Chapter 4
After a rather tiring but fascinating day in Istanbul, and the bonus lunch on our revised tour, tonight was dress-up night. Kat was still picking out what she was going to wear, and of course what shoes would go with whatever outfit she might be planning on. She laid two dresses on the bed.
"Kit, which dress do you think I should wear tonight? The white one, or the deep purple with the white bolero top?"
"They both look nice. Which one are you thinking of?" I asked her that, but was being a little coy, not wanting to suggest one if she was already leaning toward the other.
"I was thinking the purple one. What do you think?"
"Me too. I like them both though, and the one you don't wear tonight you can wear on the next dress-up night."
"Thanks, Kit. You always know exactly what to say. That's one of the things I love about you so much."
I took that as a compliment. Anyway, we had both showered and I was completely dressed and ready to go.
Kat had on her bathrobe. She had fixed her hair and was now applying the last few touches of her makeup. Putting on her dress was always the last thing she did.
I was getting antsy, so I said to Kat, "I'll meet you in the lobby. I'm going to check on tomorrow morning's tour around Istanbul. We haven't heard back since we made our reservations."
"Okay, I won't be long. I'll meet you there. And by the way, Kit, you sure look handsome in your tux."
I grinned. "Thanks. I'll see you in a few minutes."
"I might take a little longer than that. Give me at least ten, okay?"
I went on ahead, checked on the tour which was to be brief as we were sailing midday, and waited outside the restaurant. I was starting to feel a little worried for Kat, when I saw her coming down in the glass elevator. She looked beautiful in her white dress, with one wide glittery shoulder strap in red. A red matching purse and white shoes with red heels. I have to say she looked smashing! I'm sure she could tell by the expression on my face what I was thinking. My heart was skipping beats as if playing a love song.
I took her hand and felt like everyone was looking at us. Perhaps they were. I leaned over and said, "Wow, you look absolutely amazing . . . and I love your purple dress."
She smiled at me, squeezed my hand, and said, "Thanks, I'll wear it the next time."
We joined our eight new friends that were all there waiting for us. Each one was dressed up and looking like they were ready for an exciting and fun evening, everyone recounting their adventures in Istanbul during the day.
The first things we noticed, because it was very difficult to keep our eyes off them, were the earrings and matching necklace that Jason's wife, Maria had on.
The earrings were made from beautiful long diamonds and emeralds. But it was the necklace that was breathtaking.
After we ordered our food, Maria said, "I know you're all wondering about my jewelry. May I tell you about it?"
We all nodded our heads in agreement. "Good, I don't want to bore anyone but if you are really interested, I'd be happy to tell you. It's kind of a long story."
Amy, who was here with her husband Nick, looked around at everyone.
"I think I can speak for the table," she said, turning to Nick for confirmation. "Please tell us. I know we're all curious about your beautiful necklace. It's no secret that we've all been looking at it."
The rest of us agreed with Amy, including seventeen-year-old Chad. Even our four servers asked if they could stay and hear the story.
Maria began to tell us the history and the value of the necklace. I could tell she'd told the story many times before and was enjoying every moment. While telling the story she became very animated. Her eyes sparkled as she touched the necklace and then threw up her arms laughing. On occasions tears filled her eyes as she related the story of how she acquired the beautiful piece that adorned her neck.