In Constant Search of Foliage


Seeking out and engaging with nature in the urban environment helps me reset my perspective on a daily basis and reminds me that there’s beauty worth exploring and protecting right here.

NATURE SEEKERS’ FAVORITE DESTINATIONS are usually awe-inspiring, pristine, and remote. These are the places we yearn to explore and strive to protect. The city, on the other hand, is often seen as a place to escape from, the place you leave behind when you want to “get away from it all.” But nature exists here, too. We are nature—my family, my neighbors, and the millions of other people of color who, like me, call this place home. This—my city, my street, my weed-covered front stoop—is nature, too. Seeking out and engaging with nature in the urban environment helps me reset my perspective on a daily basis and reminds me that there’s beauty worth exploring and protecting right here.

Finding nature in the city isn’t as hard as you might think. It’s not always grand. Sometimes it’s small, gritty, spiky, unkempt. Sometimes it’s the stubborn bits of clover that push up through cracks in the sidewalk or the patches of prairie that take advantage of every sunny empty lot. Sometimes it’s a gorgeous forest preserve a mile from home or the overgrown tomato plants in the community garden down the street. When I started looking for nature in the city, I found it everywhere. And I found it all beautiful.

I’ve been a gardener my whole life. My mother filled our home with giant, lush indoor plants, was always picking up abandoned bits of greenery, and checking the local nursery for sales. I absorbed my love of plants (and by extension, nature) from her. Plants were my first connection to the earth and remain my strongest link. They are so powerful and so unassuming. Most people don’t even think about them, except as backdrop or window dressing. Without plants, though, we wouldn’t and couldn’t be here. They make so much possible for us and ask for so little in return.

I’m always learning from plants, finding parallels that show me how to connect more deeply to the world around me, and to myself. The plant cuttings in various stages of growth in my house got me thinking. Taking a cutting is the first step in turning one plant into two. The cutting will start small, but with the right care and attention, it’ll become its own plant. To relate this to our lives, any small action or idea can grow into something much bigger, something that, with a little encouragement, can flourish. It’s up to us to make sure we take healthy cuttings, and harvest the bits of our lives and experiences that can grow their own roots to become something wild, untamed, and uniquely beautiful.






Hitting the trail by yourself exposes you to many of the same inherent risks you take on when you travel with a partner or group, including injury, dehydration, hypothermia, wildlife, strangers, and getting lost. But there are also built-in benefits: a clear head, undisturbed time to be yourself, and the pride you’ll take in finding your own way.

The decision to hike alone is very personal. Some may never venture to hike by themselves: for them, the risks outweigh the benefits. But for those looking to stretch their legs solo, here are some reminders to tuck in your pocket before you head out:

  1.   1. Plan your route ahead of time and let someone else know where you’re headed—a friend, family member, significant other, or local park ranger. Give them your route and timeline so they know if/when to come looking.
  2.   2. Get comfortable with the terrain, pay attention to your physical experience, and figure out a pace that works for you.
  3.   3. Trust your instincts. If an incline feels above your skill level, wait to tackle it with a partner on a future trip.
  4.   4. Choose a “turnaround” time before you set out. This is the time of day that you will turn around and head back to the trailhead, whether or not you reach your goal for the day. Keep an eye on your watch and the setting sun.
  5.   5. Bring a map and compass. Take note of landmarks as you pass them—a digital camera or cell phone can be a great way to time-stamp these bread crumbs.
  6.   6. Stay on the trail; it will keep you oriented and protect the natural landscape.
  7.   7. Always practice Leave No Trace (for more details on the Leave No Trace philosophy, visit
  8.   8. Pack a basic first aid kit, emergency blanket, knife (or multi-tool), and headlamp. Also take a lighter and fire-starting tinder so you can build a fire for warmth and to signal for help if necessary. Make sure to brief yourself on responsible backcountry fire practices.
  9.   9. Wear bright colors and bring extra layers, including a raincoat. Always assume it’s going to rain.
  10. 10. Carry more water than you think you’ll need. At least a liter for every two hours on the trail is a good standard. Bring a small water filter or iodine tablets in case you need to fill up on the trail.
  11. 11. Bring lots of snacks!
  12. 12. Keep yourself company. Resist the urge to tune into a podcast or listen to music. Whistle a tune. Breathe in the smell of the trees. Marvel at the distance you covered. Bring a notebook to record your thoughts and ideas—you might want to return to this headspace when you get home.
  13. 13. And above all, trust in the voice in your head that powers you up the trail.