I was standing beside you looking up

Through the big tree of the cupola

Where the church splits wide open to admit

Celestial choirs, the fall-out of brightness.

The Virgin was spiralling to heaven,

Hauled up in stages. Past mist and shining,

Teams of angelic arms were heaving,

Supporting, crowding her, and we stepped

Back, as the painter longed to

While his arm swept in the large strokes.

We saw the work entire, and how the light

Melted and faded bodies so that

Loose feet and elbows and staring eyes

Floated in the wide stone petticoat

Clear and free as weeds.

This is what love sees, that angle:

The crick in the branch loaded with fruit,

A jaw defining itself, a shoulder yoked,

The back making itself a roof

The legs a bridge, the hands

A crane and a cradle.

Their heads bowed over to reflect on her

Fair face and hair so like their own

As she passed through their hands. We saw them

Lifting her, the pillars of their arms

Parma 1963-Dublin 1994