
Umi gave birth to me

at home

She has a video

and every birthday

she makes me watch

When I was little

I would run away

Umi would laugh and say

Come here, boy

You gotta remember

where you came from!

She’d chase me around

that small apartment

and I’d cover my eyes and

pretend to be gagging

That’s nasty, Mama, I’d say

That’s life, Amal

You have to respect it

she’d say

Umi was in this inflatable pool

in the middle of our living room

with the midwife next to her

My father was holding the camera

She was taking deep fire breaths

eyes closed tight, not even screaming

almost praying

Then the midwife plunged

both her hands into the pool

And then

there I was rising out of water

Squirming little brown thing

barely crying

big eyes wide

as if I’d already done this before

as if I’d already been here before

Umi says

I was born with an

old, old soul