)
Roberts, Owen
Rockefeller, John D.
Rockefeller Foundation
Rogers, Will
Rollins, Alfred
Romasco, Albert
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
election of
Hoover critique of
WW II and
Roosevelt, James
Roosevelt, Theodore “Teddy,”
Roosevelt Corollary (1904)
Rosenwald, Julius
Rosenwald Fund
Rothschild interests
rubber prices
Russia. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Russo-Asiatic consolidated
St. Lawrence Seaway
St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
Sandino, August
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco Examiner
Saturday Evening Post
Save the Redwoods League
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr.
Sears, Roebuck
Second Industrial Conference (1919–20)
Secret Service
Sherwood, Robert
Smith, Adam
Smith, Al
Smith, Richard Norton
Sobel, Robert
Social Darwinists
Social Science Research Council
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Somme, Battle of the
Somoza, Anastasio
Sons of Gwalia mine
Soule, George
Sousa, John Philip
South Africa
Southern whites
South Manchurian Railway Line
Spencer, Herbert
Stalin, Joseph
Standards Bureau
Stanford University
State Department
state governments, federal aid and
steel industry
Steffens, Lincoln
Stimson, Henry
Stimson Doctrine
stock market
Crash of 1929
Great Bull Market
Stokes, Thomas L.
Stone, I. F.
Strange Career of Mr. Hoover Under Two Flags, The (Hamill)
sugar cartel
Sullivan, Mark
Supreme Economic Council
Survey of Current Business
Taft, Robert
Taft, William Howard
Takarabi, Takeshi
Tammany Hall machine
Tarbell, Ida
Taussig, Frank
Teapot Dome scandal
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)
Tennyson, Alfred (Lord)
Theory of the Leisure, Class, The (Veblen)
Times (London)
Toynbee, Arnold
trade associations
Trans-Siberian Railway
Treasury Department
Truman, Harry S.
Tuskegee Institute
Twentieth Amendment
unemployment, and debate over relief for
unemployment conference (1921)
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russia, USSR)
United Mine Workers
United Nations
International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)
United Press
U.S. Army
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
U.S. Congress
FDR and
Hoover as lame-duck president and
Hoover as president and
MacArthur and
U.S. Constitution
United States Employment Service
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
U.S. House of Representatives
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Navy
U.S. Rubber
U.S. Senate
U.S. Steel
U.S. Supreme Court
Urban League
Van Buren, Martin
Vandenberg, Arthur
Veblen, Thorstein
Versailles Treaty (1919)
Veterans Administration
Villard, Oswald Garrison
voluntarism, vs. government intervention
voting rights
Wagner, Robert F.
Walcott, Frederic C.
Wallace, Henry C.
Wallace’s Farmer
Warburg, Paul
war debts
War Department
War Finance Corporation
War Industries Board
War on Poverty
Warren, Harris
Washington, Booker T.
Washington, George
Washington News
water resource development
We (Lindbergh)
wheat market
White, Walter
White, William Allen
White House Conference on Health and the Protection of Children (1929)
Whitlock, Brand
Wickersham, George
Wilbur, Ray Lyman
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Woodrow
Wolfe, Thomas
Women’s Bureau
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
Woods, Arthur
workmen’s compensation
World Disarmament Conference (Geneva, 1932)
World War I
World War II
Wright, Orville
Zinc Corporation