Posted by Jasmine Gray
Acting Like a (Black) Girl
I am a girl, plus.
Which is to say I have to deal with all the sexist expectations, stereotypes, and assumptions that all girls face plus all the racist expectations, stereotypes, and assumptions about my blackness.
There is an invisible but ever-present checklist to measure if I am acting like a girl or not. Boxes built to keep me in my place. These boxes show up in every area of my life, even in a theater class where the whole point is to play a role, to become something imagined. But the more I attend theater camps and auditions, I am reminded that society has a hard time imagining women outside of roles that keep us in the box of being some kind of caregiver, sex object, or victim (who can only be saved by a man, of course). And then there’s the unrealistic beauty standards that we have to measure up to.
And so there is a way to act like a girl: be needy, be emotional, be loving (unconditionally), be superficial, be soft spoken, be beautiful and sexy—which also means be skinny—and also means be white (if you are not white, be a lighter shade of brown).
And there is a way to act like a black girl: be loud, be bossy, be emotionally strong (so strong you never cry or complain because whatever comes your way, you can handle it), be aggressive, be oversexualized, be wise, always having advice and answers (usually for white characters who are playing more important roles than you).
I wish I was making this up. I wish that when I googled “stereotypical roles for black women” nothing came up. But instead, there are several articles and documentaries on the history of representation for black women.
I would hope that at a school like Amsterdam Heights, these roles would be studied and exposed, that we’d create scripts that dismantle these caricatures. I would hope that at a school like Amsterdam Heights, a teacher would never, ever say to a black girl, “It will be great to develop something where you can really go full-out ‘Girl with an Attitude.’ We don’t really have anyone in the ensemble who can do that as well as you just displayed.”
But sometimes (dare I say most times), hope is not enough. So along with my hope for a better school, let me make this real clear. If I am going to be cast in any plays, one-acts, improv scenes, or staged readings, if I have to play any of the following, I will not “act like a black girl.”
1. The Jezebel: The Jezebel is a promiscuous female with an uncontrollable sexual appetite. The Jezebel image also declares that young black women are unlovable and cannot be taken seriously. During times of slavery the bodies of African American women were sexualized in order to demean them. When illustrated, their features were exaggerated to comical lengths in order to make them seem worthless. We have the Jezebel stereotype to thank for every scene that portrays black women only as objectified sexual beings for the pleasure of men. I will never be cast as a Jezebel type. I am too dark and too wide (see “Mammy” to get a better understanding of how this all works).
2. The Sapphire: Evil, angry, and stubborn (especially toward African American men). This is the loud-mouthed, finger-snapping, black female character who often brings the comedic relief. The caricature of the Sapphire has been said to act as a warning or punishment for going against society’s norm that women should be passive, nonthreatening, and unseen. (Can I also say that given the hurtful stereotypes that exist, there are actual reasons that might make a black woman angry? I am not saying we should never show the emotion of anger in a scene but to paint us as angry beings—just because? Do better.)
3. The Mammy: This is the overweight, deeply religious, maternal woman (most of the time dressed in unattractive/plain clothes and usually a good cook). People generally love the Mammy character. She actually has some authority, but she still knows her place. You can find her being a maid for a white family or the sidekick best friend who has all kinds of advice to give (she even has advice on love, even though she has never had a successful relationship).
Let me repeat: I will not “act like a black girl.” Not unless she is nuanced. Not unless she is imagined to be more than tired tropes and predictable clichés.
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bluesky reblogged this from tonyavwells
bluesky commented: I can totally relate.
hannahbee commented: This also applies to books & movies. I am Puerto Rican and so tired of seeing us portrayed as maids or oversexed vixens.
artandstuff commented: Awesome post!
artandstuff reblogged this
girlsandghosts commented: That theater teacher sucks! Hope he/she reads this.
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rodneyharvey commented: Wow. Had no idea there were actual names for this. Thanks for sharing.
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tonyavwells commented: yaaaassss!
harlemchick commented: OMG. This needs to be reblogged a million times!
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brownpoet commented: something similar happened at my school. Except it came from a “friend” not a teacher. I thought maybe I was being too sensitive, but this proves that I was not. Thank you.
rollerderbygirl reblogged this from girlsonly
websteravenue reblogged this from herheights
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herheights commented: YES!
mixedbag reblogged this
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girlsonly commented: I am sorry this happened to you. I wish this was the first time I heard something like this but unfortunately I’ve experienced it and so have other black actors I know. We have to do something.
gweber liked this
gweber commented: This IS doing something.
sunshineandrain commented: So tired of stereotypes in books, film, and theater about ALL people from marginalized groups!! Thank you for speaking up.
gweber commented: I hate the term “marginalized” but I feel you sunshineandrain!
firegirl reblogged this
writelikeagirl commented: Thanks for your feedback. Keep checking back! More posts coming soon.