Life Principle 14

God acts on behalf of those who wait for Him. Is. 64:4

What the Bible Says About

The Process of Spiritual Growth (Jer. 18:1–6)

God’s Forever Love (1 Cor. 13:1–13)

Answers to Life’s Questions

What can I do to earn a more spiritually responsible role? (Ex. 3:3–9)

What should I do when I feel the need to act in haste? (Neh. 2:1–8)

How can I become a godly influence on others? (Ezek. 22:30)

How does God teach me perseverance? (2 Thess. 1:3–5)

Life Examples

Abraham: The Man of Endurance (Gen. 21:1–3)

Joseph: Waiting and Trusting (Gen. 40)

Simeon: Whole in the Arms of God (Luke 2:25–35)

Life Lessons

Gen. 2:20

Gen. 8:1

Gen. 17:5

Gen. 17:17

Gen. 22:14

Gen. 41:1

Ex. 2:23, 24

Ex. 8:23

Deut. 1:30

Judg. 1:8

Ruth 3:18

1 Sam. 1:10

1 Sam. 13:8

1 Sam. 22:2

1 Sam. 26:10

2 Sam. 3:1

2 Sam. 5:23

1 Kin. 9:3

1 Kin. 16:30

1 Kin. 18:43

2 Kin. 6:33

2 Kin. 24:20

Esth. 9:1

Job 30:20

Job 42:8

Ps. 25:4, 5

Ps. 36:5

Ps. 40:1

Ps. 46:10

Ps. 62:5

Ps. 77:10

Ps. 123:2

Ps. 130:5

Eccl. 3:1

Is. 25:9

Is. 38:14

Is. 64:4

Ezek. 39:22

Dan. 10:13

Hag. 2:19

Matt. 28:4, 5

Rom. 4:20

James 5:7

2 Pet. 3:8