Managing stress

It is now widely acknowledged, even by mainstream medicine, that meditation is very useful for treating depression and stress-related conditions. To understand how this works, it is helpful to know about the physiological changes that occur when we are feeling stressed, known as the “fight or flight response”. This programming helped ancient man to deal with emergencies requiring a huge amount of physical effort, such as fighting off an animal.

The body’s stress response

The “fight or flight response” activates the nervous system, and chemicals are released into the bloodstream, among them adrenaline, noradrenaline, and cortisol. These increase your rate of breathing, dilate your pupils to sharpen your eyesight, and direct blood away from your digestive system towards your muscles, readying the body for physical effort. Thanks to these changes, your reflexes quicken, you feel less pain, and your immune system gets ready for action. You suddenly perceive everything as a threat to survival, and are quick to react with anger or aggression and less likely to behave positively. We once needed such responses to ward off physical danger, but today, most stress is psychological, caused by work or relationships. And where in the past stress was resolved by fighting or running away, it now may not have a clear end. If the nervous system does not get a message that danger has passed, the “fight or flight response” persists; over time, this causes burnout.

COMBATING STRESS For your body to function well again, you must activate the parasympathetic nervous system. You can do this by following the physical preparation for meditation, sitting quietly and breathing rhythmically. Then use the mental preparation techniques to relax your mind, focus it on a positive goal, and distance it from the stressor. You might also like to use positive affirmations to view your situation in a new light. Try saying, “I allow myself to relax. I am alive and I can breathe. This situation is temporary and will end. Help is available.” Then focus your mind on a peaceful natural scene, a harmonious sound, or a pleasant memory. Or visualize a sage or saint, and feel powerful, soothing vibrations entering your heart. This creates a calm sense of connection with something greater than yourself, giving you confidence to deal with the causes of stress.

Stress-busting tools

Start dealing with symptoms of stress as soon as you notice them using these simple strategies.

Counter shallow breathing by taking a few deep abdominal breaths. Use your diaphragm fully and make the exhalations long.

Sit comfortably on a chair with your back straight, feet on the floor, palms on your thighs, and your eyes closed. Breathe deeply, and bring your attention to areas of your body in which you feel tension. Ask each part to relax. Repeat three times with full attention and confidence.

If you work long hours at a computer, practise Eye exercises two to three times a day and regularly look at the sky through a window.

If you sit for most of the day, get up every hour and do some stretches. Bend forwards for a few seconds, then bend backwards. Twist to the right, then to the left. Finally, stretch sideways.

Ease out any stress in the neck by practising neck rolls.