Strengthening the arms and the shoulder girdle is a main concern in any exercise programme. Instead of using weights, the Yogis developed balancing asanas such as Crow and its variations. In these, the body weight shifts from the lower body to the upper body. Relax afterwards in Child’s pose.
• Helps to develop strength and flexibility in the wrists.
• Strengthens the tricep muscles.
• Strengthens the shoulder muscles.
• The variations further strengthen the muscles of the legs, hips, and back.
• When you are practising this pose, you have to evaluate how much of your body weight you can place on your arms and hands. If you place too little weight on them, you will not be able to lift your feet off the floor. After a period of testing and hesitation, one concentrated, determined movement will lift you into the pose. Crow therefore helps to develop your determination as well as your powers of concentration.