Abe, George Y., 188
Abel, Rudolf, 103
Abernathy, Ralph, 218
Abo, Stanley, 257
Agency for International Development, 107
Akin, Gene, 151
Albert Schweitzer College, Switzerland, 98
ALCU (American Civil Liberties Union), 137
Aldrich, Stephen, 28
Alessio, John, 255
Alfred M. Landon Lecture, 215
allegiance, lack of, 49
Allen, Morse, 18
Alpha 66 paramilitary group, 77, 78
Altfillisch, Bert C., 178, 179
American Civil Liberties Union (ALCU), 137
American CoOperation Administration, 107
amnesia, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 59
AMORC (Ancient Mystical Order of Rosicrucian)
Bryan and, 191
Sirhan’s belief of leaning hypnosis from, 194, 269–270
Sirhan’s meeting attendance, 210, 225–226
Anderson, Jack, 163
Angleton, James. See also MKULTRA program; mole hunting
Castro assassination plans, 59–60
CIA positions, 55–57
Cold War, beliefs about, 37
compartmentalization technique of, 59
cover-up of JFK assassination by, 61–65
firing of, 66
as liaison to Warren Commission, 61–62
Mafia use by, 60
marriage of, 54–55
Meyer, Mary Pinchot and, 63–64
motives for killing Kennedys, 10
Nosenko and, 61–63
operations run/designed by, 30, 57–58, 65
paranoid worldview of, 56–57
relationship with Helms, 38, 55
skills of, 55
antisocial behavior, 48
antiwar demonstrations, 30, 183–184, 186
Arbenz, Jacobo, 70–71
Arif, Abdul Rahman, 81
Arif, Abdul Salam, 81
Arnaz, Desi, 178
Arnold, R.E. Carolyn, 147
ARTICHOKE operation, 18–19, 22. See also MKULTRA program
Artime, Manuel, 78
assassinations. See also Kennedy, John F., assassination of; Kennedy, Robert, assassination of
CIA funding of, 34–35
as foreign policy tool, outlawed, 36
as goal of MKULTRA, 22–24
witnesses of, disappearance of, 38–39
Attwood, William, 128
Auchincloss, Janet, 227
“automatic writing.” See Oswald, Lee Harvey, “diary” of; Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara, “diary” of
“aviation series” of experiments, 18
Azcue, Eusebio, 132–133
Badran, Marouf, 239
Bahia de Cochinos, Cuba. See Bay of Pigs
Bailey, F. Lee, 190
Bailey, William, 267–268
Baker, Marrion L., 148
Ball, Joseph, 156
Banister, Guy, 93, 120, 121, 125–127
Barbee, Emmett, 124
Barker, Bernard L., 75
Barnes, Tracy, 70
Barry, Bill, 251
Batchelor, Charles, 167
Batista, Fulgencio, 74
Battle, Preston, 38–39
Baxter, Charles, 151
Bay of Pigs, Cuba, 26, 42, 60, 75–76
Beckley, Johnny, 203
behavior modification program. See MKULTRA program; Operation ARTICHOKE
Belgian Congo, CIA-backed coup, 72–74
Benavides, Eddy, 161
Bennett, Leslie James, 56
benzodiazepine, 19–20
Bertrand, Clay. See Shaw, Clay
Bianchi, Kenneth, 47
Bidstrup, Hans, 243
Bircher, John, 120
Bishop, Maurice. See Phillips, David Atlee
Bissell, Richard, 25–26, 70, 74–75
Black List, 10
Blacks, support for/by RFK, 219–220, 222
Blakey, G. Robert, 35
Blavatsky, Madame Helena, 195
Bledsoe, Mary, 152
BLUEBIRD project, 18. See also MKULTRA program
Blume, Bert, 234
Bogard, Albert Guy, 140
Bohrman, Stan, 263
Book Depository, Dallas, 8, 136–137, 145–146
Botelho, James, 97
Bouve, Ross, 115
Bowen, John, 132
Bowley, T.F., 154–155
brainwashing. See MKULTRA program; Operation ARTICHOKE
Branch, Ben, 218
Branyon, John D., 124
Brennan, Howard L., 146–147, 157
Brent, Jeff, 254
Breshears, Carol, 246
Brewer, Johnny, 162
Briem, Ray, 272
Brothers (Talbot), 135
Brown, Hugh, 262
Brown, Joseph B., 169
Bryan, William J.
admission to having hypnotized Sirhan, 189–190, 272
CIA affiliation of, 189
death of before testimony, 276–277
occult interests, 190–191, 270
Sirhan’s first encounter with, 189
Bundy, McGeorge, 128
Bundy, Ted, 47
Burns, Frank, 251
Butler, Edward Scannell, 125
Cabell, Charles P., 74–75
Cabell, Earle, 148
Cabell, Elizabeth, 148
California Medical Facility, Vacaville, 28
Cameron, Ewen, 25
Camp Peary, Virginia, 70
Carillo Cetina, Gonzalo, 243
Carlin, Karen, 143
Carreon, Henry, 236
Carter, Jack, 143
Carter, Jimmy, 33
Carter, John, 136
Castillo Armas, Carlos, 71
Castro, Fidel, 7–8. See also Cuba
efforts to assassinate, 14, 26, 37, 59–60, 74–79
JFK assassination, blamed for, 43
JFK’s efforts to negotiate with, 128
Central Intelligence Agency. See CIA
Cesar, Thane Eugene, 251, 254–256
CHAOS operation. See Operation CHAOS
Chavez, Cesar, 212
Chile, American intervention in, 13, 34, 45
China, 37
Christian, Jonn, 188, 190, 194, 203, 242, 267
Church Committee inquiries, 79
CIA. See also Angleton, James; coups, CIA-backed; Helms, Richard; MKULTRA program
anti-Castro Cuban operatives, 7–8
assassinations, funding of, 34–35
compartmentalization within, 36–37
cover stories within, 37
JFK and, aggression toward, 26
Operation CHAOS, 30, 65–66, 106–107
Operation MONGOOSE, 77–78
Oswald’s affiliation with, 43, 98, 104–105
Peace Corps, efforts to be placed in, 26
recruitment of police officers, 31
today vs. in 1960’s, 6
Vietnam and, 30–31
Clandestine Services, 36
Clark, Kemp, 151
Clark, Max, 108
Claude, Alfred, 124
Clemons, Acquilla, 159–161
Clifford, Clark, 207
Cohen, Mickey, 177
Colby, William, 132
Angleton, firing of, 66
Angleton’s mole hunting, 57, 61
“Family Jewels” report, initiation of, 34
Nosenko jailing, response to, 63
Operation HT/Lingual and, 58
Operation PHOENIX and, 44
Cold War. See also Communism; Soviet Union
assassinations during, 35
as justification for extraordinary means, 37–38
paranoia during, 18
Coleman, Walter Kirk, 115
Communism, 10, 27. See also Soviet Union
compartmentalization, 36–37, 59
Condon, Richard, 24
Conein, Lucien, 83, 84, 85, 86
Conforto, Janet, 143
Congo, CIA-backed coup, 72–74
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), 125
Connally, John
JRK’s wish to bring together with Yarborough, 141
location in motorcade, 147–148
conspiracy theories
in general, 5–6
so-called “Illuminati,” 195
Cordero, Humphrey, 243
CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), 125
Corporon, John, 125
Cotter, Bill, 58
coups, CIA-backed, 35
Congo, 72–74
Cuba, 74–79
Dominican Republic, 80–81
Guatemala, 70–71
Indonesia, 71–72
Iran, 69–70
Iraq, 81
Vietnam, 82–87
Craig, Roger, 164–165
Cranston, Alan, 240
CRC (Cuban Revolutionary Council), 120, 120–121
Creehan, Ethel, 227
Crenshaw, Charles, 153
Crenshaw, Charles A., 167
Crowe, William Jr., 143
Cuba. See also Castro, Fidel
Bay of Pigs, 26, 42, 60, 75–76
CIA-backed coup, 74–79
CIA operatives, Cuban, 7–8
JFK and
Castro assassination plot, 75–79
CIA-backed coup, 74–75
Cuba accused of assassination, 128–129
goal to end hostilities, 8, 128
invasion of, 26, 27, 60, 75–77
missile crisis, 78–79, 108–109
Cuban Revolutionary Council (CRC), 120, 120–121
Cuban Student Directorate (DRE), 124
Cubela, Rolando, 77
Cuneo, Henry, 261
Curry, Jesse, 139, 147, 157, 165, 166
Daniel, Jean, 79
d’Autremont, Cicely Harriet, 54–55, 57
Davis, B., 123
Davis, Edward H., 271
Davis, Red, 167
Dearborn, Henry, 80
Decker, J.E., 147
Deep Throat (Felt, W. Mark), 6
Defense Language Institute (DLI), 95
de Mohrenschildt, Alexandra, 109, 119
de Mohrenschildt, George, 9
death of before testimony, 119, 279
Haiti, trip to, 118–119
Oswald’s relationship with, 106–108, 109, 116
de Mohrenschildt, Jeanne, 106–107, 116, 118, 119
demonstrations, antiwar, 30, 183–184, 186
Diamond, Bernard, 248, 269–271, 273
diaries. See Oswald, Lee Harvey, “diary” of; Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara, “diary” of
Diem, Ngo Dinh, 82, 83, 84–85, 138
Dinh, Ton That, 84
DiPierro, Thomas Vincent, 247, 248, 267
Directorate of Plans, 36
Directorio Revolucionario Estudiantil (DRE), 124
DLI (Defense Language Institute), 95
Dobbs House restaurant, 142
domestic spying program. See mole hunting; Operation CHAOS
Dominican Republic, CIA-backed coup, 80–81
Dong, Pham Van, 85
Dowling, Mary, 142
DRE (Cuban Student Directorate), 124
drugging. See MKULTRA program; Operation ARTICHOKE
Dulles, Allen, 56
coups, involvement in, 70, 73, 74–75
mind control experiments approved by, 21, 22
Dulles, John Foster, 71
Duvalier, Francois “Papa Doc,” 118
Earman, John, 27
Ebsen, Buddy, 178
Edgewood Arsenal Laboratories, Maryland, 59
Edwards, Sheffield, 18
Eichmann, Adolf, 17
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 82, 217
Elder, Walter, 66
electroshock treatments, 18
Ellis, Albert, 266
Epstein, Edward Jay, 17, 96, 108, 110–111, 119
Erhard, George, 211–212
Ervin, Sam J., 30
Evans, Elizabeth, 252
evil, organized, 9
Executive Order 11905, 36
Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC)
CIA and, 118
efforts to link with ACLU, 137
Oswald’s use to get into Cuba, 132
Ruby’s correction about name of, 164
fall guys. See patsies
“Family Jewels” report, 34
Felt, W. Mark (Deep Throat), 6
Ferrie, David, 9
description of, 93–94
library card of, use by Oswald, 122
testing of Oswald under hypnosis, 125–127
FitzGerald, Desmond, 78
Fonzi, Gaeton, 119
FPCC. See Fair Play for Cuba Committee (FPCC)
Frankenheimer, John, 240–241
Frazier, Buell Wesley, 136, 143–145
Fredricksen, Norman, 108
Free Cuba Committee, 120
Freed, Evan, 247, 249, 251, 256–257
Fritz, Will, 157, 163, 164, 167
Frommer, Frederic J., 20
Gacy, John, 47
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 187
Gallivan, Jack, 251
Garcia, Ivan, 221
Gardner, William, 255
Garner, Darrell, 161
Garrison, James, 42, 94, 120, 173
Gaudet, William, 121
Gavin, James, 85
Gehlen, Reinhard, 17
Glover, Everett, 108
Goldstein, Ira, 252
Golitsyn, Anatoliy, 58
Goodarzian. See Khan, Khaiber
Goodwin, Doris Kearns, 207
Goodwin, Richard, 79, 187, 244
Gottlieb, Sidney
Castro assassination attempt, role in, 75–76
Congo coup and, 73
MKSEARCH program, involvement in, 28
MKULTRA program, involvement in, 20, 21, 22, 33
Granja Vista del Rio Ranch, 178, 179, 180
Graves, L.C., 167
Greer, William, 148
Grier, Roosevelt, 251
Grijalva, Richard, 236–237
Grijalva, Roberta, 236–237
Grohs, Mary, 245
Guatemala, CIA-backed coup, 70–71
Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 35, 74
Gutierrez, Manuel, 203
Gutierrez Menoyo, Eloy, 77
Hall, Gus, 123
Hall, Loran Eugene, 131
Hall, Manly Palmer, 180–181, 191
Hamblen, C.A., 138
Hardway, Dan, 135
Harkins, Paul, 85
Harper, William W., 253–254
Harris, Fred, 223
Harrison, Dolores, 142
Hart, Gary, 121
Hart, John, 63
Hart, Samuel, 87
Harvey, William
assassination attempts, role in, 37, 60, 78, 79
Congo coup and, 73
covert ops, removal from, 60
description of, 37–38
Kennedy, J.F., feelings toward, 60
Heindel, John Rene, 111
Heisse, John W. Jr., 194
Helms, Richard. See also coups, CIA-backed; MKULTRA program; Operation CHAOS
assassinations and
cover-up operations, 31
JFK assassination, 42–44, 64–65
viewpoint on, 36
on why people don’t come forward about, 170
autobiography of, 14
CIA career
appointed CIA Director, 28
early, 16
removed as CIA Director, 33
compartmentalization technique of, 36–37
cover stories by, 37
Chilean coup, 45
CIA-backed assassinations, 34–35, 44–45
drugging, 42
JFK assassination, 42–44, 64–65
Kennedy’s views on Vietnam, 42
Operation PHOENIX, 44
presidential approval, 45
education of, 14–15
end of government career, 33
Hitler and, 15
intelligence gathering in Germany, 17–18
Iran and
appointed ambassador of, 33, 45
Iranian coup of 1953, 69–70
Shah of Iran, relationship with, 15, 33, 232
Kennedys and
condolence letter to Robert, 170
possible motives for killing, 10–11
with OSS, 15–16
Oswald and
denied dealings with, 98
“diary” of, 102
interception of letters by, 102
recruitment by, 36
Bissell, 25–26
government officials, 50
sociopathic behavior of, 11, 13–14, 46–51
war service, 15–16
Watergate and, 32
Hernandez, Hank
Arnot polygraph-tested by, 228–229
Buckner investigated by, 238
CIA affiliation of, 262–263
DiPierro investigated by, 31
Owen investigated by, 268
Serrano polygraph-tested by, 266
Herrick, Donna, 229
Hersh, Seymour, 66
Hicks, Harry, 236
Hidell, Alek James, 111–112
Hill, Gerald, 111
Hispanics, support by/from RFK, 182, 212, 234
Hitler, Adolf, 15
Ho Chi Minh, 82
Hoffman, Abbie, 184
Hofmann, Albert, 20
Holloman, Frank, 219
Hoover, J. Edgar, 134, 176, 177
Hosty, James P. Jr., 138–139
Houghton, Robert, 209, 234, 239, 262
Houston, Richard, 257
Howard, Tom, 168–169
Hughes, Robert, 146
Humes, James J., 153
Humphrey, Hubert
presidential race, 172, 187, 226, 276
Vietnam War support, 223
Hunt, E. Howard, 10
coups, involvement in, 70, 75, 80, 86–87
Cuban Revolutionary Council, work with, 121
Hunter, Bill, 169
Hussein, Saddam, 81
Hussein bin Talal, 181
Hyde, William Avery, 108
hypnosis. See MKULTRA program
Illuminati, 195
Indonesia, CIA-backed coup, 71–72
CIA-backed coup, 69–70
Helms appointed as ambassadorship of, 33, 45
Iraq, CIA-backed coup, 81
Israel, support by RFK, 181
Jacks, Hurchel, 148
Jackson, Jesse, 218
Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall (company), 108, 109–110
Janney, Peter, 61
Jarman, James Jr., 145
JM-WAVE base, 77
John Birch Society, 137
Johnson, Darnell, 247, 248, 257
Johnson, Haynes, 8
Johnson, Lyndon B.
blamed by Helms for CIA violations, 45
Dominican Republic and, 81
effect on Helm’s position in CIA, 28
fear after JFK assassination, 153
investigation of JFK assassination, 91
McNamara, removal from office by, 206–207
in motorcade, 148
presidential race
against McCarthy, 212–213
against RFK, 183
withdrawal from, 216
ratings after Vietnam US embassy attack, 205
statement on RFK’s assassination, 261
Texas trip, purpose of, 141
Johnson, Priscilla, 100
Johnson, Rafer, 251
Joling, Robert J., 171
Jones, Ronald, 151
Jones, Roy Milton, 152
Jones, Solomon, 218
Jordan, William, 259
JURE (Junta Revolucionaria), 129–130
Kaiser, Robert, 174, 178, 179, 188, 194, 196, 198, 209, 225, 239, 241, 245, 270, 271, 273
Kalaris, George, 63
Kantor, Seth, 153
Kasavubu, Joseph, 72–73
Kassem, Abdul Karim, 81
Kellerman, Roy, 148
Kelley, Thomas, 134
Kennedy, Ethel, 182, 183, 242, 250, 252
Kennedy, Jacqueline, 90, 147, 148, 153, 168
Kennedy, John F., 128. See also Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara
affair with Meyer, 63–64
assassination of
account, 90–91
cover-up, 61–65
Cuba accused of, 128–129
funeral following, 168
grass knoll, shots heard from, 148–149
gunmen at, multiple, 151–152
at hospital after, 153
man with rifle seen at window, 146–147
Oswald after, 148–149
“Secret Service agents,” presence of, 149
shooting, moment of, 148, 150–151
witnesses to, 146–147
blaming for assassinations or attempts, 37
CIA and
aggression toward, 26
Mafia relationship, order to cease from, 60
Cold War and, 26–27
coups and
Cuba, 74–75
Dominican Republic, 80–81
Vietnam, 84–86
Cuba and
Castro assassination plot, 75–79
CIA-backed coup, 74–75
goal to end hostilities, 8, 128
invasion of, 26, 27, 60, 75–77
missile crisis, 78–79, 108–109
KGB mole, suspected as, 56
Laos and, 83
second term, plans for, 8
Soviet Union and, 8
Texas trip, purpose of, 141
Vietnam and
CIA-backed coup, 84–86
pursuit of diplomacy, 82–84
withdrawal order, 7, 28–29, 42, 84
Walker and, 115–116
Kennedy, Robert
assassination of
account, 6–7, 171–172, 251–252
Embassy Room speech preceding, 249–250
funeral following, 262
gunmen at, multiple, 248–249, 251–254, 267–268
investigation of, 262–268
photos taken of, 275
assassination of brother
conspiracy beliefs about, 173
at funeral, 168
suspicion of CIA’s involvement in, 7–8
CIA, spying on by, 173
Hoover and, 177
Israel, support of, 181
King, Martin Luther Jr. and, 219–220
Mafia and, 177
minorities, support by/for, 182, 212, 219–220, 222, 234
presidential race, 183
campaign style, 234
debate with McCarthy, 229
joining, 185–187, 206, 212–213
Khan as volunteer, 232–233
Oregon, defeat in, 226–227
rural people, appeal to, 221–223
support for, 214–216
touring during, 214–216, 221–223, 226–227, 234
Vietnam War, opposition to, 29, 173, 182, 185–187, 205–206
Kennedy, Robert Jr., 173
Kevin, Art, 267
Khan, Khaiber, 231–233
Khrushchev, Nikita, 72–73, 108–109
Kilduff, Malcolm, 153
Killam, Hank, 136
King, Martin Luther Jr., 35
assassination of, 218
CIA surveillance of, 218–219
last sermon of, 217–218
letter to President Johnson, 29–30
RFK and, 219–220
Vietnam and, 217
Kirschke, Jack, 259
Klaber, William, 268, 269, 275
Kline, Milton, 192
Koethe, James, 169
Kollek, Teddy, 54
Koot Hoomi, 195
Kostikov, Valery, 132
Kranz, Tom, 254
Kuchel, Thomas, 240
Kyles, Samuel, 218
LaJeunesse, Roger J., 262, 263
Langlois, Jim, 238
Lansdale, Edward G., 78
Laos, 83
Lardner, George, 14
Latin Listening Post (TV show), 125
Latinos, support by/from RFK, 182, 212, 234
Lawford, Pat, 206
Lawrence, David, 259
Lawson, Winston, 147
leaks, prevention of, 36–37
Leary, Timothy, 64
Leavelle, James, 167
LeBeau, Albert, 225
Lee, Henry C., 152
Legend (Epstein), 17, 108, 110–111
Leslie Welding, 114
Lewis, Anthony, 10
Lewis, Aubrey, 138
Liebeler, Wesley, 156
Locke, Susanne, 246
A Look Over My Shoulder (Helms), 14
Lopez, Hector, 234
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 20, 21, 22
Lumumba, Patrice, 72–74
MacArthur, Douglas, 82–83
MacDonald, Betty Mooney, 161
Angleton, use by, 60
Castro assassination attempt by, 75–76
during Hoover as FBI director, 176–177
RFK and, 177
Mahoney, Richard, 7, 215, 222, 227, 252
Mahoney, William P., 216
Mailer, Norman, 184
mail openings, 58
Malcolm X, 35
Malki, Abdo Jabra, 239
“Manchurian Candidate,” 24. See also patsies
Mangan, Lynne Massey, 188, 209
The Man Who Kept the Secrets (Powers), 14
Marachini, Dante, 123–124
Marcello, Carlos, 93, 119, 121, 163
Marcovecchio, Joseph, 221
Marcus, Eric, 271
Markham, Helen, 155–156, 158, 161–162
Marks, John, 41–42, 193–194, 207
Marrs, Jim, 61
Marshall, John, 255
Marston, Gilbert, 189
Martello, Francis, 124
Martin, Jim, 169
Mary’s Mosaic (Janney), 61
McBroom, Marcus, 249, 251, 257
McCarthy, Abigail, 185
McCarthy, Eugene
criticism of RFK during, 226
debate with RFK, 229
joining, announcement of, 186
loss of, 276
Vietnam and, 182
McCarthyism, 10
McClelland, Robert, 151
McCone, John, 26
CIA Director, appointment as, 60
on Cuba, covert actions against, 35
on day JFK assassinated, 7
drug experiments and, 42
information hidden from, 14, 27, 37
Vietnam and, 85
McCowan, Michael, 236
McDonald, M.N., 162–163
McFarland, John, 131
McGarry, Terrance, 167
McGovern, George, 182
McKelvie, Cynthia Ratcliff, 31
McManus, George, 14
McNamara, Robert, 30, 84, 85, 115, 206–207
McQuiston, Charles, 194
McWatters, Cecil J., 152
Meheu, Robert A., 75
Melanson, Philip, 95, 111, 176, 188, 189, 225, 232, 248, 251, 255, 266, 268, 272, 275
Merideth, James, 115
Merrit, Jack, 257
Meserole, Bobbie, 143
Mexicans, support by/from RFK, 182, 212, 234
Mexico, Oswald’s alleged visit to, 131–135
Meyer, Cord, 63
Meyer, Robert L., 38
Miler, Newton Scotty, 59
mind control and behavior modification. See MKULTRA program; Operation ARTICHOKE
Minh, Duong Van, 85–86
minorities, RFK and, 182, 212, 219–220, 222, 234
Mistri, Gaymoard, 239
MKULTRA program. See also Operation ARTICHOKE; Oswald, Lee Harvey, MKULTRA programming of; Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara, MKULTRA programming of
Angleton’s part in, 58–59
beginning of, 16–19
cold chills from, 162
drug experimentation/usage, 19–22
files, destruction of, 33
financial records of, 33
goals of, 22–25
Markham’s possible programming by, 161–162
moral imperative in hypnosis, 126, 199–200
name change, 28
sociopathy and, 48–51
Watergate and, 32
mob. See Mafia
Mobutu, Joseph, 73
Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, 15, 33, 45, 69, 231
Moldea, Dan, 252
mole hunting
among wide range of national leaders, 56
Nosenko, 62–63
Mondale, Walter, 223
MONGOOSE operation, 77–78
Montellano, David, 236
Montgomery, L.D., 167
Moore, J. Walton, 106–107
Morales, David, 163
Morgan, Edmund, 43
Mosby, Aline, 100
Mossadegh, Mohammad, 69–70, 231
Murret, Charles “Dutz,” 119
National Mobilization Committee to End the War, 184
National Security Medal, 50
Nazis, 17–18
Ngo Dinh Diem, 37
Nhu, Ngo Dinh, 82–85
Nixon, Richard M., 7, 30, 172. See also Watergate
elected to presidency, 276
Helms’ activities during first term of, 31
Helms’ removal as CIA Director by, 33
Oswald accused of attempted assassination of, 117
in presidential race, 187, 244
suspicion of CIA’s involvement in Kennedy assassinations, 32
Vietnam and, 182, 216–217, 276
Wallace and, 32
Noland, Kenneth, 64
normality, illusion of, 49–50
Nosenko, Yuri, 61–63
Odio, Amador, 130
Odio, Sylvia, 129–131
O’Donnell, Kenneth, 148
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
Angleton with, 53–54
Helms with, 15–16
Oliver, Beverly, 143
Olsen, Kay Helen Coleman, 143
Olson, Eric, 20–21
Olson, Frank, 20–21
Olson, Nils, 20–21
Operation ARTICHOKE, 18–19, 22. See also MKULTRA program
Operation CHAOS, 30, 65–66, 106–107
Operation MONGOOSE, 77–78
organized crime. See Mafia
“organized evil,” 9
Osborne, Albert, 131–132
OSS. See Office of Strategic Services
Osterkamp, Peggy, 179, 196, 198
Oswald, Lee Harvey
accusations against, 8
ACLU, joining of, 137
alleged trip to Cuban embassy in Mexico, 43
arrest of, 91
Book Depository job, 136–137
burial of, 167–168
CIA affiliation of, 43, 98, 104–108, 120–121
closest associates of, 9
curtain rods (guns, to some) bought by, 143–145
early years, 92–93
FBI and, 138–139
fingerprints of, 112
friendship with Ferrie, 93–94
gun possession by, 96, 111, 112
home life, 110
ID found on, 111
JFK and
after assassination, 149–150, 152–153, 154, 163–164
arrest for assassination, 162–163
denial of killing, 10
at scene of assassination, 147, 148–149
leftist, portrayed as, 110, 117–118, 121–125
letters to family, 101–103
as Marine, 94–97
marksmanship rating, 94–95
media attention before JFK assassination, 124–125
mental health of, 94
Mexico visit, alleged, 131–135
mischaracterizations of, 44, 91
“missing,” during Cuban missile crisis, 108–109
MKULTRA programming of, 92, 102
not to shoot, 150
police interrogation and, 165
symptoms of, 110–111
testing under hypnosis, 125–127
money orders received by, 137–138
in New Orleans, 118–122
Nosenko’s testimony about, 62
Odio visit, 129–131
personality of, 94
photo of, fake, 112–114
de Mohrenschildt, 106–108, 119
Ofstein, 109
return to U.S. from Russia, 104–106
Russian language studies, 95
sightings of, false, 131–135, 140
Soviet Union and, 9
spy work of, 96
suicide attempt, alleged, 101
Tippit, alleged shooting of, 154–162
Walker, alleged shooting of, 114–117
Oswald, Marguerite Claverie, 92–93, 105
Oswald, Marina, 103–105, 108, 109, 118
after husband’s murder, 169
after JFK assassination, 166
FBI encounter, 138
living with Paine, Ruth, 111, 135
on photo of husband, 113
reunited with husband in New Orleans, 119–120, 122
testimony about husband, 110, 114–117
on whether husband had gun, 145
Oswald, Rachel, 136
Oswald, Robert, 102, 105, 109, 113, 117, 166
Owen, Oliver Brindley (Jerry), 202–204, 235, 263–265
Pack, Dean, 230–231
Paine, Michael, 108, 129, 169–170
Paine, Ruth
after JFK assassination, 169–170
car possibly at scene of JFK assassination, 164–165
gets Oswald job at Book Depository, 136
gun-holding Oswald photo found at home of, 112–114
Marina Oswald living with, 108, 111, 118, 129, 135
Oswald’s “note” found by, 116
Oswald’s relationship with, 136–137
Pappas, Ike, 167
Park, W.L., 274
Patrusky, Martin, 251
patsies, 22–24, 59. See also Oswald, Lee Harvey; Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara
Peace Corps, 26
Pearson, Drew, 43
Pena, Manuel, 31, 262–263, 267
Penkovsky, Oleg, 104
Pepper, William E., 277
Perez, Jesus, 251
Perkins, Jonathan, 264
Perry, Malcolm, 151
Persons, James R., 94
Philby, Kim, 56
Phillips, David Atlee, 10, 127–128, 131, 134
Cuba, raids conducted against, 77
in Dallas at time of JFK assassination, 145
Helms and, 70–71
Morales and, 163
and Oswald’s alleged Mexico visit, 43, 133, 135
on Oswald’s note to Hosty, 139
Phillips, James, 128
Pickard, John, 112
Pierce, Richard, 108
Pinochet, Augusto, 34
Piper, Eddie, 147
police officers, recruitment by CIA, 31
Pollock, Seymour, 192, 236, 247, 248, 269–271
Pope, Allen L., 72
Poppen, James, 261
Posner, Gerald, 51
Post, Jerrold, 56–57
Powers, David, 148
Powers, Francis Gary, 103
Prestwood, Robert, 178
protesters, 30
Prusakov, Ilya Vasilyevich, 104
Prusakova, Marina, 104–105
psychopathy. See sociopathic behavior
Pyle, Christopher H., 30
Quang Duc, 84
Quigley, John, 124
Rabago, Enrique, 243
Raborn Jr., William F., 28
Rafferty, Kathleen, 242
Raikin, Spas, 105
Ramistella, Henry. See Donneroummas, Frank
Ramparts magazine, 65
Randle, Linnie Mae, 136, 143–144
Rathke, Walter Thomas, 197
meeting Sirhan, 179–180
mentorship of Sirhan, 187–188, 209–210
possible firing practice with Sirhan, 237
reference to in Sirhan’s “diaries,” 193
Ray, Manolo, 129
Reagan, Ronald, 50
Reddin, Thomas, 262
Redding, Susan, 234
Red Scare, 10. See also Communism; Soviet Union
Reid, Robert, 148
Reily, William B., 120
Revill, Jack, 139
Reynolds, Frank, 229
Reynolds, Warren, 161
Rhodes, Nina, 268
Richdale, Timothy, 176
Ridder, Marie, 46
Robbie’s Restaurant, 224–225
Roberts, Delphine, 120
Roberts, Earlene, 153, 154, 158, 160
Robertson, Dale, 178
Rockefeller, Nelson, 66, 217, 244
Rohypnol (roofies), 19–20
Romero, Juan, 251
Romney, George, 29
roofies (Rohypnol), 19–20
Roosevelt, Kermit, 69
Rose, Charlie, 173
Rosenthal, A.M., 34
Rosicrucians. See AMORC
Rosselli, John, 41–42
accusing Castro of JFK assassination, 43
Banister and, 121
Castro assassination attempt, 60, 75–76, 79
feelings toward JFK, 60
Trujillo assassination, 80
Rowland, Arnold, 146
Royer, Judy, 245
Rozzi, Robert, 268
Rubin, Jerry, 184
Ruby, Jack, 9
death of, 91
death of interviewer of, 38
Ferrie and, 94
following Oswald after JFK assassination, 163–164
at hospital after assassination, 153–154
questioning of after Oswald shooting, 168–169
Ruiz-Williams, Enrique, 78
Russell, Harold, 161
Russia. See Soviet Union
Salinger, Pierre, 168
San Roman, Roberto, 78
Santa Anita Racetrack, 177–8
Sartor, William, 38
Sayegh, Anwar, 239
Schlesinger, Alexandra, 46
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., 30, 56, 142, 176, 185–186, 212–213, 216, 227
Schlesinger, James, 58
Schmidt, D.G., 209
Schmidt, Volkman, 108
Schneid, William, 224–225
Schorr, Daniel, 12, 46–47, 50, 66
Schrade, Paul, 252
Schraga, Paul, 257–258
Schulberg, Budd, 241–242
Schulte, Valerie, 258
Schweiker, Richard S., 43, 107
Scoggins, William, 155
Scott, Win, 131
The Search for the Manchurian Candidate (Marks), 41–42
Serrano, Sandra, 247, 257, 265–266
Severson, Ellenor, 231, 232, 233
Shah of Iran, 15, 33, 45, 69, 231
Shanklin, Gordon, 139
Shelley, William, 147
Shields, Julia Bretzman, 15
Shimon, Joe, 64
Simson-Kallas, Eduard, 172, 209, 273–274
Sirhan, Adel, 176, 181, 204, 208, 220, 252, 260, 264
Sirhan, Bishara, 174
Sirhan, Mary, 174
help given to son by, 183, 193–194
during son’s absence, 188, 204
son’s letter to, 198
upon son’s return, 208
Sirhan, Munir, 176, 181, 208, 209, 211–212, 260
Sirhan, Sharif, 209
Sirhan, Sirhan Bishara
admiration of Kennedys, 188
“diaries” of
finding in home, 260–261
moral imperative in hypnosis and, 199–200
no memory of, 172
RFK references in, 199
“diary” of
“automatic writing” in, 193–194
Communist references in, 195–196
dates in, 200–201
occult references in, 195
setting of writings, 192
women mentioned in, 196–198
double of, 201–202
early years, 174–175
examination by psychiatrists, 270–272
female companion of
after RFK assassination, 266–267
at Ambassador Hotel, 243–244, 246–247, 256–258
at Coconut Grove night club, 234
at practice shooting session, 230–231
at Robbie’s Restaurant, 224–225
at San Gabriel Valley Gun Club, 236–238
Sirhan’s failure to remember, 223–224
as triggering mechanism for hypno-programming, 274
gun possession by, 211–212
intelligence report on, 176
MKULTRA programming of
by Bryan, 189–197
deep emotions and, 199–200, 207–208
efforts to deprogram, 274
Owen’s role in, 203–204
personality changes due to, 208–210, 220–221, 238
symptoms of at arrest, 162, 257–259
tested after shooting, 269–270
trancelike state from, 211
triggering mechanism for, 274
occult interests, 179–181, 187–188, 210, 225–226
personality of, 178–179
political and religious beliefs, 178–179
Khan, 231–232
Owen, 202–204
Rathke, 179–180
RFK assassination and
actions during, 251–253
actions preceding, 242–244, 245, 246–248
arrest following, 257–259
blanks in gun, 253
confession to killing, 273
denial of insanity defense, 272–273
denial of killing, 10
girl with him, 197–198
interrogation after, 259–260
presence at, reasons given for, 240
search of home after, 260–261
sentencing, 7
shooting by Sirhan, 6–7
Six Day War as suggested motive for, 181
sightings near to time of assassination
AMORC meeting, 226–228
Bob’s Big Boy restaurant, 239
Coconut Grove night club, 234
firing-range visit, 140
gun practice session, 230–231
Kennedy campaign office, 227–228, 232
purchasing ammunition, 228–229
Robbie’s Restaurant, 224
San Gabriel Valley Gun Club, 236–238
time period unaccounted for, 188–189
Sitzman, Marilyn, 147
Six Day War, 181
Sloan, Laurence W., 261
Smith, Jean, 206
Smith, J.M., 148–149
Smith, Steve, 206
Soccoman, Michael, 237
sociopathic behavior, 46–51
SOG (Special Operations Group), 65
Solie, Bruce, 63
Sons & Brothers (Mahoney), 7
Soviet Union. See also Communism
Angleton and, 57–58
Congo and, 72–73
defectors, 58
intelligence files from, 17
Iraq and, 81
JFK and, 8
Oswald and, 9
contacts in Russia, 104–105
“defection” to, 97–102
Special Group Augmented, 77, 78
Special Operations Group (SOG), 65
Special Unit Senator (Houghton), 209
Special Unit Senator (SUS), of LAPD, 262–268
Specter, Arlen, 150
Spiegel, Herbert, 24, 192, 201
Spock, Benjamin, 184
spying, domestic. See mole hunting; Operation CHAOS
Stengle, Jamie, 173
Stennis, John, 206
Stevens, Ted, 226
Stockwell, John, 74
Stout, Zack, 94
Strathman, John, 187–188
Strathman, Patricia, 187–188
Stroll, Irwin, 252
Stuart, Donald Angus, 274–275
Stuckey, William Kirk, 124–125
Sukarno, 71–72
Sullivan, William, 58
Surrey, Robert, 138
SUS (Special Unit Senator), of LAPD, 262–268
Synder, Richard E., 99–100, 105
Szulc, Tad, 79
Tague, James, 151
Talbot, David, 135
Tanenbaum, Robert, 135
Tasker, Harry, 167
Tatum, Jack, 160
Taylor, Gary, 107–108
Texas School Book Depository, Dallas, 8, 136–137, 145–146
Texas Theater, 149–150, 152, 160, 162–163
Thach, Nguyen Co, 30–31
Theosophical Society, 210
Thompson, C.B., 228
Thompson, Malcolm, 112
Tice, Wilma, 153
Tippit, Jefferson Davis (J.D.)
whether knew Oswald, 142
Tolson, Clyde, 176
Trower, Ben, 238
Trujillo, Rafael, 80
Tshombe, Moise, 73
Turner, Stansfield, 63
Turner, William, 188, 189–190, 194, 203, 242, 267
U-2 spy plane program, 95–96, 108–109, 255
Uecker, Karl, 250–251, 251, 252
ULTRA operation, 16. See also MKULTRA program
United Fruit Company, 70–71
Unruh, Jesse, 246
Van Antwerp, Edward, 178
Vanocur, Sander, 266
Varney, Dudley, 203
Vaughn, Ray, 167
anti-war demonstrations, 183–184
JFK and
CIA-backed coup, 84–86
pursuit of diplomacy, 82–84
withdrawal order, 7, 28–29, 42, 84
King, Martin Luther Jr. and, 217
McCarthy and, 185
RFK and, 29, 173, 182, 185–187, 205–206
Tet Offensive, 204–205
US embassy attack, 204–205
Wade, Henry, 164
Walker, Edwin A., 114–117, 138
Wallace, George, 31–32, 35, 276
Walther, Carolyn, 146
Warren, Earl, 169
Warren Commission investigation
Angleton as liaison to, 61–62
goal of, 91
Helms’ response to, 43–44
Kennedy, R.’s cooperation with, 8
Weatherly, John Chris, 203
Weaver, Russell, 236
Weitzman, Seymour, 149
Welch, Terry, 178
Wenke, Robert A., 254
West, Andy, 252
Westbrook, W.R., 160
Weston, Walter, 143
White, Travis, 257
White Russian community, 110–111
Whitten, John, 79
William J. Donovan Medal, 50
Willis, Bill, 143
Wilson, Harold, 56
Wirin, A.L., 259
witnesses, disappearance of, 38–39
Wolff, Harold, 21
Wood, Homer, 140
Wood, Sterling, 140
The Worker newspaper, 123
Worthey, Lonny L., 243
Wright, Charles, 268
Wright, Frank, 160
Xuan, Mai Huu, 86
Yaro, Boris, 251
Yippies (Youth International Party), 184
Young, Andrew, 219
Young, Thomas, 260
Youngblood, Rufus, 148
Youth International Party (Yippies), 184
Zapata plan, 74
Zapruder, Abraham, 147