Terms and Phrases (all languages):
Ahdo – Itagamin – Sagen sy Itagami’s second citizen class; includes the following ranks (sorted highest to lowest):
Ahdo-na | Ahdo-mas | Ahdo-sa | Ahdo-po | Ahdo-li | Ahdo-va
Ahoali’lona – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – the small, furry animals kept as companions
Akiloshulo’e kua’ana manano – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – the universal energy of the world and the source of magic
Akukeiji – Ryogan – a derogatory term that literally translates to “evil mage”
Akuringu – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to use a reflective surface to see across great distances or, rarely, a short period of time into the past or future
Alima’hi – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – a respectful greeting; hello
Alua’sa liona’ano shilua’a – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – the gods or power responsible for the creation of the world
Andofume – Ryogan – those denied death; a word Tsua and Chio invented to describe their lifespans
Anto – Itagamin – a short, slightly curved dagger used in Sagen sy Itagami
Asairu – Ryogan – a fire spell to burn everything within a designated space
Atakafus – Itagamin – a headscarf worn on Shiara as protection from the desert winds
Basaku – Itagamin – a mage whose five senses are enhanced and who also has the ability to feel shifts in the desosa; in rare cases this includes the impact emotions have on that energy
Bobasu – Ryogan – the exiles; a word used for the twelve immortals and numerous mortal followers who were exiled from Ryogo
Boruikku – Itagamin – a word created by Rai and Etaro to describe magic that uses symbols to guide and control the flow of the desosa
Chonochi – Ryogan – the last royal family of Ryogo; a member of this family ordered the exile of Varan and his followers
Desosa – Itagamin – the universal energy of the world and the source of magic
Dyuniji – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to use their own kinetic energy, or sometimes someone else’s (for example, blows landed during battle) to augment their own strength
Ebet – Itagamin – the designation for one of Sagen sy Itagami’s three recognized sexes
Fykina – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to shield themselves and others from both magic and the physical world
Garakyu – Ryogan – a clear, spelled globe that allows anyone to communicate across miles
Goa’wa uita – Ryogan – the spell to unseal a protection against the elements
Hanaeuu we’la maninaio – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – a group of nomadic traders who travel either by wagon caravan or by boat; the name translates to “souls carried by the wind”
Hinoshowa – Ryogan – an incredibly derogatory word for a wretch, someone lower than the peasant class; often used synonymously to mean someone who is neither male nor female
Hishingu – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to heal themselves and others
Ishjii – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to reform, lighten, move, and mold stone
Jindaini – Ryogan – the title held by the elected leader of Ryogo
Kaiboshi – Ryogan – the priests who serve the Kaisubeh, the gods Ryogans worship
Kaigo – Itagamin – the council of elders who serve the Miriseh in Sagen sy Itagami
Kaijuko – Ryogan – the place Ryogans believe souls are trapped for punishment in the afterlife; also, what Ryogans call the black rock that helped them trap and defeat the bobasu
Kaimashin – Ryogan – the spirits who carry out the orders of the Kaisubeh, according to an ancient belief
Kaisuama – Ryogan – a mountain in the Mysora range where the Kaisubeh convened to observe their followers, according to an old legend
Kaisubeh – Ryogan – as a whole, the gods and goddesses that the Ryogans believe created and control the world
Kasaiji – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to create and control sparks and/or fire
Katsujo – Ryogan – a vein of concentrated power and energy
Kujuko – Itagamin – where Itagamins believe souls are trapped for punishment in the afterlife; Varan introduced this to his city, a twisted version of Ryogo’s belief in Kaijuko
Kynacho – Itagamin – a mage with enhanced speed, agility, strength, stamina, and endurance
Kyneeda – Itagamin – a mage with enhanced strength, stamina, and endurance
Kyshiji – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to find, cleanse, and sometimes manipulate water
Limahi – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – an unwelcome stranger
Miriseh – Itagamin – the title Varan gave himself and the other immortals after he built Sagen sy Itagami
Mura’ina – Ryogan – a purple flower with healing properties that only grows in specific climates within Ryogo
Myiji – Itagamin – a mage with an extremely rare ability to manipulate wind and detect or, sometimes, call up storms
Mykyn – Itagamin – a large, predatory bird that lives on Shiara
Niadagu – Ryogan – a powerful binding spell using specially made red cords
Nyshin – Itagamin – the first and highest of the citizen classes within Sagen sy Itagami; includes the following ranks (sorted highest to lowest):
Nyshin-lu | Nyshin-ri | Nyshin-co | Nyshin-ma | Nyshin-pa | Nyshin-ten
Obyoto – Ryogan – a deeply personal term of endearment
Ojoken – Ryogan – a plant whose stem and roots are used for powerful healing potions
Omikia – Ryogan – the old, now unused written language of Ryogo
Onyo – Ryogan – mother
Oraku – Itagamin – a mage with three enhanced senses: sight, smell, and hearing
Osukiga – Ryogan – a portrait to which a family continuously adds famous, powerful, or influential ancestors; usually includes a shrine where people pray for advice and guidance
Ratoiji – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to create lightning
Rianjuko – Ryogan – A rare flowering plant used in a variety of ways depending on which part of the plant is used; powerful when added to magic work
Rikinhisu – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to move physical objects without touching them
Riuku – Itagamin – the class of mage that includes enhanced senses: uniku, oraku, and basaku
Rononi yakusoro – Ryogan – a strong expletive, its meaning close to “cursed bastard”
Rusosa – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to create illusions in other people’s minds
Ryacho – Itagamin – a mage with enhanced speed and agility
Ryiji – Itagamin – a mage with an affinity for plants and soil who can help plants grow
Shuikanahe’le – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – a family name of the hanaeuu we’la maninaio
Shunkyus – Ryogan – the title held by the leader of Ryogo when the position was earned by birth instead of by election; emperor
Sukhai – Itagamin – a bondmate or one partner in a sumai soulbond; often used as a term of endearment between bonded pairs
Sumai – Itagamin – a magical bond that ties two souls together beyond death
Susuji – Ryogan – a potion used to heal
Sykina – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to shield themselves from other magic
Tenrai – Ryogan – a large mountain cat with thick white fur and sharp claws
Tokiansu – Itagamin – the warriors’ dance, performed once a moon cycle in Sagen sy Itagami during their celebrations
Tozaiko nitoko – Ryogan – the spell used to activate the niadagu binding
Tssiky’le – Denhitran – a curse close in meaning to dammit
Tudo – Itagamin – a long, slightly curved sword used in Sagen sy Itagami
Tyatsu – Ryogan – the Ryogan army
Ukaiahana’lona – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – horned herbivorous beasts with tough, mottled gray hides that the hanaeuu we’la maninaio use to pull their wagons or cargo loads
Uniku – Itagamin – a mage with a single enhanced sense, usually either vision or hearing
Ureeku-sy rii’ifu – Ryogan – the spell Tsua and Chio think might break the magic binding Yorri and the other prisoners to the stone platforms
Ushimo – Itagamin – describes those on the asexual spectrum; someone who feels little to no sexual desire for anyone, regardless of gender, appearance, or personality
Vanafitia – Denhitran – a term of endearment meaning beloved one
Yonin – Itagamin – the third and lowest of Sagen sy Itagami’s social classes; includes the following ranks (sorted highest to lowest):
Yonin-na | Yonin-mas | Yonin-sa | Yonin-po | Yonin-li | Yonin-va
Yugadai – Ryogan – describes the system Varan enforced in Itagami requiring approval for all births and lifetime partnerships
Zohogasha – Ryogan – the massive statues guarding the Ryogan coastline; each set contains fourteen statues
Zoikyo – Itagamin – a mage with the ability to boost other people’s powers
Sentence Translations:
Ou’a ka lea’i imloa ka’i ia okopo’ono aloshaki ana’anahou. – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – It is good to see you again.
Aloshaki naho olea’o wa’heekohu shahala’kai. O’kaoo malohakama ka lea’i le’anohu – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – You were not lying. Your friends are many.
Shomaihopa’a sha opai’hoa. – hanaeuu we’la maninaio – Bless this fate.
Cities and Places:
Arayokai Sea – the stretch of water between Shiara and Ryogo
Atokoredo – a city in northwestern Ryogo within the Soramyku Province
Denhitra – the city in the southern mountains of Shiara
Ejinosei – a city on the western coast of Ryogo within the Soramyku Province
Imaku – the black-rock island off the north-eastern coast of Shiara
Jushoyen – the capitol city of Ryogo, located in the center of the country
Kanaga’ako – a city in southeastern Ryogo within the Namimi Province and Osshi’s hometown
Khylar – the country directly to the north of Ryogo, separated by the Mysora Mountains
Mushokeiji – a prison for mages located within the Soramyku Province in northwestern Ryogo, specifically the Suakizu region
Mysora Mountains – the northern-most range of mountains that separates Ryogo from Khylar
Mysora’ka River – the river that runs from the eastern half of the Mysora Mountains to the eastern coast of Ryogo
Nentoado – the section of the Mysora Mountains known for being harsh and impassable
Po’umi – a port city on the southeastern coast of Ryogo within the Namimi Province
Rido’iti – a port city on the southern coast of Ryogo within the Namimi Province
Ryogo – the country north of Shiara where Varan, Chio, and the other immortals are from
Ryogan Provinces – (clockwise from the southwest)
Minowa – southwestern-most coastal region
Azukyo – central western coastal region
Soramyku – northwestern-most mountains
Kyo’ne – northeastern-most peninsula
Okasuto – northwestern coastal region
Hynochi – central plains
Tomi’ishi – central eastern coastal region
Namimi – southeastern-most coastal region
Sagen sy Itagami – the city in northeastern Shiara; often simply called Itagami
Sansosi’ka River – the river running from the western side of the Mysora Mountains to the city of Atokoredo where it splits
Shiara – the island nation south of Ryogo
Suakizu – the region within the Soramyku Province where the prison Mushokeiji is located
Tirodo – a city in northeastern Ryogo, near Uraita, within the Kyo’ne Province
Tsimo – a city on the western peninsula of Shiara
Uraita – a village in northeastern Ryogo within the Kyo’ne Province and the hometown of Varan and Chio
Zunoato – a city in the Okasuto Province that sits just north of the Mysora’ka River