Chapter Two


The color of her cheeks went from a pale pinky-peach to dark red, and he fought the urge to laugh out loud. The cordless vibrator Gavin had bought sat on his night stand. They’d planned together on making a fun game of using it with her for the first time on Saturday night, but it looked like today would be better.

Their little sub was so new to the lifestyle; they’d done most of their play privately at home or in secluded rooms at the club to introduce her gently. This Saturday they’d planned a dinner party for friends to bring their subs over for an unforgettable buffet style meal. The challenge of guiding Ronnie through a public scene turned him on and tripped all his switches.

But things needed to change in their current arrangements. Yeah they all loved each other, and the sex was amazing—burying his dick in Ronnie’s tight pussy, seeing the way she slid into sub space when they played was more than he’d have ever hoped for—but it was time to take things to the next level.

Gavin slammed out the side door this morning and sent him a text from the driveway.

Have her wear it to work. Meet you there at lunch time.

Luis knew it chafed his best friend to be in a more submissive position to him in their relationship with Ronnie. Before the day a month ago when Gavin had abused his power as her Dom, Luis would never have stepped in and directed anything. But he had to protect the woman they both loved. Until Gavin got his shit under control, he would make sure everything remained safe for Ronnie.

He couldn’t hold any anger at Gavin for long over what had happened. Anytime his ex-wife Carmen tried to pull her games with him, he had to take some time and evaluate his shit. So he understood Gavin freaking out over his mother’s continued persistence with getting back into his life. But his buddy had hurt Ronnie, and she hadn’t used her safe word to stop it. She’d let it happen. The punishment of the forced power dynamic applied to her too.

He admitted he liked control. Order. Routine. Ritual. Those things kept his life managed and successful. He studied the precious woman sitting next to him and swept her from the crown of her head to her feet with his gaze. The long strands of her ponytail teased the soft skin of her throat, and her open shirt collar bared her considerable, lush cleavage. God, he loved to fuck those breasts. They weren’t the most perfectly symmetrical or perkiest he’d ever played with, but she was so sensitive and responsive. Huge peach nipples he loved to suck on and bite were surrounded by full, succulent flesh that overflowed his palms.

Ronnie picked at her food, not eating the way she should be. He studied her posture, the way she held her fork, the flutter of her pulse in her neck. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, tucking her free hand between her thighs.

Aroused and nervous. Perfect. He strolled to his bedroom and retrieved the panties and vibrator.

What he and Gavin coveted above anything was for her to move in with them and out of the dumpy two-bedroom apartment she shared with Shea. He understood in a detached way why she insisted on keep the place even though she barely stayed there. Once it had been important to him to prove his independence and ability to take care of himself.

But he also knew how difficult the financial obligations made it for her to finish her college degree. Moving back in with her parents was out of the question. How the hell would he see her whenever he wanted then? From his observations of her relationship with her father, there would be conflict over the time she came home, where she ate, her class schedule...her father wanted too much control. They’d all be miserable.

He and Gavin wouldn’t be able to drop in on her and fuck her over the back of the couch, or drop in for surprise visits. Unexpected sex, the ability to take her whenever he wanted was something he didn’t want to give up.

No, she needed to be somewhere they could all have privacy and let their relationship continue to grow. The sex was as important to spending time together snuggled on the couch reading or watching television. Sometimes while he read business publications, she curled up into his side and read along with him. Gavin sat on her other side and held her hand. All that freedom would go away if she moved home.

He didn’t want that.

Young and a little directionless, Ronnie needed to be under the care and guidance of her Doms. Getting her to move in with them would help get her back on track to law school. If that was what she really wanted. Personally, he’d love it if she came to work for him helping to run the club. Some of his favorite conversations with her revolved around business articles.

She didn’t know it yet, but she had a natural aptitude for business management. Degrees didn’t mean shit to him; he wanted sharp people with creative ideas.

When he returned to the kitchen, she still hadn’t made much progress on her food. She waited for him to come back and tried to look like she wasn’t.

How sweet.

“Come here. I want you to wear these.” He dangled the black lacy panties from one hand, the vibrator that fit in them already slipped inside.

She frowned and stood. “Um...okay.”

“What’s the matter?” His lips twitched. Chuckling at her confusion wouldn’t be appropriate.

“I guess I just thought...” She took the underwear and felt them, squeezing and prodding. “Why are these so heavy? What’s in them?”

Oh, now the fun could really start. “A vibrator. It’s cordless. We have a theme night at the club where we use a version of these. They vibrate in time to the music.”

With every sentence, her eyes grew larger in her face. She bit her lower lip and shook her head. “I can’t wear these to work.”

“Yes you can. And you will.” He reached for her waistband, and she danced out of reach. “Ronnie.”

Frozen into place by his tone of voice, she licked her lips. “Luis, Sir...”

His title from her mouth, in that breathy half-excited voice sent all the blood in his body straight to his dick. She’d acknowledged his control in the situation by calling him Sir. “On your knees sub.”

She looked half miserable, but dropped to the floor. They’d spent considerable time teaching her protocol, and a flicker of pride swelled in him with each demonstration of her submission and acquiescence into her role. Before Ronnie, he’d wanted his subs trained before he played with them. But Gavin had proven rather inventive in his punishments for her missteps, to everyone’s benefit. “Sir, I have to go to work.”

“It can wait.” He crossed his arms. If she was really worried about being late, she could safe word and stop their play.

“I could get fired.” She clutched the panties in her right hand.

“Move in here and you won’t need a job. Gavin and I can take care of you.” The hot-button subject ensured her irritation. He needed the indecision she warred with removed so they could all settle down, and goading her into an argument while he had control and could circumvent her usual protests would help.

Once she moved in with him and Gavin, she’d see he’d been right all along. “Why would you want to stay in that shit hole apartment when you can live here?”

“Damn it Luis.” She surged to her feet and threw the panties at him. The vibrator thunked into his chest.

Annnnd there it was. She’d screwed up. Perfect. Being an arrogant asshole to aggravate her wasn’t fair, but he was the Dom. He didn’t have to play fair.

“Did you just throw your present at me?” An expression he could only liken to that of a child afraid of a coming punishment contorted her face, and she lowered her gaze to the floor. “Strip, sub.” He stared down his nose at her, taking in the rise and fall of her chest, the flare of her nostrils, and her deep frown. Pretty soon she’d have those lips wrapped around his dick.

Indecision played itself out on her face much as it had the first night he’d met her. He waited. He could be patient. For Ronnie, he could wait forever if he had to.

A tremor moved through her hands and arms, and a defiant glare replaced the unhappy stubbornness. She shook her head.

“Strip, or I’ll put you on the table at the dinner party this weekend. You can be the centerpiece.”

Anger flared in her eyes, but she yanked her shirt off over her head and shoved her pants down over her hips. She tossed her bra, panties, and socks to the floor at his feet, her lower lip thrust out in a pout.

She looked good enough to eat. All curves and softness and fresh from the shower. So why not?

He crossed the room and retrieved a chair from the table they rarely used and put it down next to the island. “Get up there.”

Clenched fists balled at her thighs. She clambered up and sat down facing him. “Now what, Sir?”

Oh the attitude. She said Sir, but he very clearly heard a “Fuck you” in there. Amusement flittered through him. She’d be even more pissed in a few minutes. But it would get him what he and Gavin wanted so he didn’t care.

“Lay back on your elbows.”

She let out a huff, leaning back with her knees clamped together. He surveyed her, standing off to the side. “Hmmm.....”

The silky skin of her inner thighs was a delight to run his hands over, especially when she didn’t want to spread them. The muscles quivered under his touch. He spread her legs and put each foot on the edge of the counter, so she was wide open to him.

The hard bud of her clit showed, all swollen and dark pink, between her wet lips invited him to lick and suck. He traced a circle around the nub and slid his finger lower to tease her pussy, dipping inside and smearing her juices around.

She squirmed and panted, but didn’t give him the reaction he wanted.

Didn’t matter. She’d be begging him soon.

Luis leaned down and licked her pussy from bottom to top. He slapped her inner thigh hard and gripped the flesh, smiling against her cunt when she bucked her hips. It wouldn’t take much effort to make her come all over his face.

He shoved his tongue inside her and fucked her with it, rubbing her clit with his thumb. The tight muscles in her pussy twitched, and she fucked his face, right on the edge of orgasm.

So he stopped and stepped back.

His cock fucking ached, but this was punishment. Having her give him a blow job was tempting, but with as much as she enjoyed sucking dick, the act would be too close to a reward.

Instead, he shoved his boxers down over his hips and widened his stance. She stared at his erection.

He smeared his hand across her pussy, got it good and lubed, and gripped the base of his cock. Ronnie kept her eyes trained right where he wanted them: on his hand. The friction as he pumped up and down felt great, but her watching him jerk off was even better. He cupped his balls with his free hand and massaged them. Harder. Faster.

Working his shaft hard, he slid palm up and down, and imagined her tight little cunt wrapped around him instead of his hand. “Ronnie, I’m imagining being inside you right now. Fucking you hard, giving you every inch of my thick cock. Ramming it deep, until it hits the end of your pussy, and you can’t even breathe because I’m fucking you so hard. I can feel your muscles jerking around me, grabbing at my dick...mmm...I bet if you imagine it, you can feel it too, can’t you.”

She licked her lips, and more cum trickled out of her pussy. So fucking wet. All that hot pussy waiting for him to slide his cock in.

“Sir, please.”

“I would wrap your thighs around my hips, and grind up against that hard little clit.”

Her hand drifted toward her cunt.

“Don’t even think about it, sub. No touching. Just watch.”

She whimpered, her nipples hard as hell, pussy so wet it glistened under the lights. Her attentions centered on his cock, and he got even harder.

“Mmm, , right now I’d be pumping right over your G-spot and pinching your clit so you’d be screaming and bucking your hips, fucking me with that sweet pussy.” He lost his rhythm, his movements jerky and uncoordinated. The pleasure spread through him and settled into his balls with the force of a lightning strike. Ropes of cum shot out in four hard jerks and landed on his abdomen and hand, spattered the floor.

Ronnie wet her lips, her pupils huge and dilated. Frown lines creased her forehead. “Why didn’t you let me touch you?”

“You don’t get to come until I say so. We are going to play until I say we’re done.” He strode to the sink, washed his hands, and grabbed a kitchen towel to wipe up his stomach. “Get dressed. I’ll take you to work.”

“But why?” The deepest pout he’d never seen on her pushed her lip out. He jerked his boxers up over his hips and raised his eyebrow.

“Because I said so.” Dios, he loved being the Dom. “You were in such a hurry to go to work. Stand up, put your panties on, and get dressed. Now. Or I can give you a spanking, and send you to work with a throbbing clit and a sore ass.”

Total and complete aggravation and lust chased across her features. She opened her mouth to speak, closed it again, and got to her feet.

Damn, he’d been hoping she’d lose it and make another misstep.

She towed the underwear up and over her hips, wriggling around to get comfortable with the vibe nestled between her pussy lips. The black panties on her pale skin created a perfect frame for her full ass and hips.

“You swore at me, and threw the new toy Gavin and I bought you. It wasn’t very nice.” In the midst of snapping her bra, she paused and peeked at him from under her lashes.

“I’m sorry Sir.”

Her tone was contrite, but he couldn’t let her off that easy. Besides, a punishment meant fun for everyone. Eventually.

“Too late for apologies.” He picked up the cordless remote and clicked the power button twice, hiding a grin when she twitched as the vibe started against her clit. “I want you to think really hard about your actions and their consequences.”