Chapter 2


Jo sighed. She’d really had her heart set on the Red Angels. Still, the news could have been worse. At least the Yellow Sonics were a better team than the Green Hornets.

Reading over the rest of the names on the roster, Jo tried to get over her disappointment. Delia’s name was there, along with a couple of other girls she knew. At least it looked like it was going to be a fun team.

Jo clicked on the link for the Red Angels’ roster. Most of the girls on the list were the same ones who’d been on the team last year. There were a few other names Jo recognized. They were some of the best players from other league teams.

Jo sighed again and picked up her phone to write Delia back. It was her friend’s first time playing in the league. “Want to meet at the park to practice?” she texted.

Delia texted back right away. “Sure!”

Jo got changed and went downstairs again to tell her mother the news. “The teams are up,” she said. “I didn’t get the Angels. I’m on the Yellow Sonics.”

Her mother stopped washing dishes and turned around. “Is that a good team?” she asked.

“It’s okay,” Jo said, shrugging. “Better than last year, at least. And I know a lot of girls on my team, so that’ll be fun. But I still wish I was on the Angels. I guess I’ll just have to prove that I’m good enough.”

Her mother smiled. “That shouldn’t be too hard for you,” she said. “Nobody works harder than you do when you put your mind to something.”

Jo smiled back. “Thanks, Mom,” she said. “Is it okay if I meet Delia at the park to practice? I need to get warmed up for the season, and it would help to play with somebody who can throw the ball farther than two feet. Henry is cute, but he’s not much of a pitcher.”

“Of course,” her mother said. “Just be home by six for dinner.”

* * *

Delia was waiting for Jo at the park when she arrived. “Ready?” she asked.

Jo nodded. “Definitely,” she said.

The girls played catch, starting close together and taking a step back after each successful catch. It was a good way to warm up after many months of not playing softball.

Jo could feel her muscles stretching and flexing. It felt so great that she forgot all about her disappointment over the Angels.

“I’m so glad we get to start playing next week!” she shouted to Delia. “I feel like I’ve been waiting for this forever!”

“Me too,” Delia agreed. “And we’re on a team together! This is going to be the best summer ever!”
