Life Principle 13

Listening to God is essential to walking with God. Ps. 81:8

What the Bible Says About

How God Speaks to Us (Ex. 31:18)

How Listening Spares Us Pain (Josh. 7:1–13)

The Immense Value of Meditation (2 Sam. 7:18–29)

God’s Desire to Communicate with Us (Ps. 139:1–24)

Principles for Effective Intercession (James 5:15, 16)

Answers to Life’s Questions

What can I do to earn a more spiritually responsible role? (Ex. 3:3–9)

How does God get our attention? (Deut. 4:32–40)

How can I know it’s God’s voice I hear and not something else? (1 Sam. 3)

How can I develop and maintain an attitude of active listening before the Lord? (1 Kin. 19:11–13)

What steps can I take to hear from God? (2 Kin. 7:1)

How does my conscience differ from the guidance of the Holy Spirit? (Rom. 2:14, 15)

How important is it to set goals? (Phil. 3:11–14)

How can I enrich my time alone with God? (James 4:8)

Life Examples

Samuel: Learning to Hear God’s Voice (1 Sam. 3:1–10)

King Solomon: We All Need God’s Wisdom (Prov. 3:5, 6)

Life Lessons

Gen. 5:24

Gen. 6:8

Ex. 3:2

Num. 1:1

Num. 7:89

Num. 9:8

Deut. 5:24

Josh. 1:1

Judg. 1:1

2 Sam. 2:1

2 Sam. 5:19

2 Sam. 5:23

2 Sam. 15:8

1 Kin. 8:58

2 Kin. 14:10

2 Kin. 20:17

2 Chr. 33:10

2 Chr. 35:22

Esth. 3:4

Job 33:14

Job 38:1

Ps. 16:7

Ps. 31:3

Ps. 77:10

Ps. 143:8

Is. 28:29

Jer. 22:21

Jer. 33:3

Lam. 3:25

Luke 5:16

Acts 10:28

1 Thess. 4:3