When the fragments of the dark sun and the dark moon fell from the Godrealm’s sky, the Haetae noticed they fell in pairs. One piece of the sun and one piece of the moon, falling together as one.

As the six goddesses became consumed with their desire to destroy the fallen pieces, Mago Halmi grew worried. “We must ensure my children do not destroy them all,” she said.

So she commanded the Haetae to find one of the fallen stars and separate it into its two parts. “Leave the dark-sun piece in the Mortalrealm,” she said. “But take the piece of the dark moon and hide it well, my loyal guardian. For when the day comes that the dark sun and moon are united, a new era will be born. They will call it the Age of the Final Eclipse. This is my prophecy.”

And so the Haetae did as Mago Halmi commanded.

He separated one of the fallen stars and left the piece of the dark sun in the Mortalrealm. Then he took the piece of the dark moon and hid it in the safest place he could find—the Spiritrealm.