Double leg lifts
Intermediate and Advanced

These Double leg lifts provide abdominal strength, which is needed for many asanas, such as Headstand. After doing Single then Double leg lifts, relax in Corpse pose.

Arms by sides Intermediate
1 Lie flat on your back with your legs together, arms next to your body, and palms face down. Breathe slowly and rhythmically.
2 Tuck your arms under your body to prevent tension in your lower back, then inhale and lift both legs simultaneously to a 90-degree angle. With an exhalation, bring your legs back to the mat. Repeat 5–10 times. If you do not feel any tension in your lower back, practise with your arms by your sides, palms face down.
Arms overhead Advanced
1 Lie flat on your back, extend your arms on the floor behind you, and catch hold of your elbows. Breathe slowly and rhythmically.
2 Inhale and lift both legs simultaneously to a 90-degree angle. With an exhalation, lower your legs, but do not bring your heels to the floor. Repeat 5–10 times.