Russian-language sources are quoted (in transliterated form, with a translation in square brackets) only if the relevant information has not been published in a Western-European language.
Bown, Matthew Cullerne, Art Under Stalin, Oxford, 1991.
Chavchavadze, David, The Grand Dukes, New York, 1990.
Clark, Bruce, An Empire’s New Clothes, London, 1995.
Deutscher, Isaac, Stalin, Harmondsworth, 1990.
Elliott, David and Valery Dudakov (eds), 100 Years of Russian Art, exhib. cat., Barbican Art Gallery, London; Museum of Modern Art, Oxford, 1990.
Ellis, Jane, The Russian Orthodox Church, London, 1985.
Gerhardi, W. A., The Romanovs, London, 1940.
Gray, Camilla, The Russian Experiment in Art 1863—1922, rev. edn, London, 1986.
Hosking, Geoffrey, A History of the Soviet Union, 5th rev. edn, London, 1992.
Lawrence, John, A History of Russia, 7th edn, New York, 1993.
Lincoln, W. Bruce, The Romanovs, London, 1981.
Marshall, Richard, Jnr, Aspects of Religion in the Soviet Union, Chicago, 1970.
Remnick, David, Lenin’s Tomb. The Last Days of the Soviet Empire, New York, 1994.
Russkii biograficheskii slovar [Russian Biographical Dictionary], 25 vols, St Petersburg, 1896-1913.
Shapiro, Leonard, The Communist Party of the Soviet Union, London, 1970.
Tchernavin, Tatiana [Tatyana Chernavina], Escape from the Soviets, London, 1933.
Thompson, John M., A Vision Unfulfilled. Russia and the Soviet Union in the Twentieth Century, Lexington, Mass., and Toronto, 1996.
Custine, Marquis de, La Russie en 1839, Paris, 1843.
Georgi, J. G., Versuch einer Beschreibung der Russisch Kayserlichen Residenzstadt St. Petersburg und der Merkwurdigkeiten der Gegend, 2 vols, St Petersburg, 1790; trans. into French as Description de la ville de St Petersbourg et ses environs, St Petersburg, 1793.
Kelly, Lawrence, St Petersburg: A Traveller’s Companion, London, 1981.
Kennett, Victor and Audrey Kennett, The Palaces of Leningrad, London, 1973.
Ometev, Boris and John Stuart, St Petersburg: Portrait of an Imperial City, London, 1990.
Pylyaev, M. I., Staryi Peterburg [Old Petersburg], St Petersburg, 1889; repr. Moscow, 1990.
Pylyaev, M. I., Zabytoe proshloe okrestnostei Peterburga [The Forgotten Past of the Environs of St Petersburg], St Petersburg, 1889; repr. St Petersburg, 1996.
Reimers, H. von, Petersburg am Ende seines ersten Jahrhunderts, St Petersburg, 1805.
Segur, Louis Philippe, Memoires, souvenirs et anecdotes par le Comte de Segur, Paris, 1824–6.
Volkov, Solomon, St Petersburg: A Cultural History, London, 1996.
Arkhiv Gos. Ordena Lenina Ermitazha, PutevoditeV [The Archive of the State Order of Lenin Hermitage, A Guidebook], Leningrad, 1988.
Arzumanyan, A., Brat’ya Orbeli [The Orbeli Brothers], Yerevan, 1976.
Avramenko, S., Vospominaniya ob Ermitazhnom teatre [Reminiscences of the Hermitage Theatre], St Petersburg, 1992.
Belyakova, Alla, Stories About the Hermitage, Moscow, 1990.
Descargues, Pierre, The Hermitage Museum, Leningrad and New York, 1961.
Ducamp, Emmanuel (ed.), The Winter Palace, St Petersburg and Paris, 1995.
Ermitazh. Istoriya i sovremennost [The Hermitage. History and Modern Times], V. A. Suslov (ed.), Moscow, 1990.
Ermitazh. Istoriya stroiteVstva i arkhitektura zdanii [The Hermitage. The History of the Construction and the Architecture of the Buildings], B. B. Piotrovsky (ed.), Leningrad, 1991.
Fond Orbeli [The Orbeli Fund], St Petersburg Branch of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Fond 909.
Fotoarkhiv Gos. Ermitazha [The Photo-archive of the State Hermitage], St Petersburg, 1992.
Gilles, F., Musee de VHermitage imperial, St Petersburg, 1860; rev. edn 1863.
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Levinson-Lessing, V. F., Istoriya kartinnoi galerei Ermitazha (1764–1917) [The History of the Hermitage Picture Gallery (1764–1917)], Leningrad, 1985.
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Piotrovsky, Boris, The Hermitage: Its History and Collections, London, 1982.
Piotrovsky, Boris, ‘Moi predshestvenniki’ [My Predecessors], Iskusstvo Leningrada [The Art of Leningrad], no. 4, 1989, pp. 5–26.
Piotrovsky, M. and O. Neverov, The Hermitage: The History of the Collections, St Petersburg, 1997.
Soobshcheniya Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha [Bulletin of the State Hermitage since 1940].
Sorok let Sovetskogo Ermitazha [Forty Years of the Soviet Hermitage], Leningrad, 1957.
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha [Papers of the State Hermitage since 1956].
Varshavsky, S. and B. Rest, Ryadom s zimnen [By the Winter Palace], Leningrad, 1969.
Voltsenburg, O. E., Biblioteka Ermitazha [The Hermitage Library], Leningrad, 1957.
Voronikhina, A. N. and Lyulina, R. D., Ermitazh v akvarelyakh, risunkakh, chertezhakh kontsa XVIII–serediny XIX veka [The Hermitage in Watercolours, Drawings, Sketches beginning 18th–mid-19th century], Leningrad, 1964.
Voronikhina, L., Art Treasures of the Hermitage, Leningrad, 1961.
Voronikhina, L., Gosudarstvennyi Ermitazh [The State Hermitage], Leningrad, 1992.
There have been many publications covering the collections of the
Hermitage, and the following is simply a very select list.
Benua, Aleksandr, [Benois Alexandre], Galereya dragotsennostei imp. Ermitazha [The Gallery of Objets de vertu of the Imperial Hermitage], St Petersburg, 1902.
Benua, Aleksandr, [Benois, Alexandre], PutevoditeV po kartinnoi galeree imp. Ermitazha [Guidebook to the Picture Gallery of the Imperial Hermitage], St Petersburg, [1913].
Derwis, Paul, ‘Some English Plate at the Hermitage’, Burlington Magazine, July 1935, pp. 35–6.
Derwis, Paul, ‘More English Plate at the Hermitage’, Burlington Magazine, July 1936, pp. 25–6.
Dukelskaya, L. A., The Hermitage: English Art, Sixteenth to Nineteenth Century, Leningrad, 1979.
Ivanov, A. A. et al., Yuvelirnye izdeliya vostoka [Oriental Jewellery], Leningrad, 1982.
Les emaux des Russes au 17 e au debut du 20e siecle, exhib. cat., Limoges, 1988.
Penzer, N. M., ‘The English Plate of the Hermitage’, Connoisseur, December 1958.
Peredol’skaya, A. A., Krasnofigumye atticheskie vazy v Ermitazhe [Red-figure Attic Vases in the Hermitage], Leningrad, 1967.
Piotrovsky, Boris et al., Egyptian Antiquities in the Hermitage, Leningrad, 1974.
Potin, V. M., Monety, klady, kollektsii [Coins, Hoards, Collections], Moscow, 1993.
Russian Glass of the 17th–20th Centuries, exhib. cat., Corning Museum, 1990.
Slovar’ numizmata [The Numismatist’s Dictionary], Moscow, 1993.
Smirnov, Ya. I., Vostochnoe serebro [Oriental Silver], St Petersburg, 1903.
Sokolova, T. N. and K. R. Orlova, Russkaya mebeV v Ermitazhe [Russian Furniture in the Hermitage], Leningrad, 1973.
Suslov, V. (ed.), The State Hermitage, Masterpieces from the Museum’s Collections, 2 vols, London, 1994.
Tarasyuk [Tarassuk], L. I., Starinnoe ognestrel’noe oruzhie v sobranii Ermitazha. Evropa i Severnaya Amerika [Old Firearms in the Collection of the Hermitage. Europe and North America], Leningrad, 1971.
Trever, K. and V. Lukonin, Sasanidskoe serebro [Sassanian Silver], Moscow, 1987.
Waldhauer, Oskar, Die Antiken Skulpturen der Ermitage, 3 vols, Berlin and Leipzig, 1936.
Two issues of the English art magazine Apollo, for December 1974 and June 1975, were devoted almost entirely to the Hermitage. Their contents were as follows:
Editorial; ‘Treasures of the North’
Tamara Sokolova: ‘Interiors of the Winter Palace’
Yaroslav Domansky: ‘The Scythian Theme in the Art of Ancient Northern Black Sea Cities’
Zhenya Gorbunova: ‘Classical Sculpture from the Lyde Browne Collection’ Tamara Fomicheva: ‘Venetian Painting of the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries’
Nina Kosareva: ‘A Terracotta Study of Gianlorenzo Bernini for the Statue of the Blessed Ludovica Albertoni’
Yury Kuznetsov: ‘Rembrandt Discoveries at the Hermitage’
Zoya Bemyakovich: ‘The Collection of Russian Silver’
Albert Kostenevich: ‘La Danse and La Musique by Henri Matisse. A New Interpretation’
Editorial: ‘Russian Francophiles of the Dix-huitieme’
Nina Nemilova: ‘Contemporary French Art in Eighteenth-Century Russia’
Nina Kosareva: ‘Masterpieces of Eighteenth-Century French Sculpture’
Kira Butler: ‘Sèvres for the Imperial Court’
Nina Biryukova: ‘Decoration and Diplomacy. Eighteenth-Century French Tapestries’
Marina Torneus: ‘Elegance and Craftsmanship. The Eighteenth-Century French Snuff-box’
Irina Novoselskaya: ‘French Drawings. From Watteau to Greuze’
The paintings of the Hermitage collection are being published in Moscow and Florence, in both English and Russian, in sixteen volumes, under the title Catalogue of Western European Painting. The following volumes have already appeared:
Vol. 1: Tatiana Kustodieva, Italian Painting. Thirteenth to Sixteenth Centuries, 1994.
Vol. 2: Tamara P. Fomicheva, Venetian Painting. Fourteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, 1992.
Vol. 5: Nikolai N. Nikulin, Netherlandish Painting. Fifteenth to Sixteenth Centuries, 1989.
Vol. 10: Inna S. Nemilova, French Painting. Eighteenth Century, 1986.
Vol. 11: Valentina N. Berezina, French Painting. Early to Mid-Nineteenth Century, 1983.
Vol. 12: Anna S. Barskaya and Albert G. Kostenevich, French Painting. Mid-Nineteenth to Twentieth Century, 1991.
Vol. 13: Larisa A. Dukelskaya and Elizaveta P. Renne, British Painting. Sixteenth to Nineteenth Centuries, 1990.
Vol. 14: Nikolai N. Nikulin, German and Austrian Painting. Fifteenth to Eighteenth Centuries, 1987.
Vol. 15: Boris I. Asvarisch, German and Austrian Painting. Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 1988.
The following is a chapter-by-chapter list of the most useful bibliographical sources:
Androsov, O., ‘Istoriya “Venery Tavricheskoi [The History of the Tauride Venus]”’, Muzei [Museum], VIII, 1987, pp. 122–33.
Gothein, Marie Louis, A History of Garden Art, London and Toronto, 1928.
Kaminskaya, K. G., ‘Yu. I. Kologrivov i ego uchastie v sozdanii pervykh kollektsii skul’ptury v Peterburge [Yu. I. Kologrivov and his Participation in the Creation of the First Sculpture Collections in St Petersburg], Muzei [Museum], V, 1984, p. 136.
Massie, Robert K., Peter the Great, New York, 1980.
Maurice, Klaus, Sovereigns as Turners, Zurich, 1985.
Neverov, O. Ya., ‘“His Majesty’s Cabinet” and Peter I’s Kunstkammer’, in The Origins of Museums. The Cabinet of Curiosities in 16th- and 17th- Century Europe, Oxford, 1985.
Neverov, O. Ya., Iz kollektsii petrovskoi Kunstkamery [From the Collection of Peter’s Kunstkammer], St Petersburg, 1992.
Peter de Grote en Holland., exhib. cat., Amsterdams Historisch Museum, 1996–7.
Rudenko, S. I., Die Sibirische Sammlung Peter I, Moscow and Leningrad, 1962.
Stanyukovich, T. V., Kunstkamera Peterburgskoi Akademii Nauk [The Kunstkammer of the St Petersburg Academy of Sciences], Moscow and Leningrad, 1953.
Alexander, John, Catherine the Great, Life and Legend, Oxford, 1989.
Castera, J. H., Vie de Catherine II, Paris, 1797.
Catherine the Great, Memoirs, edited by D. Maroger, New York, 1957.
Charles-Louis Clerisseau (1721–1820). Dessins du Musee de l’Ermitage, Saint Petersbourg, exhib. cat., Louvre Museum, Paris, 1995.
Cross, Anthony, ‘The Duchess of Kingston in Russia’, History Today, vol. 27, 1977, pp. 390–5.
Cross, Anthony, ‘The Great Patroness of the North. Catherine the Great’s Role in Fashioning Anglo-Russian Contacts’, Oxford Slavonic Papers, vol. 18, 1985, pp. 67–82.
Falconet, Etienne-Maurice, Correspondance de Falconet avec Catherine II, Paris, 1921.
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Grigorieva, Irina and Asja Kantor-Gukovskaja, The Famous Italian Drawings in the Collection of the Hermitage in Leningrad, Milan, 1983.
Makarov, V., Chasy pavlin Ermitazha [The Hermitage’s Peacock Clock], Leningrad, 1960.
Maksimova, M. I., Imp. Ekaterina II i sobranie reznykh kamnei [Empress Catherine II and the Collection of Carved Gems], Petrograd, 1921.
Mayor, E., The Virgin Mistress, London, 1964.
Moore, Andrew (ed.), Houghton Hall, The Prime Minister, The Empress and The Hermitage, exhib. cat., Norwich Castle Museum, Kenwood House, London, 1996.
Neverov, O., ‘The Lyde Browne Collection and the History of Ancient Sculpture in the Hermitage Museum’, American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 88, 1984, pp. 33ff.
Penzer, N. H., ‘The Great Wine Coolers’, Apollo, vol. LXVI, nos 390–1, August–September 1957.
Rossiya-Frantsiya. Vek prosveshcheniya [Russia-France. The Century of Enlightenment], St Petersburg, 1992.
Scherer, Edmond, Melchior Grimm, Paris, 1887.
Stuffinann, M., ‘Les tableaux de la collection de Pierre Crozat. Historique et destinée d’un ensemble célèbre, établis en partant d’un inventaire après décès inédits (1740)’, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, vol. 72, no. 1194–6, 1968, pp. H–55–
Toumeaux, Maurice, Diderot et Catherine II, Paris, 1899.
Treasures of Imperial Russia. Catherine the Great. From the State Hermitage Museum, Leningrad, exhib. cat., various venues, London, 1990.
Alle Origini di Canova, Ca d’Oro, 1991–2.
Androsov, O., ‘O kollektsionirovanii ital’yanskoi skul’ptury v Rossii v XVIII veke’ [On the Collecting of Italian Sculpture in Russia in the 18th Century], Trudy Gos. Ermitazha [Papers of the State Hermitage], vol. 25, 1985, p. 90.
Benua, Aleksandr [Benois, Alexandre], Khudozhestvennaya zabava imp. Marii Fedorovny [The Artistic Pastime of Empress Mariya Fedorovna], St Petersburg, 1913.
Canova alV ermitage, exhib. cat., Marsilio, Museo Correr (Venice) and Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome, 1991–2.
Coudray, A.-J. Chevalier du, dit ‘le Chevalier’, Le Comte et la Comtesse du Nord, Anecdote Russe, Paris, 1782.
Gielgud, Adam (ed.), Memoirs of Prince Adam Czartoryski and his Correspondence with Alexander I, 2 vols, London, 1888.
Grandjean, Serge, Inventaires après décès de l’Iimpératrice Josèphine à Malmaison, Paris, 1964.
Hartley, Janet M., Alexander I, London, 1994.
McGrew, Roderick, E., Paul of Russia, Oxford, 1992.
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Palmer, Alan, Alexander I. Tsar of War and Peace, London, 1974.
Parkinson, John, Tour of Russia, Siberia and the Crimea, London, 1971.
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Asvarisch, Boris I., ‘Friedrich’s Russian Patrons’, in The Romantic Vision of Caspar David Friedrich. Paintings and Drawings from the U.S.S.R., exhib. cat., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Art Institute of Chicago, 1991, pp. 19–40.
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