Life Principle 7

The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us. 1 Sam. 30:1–6

What the Bible Says About

God’s Limitations on Adversity (2 Chr. 20:29, 30)

How God Limits Our Adversity (Job 1:12–2:6)

The Process of Spiritual Growth (Jer. 18:1–6)

Answers to Life’s Questions

Does God bring us adversity? (Gen. 39:20)

How can a good God allow suffering in a believer’s life? (Joel 1:19)

How does God deal with our disobedience? (Jon. 2)

How does God teach me perseverance? (2 Thess. 1:3–5)

How do I handle a difficult trial not of my own doing? (1 Pet. 1:6, 7)

Life Examples

Joseph: Waiting and Trusting (Gen. 40)

Moses: God’s Pattern for Success (Ex. 3:1–4)

Ezekiel: Watching Dead Bones Come Alive (Ezek. 37:1–14)

Life Lessons

Gen. 6:18

Gen. 12:10

Gen. 21:16

Gen. 22:1

Gen. 32:31

Gen. 39:2

Gen. 39:21

Gen. 41:1

Gen. 41:46

Gen. 42:5

Gen. 50:20

Ex. 5:9

Ex. 5:22

Ex. 13:21

Ex. 14:2

Ex. 15:18

Ex. 17:7

Ex. 33:19

Lev. 14:35

Num. 21:2

Deut. 2:7

Deut. 8:2

Deut. 8:16

Josh. 11:23

Judg. 2:22

Ruth 1:21

1 Sam. 1:18

1 Sam. 9:16

1 Sam. 30:1

1 Sam. 31:9

1 Kin. 14:5

1 Kin. 19:18

2 Kin. 11:17

1 Chr. 21:16

2 Chr. 26:16

Esth. 9:22

Job 5:7

Job 7:11

Job 16:19, 20

Job 29:2

Job 34:12

Job 36:15

Job 42:8

Job 42:12

Ps. 10:1

Ps. 13:1

Ps. 18:18

Ps. 22:1

Ps. 43:3

Ps. 44:22

Ps. 55:6

Ps. 66:10

Ps. 119:105

Eccl. 7:14

Song 2:3

Is. 10:25

Is. 41:17

Is. 43:20

Is. 45:15

Is. 49:15

Is. 50:10

Mic. 7:8

Luke 12:6

John 11:37

Acts 27:20

Rom. 5:3, 4

2 Cor. 1:3, 4

2 Cor. 1:9

James 1:2, 3