

Abduction, The (Cézanne), 5 and illus.

Académie Colarossi, 52, 68

Académie Goncourt, 42

Académie Julian, 107, 109

Académie Matisse, 11–14, 16, 27, 36, 39, 42, 50, 73

Académie Russe, 22

Acanthus (Matisse), 113, 123

Adel, Sophia, 75, 76, 93–7

Adel, Tamara, 94

Agutte, Georgette, see Sembat, Georgette

Albret, Ernest d’, 298

Aldrich, Mildred, 140

Algerian Girl, The (Matisse), 19

Alphonsine (Renoir), 253

Amido (model), 116, 123

Anderson, Hans Christian, 229, 231

Anemones in a Terracotta Pot (Matisse), 270

Angoisse qui s’amasse, L’(Matisse), illus. 418

Annette (model), 201

Antoinette with Long Hair (Matisse), illus. 225

Apollinaire, Guillaume, 22, 43, 53, 73–4, 109, 137, 144, 158, 192, 206

Arabs, The (Matisse), 243

Aragon, Louis, 23–4, 74, 405–8, 411, 412, 427, 433, 461

adolescent discovery of Matisse by, 144, 258

in Communist Party, 406, 408, 439, 448, 458, 462

on Matisse’s paintings, 161, 162, 353, 409, 418–19

in Resistance, 406, 413

sketch of, illus. 406

in World War I, 189

Archangel Michael, The (Novgorod school), illus. 100

Arensberg, Walter, 170

Armory Show, 135–6, 139, 155, 164

Arnoud, Antoinette, 223–6, 228, 233, 236, 239–41, 243, 248, 251

Arpino, Rosa, 27

Arokas, Denise, 460

Art Institute of Chicago, 136, 187

Art Vivant, L’ (magazine), 274, 283

Artist’s Model, The (Matisse), illus. 173

Ascher, Zika, 445

Asie, L’(Matisse), 439, 440

Astré, Marie, 82

Au Maroc (Loti), 113

Audistère, François, 287, 304

Audra, Paul, 223

Auguste Pellerin (II) (Matisse), illus. 193, 193–6

Auric, Georges, 285

Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas, The (Stein), 370–1

Autumn Salon, 7, 15, 22, 36, 51, 53, 56, 62, 73, 82, 85, 87, 97, 121, 144, 147, 424, 439

Avogadro, Carla, 410


Bach, Johann Sebastian, 181, 184

Back I (Matisse), 136, 139, 140, 142, 301

Back II (Matisse), illus. 138, 139, 140, 142, 301

Back IV (Matisse), 301 and illus.

Bakst, Léon, 244

Balanchine, George, 481n148

Balbuena, Carmen, 70, 71

Balbuena, Consuelo, 70

Balenciaga, 450

Baliev, Nikita, 90, 94

Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo, 380, 385

Ballets Russes, 229–32, 243, 244

Baltimore Museum of Art, 377, 462

Banque de France, 387, 396, 437–8

Barbazanges, Hodebert et Cie, 260

Barnes, Albert C., 155, 323–8, 330, 331, 334–8, 341, 343, 347, 352, 373, 374, 382, 445, 459, 462

Barnes Foundation, 233, 323, 338

Barr, Alfred, 62, 72, 80, 86, 168, 184, 219, 330, 372, 375, 396, 461, 462, 466, 490n132

Basket of Flowers (Bonnard), 439

Basket of Oranges (Matisse), 103, 118

Basler, Adolphe, 162

Bathers (Cézanne), 177, 187, 218, 301

Bathers, The (Renoir), 217, 228

Bathers by a River (Matisse), colour fig. 19, illus. 133, 138, 140, 142, 174, 184, 185, 187–8, 194, 212, 285, 286, 292, 485n127

sketch for, illus. 185

Bathers with a Turtle (Matisse), 375

Baudelaire, Charles, 423

Bavardages (Matisse), 401–5

Bay of Tangier, The (Matisse), illus. 103

Beasts of the Sea, The (Matisse), 458

Beaumarchais, M. and Mme de, 114, 116–17

Beaux–Arts aesthetics, 6, 7, 259

Beethoven, Ludwig van, 181, 286, 417

Bell, Clive, 51, 109, 233, 366, 368, 370–2

Bell, Quentin, 370

Bell, Vanessa, 233, 368, 384, 458

Bennett, Arnold, 233

Benois, Alexander, 89, 374

Berenson, Bernard, 38–9, 44, 45

Berenson, Mary, 39

Berggruen Gallery (Paris), 462

Bergson, Henri, 148–9, 151–2, 423

Berners, Lord, 362

Bernheim–Jeune cousins, 38, 40, 59, 260, 267, 291, 330, 396

Denis and, 89

Monet and, 199

Shchukin and, 56, 57, 91, 134, 163

Bernheim–Jeune gallery, 55, 132, 164, 177, 229, 256, 285, 335, 479n62

annual exhibitions at, 226, 236, 249, 253, 274, 481n53

first one–man show at, 40, 45, 47, 50

Tangier paintings at, 132–4, 137

Besson, George, 204, 207, 217, 221, 226, 382

Bevilacqua (model), 200

Biette, Jean, 50, 51, 55, 56, 58, 63

Bignou, Etienne, 330

Blanchi (violin maker), 271

Blinding of Polyphemus (Matisse), 353

Bloomsbury group, 233, 348, 368–71

Blue Eyes, The (Matisse), 355, illus. 356

Blue Nude (Matisse; 1907), 136

Blue Nude (Matisse; 1908), 292, 326, 377, 485n127

Blue Nudes (Matisse; early 1950s), 464

Blue Window, The (Matisse), 176, 375

Bock, Catherine, 187, 273

Bohème du XXe siècle, La (Vassilieff), 15

Bolsheviks, 358

Bolshoi Opera, 93

Boney (stained glass producer), 454

Bongard, Germaine, 191, 224, 242, 243

Bonheur de vivre (Matisse), 25, 325, 329

Bonjour Mlle Levy (Matisse), 28

Bonnard, Pierre, 48, 250, 298, 305, 320, 324, 358, 399, 402, 403, 413, 420, 434, 439–40, 446

Boston Museum of Fine Arts, 45, 150

Boston Public Library, 56

Boucher, François, 96

Bouge, Governor, 316, 321

Bouge, Mme, 321

Bouguereau, William, 107

Bourdelle, Antoine, 22

Bourgeois, Monique (Sister Jacques), 411–12, 448, 449, 453, 455, 465

Boutique fantastique (ballet), 229, 233–4

Brahms, Johannes, 181

Branch of Lilac (Matisse), 285

Braque, Georges, 35, 82, 83, 161, 169, 192 and illus., 274, 371

Braque, Marcelle, illus. 191

Braque Banquet, The (Vassilieff), illus. 192

Bréal, Auguste, 58, 59, 63, 67, illus. 70, 70–72

Bréal, Hermine, 71

Bréal, Louisette, 70–1

Breker, Arno, 438

Breton, André, 144, 168, 189, 226, 256, 258, 274, 292, 440, 447

Breton Peasant Girl (Meerson), 470n31

Brise marine (Matisse), illus. 296

British Intelligence, 412, 420

British Museum (London), 230, 367

Brooks, Jack, 104, 113–15

Brouty, Loulou, 27–30

Brown, Oliver, 233

Bruce, Patrick, 14–16

Brummer, Joseph, 163

Buck, Pearl, 342–3, 391

Burgun, Georges, 169

Burliuk, David, 94

Burroughs, Bryson, 51, 164

Bussy, Dorothy, 366–71, 373, 383, 384, 463

Bussy, Janie, 333, 368 and illus., 370, 383–4, 442, 458

“A Great Man” (essay), 370, 490n112

Bussy, Simon, 83–4, 242, 250, 305, 332–3, 355, 367–9, 373, 413, 420, 434, 463

and Bloomsbury group, 368, 371

and breakup of Matisses’ marriage, 383, 384, 386

correspondence with, 37, 337, 343, 385, 388, 394, 399, 400

death of, 465

illness of, 352

in London, 364, 378

and painting of The Dance for Barnes, 332–3, 335–6

Byzance et l’art du XIIe siècle (Duthuit), 279


Caffin, Charles H., 49–50

Cahiers d’Art, 292, 350

Calypso (Matisse), 352

Camera Work (magazine), 49

Camoin, Charles, 146 and illus., 147, 156, 413, 420, 431, 434

correspondence with, 59, 166–72, 175, 201, 202, 207, illus. 210, 399, 422, 424

at Issy, 40 and illus., 124

marriage of, 260

in Tangier, 125–8, 130

in World War 1, 156, 165, 169–71, 189

Capture of Constantinople by the Crusaders, The (Delacroix), 129

Carnegie International Exhibition (Pittsburgh), 297, 322–24

Carpentier, Georges, 480n79

Casbah Gate, The (Matisse), 131

Cassirer, Paul, 6

Cassou, Jean, 495n46

Cendrars, Blaise, 191, illus. 192

César, Marc Antonio, 39

Cézanne, Paul, 5 and illus., 13, 31, 33, 35, 80, 136, 187, 190, 194, 300, 417, 442

in Barnes’ collection, 325

influence on Matisse of, 176, 177, 218

in Matisse’s collection, 99, 186, illus. 252, 396

in Pellerin’s collection, 193, 199

portrait of wife by, 141–2, 253

Chadbourne, Emily, 45, 52

Chadourne, Marc, 302, 307, 311, 315, 316, 318

Chadourne, Pauline, see Schyle, Pauline

Chagall, Marc, 287

Chamber of Deputies, 137

Chamberlain, Neville, 382

Chanson de Roland, 124

Chant du rossignol, Le (ballet), 229–34, illus. 131, 380, 452, 481n48

Chaplin, Charlie, 296–7, 339

Chardin, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon, 331

Charles d’Orléans, 414, 418

Charmy, Emilie, 125, 126

Chateaubriand, Vicomte François–Auguste–René de, 77

Chaurand-Nairac, Jeanine, 169, 189

Chawkat, Nézy–Hamidé, 410, 411, 492n51

Chekhov, Anton, 18, 93

Chicago Examiner, 136

Chroniques du Jour, 485n22

Churchill, Winston, 184, 420–1

Cinquante Dessins (Matisse), 225, 242

Circus, The (film), 296–7, 339

Circus Girl and the Manager, The (Roualt), 404

Clair, René, 441

Clark, Kenneth, 233, 362, 367, 371

Clemenceau, Georges, 194, 209, 238

Coburn, Alvin Langdon, 135

Cochran, Charles B., 229

Cocteau, Jean, 191, 226

Collège de France, 148, 398

Communists, 370, 372, 406, 408, 420, 423–4, 439, 448, 451, 458, 462, 463

Composition No. 1 (Matisse), illus. 3

Composition No. 2 (Matisse), illus. 185

Concerts de Colonne, 181

Cone, Claribel, 326, 375–7, 485n127

Cone, Etta, 326–7, 375–7, illus. 376, 462

Contemporary Arts Society, 371

Conversation, The (Matisse) colour fig. 12, 32, 119, 121, 133, 239, 386

Copper Beaches (Matisse), 38

Corelli, Arcangelo, 181

Corner of the Studio (Matisse), 120, 121, 133

Corot, Jean–Baptiste–Camille, 148, illus. 198, 199, 203

Corsage Bleu (Matisse), 358

Cortot, Alfred, 191

Courbet, Gustave, illus. 197, 199, 203, 212, 218, 274, 392, 396, 479n62

Courtauld, Samuel, 362

Courtauld Institute of Art, 351

Courthion, Pierre, 59, 401–5

Courtyard of the Painter’s House in Seville (Bréal), illus. 70

Couturier, Rev. Père Marie–Alain, 450, 453, 458–60

Cowling, Elizabeth, 287

Creole Dancer, The (Matisse), 458

Crosals, Victor, 456

Cross, Henri, 25, 27, 29–30, 33, 55–6

Crouching Venus (Matisse), 209

Cubism, 81, 137–8, 175, 188, 190, 196, 220, 298, 332, 355, 402

of ballet designs, 234

competitiveness of, 35–6

of Gris, 160–1, 165

Kahnweiler’s philosophical programme for, 274

paintings by Matisse influenced by, 168, 171, 176, 184, 186

in Salon des Indépendants of 1911, 73

Cupid Bearing Psyche Upward (Denis), illus. 7, 8, 324

Curie, Melitsa, 94

Cusin, monstre à double aile (Matisse), illus. 410


Daily Worker, 370

Daladier, Edouard, 382

Dance (I and II) (Matisse, 1909), colour fig. 4, 3, 8, 23, 25, 26, 29–31, 33, 38, 47, 49–51, 53 and illus., 56, 60, 77, 88–9, 91, 99, 138, 163, 185, 223, 326, 329, 459, 460, 462

Dance, The (Matisse, 1933), 326, 329–38, illus. 329, 336–7, 341, 343, 344, 346, 352, 360, 364, 367, 369, 370, 373–4, 380, 382, 445

Dancer with Arms Raised in a Yellow Armchair (Matisse), 410–11

Dancer with Tambourine (Matisse), 350

Danjou, Marie, 52

Darricarrère, Henriette, 241–6, 248, 251–3, 261, 262, 270–2, 274, 280, 282, 289–91, 295, 298, 300, 456, 484n62

Davies, Arthur B., 136

Davin, Mlle, 114

Decorative Figure (Matisse), 182

Decorative Figure on an Ornamental Background (Matisse), colour fig. 23, 282–4

Degas, Edgar, 99

Delacroix, Eugène, 104, 108, 128–9, illus. 130, 131, 148, 281, 316, 415, 460

Delectorskaya, Lydia (Mme Omeltchenko), 35, 76, 78, 251, illus. 341, 345–7, 361, 377, illus. 388, 415, 428, 429, 444, 448, 494n25

as Amélie’s companion, 345, 354–5

Aragon and, 405, 413

and breakup of Matisses’ marriage, 382–4, 390–91

Bussy family and, 368–70

as Claude’s nanny, 354, 361, 362, 364

and construction of chapel, 455–57, 460

and Matisse’s death, 466

during Matisse’s illnesses, 378, 379, 398–400, 409, 413–17

as model, 355–60, illus. 356, 357, 339, 360, 366, 382

models hired by, 439

Monique Bourgeois and, 411–12

during Munich crisis, 381, 382

photograph of Matisse by, illus. 340

portraits of, 432–3, illus. 432, 433

relationship of Matisse and, 388–90, 431–4, 437–8, 465

during Russian Revolution, 358–59

secretarial duties of, 364, 365, 367

and Soviet Museum of Modern Western Art, 461–2

suicide attempt of, 384

Vassaux and, 435

during World War II, 392, 394, 401, 407, 418, 420–3, 494n160

Delectorski, Dr., 359

Demoiselle Beside the Seine (Courbet), 199, 479n62

Demoiselles d’Avignon (Picasso), 186–7, 256

Denis, Maurice, 7 and illus., 8, 38, 55–7, 89, 109, 324

Derain, Alice, 189

Derain, André, 58, 82, 128, 179, 190, 274, 277

ballet designed by, 229, 233–34

Fauve period of, 35, 175

during Nazi Occupation, 423, 438

Pierre and, 259

during World War I, 162, 169, 184

Desserte (Heem), 170–1

Desvallières, Georges, 332

Detroit Institute of Arts, 255

Diaghilev, Serge, 229–34, 244, 431, 481n48

Diehl, Gaston, 494n160

Divisionism, 41

Donatello, 282

Dorgelès, Roland, 42, 64

Doucet, Jacques, 169, 256

Dove of Peace (Picasso), 463

Dream, The (Matisse), 358, 362, 397 and illus., 399, 411

Drollet, Lucie, 315

Druet, Eugène, 38

du Gard, Roger Martin, 369

Dubois, Paul, 95, 96

Duchamp, Marcel, 155, 165

Duchamp–Villon, Raymond, 165, 168

Dudensing, Valentine, 305

Dudley, Dorothy, 336, 338

Dufy, Raoul, 374

Duhême, Jacqueline, 452, 456

Duncan, Isadora, 63

Duthuit, Claude, 333, 335, 345, 354, 361 and illus., 362, 364, 381, 392–5, 436, 446, 447, 451, 457

Duthuit, Georges, 46, 203, 268, 277, illus. 280, 281, 284, 291, 302, 305, 316, 323, 332, 336

catalogue raisonné compiled by, 451, 461

on Fauve paintings, 279, 292, 295

journalistic publications by, 299

lecture on Matisse by, 285–7

Lydia and, 346

marriage of Marguerite and, 257–65, 275, 279–81, 350–2, 363–4

Pierre and, 267, 269

Prichard and, 149, 154, 169, 188, 257, 258

relationship of Matisse and, 265, 274–6, 279–80, 292, 399, 451

sketch of, illus. 257

as spokesman for post–World War I generation, 285, 331

during World War 1, 188–9, 257

during World War II, 395, 436

Duthuit, Marguerite Matisse (daughter), 4–5, 9, 31, 75, 122, 141, 166, 175, 201, 238–9, 244, 268, 271, 278, 285, 332–3, 335, 343, 350, 354, 355, 381, 459

at Aix with Amélie, 237, 245, 263

and Amélie’s depressions, 298, 303–5

artistic aspirations of, 178–9, 182, 238, illus. 252, 348, 349

birth of son of, 333

and breakup of parents’ marriage, 383, 386, 390–1

catalogue raisonné compiled by, 451, 461

childhood of, 10, 11, 56

Cone and, 375–7

correspondence with Amélie, 240, 249, 253, 276, 294, 299

correspondence with father, 104, 124, 144, 145, 237, 250, 251, 266, 269, 284, 288, 299–301, 322, 336, 337, 342, 347, 362, 366, 374, 414, 416, 417, 419, 425, 449, 464

couture designs by, 279–80, 361–2

education of, 122, 177–8

and father’s death, 464–6

and father’s illnesses, 398–400, 409, 412, 415–16, 419

Georgette Sembat and, 118

health problems of, 11, 26–7, 51, 67, 177, 204, 224, 227–8, 234–8, 252

Henriette Darricarrère and, 241–3, 248, 252, 272

at Issy, 39, 52, 67, 68, 106–7, 118–19, 143, illus. 157, 179, 287

in London, 366–7

marriage of, 257–65, 275, 279–81, 350–2, 363–4

Olga Meerson and, 76, 84–5 and illus., 96

paintings of, 19–20, illus. 20, 71, 167–8, 180, illus. 236, 236–7, 243

in postwar Paris, 435, 436, 438

reminiscences of, 46, 57, 121

Renoir and, 219

as studio assistant, 82

in United States, 345, 352

during World War I, 189, 207–9, 212–13, 215

during World War II, 392–5, 420, 422–5, 494n160

Dying Slave (Michelangelo), 248, 271


Ecole des Arts et Métiers, 238

Ecole des Beaux–Arts, 104, 149, 150, 395, 396, 407, 492n47

Efron, Lilia, 18, 76, 77, 95, 96

Efron, Sergei, 18

Elderfield, John, 183

Electricity (Dufy), 374

Eliot, T. S., 45, 338

Emergency Rescue Committee, 396

Eminent Victorians (Strachey), 370

Epstein, Elisaveta Ivanovna, 19, 32

Eréna, François, 271

Erzya, Stepan, 22

Escholier, Raymond, 372–3, 394, 399, 401, 490n132


Fabiani, Martin, 408, 422, 438, 494nn23, 160

Fall of Icarus, The (Matisse), colour fig. 24, 418–19

Family Portrait (Matisse), 141, 259

Farcy, Andry, 256

Farré, Henry, 305, 306

Fascists, 363, 395, 407, 449n160

Fatma (model), 123

Faun Charming a Sleeping Nymph (Matisse), 365 and illus.

Faure, Elie, 241

Fauvism, 6, 21, 32, 41, 56, 103, 175, 226, 255, 297, 330, 331

attacks on, 53, 64

at Autumn Salon of 1905, 11, 18

Cubists’ competitiveness with, 35–36

Duthuit on, 295, 451

followers of, 35, 137

Impressionism and, 217–18, 221–22

Kandinsky and, 19

of Meerson, 73–74

of portraits of Amélie, 282

Zervos and, 292

Fels, Florent, 485n22

Fénénon, Félix, 38, 163, 164, 256

Fenêtre, Céret, La (Braque), 83

Fête en Cimmérie, Une (Duthuit), 451

Fête espagnole (film), 272

Fighting Angel, The (Buck), 343

Flaherty, Robert, 317, 318

Flam, J. D., 239, 273

Flandrin, Jules, 37, illus. 53, 134, 137, 156, 169, 203, 282–4

Flanner, Janet, 135

Fleurs du mal (Baudelaire), 423, 429, 445–6

Fleurs sur la mer (film), 272

Florilège des amours de Ronsard (Matisse), illus. 410, 414, 429

Flowers for St. Henry’s Day (Matisse), 388

Forest of Fontainebleau (Corot), illus. 199

Fort, Paul, 178

Fougstedt, Arvid, illus. 12, 191

Fourcade, Dominique, 81, 269–70, 272, 282

Fragonard, Jean–Honoré, 96

Francs-Tireurs et Partisans (FTP), 420, 422

France, Anatole, 438

Free Aesthetics Society, 90

French Window at Collioure (Matisse), illus. 161, 161–2

French Window at Nice (Matisse), colour fig. 20, 239

Freud, Sigmund, 95

Friends of New Painting, 300

Fry, Roger, 20–1, 51, 54, 57, 61, 136, 143, 164, 187, 237, 372, 485n22

Fry, Varian, 396

Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 96

Futurism, 36, 137, 174, 332


Gabrielle in an Open Blouse (Renoir), illus. 224

Galanis, Demetrius, 189, 422

Galanis, Fanny, 189

Galitzine, Hélène, 382

Garden of Allah (film), 243

Gardner, Isabella Stewart, 45, 57, 469n3

Gargoyle Club, 350–1, 485n127

Gauguin, Emile, 316

Gauguin, Paul, 88, 121, 136, 177, 277, 308, 316

Gaumont brothers, 241

Gauthier, Lucien, 302

Geist, Sidney, 482n101

George, Waldemar, 485n22

George V, King of England, 107

Georges Duthuit (Matisse), illus. 257

Gérard, Emile, 193, 194

Gerbault, Alain, 302

Gertler, Mark, 136

Gestapo, 406, 422, 424

Giacometti, Alberto, 74, illus. 465, 465–6

Gide, André, 242, 336, 338, 367–70, 373, 383, 388

Gilles, Mother, 360

Gilot, Françoise, 35, 103, 215, 427–9, 442, 454–5, 466

Giotto, 331

Girl in Green (Matisse), 19

Girl with Black Cat (Marguerite Matisse) (Matisse), 20 and illus.

Girl with Green Eyes (Matisse), colour fig. 2, 19–21, 28, 307

Girl with Tulips (Matisse), 19, 20, 139

Glay, Capitaine le, 117

Gleizes, Albert, 188

Gobelins workshops, 445

Goblot, Aicha, 201

Goldberg, Mécislas, 53

Golden Cockerel, The (Rimsky–Korsakov), 153

Golden Fleece (avant garde news sheet), 16

Goldfish (Matisse), colour fig. 14, 120, 121

Goldfish and Palette (Matisse), colour fig. 17, 168, 186, 226, 256

Goldfish and Sculpture (Matisse), 120

Goncharova, Natalya, 94, 154

Gourgaud, Baron Napoléon, 262

Gourgaud, Baronne, 262, 271

Gowing, Lawrence, 175

Goya, Francisco, 440

Grandes Baigneuses (Cézanne), 194

Grant, Duncan, 233

“Great Man, A” (Bussy, J. S.), 370

Greco, El, 13, 71

Greenberg, Clement, 458

Grey Nude with Bracelet (Matisse), 152

Gris, Josette, 160, 163, 164, 189

Gris, Juan, 160–1, 163–5, 168, 175, 178, 186, 189, illus. 192, 203

Grunewald, Isaac, 14

Guernica (Picasso), 373

Guillaume, Louis Joseph, illus. 159, 213

Guillaume, Paul, 206, 285–7, 291, 292

Guitry, Lucien, 200

Guitry, Sacha, 422

Gurlitt, Fritz, 136–7, 155

Guthrie, James, 109

Guttman, Dr., 409

Gypsy, The (Matisse), 72, 103


Hahnloser, Arthur, 298

Haid, Edward, 13

Halvorsen, Walter, illus. 188, 190, illus. 192, 193, 195, 218, illus. 219, 222, 223, 226, 274

Hanotaux, Gabriel, 214, 367, 373

Harlequin (Picasso), 186

Harmony in Red (Matisse), 3, 6, 16, 153–4, 228, 351

Harris, Frank, 217

Harris, Walter, 104, 107–10, 112, 115–17, 122

Hastings, Beatrice, illus. 192

Hautant, Dr., 238

Head, White and Rose (Matisse), 168

Heem, Davidsz de, 170–1

Hélène (model), 295

Helleu, Paul, 152–3

Henriette (Matisse), 274

Henriette II (Matisse), 282

Henriette III (Matisse), 282

Henri and Amélie Matisse in the Studio at Lssy~les-Moulineaux with the Unfinished “Bathers by a River” (Coburn), illus. 135

Henri Matisse (Delectorskaya), illus. 340

Henri Matisse (Fels), 485n22

Henri Matisse (Meerson), colour fig. 7, 74, 85

Henri Matisse (Sembat), 255

Henri Matisse Working on “La Serpentine” (Steichen), illus. 34

Hercules and Antaeus (Matisse), illus. 355

Hercules and Antaeus (Pollaiuolo), illus. 354, 358, 385

Hermitage Museum (St. Petersburg), 87, 92

Hervé, Anne, 318–19

Hervé, François, 318–20

Heuschling, Andrée (Dédée; Hessling, Catherine), 217, 241, 242, 289

Hift, Mme Franz, 439

Hind, Louis, 36

History of Psyche (Denis), 89

Hitler, Adolf, 50, 347, 372, 379, 380, 382, 388, 389, 400, 413

Homer, 341

Hoppe, Ragnar, 225, 246

Hound and Horn (magazine), 38

Humbert, Mme, 177

Humbert scandal, 9, 136, 161, 384, 461

Hutchinson, Mary, 371, 372, 378

Hutchinson, St. John, 371

Huyot, Albert, illus. 84, 85


Ibsen, Henrik, 195

Ile sans amour, L’ (film), 272

Impressionism, 17, 41, 171, 193, 217–19, 248, 362, 398

In the South Seas (Stevenson), 302

Ingram, Rex, 243, 289, 290

Ingres, Jean–Auguste–Dominique, 61–2, 136, 194, 411

Institut de France, 107

Interior with a Goldfish Bowl (Matisse), colour fig. 16, 149, 223, 262

Interior with Aubergines (Matisse), colour fig. 11, 80, 83–5, 56, 331

Interior with a Violin Case (Matisse), illus. 221

Interior with Bars of Sunlight (Matisse), 412

Interior with Dog (Matisse), 347, 376 and illus.

Interior with Violin (Matisse), 207, 209

Irwin, Inez Haynes, 20–1

Italian Woman, The (Matisse), 196 and illus.

Ithaca (Matisse), 354

Iturrino, Francisco, 58, 62–3, 68, 263


Jack of Diamonds group, 94

Jacob, Max, illus. 192, 195, 226

James, Henry, 19, 20

Janet, Pierre, 493n80

Janette, Joe, 480n79

Jaurès, Jean, 8

Javor, Wilma, 388

Jawlensky, Alexei, 18, 19, 77, 87, 470n33

Jazz (Matisse), 419, 420, 427, 446, 448, 449, 461

Jean, Emile, 259

Jean, René, 170

Jeannette III (Matisse), 139, 142

Jeannette V (Matisse), 139 and illus., 142

Jedlicka, Gotthard, 485n22

Joaquina (Matisse), illus. 63, 72

Joblaud, Camille, 266, 435, illus. 436

Jolas, Maria, 394

Joyce, James, 340–1, 352–4


Kahnweiler, Daniel, 160, 165, 274

Kandinsky, Wassily, 17–19, illus. 18, 43, 75, 77, 78, 86, 87, 137

Kas, Marie and Emil, 344

Kaye, Danny, 438

Keynes, John Maynard, 233

King, William, 46, 149, 230

Kipling, Rudyard, 369, 383

Kirstein, Lincoln, 338

Klemperer, Otto, 96

Knipper, Olga, 93

Knot of Vipers (Mauriac), 391

Komisarjevsky, Feodor, 18

Konchalovsky, Pyotr, 94

Kritchevsky, Dr., 96


Labrusse, Rémi, 46, 124

La Fresnaye, Roger de, 162

Landsberg, Albert, 149, 152, 154, 203

Landsberg, Yvonne, 45, 152–55, illus. 154, 155, 196

Large Horse (Duchamp–Villon), 165

Large Nude in Red Armchair (Picasso), illus. 286

Large Reclining Nude (The Pink Nude) (Matisse), 358, illus. 359, 360 and illus., 362

Large Seated Nude (Matisse), 274, 280–2, illus. 281, 300

Larionov, Michel, 94

Laurencin, Marie, 96, 287

Lavery, John, 107–11, 115

Lavery, Lady, 107–8

Le Corbusier, 186, 338, 449, 450

Leger, Fernand, illus. 192

Leicester Galleries (London), 233, 366–7

Lejeune, Emile, 191

Lenin, V. I, 50, 223

Leriche, René, 398, 409

Lettres portuguaises, Les, Matisse’s illustrations for, 439, 445

Level, André, 145, 158

Levy, Harriet, 28, 307

Lhote, André, 186

Life magazine, 464

Light That Failed, The (Kipling), 383

Lili (model), 295

Limited Editions Club, 352

Lipschitz, Jacques, 287

Lister, Reginald, 108

London Times, 89, 104, 116

Lorette (model), 196, 198–201, 204, 207, 243, 331

Lorette in a Green Robe on a Black Background (Matisse), 222

Lorette Reclining (Sleeping Nude) (Matisse), 199 and illus.

Loti, Pierre, 104, 107, 108, 111–13, 123

Louis Aragon (Matisse), illus. 406

Louvre (Paris), 47, 139, 248, 259, 275, 285, 297, 300, 305, 331, 352, 407

Love for Three Oranges, The (ballet), 244

Löwengard, Charles, 298

Löwengard, Lisette, 298, 300, 304–5, 323, 328, 329, 332, 334, 345, 376

Luce, Maximilien, 40

Luxe, calme et volupté (Matisse), 6, 25, 136

Luxembourg Museum, 139, 300

Lydia (Matisse), illus. 357

Lydia Delectorskaya (Matisse), illus. 341

Lydia Delectorskaya in a Hooded Cape (Matisse), illus. 388


MacChesney, Clara, 118

Macy, George, 341, 352–3

Maeght, Aimé, 425, 434, 439, 441

Maillol, Aristide, 42–3, 297–8, 302, 313, 348, 434, 438

Maison de la Pensée Française (Paris), 458

Maison Worth, 280

Majerzak, Dr., 95

Mallarmé, Stéphane, 296, 323, 328, 333, 334, 339, 365, 375

Malraux, André, 367

Manet, Edouard, 194, 398, 442

Manguin, Henri, 28, 29, 40, 58, 59, 104, 108, 156

Manila Shawl, The (Spanish Woman) (Matisse), illus. 72, 72–3

Mann, Katia, 17

Mann, Thomas, 17, 19, 32, 96

Manolo, Manuel, 161

Marchand, André, 250, 288, 290

Marguerite Asleep (Matisse), illus. 136, 236–7

Markova, Alicia, 481n48

Marne, Battle of the, 165

Marquet, Albert, 52, 108–9, 144, 146 and illus., 153, 161, 215, 251, 288, 441

correspondence with, 29, 58, 69, 209, 391, 415, 429

death of, 446

at Issy, 40 and illus., 124

marriage of, 260

in Marseilles, 203–4, 206, 226

Meerson and, 79, 84, 86

in Munich, 54

Renoir and, 218

in Tangier, 102, 112, 126–7

during World War I, 156, 160, 165–7, 209, 213

during World War II, 401

Martin, Jean, 456

Martin, Paule, 453, 456–7, 464

Marval, Jacqueline, 203–4, 209, 283

Massia (violinist), 167

Massine, Léonide, 231–2, 335, 336, 380

Masson, André, 329, 332, 333, 335, 336, 348

Matisse (McBride), 485n22

Matisse, Alexina Satler (Teeny; Pierre’s wife), 303, 349, 378–81, 451

Matisse, Amélie (wife), 4, 9–12, illus. 11, 30, 59, 161, 177, 178, 201, 218, 242, 271, 291, 301, 323, 346, 362, 365, 367, 381, 399, 451

at Aix with Marguerite, 237, 245, 263

correspondence with Henri, 42, 57, 58, 60–1, 65–7, 71, 76–7, illus. 91, 119, 122, 124–5, 204–6, 210–22, 224, 230, 238, 241, illus. 244, 247, 251, 279, illus. 294, 305–6, 314, 315, illus. 317, 319 and illus., 322, 339, 374

correspondence with Marguerite, 240, 249, 253, 276, 294, 299

family background of, 9

and father’s death, 249

Georgette Sembat and, 118

Gertrude Stein and, 52, 371

grandchildren of, 333, 345, 361, illus. 381

Henriette Darricarrère and, 251–2

and Henris death, 466 ill health of, 67, 77, 237, 252–3, 268, 285, 287–8, 297–8, 302–5, 328–9, 334, 341, 342, 352, 377

at Issy, 27, 52–3, 67, 72, 93, 124, illus. 133, 157

Lydia Delectorskaya and, 345–7, 354, 357, 379, 382–4

and Marguerite’s marriage, 257, 259–62, 351, 363–4

and Marguerite’s surgery, 227, 234–5

marital problems of, 67–9, 72–3, 249, 276, 344

marriage of, 9–10, 31, 143

marriage, breakup of, 382–8, 390–1

modeling by, 10–11, 75, 120

in Morocco, 102–9, illus. 105, 111–14, 125–6, 131, 132

and mother’s death, 16

move back to Paris of, 144–5, 157

needlework of, 343

in Nice, 249, 253, 261–2, 277, 289, 290, illus. 193, 294, 298–9, 301–2

old age of, 434, 436, 459, 464

Olga Meerson and, 33, 75, 79, 84–5 and illus., 94–7

paintings of, 32, 71–3, 141–4, illus. 141, 143, 150–2, illus. 236, 282, 290

and Pierre’s first marriage, 264, 266, 267

Renoir and, 219

as studio manager, 10

during World War I, 165–7, 188–9, 207–9, 212, 213, 215

during World War II, 392, 416, 419–20, 422–4, 424

Matisse, Anna (mother), 10, 67, 122, 132, 144, 146, 158, 162, 166, 189–90, 205, 213–15, 226, 234, 235, 288, 351

Matisse, Auguste (brother), 55, 166, 169, 189–90, 193, 213–15, 226, 235, 392, 393, 441

Matisse, Gérard (grandson), 333, 392, 393, 446–8, 451, 457, 459

Matisse, Henri:

Antoinette Arnoud and, 223–6, 228, 235, 240

Aragon and, 405–9, 412–13, 439

art collection of, 177, 253, 479n62

attacks on, 42, 56, 63–4, 254–5, 370–2

in Autumn Salon, 53–4

ballets designed by, 229–34, 380, 385

Barnes’s commission from, 324–31, 334–8

Bernheim–Jeune shows of, 40–2, 47, 132–3,

137, 225–6, 236, 249, 330, 331

Berlin shows of, 3–4, 136–7, 155–6

Bernheim-Jeune contract with, 38, 206

brothels, visits to or otherwise, 125–6, 251

and Bucks novels, 342–3, 361, 362

Bussy family and, 367–71

cars owned by, 202–3, 275, 298

at Cassis, 8

at Cavalière, 25, 28–30

chapel designed by, 448–62

chastity, attempts at, 32

and children’s artistic aspirations, 178–80, 182, 275, 347–50

in Collioure, 82–6, 160–1

Cones’ collection of paintings by, 326–7, 375–7, 462

conflicting responses to pre—and post—World War I works of, 254–5, 273–4, 284

creative process of, 31–3, 48–51, 81, 141, 148–52, 174–6, 185–6, 197–9, 207–8, 238–9, 247–9, 295, 333, 372–3, 427–8, 463–4

Cubism and, 186–7

death of, 465–6

documentary film on, 439, 441

dogs owned by, 276–7, 297, 378

eightieth birthday celebrations for, 457–8

emotional turmoil of, 59, 66, 268–9, 277

family life of, 10, 11, 176–7, 252–3, 276, 278–9, 292, 294, 342, 436–7

and father’s death, 54–6

Fauve period of, 11, 32, 35, 222, 226, 292

favorable reviews of, 43

film-going of, 272, 296–7, 339, 438

final years of, 460–5

in Germany, 3–5, 54

grandchildren and, 333, 354, 380, 446–8, 457, 459

Guillaume’s shows of, 206, 285–7, 291

Henriette Darricarrère and, 242–4, 248, 251–2, 270, 289–91

illnesses of, 172, 261, 299, 336–7, 341–2, 378–9, 398–402, 409, 413–17, 446, 460,


interviews with, 25–6, 29, 47, 49, 118, 297, 325, 460–1

Lisette Löwengard and, 298, 328, 329, 332

in London, 233

London shows of, 20–1, 51, 136, 366–7

Lorette (model) and, 196, 201, 204

Lydia Delectorskaya and, 334–5, 345–7, 356–60, 364–6, 377, 381–2, 388–92, 416, 431–4, 461–2, 465, 466

Marguerite’s critiques of, 178–9, 238–9, 342, 362, 367, 417

and Marguerite’s health problems, 26–7, 227–8, 234–8

and Marguerite’s marriage, 257–61, 264–5, 274–5, 279–80, 350–2, 363–4

marital problems of, 67–9, 72–3, 249, 276, 303, 344

marriage of, 9–10, 31, 143

marriage, breakup of, 382–8, 390–1

memoirs of, 400–5

models, relations with, xvii–xviii, 6, 11, 19, 23–4, 27, 50, 73–7, 77–8, 115–16, 123–4, 126, 142–4, 195–6, 201, 204, 220, 223–5, 239–40, 241, 248, 251–2, 270–1, 271–3, 289–91, 298, 328, 346, 256–7, 364–6, 382–3, 384, 410, 411–12, 448, 456–7, 482n101

Monique Bourgeois and, 411–12

in Morocco, 97, 101–19, 121–31, 133, 134, 149, Ï73–4

and mother’s death, 234, 235

move back to Paris of, 144–8, 157

move to Issy of, 27, 34, 36–40

during Munich crisis, 380–2

museum acquisitions of works of, 374–5, 377, 438–41, 461–2

New York school influenced by, 440

New York shows of, 43, 136, 289, 330–1, 334, 458

in Nice, 220–1, 234–9, 244–53, 255, 256, 261–3, 268, 272–3, 277–9, 294–5, 297–8, 300, 332, 483n32

Olga Meerson and, 16–17, 19, 22–3, 32–3, 73–9, 84–7, 93–7

Oriental influences on, 47, 129

painting breakthrough of, 26, 29–31

Picasso’s friendship with, 137–8, 140, 399, 426–9, 442–3

and Pierre’s first marriage, 263–8

and Pierre’s violin studies, 180–3

politics, 269, 347, 363, 372

popular image of, 371–2

portraits of young women by, 20–2, 45, 152–5, 273, 409–12

professional isolation of, 34–6, 256, 372, 373

rejection of Beaux–Arts aesthetics by, 6, 7

Renoir visited by, 216–19, 222–3

in Russia, 87–95, 98–101

in Salon des Indépendants, 25, 26, 43, 73

Sarah Steins promotion of, 44–6

school of, 11–14, 16, 27, 36, 39, 42, 50, 73

Sembat’s writings on, 8, 31, 117, 119, 124, 131–3, 137, 138

Shchukins collection of paintings by, 6–8, 24, 81, 99–100, 133, 374

Shchukin’s commissions from, 24–8, 56–7, 60–1, 63–4, 80, 88, 90–1, 121, 141

sixtieth birthday celebrations for, 299–300

in Spain, 57–63, 65–72, 79–81, 88

Steins’ collection of paintings by, 19, 20, 36, 41, 44, 84, 156, 222, 256, 329, 375

student days of, 9, 13

in Tahiti, 289, 302, 305, 307–22, 333

techniques used by, 83, 119, 154, 155, 332, 417–18, 428–9, 431

in United States, 305–7, 322–7, 336–7

in vence, 420–2, 426–9, 432–5, 439, 441, 443–5, 448

violin playing by, 156–7, 172

visitors shocked by, 139–40

and wife’s ill health, 287–8, 302–4, 341, 342, 344–5

works of, see titles of specific works

during World War 1, 156–71, 184, 188–98, 201–2, 204, 208–15

during World War II, 387, 388, 391–7, 400, 401, 406–9, 412–14, 418–25, 436, 440, 441, 494n160

Matisse, Henri, Sr. (father), 9, 10, 54–6, 144, 146, 180, 194, 215, 234, 348

Matisse, Jacqueline (granddaughter), 333, 361, 446, 447, 451, 457

Matisse, Jean (son), 108, 180, 189, 221, 226, 240, 262, 269, 271, 284, 287, 351, 436

adolescence of, 144, 145, illus. 257, 158, 166–7, 177, illus. 178, 179–80

artistic aspirations of, 238, 275–6, 301, 323, 347–8

birth of son of, 333

and breakup of parents’ marriage, 383

childhood of, 10, 11, 67, 82

Duthuit and, 257, 259

education of, 27, 39, 51, 106, 122, 141

family business run by, 277–8

in family portrait, 71

marriages of, 303, 323, 451, 459

and mother’s depressions, 253

during Munich crisis, 381–2

prospective brides for, 288–9

tombstone carved by, 466

in World War I, 180, 194, 201, 204, 207, 208, 212, 214, 219

in World War II, 392, 393, 412–13, 419, 422

Matisse, Louise (Jean’s wife), 392, 393, 451

Matisse, Marguerite (daughter), see Duthuit, Marguerite Matisse

Matisse, Paul (grandson), 361, 446, 447, 451

Matisse, Peter Noel (grandson), 380, 446, 447, 451

Matisse, Pierre (son), 56, 108, 153, 201–2, 227, 230, 248, 252, 269, 285, 294, 302, 323, 326, 339, 342, 347–9, 360, 372, 374, 396, 400

adolescence of, 144, 145, 157 and illus., 158, 166–7, 177–8

artistic aspirations of, 210, 238

and Barr’s book on Matisse, 461

and breakup of parents’ marriage, 384, 391

childhood of, 10, 11, 67, 82, 106, 122

children of, 333, 361, 380, 447

in Clemenceau’s secretariat, 238

Cone and, 377

at consecration of chapel, 460 correspondence of, 240, 298, 333, 335, 343, 355,

362, 364, 373, 397, 399, 401–2, 404–5, 409, 413, 414, 434, 440, 441

Duthuit and, 257

education of, 27, 39, 51, 141

in family portrait, 71

marriages of, 259–60, 262–7, 276, 303, 304, 451, 459

and mother’s depressions, 253, 287

painting of, 182–4, illus. 263, 201

portrait sittings arranged by, 378

postwar reunion with, 436–8

in United States, 176, 268, 271, 275, 277, 278, 288, 289, 330, 333–4, 336, 337, 345, 349, 351, 352, 363, 380, 381, 395, 458, 464

and Ulysses illustrations, 340

violin lessons of, 157, 180–2, illus. 181, 201, 207, 210, 212, 226

during World War I 209, 212, 214

Matisse: His Art and His Public (Barr), 461

Matisse Museum (Le Cateau), 462

Matisse Teaching Scandinavian Artists in His Studio (Fougstedt), illus. 12

Matta, Patricia, 459

Matthew Prichard (Matisse), illus. 44

Mauriac, François, 391

Maurvret, Georges, 483n32

McBride, Henry, 51, 139–40, 305, 330, 338, 485n22

Médecin, Jean, 460, 466

Meerson, Olga Markusovna, 16–19, illus. 16, 18, 22–3, 32–3, 73–9, 84–7, illus. 84–86, 93–7, 201, 363, 366, 435, 470nn27, 33

portrait of Matisse, colour fig. 7, 74, 85

Melchers, H. M., 191

Menier family, 203

Metamorphoses (Ovid), 323

Metro–Goldwyn–Mayer, 305

Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York), 255, 305

Metzinger, Jean, 188

Meyer, Marcelle, 285

Michaela (Matisse), 441

Michelangelo, 207, 209, 248, 271, 280, illus. 181, 282

Mills College, 396

Ministry of Beaux–Arts, 139, 363

Mirbeau, Octave, 41

Miró, Joan, 363

Moana (film), 318

Modigliani, Amedeo, 192 and illus

Modot, Gaston, 250

Moll, Greta, 19, 22, 96, 153

Monde, Le, 117

Mondrian, Piet, 31–2

Monet, Claude, 41, 199, 218, 417, 427

Monique in a Grey Robe (Matisse), 412

Montherlant, Henri de, 410, 417–18

Montross Gallery (New York), 164

Moorish Harem (Lavery), 110

Moorish Screen, The (Matisse), colour fig. 11, 246

Moorish Woman (Matisse), 248

Morand, Paul, 273

Moreau, Gustave, 169, 305, 378, 415

Morillot, Octave, 316

Moroccan Amido, The (Matisse), illus. 101, 121

Moroccan Café (Matisse), colour fig. 15, 130–1, 134, 255

Moroccans, The (Matisse), colour fig. 18, 130, 174–6, 188, 212, 289, 292, 462, 485n127

sketch for, illus. 174

Moroccan in Green (Standing Riffian) (Matisse), illus. 98, 300

Morosov, Ivan Abramovich, 7, 87, 105, 114, 121, 133, 323

Morrell, Lady Ottoline, 44, 45, 52

Morrice, James Wilson, 109, 115, 127, 128

Moscow Art Theatre, 18, 93

Moscow Mirror, 90

Moscow Museum, 57

Moscow School of Art, 17, 23

Motherwell, Robert, 442

Mourlot, Fernand, 443

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 181, 464

Mudocci, Eva, 167

Muelle, Marie, 232, 243

Munich crisis, 380–2, 388

Munter, Gabriele, 77, 86, 87

Murnau, F. W, illus. 317, 317–18, 322

Musée de la Ville de Paris, 394

Muses Greeting Genius, The (Puvis de Chavannes), 56

Museum of Modern Art (MoMA; New York), 330–1, 461, 462, 466, 495n46

Museum of Modern Art (Paris), 438, 458

Museum of Modern Western Art (Moscow), 323, 363, 461

Music (Matisse, 1910), colour fig. 5, 8, 26, 31, 38, 48–51, 53 and illus., 56, 60, 77, 88–9, 99, 138, 163, 185, 223, 326, 460

Music (Matisse, 1939), 385

Music Lesson, The (Matisse), 201, 228

Mussolini, Benito, 389, 394


Nadelman, Elie, 22, 162

Nana (film), 289

Nasturtiums with “Dance (I)” (Matisse), 121, 133

National Gallery (London), 233, 362, 367

National Gallery of Art (Washington), 272–3

Nau, Jean, 28

Nazis, 363, 375, 396, 422, 435, 438, 494n160

Nelck, Annelies, 421–3, 428, 433–4, 440, 442, 448, 452, 456, 457

Nerval, Gérard de, 435

Neue Kunst, 137

Neue Staatsgalerie, 43, 54

Nevinson, Christopher, 64, 371–2

New York Evening Post, 139

New York Sun, 305

New York Times, The, 136

Nice Matin, 494n23

“Notes of a Painter” (Matisse), 15

Nouvelle Revue française, 255, 271

Nouvelles, Les (newspaper), 25–6, 29

Novgorod school, illus. 100

Nude with Goldfish (Matisse), colour fig. 11, 249

Nymph and Faun (Matisse), 366

Nymph & Satyr (Matisse, 1907–8), illus. 4, 5

Nymph and Satyr (Matisse, 1908–9), colour fig. 1, 5, 8, 23, 24, 76, 78, 366

Nymph in the Forest (Matisse), 365, 372, 373


Oceania, the Sea (Matisse), 445, illus. 446

Oceania, the Sky (Matisse), 445

Odalisque in Red Culottes (Matisse), illus. 216, 255

Odalisque on a Terrace (Matisse), 243

Odalisque with a Bowl of Fruit (Matisse), illus. 269

Odalisque with Tambourine (Matisse), 292

Old Believers, 92, 100

Olivares (cellist), 167

Olivia (Bussy), 368

Omeltchenko, Boris, 345

Omeltchenko, Lydia, see Delectorskaya, Lydia

On the Terrace (Matisse), 124

Open Window, The (Matisse), 103

Open Window at Tangier (Matisse), 109

Opening of the Lyre and Palette, The (Fougstedt), illus. l9l

Orientalism, 108, 128

Orpen, William, 152

Osthaus, Karl Ernst, 4

Ostroukhov, Ilya, 87–9, 92, 94

Ovid, 323

Ozenfant, Amédée, 186, 191


Pach, Walter, 136, 139, 143, 144, 164, 165, 168, 170, 172, 177, 190, 199, 246, 267

Painter and His Model, The (Matisse), 240 and illus

Painter in His Studio, The (Matisse), 9, 80, 81, 99, 228

Palais de la Méditerranée (Nice), 441

Paley, Mrs. Donald, 378

Pallady, Théodore, 390, 397, 398

Palm Leaf, Tangier (Matisse), colour fig. 13, 113, 115

“Papiers découpés” (Matisse), illus. 430

Parade (ballet), 234

Parakeet and Mermaid (Matisse), 464

Parayre, Armand (Amélie’s father), 9, 10, 42, 68, 69, 72, 82, illus. 84, 106, illus. 157, 344

Parayre, Berthe (Amélie’s sister), 68, 69, 72, 276, 333, 379, 381, 421

during Amélie’s illness, 328–9, 344, 345

and breakup of Matisses’ marriage, 383, 384

career of, 68, 106, 344

death of, 434

estrangement of Amélie and, 391

at Issy, 157 and illus.

and Marguerite’s education, 122, 141, 177

Pierre and, 10, 106, 122, 259, 264, 266

Parayre, Louise (Amélie’s aunt), 209

Parent, Armand, 167, 181

Paris Opéra, 229, 481n48

Paris Salon, 16, 107

Paris Soir, 396

Paris-Journal, 42, 73, 74

Pasiphaë (Montherlant), 410, 417–18, illus. 418, 494n23

Pathé, Charles, 241

Patriot, The (Buck), 343

Pauline Chadourne (Matisse), illus. 313

Payot, Micheline, 492n51

Peaud’Ours syndicate, 145–6

Pellerin, Auguste, illus. 193, 193–6, 199

Peretti, Clorinde, 259–60, illus. 263, 263–7, 276, 484n81

Periwinkles (Moroccan Garden) (Matisse), 113

Perret, Auguste, 450

Pétain, Marshal Philippe, 393, 394

Petit, Georges, galleries (Paris), 330, 334, 335

Petit Palais (Paris), 373

Phalanx Class, 17, illus. 18, 19

Philadelphia Museum of Art, 324, 458

Philip IV, King of Spain, 107

Phillips, Duncan, 324

Pianist and Checker Players (Matisse), illus. 270

Piano Lesson, The (Matisse), 182–4, illus. 183, 201 ,259, 285, 462

Picabia, Francis, 73, 287

Picasso, Pablo, 22, 31, 42, 58, 81, 82, 160–2, 168, 186–7, illus. 191, 192, 196, 215, 256, 274, 277, illus. 286, 330, 375, 402, 462, 464

ballets designed by, 229, 234

in Barnes’ collection, 373

Basket of Oranges purchased by, 103, 118

Bell and, 372

Carnegie Prize awarded to, 324, 325

and chapel project, 451, 454–5, 458

Cubist followers of, 35, 36, 64, 73

in Cubist retrospective, 355

friendship of Matisse and, 137–8, 140, 399, 426–9, 442–3

in London exhibition, 440

Metamorphoses illustrated by, 323

pottery designed by, 449–50, 454

political involvement of, 423–4, 438, 463

in Shchukins collection, 88, 137

and Spanish civil war, 372

Stein and, 44, 69

Surrealists and, 287

in two–man show with Matisse, 206

during World War 1, 166, 187

during World War II, 395, 396, 423

Pink Marble Table (Matisse), 229

Pink Nude, The (Matisse), illus. 359, 360 and illus., 362

Pink Shrimp (Matisse), 241

Pink Studio, The (Matisse), colour fig. 8, 73, 80, 81, 99

Piot, René, 38–9

Pissarro, Camille, 218

Pitre chatié, Le (Matisse), illus. 338, 339

Plato, 149

Plumed Hat, The (Matisse), illus. 226

Poèmes de Charles d’Orléans, Matisse’s illustrations for, 415, 417, 418, 429

Poésies de Stéphane Mallarmé, Matisse’s illustrations for, illus. 296, 323, 328, 333, 334, illus. 338, 339, 349, 375

Poète assasiné, Le (Apollinaire), 192

Poiret, Paul, 147, 186, 190–1, 232, 260

Pollaiuolo, Antonio, 353, illus. 354, 358, 385

Pollock, Jackson, 440, 442

Polynesia, the Sky (Matisse), 445

Pope–Hennessy, John, 351

Popular Front, 372

Portrait of Amélie Matisse (Matisse), illus. 237

Portrait of Greta Prozer (Matisse), illus. 295, 195–6

Study for, illus. 194

Portrait of Jane Bussy at 20 (Bussy), illus. 368

Portrait of Lydia Delectorskaya (Bicoloured Portrait) (Matisse), 432, illus. 433

Portrait of Madame Matisse (Matisse, 1915), 143 and illus

Portrait of Marguerite (Matisse), 237

Portrait of Mlle Yvonne Landsberg (Matisse), 155 and illus., 164, 170, 196, 290

Portrait of Mme Matisse (Matisse, 1913), 141–4, illus. 142, 150–2, 155, 156, 189, 290

Portrait of Mrs. Samuel Dennis Warren (Matisse), illus 150, 150–1

Portrait of Monsieur Bertin (Ingres), 194

Portrait of Olga Meerson (Matisse), 86 and illus

Portrait of Kapha Maître (Renoir), 199

Portrait of Sergei Shchukin (Matisse), illus. 99

Post–Impressionism, 20, 36, 51, 57, 121, 136

Poussin, Nicolas, 18, 31, 33

Prado (Madrid), 58, 92, 387

Présages, Les (ballet), 335

Prichard, Matthew, 44–5, 50, 57, 134, 143, 144, 186, 220, 279, 485n127

conversations with Matisse, 47–8, 149–52

Duthuit and, 149, 154, 169, 188, 257, 258

Landsbergs and, 152, 153, 155

in London, 230, 350–51

in Munich, 54, 61

portraits of, illus. 44, 154

Sarah Stein and, 25, 143

during World War 1, 166, 189, 222, 250

Pringsheim, Eric, 17

Pringsheim, Heinz, 96, 97

Prix de Rome, 396–7

Prokofiev, Serge, 244

Prozor, Count, 226

Prozor, Greta, illus. 188, 294, 295, 195–6, 218, illus. 219, 226

Purrmann, Hans, 13, 15, 22–3, 48, 54, 57, 73, 76, 82, 143, 156, 222

Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre-Cécile, 56–7, 91

Puy, Jean, 43, 69, 82, 83, 86–7, 159, 162, 167, 169, 170, 196, 400, 441

Puy, Michel, 43


Queen of Spades (Tchaikovsky), 90, 94

Quennell, Peter, 350

Quinn, John, 170, 256, 277, 292, 326


Raisouli, 122

Ramié, Georges and Suzanne, 454–5

Rape, The (The Abduction) (Cézanne), 5 and illus

Ravel, Maurice, 181, 392–3

Ray, Man, 261

Raynal, Germaine, 152 and illus

Raynal, Maurice, 148

Rayssiguier, Frère Louis Bertrand, 448–50,

452–5, 459, 460

Reclining Nude (Matisse), 120, 201, 300–1

Red Interior, Still Life on a Blue Table (Matisse), 435, illus. 436

Red Studio, The (Matisse), colour fig. 10, 80, 81, 101, 292, 440, 462, 485n127

Rembrandt van Rijn, 47, 417

Rémond, Monsignor, 460

Renaissance, 23, 62, 207

Renoir, Auguste, 199, illus. 219, 224, 226, 256, 289, 362, 398, 417, 440, 465

in Barnes’s collection, 325

death of, 233, 248

in Matisse’s collection, 219, 252, 253, 274, 396

Shchukin introduced to, 223

visits with, 216–20, 222, 228

Renoir, Claude, 219 and illus

Renoir, Jean, 219 and illus., 242, 250, 289

Renoir, Pierre, 219

Resistance, 412–13, 419–20, 422–4

Retinsky, Doucia, 439

Reverdy, Pierre, 186, 195

Révolution surréaliste, La (Breton), 274

Rey, Robert, 139, 140

Rhys, Jean, 19, 273

Rimsky–Korsakov, Nikolai, 153

Rivera, Diego, 186

Rockefeller, Abby Aldrich, 466

Rockefeller, Nelson, 382, 466

Rodocanachi, Paul, 149

Rolland, Romain, 369

Romains, Jules, 226, 237, 239, 250, 251, 298, 332

Roman d’un Spahi (Loti), 113, 123

Ronsard, Pierre, 404

Matisse’s illustrations for poems of, 407, 409, 410

and illus., 414, 417

Rosenberg, Léonce, 165, 184

Rosenberg, Paul, 194, 199, 372, 378, 385–7, 390–2, 396, 399, 408, 445

Rosenshine, Annette, 307

Roualt, Georges, 190, 349, 402–5, 454

Rouge et le Noir, Le (ballet), 380, 385, 452

Rousseau, Henri, 31

Rouveyre, André, 204, 205, 404, 413–16, 420, 425,

427, 431, 433, 434, 437, 441, 443, 447

Roux, Félix, 250

Roy, Claude, 492n47

Rubinstein, Helena, 371

Russell, John, 275, 331

Russell, Mrs. Gilbert, 371

Russian Revolution, 18, 223, 345, 358


Salles, Georges, 461, 463

Salmon, André, 42, 191, 287

Salon d’Automne, see Autumn Salon

Salon des Indépendants, 25, 26, 36, 42, 43, 72, 73, 258, 259, 272

Salon du Mai, 461

Salon of the Champs de Mars, 16–17

Salto, Axel, 188

San Francisco Art Institute, 307

Santy, Louis, 398–400

Sargent, John Singer, 45

Sarraut, Albert, 389

Satie, Erik, 191 and illus., 285

Satler, Alexina, see Matisse, Alexina Satler

Saulnier, Raymond, 159–60

Schneider, Pierre, 203, 331, 366

Schumann, Robert, 181

Schuwer, Camille, 31, 46, 149

Schyle, Etienne, illus. 312, 312–14, 316

Schyle, Pauline, 307, 309–15, illus. 312, 313, 318, 319, 321, 322, 329, 333, 444

Sears, Mrs. J. Montgomery, 45, 52

Seated Nude (Matisse), colour fig. 3, 30, 41

Seated Nude (Olga) (Matisse), illus. 65, 73, 85

Seated Odalisque with a Raised Knee (Matisse), 248

Segonzac, André Dunoyer de, 73, 162

Sembat, Georgette, 8, 9, 43, 91, 143, 148, 226

Amélie and, 124

collection of, 41, 118, 123, 156, 256, 374, 462

correspondence with, 48, 61–2, 85, 125, 134

death of, 255–56

at Issy, 30, 118

model recommended by, 195

during World War 1, 165

Sembat, Marcel, 8–9, 25, 31, 37, 43, 91, 141, 143, 148, 212, 222, 226, 255–6

articles on Matisse by, 8, 31, 117, 119, 124, 131–3, 137, 138

collection of, 41, 118, 123, 156, 374, 462

death of, 255

at Issy, 30, 118

during World War 1, 162, 165, 167

Senate, U.S., Vice Committee of, 136

Serov, Valentin, 89

Seurat, Georges, 277

Severini, Gino, 174, 175, 178, 186, 190, 195

Severini, Jeanne, 178

Seville Still Life (Matisse), colour fig. 6, 62

Shadow, The (Picasso), 215

Shchukin, Ivan, 90

Shchukin, Pyotr, 134

Shchukin, Sergei, 6–7, 10, 20, 43, 44, 61, 101, 129, 134, 136, 143, 163, 168, 223, 256, 325

correspondence with, 8, 24, 64

Dance and Music commissioned by, illus. 3, 24–7, 30, 38, 56, 60, 63–4, 138, 185, 326, 329, 462

death of, 374, 375

family portrait commissioned by, 66 80, 141

German museum directors received by, 137

Goncharova and, 154

at Issy, 120, 121, 140

installation of paintings in Moscow palace of, 99–100, 427

in Paris, 10, 81, 88, 144, 156

portrait of, illus. 99

Puvis painting sold by Bernheims to, 56–7

and Russian Revolution, 202

Soviet Museum of Modern Western Art and collection of, 323

still lifes commissioned by, 60, 62, 66, 68, 69

submission of works in progress to, 178

Tangier paintings for, 105, 116, 130, 133

visited by Matisse, 87–94, 98–9, 105

young women sent to Matisse’s school by, 14

Shéhérezade (film), 243

Shostakovitch, Dmitri, 380

Signac, Paul, 25, 109, 137, 242, 255

Simonsson, Birger, 13

Sister Jacques, see Bourgeois, Monique

Six Studies of Henri Matisse, Drawing V(Giacometti), illus. 465

Skira, Albert, 323, 333, 400–1, 404, 407, 417, 438, 450, 459, 461

Sleeping Blonde, The (Courbet), illus. 297, 199, 218, 479n62

Smith, Matthew, 50

Socialists, 8, 9, 118, 389, 460, 466

Société des Prisonniers de Guerre, 169

Society of Friends of the Beaux–Arts, 272

Socrates, 149

Somme, Battle of the, 189–90

Song (Matisse), 382, 383, 385

Sorbonne, 148, 149, 186, 345, 449

Soulier, Paul, 82, 85

Soviet Realism, 348

Spanish civil war, 372

Spanish Girl with a Tambourine, The (Matisse), 19

Spinelli, Madame, 271

“Spiritual in Art, The” (Kandinsky), 75

Stalin, Joseph, 50, 462

Steichen, Edward, illus. 34, 44, 47, 88, 305

Stein, Allen, 140

Stein, Gertrude, 12, 16, 27, 43, 44, 52, 69, 110, 119, 136, 138, 140, 162, 163, 370–1

Stein, Leo, 12, 48, 50

Stein, Michael, 28, 52, 76, 91, 261, 267, 485n127

collection of, 36, 41, 44, 84, 156, 222, 329

horseback riding with, 140

Marguerite and, 107, 178, 260

portrait of, 195

Stein, Sarah, 28, 45, 46, 52, 76, 91, 150, 261, 267, 307, 326

collection of, 19, 20, 36, 41, 44, 84, 156, 222, 256, 329, 375

Gertrude and, 69, 163

Marguerite and, 106, 178, 260

portrait of, 195

Prichard and, 25, 143

as pupil, 12, 14, 73

Steinheil, Adolphe, 22

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 302, 316, 319

Stieglitz, Alfred, 43, 108, 136, 139

Still Life after Jan Davidsz de Heem’s “La Desserte” (Matisse), 170–1, illus. 272, 277

Still Life on a Green Sideboard (Matisse), 295, 300

Still Life with Eggs (Matisse), 146

Still Life with Geraniums (Matisse), 43

Still Life with Magnolia (Matisse), 402

Still Life with Oysters (Matisse), 397, 399

Still Life with Pomegranates (Matisse), 435

Still Life with Pomegranates on a Ground of Venetian Red (Matisse), 435–6

“Storyette HM”(Stein), 69–70

Strachey, Lytton, 368–70

Stravinsky, Igor, 229, 285

Studio, The (magazine), 338

Studio, Quai Saint-Michel, The (Matisse), illus. 197, 199, 351

Studio Under the Eaves (Matisse), 146, 161, 164, 241, 243, 272, 289

Study for “The Studio, Quai Saint–Michel” (Matisse), illus. 173

Sudaskaya, Raissa, 93–5, 97

Sultane de l’amour, La (film), 243

Surrealism, 287, 288, 298, 330, 332, 447

Survage, Léopold, 14

Swimming Pool (Matisse), 464


Taboo (film), 317

Tahitiennes (Matisse), illus. 314

Tanguy, Yves, 167

Tate Gallery (London), 203, 371

Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilich, 90

Tea in the Garden (Matisse), illus. 228, 228–9, 256

Tennant, David, 350, 371, 485n127

Tériade, Efstratios, 297, 302, 318, 393, 401, 418–19, 39, 445–6, 464, 485n22

Ternovets, Boris, 92

Terorotua, Gustave, 319–20

Terorotua, Madeleine, 319

Terrace, The (Matisse), 243, 469n3

Terrus Etienne, 42–3, 51, 52, 71, 82–3, 85 and illus., 6, 126

Tetzen–Lund, Christian, 222, 256, 325

Théâtre des Champs–Elysées, 89

Thèmes et variations (Matisse), 405, 408, 413, 417

Theosophical Society, 75

Third Republic, 8

Thorndike, Charles, 250, 251, 280, 288, 296, 306, 420

Thousand and One Nights, The (Matisse), 458

Three Sisters Triptych (Matisse), 201, 325

Three Studies of Zorah (Matisse), illus. 110

Time magazine, 325 and illus.

Toklas, Alice B., 76

Tomb of Giuliano, Duke of Nemours, detail (Night) (Michelangelo), 207, 248, 280, illus. 281

Tonio Körger (Mann), 19, 32

transition (magazine), 451

Tree of Life, The (Matisse), 454

Trees in Tahiti (Matisse), illus. 306

Tree near Trivaux Pond (Matisse), 203

Tretiakov Gallery (Moscow), 92

Tricorne (ballet), 229

Triolet, Elsa, 405, 407, 408

Tristesse du roi (Matisse), colour fig. 23, 460–1

Trotsky, Leon, 370

Trubetskoy, Prince, 22

Tshudi, Baron Hugo von, 43, 54

Tsvetaeva, Marina, 18

Tugenhold, Jacob, 22, 62, 99–100, 113, 121, 129–30, 133

Tuileries Salon, 282

Turkish Bath (Ingres), 411 291 Gallery (New York), 43


Uffizi Gallery (Florence), 107

Ulysses (Joyce), 340–1, 352–4, 409


Vaderin, Jeanne, 139

Valéry, Paul, 367, 431

van Dongen, Kees, 73, illus. 146, 147

van Gogh, Vincent, 13, 108, 189

Vanity Fair (magazine), 338

Vannier, Pierre, 493n80

Vasco (Chadourne), 302, 313, 316

Vassaux, Léon, 27, 51–2, 181, 434–5, 447, 459

Vassilieff, Marie, illus. 13, 15–16, 22, 23, 32, 33, 76, 191–2, illus. 192, 470n27

Velasquez, Diego Rodriguez de Silva, 107

Verdun, Battle of, 184, 190

Verne, Henri, 300

Verve (magazine), 393, 418–19, 439

Victoria and Albert Museum (London) 46, 230, 362, 367, 438–9, 440–1

View of Collioure (Matisse), 85

View of the Bay of Tangier (Matisse), 118

Vignier, Charles, 189, 260, 275

Vildrac, Charles, 239

Violinist at the Window, The (Matisse), 49, 209, illus. 214, 215, 240

Vivaldi, Antonio, 181

Vlaminck, Maurice de, 73, 162, 169, 423, 438

Vogue magazine, 274, 305, 455

Vollard, Ambroise, 177, 219, 371, 408


Waley, Arthur, 230

Warren, Mabel Bayard, 45, illus. 130, 150–51, 169

Werefkin, Marianne, 18, 19, 77, 87, 470n33

Werthimer, Dr., 398, 409, 413

Whittemore, Thomas, 4, 45, 469n3

Widener Collection, 325

Window in Tahiti (Matisse), 373

Windshield, on the Road to Villacoublay, The (Matisse), illus. 203

Wollkoff, Alexander, 243

Woman in a Madras Hat (Matisse), 300, 323

Woman in a Turban (Lorette) (Matisse), illus 200

Woman in a Yellow Armchair (Cézanne), 141

Women of Algiers (Delacroix), 129, illus. 130, 281, 460

Woman on a High Stool (Germaine Raynal) (Matisse), 152 and illus., 156, 183

Woman with a Green Parasol on a Balcony (Matisse), 224, 226

Woman with a Hat (Matisse), 22, 143, 189

Woman with a Veil (Matisse), 290, illus. 290

Woman with Closed Eyes (Matisse), illus. 11

Woolf, Leonard, 368

Woolf, Virginia, 368, 371

World War 1, 10, 130, 156–71, 175, 184, 187, 189–96, 201–5, 208–16, 218, 219, 238, 257, 462

World War II, 321, 391–7, 400, 401, 406–9, 412–14, 418–25, 436, 440, 441

events leading to, 380–2, 385, 387–8

outbreak of, 388, 389


Yellow Dress (Matisse), 322, 323, 376

Young Woman in Blue Blouse (Matisse), 432 and illus.

Young Woman in White Dress (Matisse), 439

Ysaye, Eugène, 464

Yvonne Landsberg (Matisse), illus. 154.


Zervos, Christian, 292, 350, 425, 485n22

Zhilkin, I., 91

Zita (model), 291 and illus., 295

Zola, Emile, 438

Zorah (model), 110, 113, 115–16, 118, 123, 124, 126

Zorah Standing (Matisse), illus. 116