The last bed excavated, the long minute hand

Upright on the hour,

The years in pain scored up are scattered and their tower

Down: time at a stand.

And upright on horizons of storm the monumental crosses,

Lone shafts like the spade

Haunting the furrow’s end, flourish when man’s unmade

Wedged in stones, sunk in mosses —

Aching an upright femur can feel the tough roots close

Gently over bone, stick

Fast holding a smooth shaft. Only the flesh such strict

Embraces knows.


Turn west now, turn away to sleep

And you are simultaneous with

Maelduin setting sail again

From the island of the white cat

To the high penitential rock

Of a spiked Donegal hermit —

With Odysseus crouching again

Inside a fish-smelling sealskin

Or Anticlus suffocating

Back in the wooden horse’s womb

As he hears his wife’s voice calling.

Turn westward, your face grows darker

You look sad entering your dream

Whose long currents yield return to none.