Dear Reader,
Wyatt and Natalie’s story marks the end of marriage-eligible Buckhorns! This makes me sad, but on the flip side, when I’m old and all the Buckhorn babies are grown, I suppose the saga can start over with all the new adult singles. For those of you who’ve read the whole series, can you even imagine what terrors Bonnie and Betsy will be while dating?
Looking back, it’s interesting to see how as my fictional family has changed, my own has followed suit. In the year it’s taken to write the four stories, my children have graduated from high school and gone on to college. I’ve gone from being an emotional train wreck over them leaving to now being buried under the pile of stuff they brought back home for summer! It’s taking some adjusting, getting back in the habit of grabbing all of their favorites from the grocery store, but I think I’ll manage just fine, as happy as I am to have them all snug in my nest.
In this last Buckhorn installment, Mama Buckhorn takes some grief from her offspring. They’re put out with her for always having an opinion. But as a fellow mom, I say they should just behave and do what their mother tells them. Ha! Fat chance. Wyatt and Natalie have proven to be my most stubborn couple yet!
Happy reading,
Laura Marie