
Those white boys are gonna

body you in here, Kadon says

Or they’ll die trying

They know about East Hills?

I ask

He looks at me like

I just asked the dumbest question

We’re in the mess hall for

breakfast and word got around

that they got me, they got me

for Jeremy Mathis

They got me for all the things

they heard about me

all the things

they think they know

but I can’t say that I didn’t do

what they think I did

They can try, I say

keeping my head down

eyes up, looking around

but never at or through anyone

just aroundaware   alert

at how they all put themselves

into groups, squads, teams, gangs

Back at East Hills High School for the Arts

we were like a paint palette

blending into each other

in swirls of color, shade, hair

size, height, values, souls

memories, intelligence, beliefs

Here, we’re not even paint

We’re a box of cheap markers

that don’t even blend well

The shit that forces you

to stay in the lines or else

the colors will bleed

The colors will bleed