Revelation Notes

Revelation 1

a 1:10 Or in spirit

b 1:13 Or the Son of Man

Revelation 2

a 2:22 One early ms reads their

Revelation 3

a 3:8 Or deeds (behold. . .shut), that you have

b 3:14 I.e. Origin or Source

Revelation 4

a 4:2 Or in spirit

Revelation 5

a 5:6 Lit in the middle of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the middle of the elders

Revelation 6

a 6:6 Gr choenix; i.e. a dry measure almost equal to a qt

b 6:6 The denarius was equivalent to a day’s wages

c 6:15 I.e. chiliarchs, in command of one thousand troops

Revelation 9

a 9:11 I.e. destruction

b 9:13 Two early mss do not contain four

Revelation 11

a 11:8 Lit spiritually

b 11:9 Lit body

c 11:15 I.e. Messiah

Revelation 13

a 13:8 Or written in the book. . .slain from the foundation of the world

b 13:10 Or leads into captivity

c 13:15 One early ms reads speak, and he will cause

d 13:18 One early ms reads 616

Revelation 14

a 14:4 Lit are chaste men

b 14:14 Or the Son of Man

c 14:20 Lit sixteen hundred stadia; a stadion was approx 600 ft

Revelation 15

a 15:3 Two early mss read ages

b 15:6 One early ms reads stone

Revelation 16

a 16:3 Lit soul

b 16:16 Two early mss read Armagedon

c 16:21 Lit the weight of a talent

Revelation 17

a 17:3 Or in spirit

b 17:8 One early ms reads is going

Revelation 18

a 18:3 Two early ancient mss read have fallen by

Revelation 19

a 19:18 I.e. chiliarchs, in command of one thousand troops

Revelation 21

a 21:3 One early ms reads, and be their God

b 21:10 Or in spirit

c 21:16 Lit twelve thousand stadia; a stadion was approx 600 ft

d 21:17 Lit one hundred forty-four cubits

Revelation 22

a 22:1 Or the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was

b 22:2 Or crops of fruit

c 22:21 One early ms reads the saints