If I produce paralysis in verse

Where anger would be more suitable,

Could it be because my education

Left out the sight of death?

They never waked my aunt Nora in the front parlour;

Our cats hunted mice but never

Showed us what they killed.

I was born in the war but never noticed.

My aunt Nora is still in the best of health

And her best china has not been changed or broken.

Dust has not settled on it; I noticed it first

The same year that I saw

How the colours of stones change as water

Dries off them after rain.

I know how things begin to happen

But never expect an end.


              if I can never write ‘goodbye’

On the torn final sheet, do not

Investigate my adult life but try

Where I started. My

Childhood gave me hope

And no warnings.

I discovered the habits of moss

That secretly freezes the stone,

Rust softly biting the hinges

To keep the door always open.

I became aware of truth

Like the tide helplessly rising and falling in one place.