Perfect Me – The 10-Day Tony Challenge

To reach perfection all I had to do was follow Tony’s 10-Day Pure Energy Challenge. If I could ‘commit with full force’, I would ‘experience the power, vitality, energy, and joy of your body being totally alive with health’.

Life would never be the same again! Starting TODAY!

I am powerful and strong! Fist pump.

I do it all easily and effortlessly! Fist pump.

I am powerful and beautiful! Fist pump.

  • 2pm. More work. Write about a new pair of tights that claim to be the best-ever tights in the world. Try them on. They rip straight away.
  • 4pm. Pee on a stick to check the acidity of my urine. Yes, to change your life you must first change your urine! Tony says my pee should be pH7 but mine is 6. This is bad – I am acid!
  • Drink water. Lots and lots of water. Water is an essential and major component of all living matter! My body will soon be as clean as a mountain stream.
  • 4.30 – the late afternoon slump but I don’t need caffeine, I need to oxygenate, or in other words, breathe! Tony says that instead of taking coffee breaks, we should take ten ‘Power Breaths’ three times a day. I inhale for eight seconds and try to hold for the recommended thirty-two seconds but splutter out air after ten. Oh well.
  • More dancing and bouncing. Download the soundtrack from the event on Spotify.
  • 6pm – look at Tony’s Facebook group. People are posting motivational quotes: ‘Own Today!’ ‘Make your Move!’ ‘If your dreams don’t scare you – they aren’t big enough.’ We send each other messages: ‘You’re freaking awesome!!’ These are my people! Positive, motivated people! Making the most of their lives!

Text from Daisy: ‘You’re outstanding!’

‘You too!!’

‘You freaking rock!!!’

‘Have you peed on your stick?’

  • 7pm. Don’t drink wine – it’s acid! It kills brain cells! Get high on life!

Rachel walks in as I’ve just finished my third salad of the day and am doing more jumping up and down in the kitchen to Guns N’ Roses’ ‘Paradise City’.

‘I think I preferred F**k It,’ she says and walks upstairs.