Umi says
on the other side
of that phone line
I fired Mr. Richter
He did the best he could
But I don’t think his best
was good enough for youfor us
I decided it was time
for a new attorney
Someone who gets it
who gets us, you know?
Her name is
Tarana Hudson
I wasn’t performing Salat
like Umi told me to
I wasn’t praying five times a day
to ask Allah to show me a way
But thisthis
this is a wall crumbling down
Why? I ask her
Amal, I’m in her office now
and I’ll let her tell you
Mr. Shahid
Tarana Hudson
says on the other side
of that phone line
I’ve been following your case
since the very beginning and
I’ve been getting to know you
through your mother
I know you’re a good kid
and it’s an honor
to work with you and
your family
Amal, I want you to
know that
Jeremy Mathis
is ready to talk—