Chapter Ten: Saturn’s Sands of Time

[1] was once Saturn: C. S. Lewis, English Literature in the Sixteenth Century, Excluding Drama, 356.

[2] Our traditional picture of Father Time with the scythe is derived from earlier pictures of Saturn: C. S. Lewis, The Discarded Image, 105.

[3] that his name was Father Time, and that he would wake on the day the world ended: C. S. Lewis, The Last Battle, 171.

[4] That is the god Saturn. . . . the end of the world: For a facsimile of this typescript of The Silver Chair, see the illustrations between pages 126 and 127 of my Planet Narnia.

[5] the last planet old and ugly: C. S. Lewis, “The Planets,” in Poems, 15.

[6] In the last days of Narnia: Lewis, Battle, 3.

[7] About three weeks later the last of the Kings of Narnia: Ibid., 16, emphasis added.

[8] last friends . . . And then the last battle of the last King of Narnia began: Ibid., 147.

[9] He was so old . . . ugliest, most wrinkled Ape you can imagine: Ibid., 3.

[10] ten times uglier: Ibid., 32.

[11] I’m so very old . . . because I’m so old that I’m so wise: Ibid., 35.

[12] mountain of centuries . . . more and still more time: C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength, 323.

[13] daunted with darkness: Lewis, “Planets,” 14–15.

[14] disastrous events: Lewis, Discarded Image, 105.

[15] dreary and disastrous dawn: Lewis, Battle, 179.

[16] shall probably die . . . almost tired to death: Ibid., 6, 8.

[17] If we had died before today we should have been happy: Ibid., 25.

[18] Would it not be better to be dead than to have this horrible fear?: Ibid., 30.

[19] It would have been better if we’d died before all this began: Ibid., 45.

[20] to die in the salt-pits of Pugrahan: Ibid., 78.

[21] filled with dead Narnians: Ibid., 103.

[22] more like a mouth: Ibid., 146.

[23] discourtesy: Ibid., 182.

[24] hundreds and thousands of years . . . till you could hardly remember their names: Ibid., 99.

[25] And as he went on . . . till it got thin and misty from distance: Ibid., 100.

[26] On the contrary, it is just when there seems to be most of Heaven already here that I come nearest to longing for the patria . . . is the bright frontispiece: C. S. Lewis, Letter to Dom Bede Griffiths, November 5, 1954, in Collected Letters, Vol. 3, 522–523.

[27] had only been the cover and the title page . . . they were beginning Chapter One . . . every chapter is better than the one before: Lewis, Battle, 210–211.

[28] horrible thoughts went through his mind . . . remembered the nonsense . . . knew that the whole thing must be a cheat: Ibid., 47.

[29] And he called out, “Aslan! Aslan! Aslan! . . . And he felt somehow stronger: Ibid., 49–50.

[30] may be for us the door to Aslan’s country and we shall sup at his table tonight: Ibid., 146.

[31] In the name of Aslan let us go forward . . . I serve the real Aslan . . . the adventure that Aslan would send . . . we are all between the paws of the true Aslan . . . Aslan to our aid! . . . Well done, last of the Kings of Narnia who stood firm at the darkest hour: Ibid., 68, 82, 106, 121, 134, 167.

[32] seventh son . . . seventh in descent: Ibid., 185, 57.

[33] disastrous conjunctions of the planets . . . the stars never lie: Ibid., 19.

[34] is not the slave of the stars but their Maker: Ibid., 20.

[35] Heaven’s hermitage: Lewis, “Planets,” 15.

[36] overmatched: Lewis, Hideous Strength, 323.

[37] “The Turn of the Tide”: See C. S. Lewis, Poems, 49–51.

[38] unstiffened . . . bitingly cold . . . delicious foamy coolness . . . the summer sea . . . was that of a day in early summer: Lewis, Battle, 158, 199, 150, 156.

[39] “Isn’t it wonderful?” said Lucy. . . . Eustace after he had tried: Ibid., 199.

[40] Saturnocentric: C. S. Lewis, “Donne and Love Poetry,” in Selected Literary Essays, 113.

[41] “Further in and higher up!” . . . somehow set them tingling all over: Lewis, Battle, 176.

[42] the gathering of the Church Triumphant in Heaven . . . the fruit of Time, or of the Spheres: C. S. Lewis, “Imagery in the Last Eleven Cantos of Dante’s ‘Comedy,’” in Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature, 91.