Triangle’s lateral bend stretches and strengthens several muscles on the side of the body at the same time. It also helps with balance. It is the last of the twelve basic asanas in the cycle. After you have practised Triangle, end your session with Final relaxation in order to reap all the benefits of your practice.
• Increases the sideways mobility of the lumbar and thoracic areas of the spine.
• Strengthens and lengthens the muscles of the legs and back.
• Tones the spinal nerves.
• Tones the abdominal organs.
• Improves the movement of food through the intestines and so invigorates the appetite.
• Working the muscles of the legs and back while still breathing calmly in the abdomen and consciously trying to relax presents both a physical and a mental challenge. Triangle can teach you how to face a challenging task while staying mentally calm and detached.
• Strengthens concentration and mental determination.