
Map 1: The Western Front. (I. Passingham/Geocad April 1998)

Map 2: The Ypres Salient (1917). (I. Passingham/Geocad April 1998)

Map 3: Plan for a Flanders Campaign, February 1917. (Official History: 1917, vol. II: Sketch 2; Historical Section, Military Branch; Courtesy of Mary Wilkinson, Department of Printed Books, IWM)

Map 4: Second Army Area railways and railheads, June 1917. (Official History: 1917, vol. II: Sketch 4; Historical Section, Military Branch; Courtesy of IWM)

Map 5: Siegfried Stellung – the Hindenburg Line – April and May 1917. (German Official History, vol. 12 (1917): Map set No. 7: Die Siegfried Bewegung, ‘Ende März/Mai 1917)

Map 6: Messines, June 1917. Outline plan for 7 June. (I. Passingham/Geocad April 1998)

Map 7: Wytschaete: Second Army/IX Corps Intelligence estimate of enemy dispositions as at 22 May 1917. (PRO: WO 153/234/235: Scale 1:5,000; dated 22 May 1917)

Map 8: Messines: principal defensive layout, 1917. (Adapted from NZ Divisional Map, 1917, courtesy of IWM)

Map 9: Messines, June 1917: dispositions of RFC squadrons. Adapted from H.A. Jones, The War in the Air: Official History, 1914–1918, vol. II (London, HMSO/Hamish Hamilton, 1936/1969). (I. Passingham/Geocad April 1998)

Map 10: Messines, June 1917: front lines and mines. (I. Passingham/Geocad, April 1998)

Map 11: The Messines mines – particulars. (Source: PRO: Appendix 3 to WO 106/387: Maj-Gen R.N. Harvey, Mining in France 1914–1918)

Diagram: Mining and tunnelling (horizontal and vertical sections). (I. Passingham, 1998)

Diagram showing a ‘clay kicker’. (Source: W. Grant Grieve and Bernard Newman, Tunnellers (London, Herbert Jenkins Ltd, 1936), p. 34)

Map 12: The ‘Berlin’ Tunnel. (Source: PRO: Appendix 3 to WO 106/387: Maj-Gen R.N. Harvey, Mining in France 1914–1918)

Map 13: German zones in flexible (elastic) defence-in-depth. Adapted from Timothy T. Lupfer, The Dynamics of Doctrine: the changes in German tactical doctrine during the First World War (Fort Leavenworth, Combat Studies Institute, 1981)

Map 14: Enemy dispositions, Second Army front, 4 June 1917. Assessment corrected to situation just three days prior to Second Army’s attack. Note that 3rd Bavarian Division is still expected to act in its Eingreif (counter-attack) role. (PRO: WO 153/238. Map Scale: 1:40,000, Ordnance Survey, 2 FSC 1830 18 April 1917, intelligence map update 4 June 1917)

Map 15: Messines, June 1917: battle map. (I. Passingham/Geocad, April 1998)

Map 16: Messines, June 1917: Second Army attack map (negative, showing battle phase lines). (PRO: WO 153/237 & WO 256/19; vol. XVII, June 1917)

‘La Victoire des Sapeurs Anglais – Messines’: French cartoon, Le Petit Journal, 12 June 1917. (Liddle Collection)

Map 17: Battle of Messines: X Corps area. (Liddle Collection)

Map 18: Battle of Messines: IX Corps diagram of IX Corps area and the attack. (PRO: WO 153/234/235: Scale 1:20,000; Ordnance Survey GSGS 2742, dated June 1917)

The Kiwis (NZ Division) storm Messines, a.m., 7 June. The bombers are holding a point of vantage while Lewis guns are hurriedly brought up. (Illustrated London News/IWM)

Map 19: Die Schlacht im Wytschaete-Bogen im Juni 1917 (German Official History, map of the battle, showing direction of abortive counter-attacks on 7 June. (German Official History, vol. 12, (1917)

Map 20: The situation at Messines at 11.30 hours on 7 June. (From: C.E.W. Bean, Official History of Australia in the War: vol. IV, The AIF in France, 1917 (Sydney, Angus & Robertson, 1938–42)) (AWM)

Map 21: ‘Strike the Chord’, Phase Two: the assault on the Oosttaverne Line/plan of attack and the ground to be captured on 7 June. (From: C.E.W. Bean, ANZAC to Amiens: A Shorter History of the Australian Fighting Forces in the First World War (Canberra, AWM, 1946); courtesy of the Australian War Memorial) (AWM)

Map 22: Messines, June 1917: the end of the battle. (I. Passingham/Geocad)

Map 23: Die Schlacht im Wytschaete-Bogen – Die Lage am 12 Juni 1917. German Official History map of the battle, showing the situation on 12 June, from German intelligence and operational reports. (German Official History, vol. 12 (1917)

Map 24: German Flanders positions (July 1917). (I. Passingham/Geocad)

Map 25: Third Ypres campaign: 31 July to 6 November 1917. (I. Passingham/Geocad)

Map 26: Cambrai: 20 November to 6 December 1917. (Official History, 1917, (Volume III), Cambrai; Map Sketch A. (Reproduced courtesy of Mary Wilkinson, Department of Printed Books, IWM)