The name Melissa Marino wouldn’t be on the cover of this book, or any book, if it wasn’t for the faith and encouragement of my Super Agent and fellow Kate Spade enthusiast, Kimberly Brower. Kimberly, you took a chance with me and believe in every word I write. Thank you for always knowing by your secret agent powers the moments to say, “Good but you can do better,” or “Don’t panic.” Grateful doesn’t even cover the gratitude I have for you.
I’ve been blessed by having not one, but two editors at Forever Romance who loved this book enough to work tirelessly on its behalf. So many thanks to Megha Parekh whose excitement for this series made my hopes and dreams for these characters come true. Lexi Smail, your endless eagerness, keen eye, and The Bachelorette shouty caps make my life, my work, a delight. Also, Yasmin Mathew, Kathleen Scheiner and the entire team at Forever Romance for making this book more amazing than I could’ve ever imagined.
Brighton and Anna, thank you for aiding in the original version. I have never forgotten all the input and hand-holding you did so many years ago.
My writer friends turned life friends: Sarah Cannon, Carla Cullen, Rachel Goodman, Tara Sue Me, The Wolf Pack, and Ann Marie Walker. Each and every one of you has encouraged me in countless ways.
My sweeties and two of my biggest cheerleaders, Lo and Christina. There was a time I was ready to give up, and you two sat across from me as we ate maple bacon doughnuts to tell me to keep pushing. You told me I was almost there. I trusted you and you were right. Thank you for your friendship and for celebrating every tiny publishing milestone with me.
Nina Bocci. My dear Nina. Absolutely none of this would be possible without you. A lifetime of lip glosses are owed to you.
My soul mate and boob-bumper, Amy E. Reichert. You virtually hold my hand daily, filter hysterical FaceTime calls, and encourage cocktail hour(s). Thank you for pushing me creatively and reminding me I can do anything. Your spirit is one of my most treasured joys.
To my lobster muffin, Sarah Wells, who calms my crazy, reminds me of my strength, reads countless words, and has never made me doubt why she is my person. Thank you for being the Rachel to my Monica.
All the creatives, teachers, and staff at StoryStudio Chicago who guided me in my early days and read drafts that were far from readable at that point. Also, enormous gratitude to Jama Kehoe Bigger, director of Midwest Writers Workshop, and the entire faculty of this life-changing conference. MWW is the creative kick in the butt I’ve needed every year, and the people I found there have made my journey so much more enjoyable.
So Twisted would not be a book if not for the community of amazing readers, writers, and human beings in the fandom that embraced the original and gave me more than I could ever give them. ::pats my heart:: Twi fandom. You are some of the most dynamic women I’ve ever known, and I carry you and all we’ve shared in my heart forever.
When I told my very conservative, very religious father about this book, his response (after I explained to him he would probably be uncomfortable reading it) was priceless. “Melissa. I trust you know what you think I can handle. In that case, let me get a pen and write down what the book is about so I know what to say when I brag about it.” I won the parent lottery with him and my mom. Both have supported every decision I’ve ever made with love and solid advice. I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without you, Mom and Dad.
To my two boys. L, the fact I’m even writing this acknowledgment is proof that your unwavering faith and stern talks, when I struggled, to pull up my big girl pants is how I reached my dreams. I simply couldn’t have done any of this without you, and I will never, ever forget that. J, you are never allowed to read this book because your father and I simply don’t have the funds for the kind of therapy you will need after. Thank you, my darling, for being proud that your mom is “a mom who writes books” and for making me know boundless love.
And lastly, to the original DILF and Nanny. When I asked the night we met, “If you’re out with the nanny, who is watching the kids?” DILF answered pointedly, “I had to hire a fucking babysitter so I could take out the nanny.” Both of you—and I—had no idea that a story would be sparked and lead to this. I thank you and wish you continued happiness.