Matthew 1
a 1:2 Gr Judas; names of people in the Old Testament are given in their Old Testament form
b 1:6 Lit her of Uriah
c 1:19 Or to divorce her
d 1:20 Lit begotten
e 1:25 Lit and was not knowing her
Matthew 2
a 2:1 A caste of wise men specializing in astronomy, astrology, and natural science
Matthew 3
Matthew 4
Matthew 5
a 5:5 Or humble, meek
b 5:21 Or guilty before
c 5:22 Or empty-head; Gr Raka (Raca) fr Aram reqa
d 5:22 Lit the Sanhedrin
e 5:22 Lit Gehenna of fire
f 5:26 Lit quadrans (equaling two mites); i.e. 1/64 of a daily wage
g 5:40 Lit tunic; i.e. a garment worn next to the body
h 5:40 Lit cloak; i.e. an outer garment
Matthew 6
a 6:24 Gr mamonas, for Aram mamon (mammon); i.e. wealth, etc., personified as an object of worship
Matthew 8
a 8:11 Or dine
Matthew 9
a 9:13 I.e. more than
Matthew 10
a 10:29 Gr assarion, the smallest copper coin
Matthew 13
a 13:25 Or darnel, a weed resembling wheat
Matthew 14
a 14:24 Lit many stadia from; a stadion was about 600 feet or about 182 meters
b 14:25 I.e. 3–6 a.m.
Matthew 15
Matthew 17
a 17:21 Early mss do not contain this v
b 17:24 Equivalent to two denarii or two days’ wages, paid as a temple tax
c 17:27 Lit standard coin, which was a shekel
Matthew 18
a 18:11 Early mss do not contain this v
b 18:15 Late mss add against you
c 18:24 A talent was worth more than fifteen years’ wages of a laborer
d 18:28 The denarius was a day’s wages
Matthew 19
a 19:29 One early ms adds or wife
Matthew 20
a 20:2 The denarius was a day’s wages
b 20:3 I.e. 9 a.m.
c 20:5 I.e. noon and 3 p.m.
d 20:6 I.e. 5 p.m.
e 20:9 The denarius was a day’s wages
Matthew 22
a 22:35 I.e. an expert in the Mosaic Law
Matthew 23
a 23:5 I.e. small cases containing Scripture texts worn on the left arm and forehead for religious purposes
b 23:14 This v not found in early mss
Matthew 26
a 26:53 A legion equaled 6,000 troops
Matthew 27
a 27:45 I.e. 12 noon
b 27:45 I.e. 3 p.m.
c 27:49 Some early mss read And another took a spear and pierced His side, and there came out water and blood (cf John 19:34)