This work would have been impossible to achieve without the support, dedication, and selfless efforts of more people than it is possible to properly credit within this space. Therefore, I must restrict myself to naming but a few, whilst saluting the many.
First, to Diane, my supporting cheerleader, chief-secretary, communications co-ordinator, and long-suffering, understanding, and lonely wife. She who has backed me all the way as I have effectively become a hermit during the course of the years it took to research and write this series. “Sorry, Pet, I promise the next one won’t be so bad,” has been the mantra I have used before on previous single-book projects, but now it needs to be amended to, “Sorry, Pet, here we go again — times six!”
Next, to my friend and fellow historian on the American side of the Niagara River, Pat Kavanagh, who freely and without hesitation gave me unrestricted access to his vast resource collection of American records, official documents, and personal letters on the war. Without his aid and resources, this work could not have been created. I thank you, sir.
Thirdly, I must extend these same thanks to the many dedicated staff members of the numerous museums, archives, and libraries that I visited to undertake the research for this work, who cheerfully assisted my searches to fruition and sometimes revealed previously unknown nuggets of history for me to use.
Penultimately, I cannot fail to acknowledge the guidance and support provided by the whole team at Dundurn Press in turning this idea into a reality.
Finally, I salute the memory of Karen, my friend and guide, who taught me to appreciate Canada’s heritage legacy. Always my harshest editorial and literary critic, she was at the same time a staunch supporter and fiercest proponent of the value of my writings. She may not have lived to see this work completed, but her spirit and love of our history and heritage lives on within it.