Donni had never been so frightened in his entire life, not even in Montana when he was in high school and three of the jocks from the football team cornered him beneath the bleachers and were going to beat him up because he had mouthed off. A janitor had come along and the boys had left, but for the rest of that year the pressure on him had been nearly unbearable.

It wasn’t until college at Stanford when he was fifteen and realized that he was very smart, and that there were others just like him in California, that he had come out of his shell.

But at this moment he knew that he was running for his life, and that the only way he could ever help Cassy was to get the flash drive over to Betty Ladd at the NYSE.

He was just a block away when he looked over his shoulder and spotted the white Caddy coming around the corner practically on top of him. He couldn’t believe how fast it was happening. He’d never been much of an athlete, and right now he was running like a cripple.

The light was changing against him, and he doubled his efforts to get to the other side, his only concern the Caddy behind him.

At the last moment, in the middle of the street, he looked up in time to see a garbage truck, racing to beat the light, right there.

Then nothing.