Jack’s mum comes into the laundry. She has a bowl of water in one hand.
In the other hand she has a little bowl of minced meat.
‘Here,’ says Jack’s mum. ‘He’s probably hungry.’
She puts the bowls down. The puppy jumps up and gobbles up all the food.
Then he laps at the water. His little tail spins around like a propeller.
‘He’s so cute!’ says Jack. ‘Can’t we keep him?’
‘No, Jack,’ says his mum.
‘He doesn’t belong to us.’
‘But we already looked for his owner,’ Jack says.
Jack’s mum shakes her head. ‘Imagine if this was your puppy and he went missing?’ she says. ‘Wouldn’t you be sad?’
Jack sighs unhappily. He knows his mum is right.
‘It’s time for dinner now,’ Jack’s mum says.
‘Wash your hands before you come to the table.’
After dinner, Jack goes to say goodnight to the puppy. He is curled up on his bed snoring. His furry little tummy moves up and down.
‘Good night, Scraps,’ whispers Jack. Jack’s dad tucks him in to bed.
‘Tomorrow morning we’ll go see Alf at the corner shop,’ he says. ‘He might know who the puppy belongs to.’
‘All right,’ says Jack glumly. ‘But if we can’t find the owner, can we keep him? Please?’
‘We’ll see,’ says Jack’s dad, smiling. ‘We’ll see.’
Jack lies awake thinking about the puppy. He thinks about his sweet little face and his waggy tail.
Just then, Jack hears the puppy whimpering in the laundry.
Jack creeps out of bed. His parents’ bedroom door is closed. He tiptoes downstairs to check on the puppy.
‘Hey, Scraps,’ Jack whispers as he opens the laundry door. ‘What’s the matter?’
The puppy yaps happily.
‘Shhh!’ says Jack. ‘Mum and Dad will hear you.’ He quickly closes the door.
Jack pats the puppy. Scraps wriggles and jumps around.
Jack giggles.
‘That’s enough,’ he says. ‘It’s time for sleep.’
Jack lies down on the towels.
He closes his eyes and pretends to sleep. Soon the puppy snuggles down next to him. Jack lies very still. He will just stay here until the puppy is asleep…
Suddenly, Jack hears a voice calling him.
‘Jack!’ his dad says. ‘What are you doing here?’
Jack can’t believe it. It’s morning!