As I Craft Thee,
So I Wish Thee
The following formulas are those that I have developed over time. Each has its own unique blend focused on a particular life need. Each formula gives recommended herbal or other inclusions, a matching gemstone should you choose to include one, ideas for magickal oils, possible color choices, and recommended timing. All herbs listed are dried. Herbs gathered and dried by yourself, particularly those that are native to your own area, are particularly powerful in poppet magick. The formulas can also be used in conjuring bags, sachets, and enchanted packets.
Herbs: Rose petals, basil, chamomile
Gemstone: Rose quartz
Magickal Oil: Orange blossom, a mixture of jasmine and rose, or an attraction oil of your choice
Color Choices: Red, pink, white
Timing: New moon, first quarter moon, Friday at dawn, in a Venus planetary hour, first or second quarter moon in Scorpio (for sex), on a day when the planet Venus is well aspected
Herbs: Peppermint, lavender, fava beans, sassafras, cinquefoil, dill
Gemstone: Lodestone (dress lodestone with lodestone oil and magnetic sand), bloodstone, moss agate, snowflake obsidian
Other Inclusions: Silver or gold magnetic sand; paper money or three coins in growing denomination
Magickal Oil: Lodestone or money-drawing magickal oil
Color Choices: Green for growth, brown for finding hidden money (earth element), or white dedicated to the air element as many money-making and banking energies are done electronically
Timing: New moon, first quarter moon, Thursday at dawn, in a Jupiter or Venus planetary hour, first or second quarter moon in Taurus or Scorpio, or on a day when Venus or Jupiter is well aspected. The moon is exalted in the sign of Taurus; therefore, any day the moon is in Taurus and is well aspected (such as sextiles and trines) is an excellent time for any prosperity, money, or good fortune magick.
Note: To make lodestone oil, place one teaspoon of magnetic sand and seven lodestones in a jelly jar. Cover with sunflower oil or mineral oil. Place in a window facing east. Let set for three days. Remove lodestones, then strain and bottle oil.
Guardian Angel
Herbs: High John, lavender, marjoram, witchgrass, St. John’s wort
Gemstone: Blue lace agate
Other Inclusions: Guardian angel prayer; frankincense and myrrh resins; winged charms; dirt, stones or flowers from a place that you feel is holy or spiritual
Magickal Oil: Frankincense, nag champa, sandalwood
Color Choices: Colors associated with angels can be a highly personal choice; go with your intuition
Timing: New moon; first quarter moon; full moon; Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday at dawn; in a sun planetary hour, in a moon planetary hour, or on a Mercury planetary hour
Herbs: Beth root, violet flowers, hydrangea flowers, clove, lavender
Gemstone: Smokey quartz
Other Inclusion: SATOR square, pentacle charm
Magickal Oil: Violet, gardenia, or other protection oil
Color Choices: Blue, black, white
Timing: New moon, full moon, Monday or Saturday at twilight or dusk, moon in Cancer, moon in Scorpio, moon in Taurus (protection of property), in a moon or Saturn planetary hour
Herbs: Mint, Low John, sunflower, elecampane, buckeye, marigold
Gemstone: Red jasper
Other Inclusion: Magnet
Magickal Oil: Cedar, pine, or other success oil
Color Choices: Red, orange, yellow, purple, white
Timing: New or full moon; on a Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday at noon; moon in Leo, moon in Taurus, or moon in Sagittarius OR the moon sign that fits the type of success that you desire (for example, if you wanted success in writing, you would pick the moon in Gemini or Sagittarius, being sure that there are no harsh aspects to the moon or other planets); planetary hour of the sun (success) or Mars (victory)
Herbs: Angelica, anise seed, celandine, mugwort, orange peel, myrrh
Gemstone: Hematite, moonstone, crystal, turquoise, blue tiger’s-eye
Magickal Oil: Nag champa, patchouli, or other clarity or divination oil
Color Choices: Aqua, silver, light blue, purple, white
Timing: New moon, moon in Aquarius or Pisces, on a Monday at midnight, in the planetary hour of Mercury, or when Neptune is well aspected
Healing (General)
Herbs: Dogwood blossoms, black walnut, horehound, hyssop, celandine
Gemstone: Bloodstone, howlite
Magickal Oil: Combination of rose and dogwood, eucalyptus, or other healing oil
Color Choices: Green, pink, purple, white
Timing: New moon for promoting healing; third quarter moon for banishing illness; moon in Virgo or Cancer; planetary hour of the moon for healing; planetary hour of Saturn for banishing illness; dawn for healing; noon for general good health; twilight or midnight for banishing illness. When the moon is in Taurus, a poppet dedicated to the angel Haniel can facilitate healing for a broken heart or emotional pain.
Herbs: Myrrh, spearmint, rosemary
Gemstone: Fluorite, hematite
Magickal Oil: Spearmint
Color Choices: Silver, blue, purple, white
Timing: New moon; first and second quarter moons; moon in Aquarius; Wednesday at dawn; planetary hour of Mercury. Gemini or Scorpio moon can also be used.
Lucky Lady
Herbs: Bergamot, mint, allspice, ginger, cinquefoil, honeysuckle leaves or root
Gemstone: Jade, calcite, amazonite, citrine
Magickal Oil: Orange, mint, or good luck oil
Other Inclusions: Magnet, lucky charms such as clover, dollar sign, etc.
Color Choices: Gold, red, purple, green
Timing: New moon, first and second quarter moons, Thursday at dawn or noon, planetary hour of the sun or Jupiter or when the sun or Jupiter are well aspected. Planetary hour of Venus (attraction) can also be used.
Good Marriage
Make poppets to represent the gender of the partners. After the poppets are completed, they should be ritually sewn together. If you are looking for a marriage partner, inclusions in the poppet should be a magnet and a written list of the qualities you desire in an ideal mate.
Herbs: Basil, orange peel, hazel leaves, ginseng, oak leaves, jasmine flowers
Gemstone: Rose quartz
Magickal Oil: A combination of rose and orange
Other Inclusions: An item from both individuals in the partnership—these items should be sealed together with glue or tied together with string
Color Choices: White, blue, gold, pink
Timing: New moon, first and second quarter moons, moon in Libra, on a Friday at dawn or noon, on a Sunday at dawn, planetary hour of the sun or Venus. Note: This timing is general.
Steady Income
Herbs: Devil’s shoestring, cedar chips, cinquefoil, chamomile, yellow dock, snake root, galangal
Gemstone: Green aventurine, jade, moss agate, pearl
Other Inclusions: Gold, silver, or copper; dirt from a place that you know to be prosperous and matches the type of work that you do
Magickal Oil: A combination of honeysuckle, one drop of honey, and patchouli or a prosperity- or money-drawing magickal oil
Color Choices: Gold, purple
Timing: New moon, first and second quarter moons, full moon, on a Thursday or Friday at dawn or noon, moon in Taurus, moon in Scorpio (if your income is based on buying and selling), moon in Gemini or Aquarius (if your money comes from the internet). Planetary hours of Sun, Jupiter, Venus, or Mercury.
Catch a Thief
Herbs: Tobacco, black pepper, red pepper, nettle, patchouli, blackthorn
Gemstone: Tiger’s-eye, bloodstone
Other Inclusions: Hard candy, spiderweb, hair net, mouse glue trap, grave dirt
Magickal Oil: An attraction oil, molasses, or honey
Color Choices: Black, gray, or white or a combination of red, white, and black
Timing: The Gemini moon is known for its energy flow to capture thieves and criminals and to bring back lost items. The magick is best done either at dawn, midnight, or 3:00 AM (the hour of dark magick). Other possible times for spellwork include new moon, dark moon, Wednesday at midnight or 3:00 AM (ruled by Mercury) or Saturday (same times). Use planetary hours of Saturn (limits) or Mercury.
“True Dat”/Truth
Herbs: Mint, horehound, rosemary, devil’s shoestring
Gemstone: Tiger’s-eye, iolite, calcite, kyanite
Other Inclusions: Spiderweb, hair net, mouse glue trap, gum chewed by the liar
Magickal Oil: Spearmint and devil’s shoestring added to sunflower oil or jojoba carrier oil
Color Choices: White, purple
Timing: There are several astrological signs that lend themselves well to truth: Sagittarius, Libra, Gemini, Scorpio, and Aquarius; the moon in any of these signs may be of great assistance
Banish Nightmares or Destroy Illusions
Herbs: Nettle, yarrow, lavender, leek, larkspur
Gemstone: Peridot, snowflake obsidian, jet
Other Inclusions: Frankincense resin
Magickal Oil: Lavender or general banishing oil
Color Choices: Black, dark blue, lavender, gray, white
Timing: Moon in Aries can assist in banishing problems that have caused heartache, pain, or problems that have ventured into your sleep time. In a Pisces moon there is a greater connection to the astral realms. Banishments of all types are usually done on a third or fourth quarter moon, at dusk, at midnight or 3:00 AM, on a Saturday, or in the planetary hour of Saturn (drawing on the power of limits).
Remove Pain
Physical, Emotional, or Spiritual
Herbs: Hyssop, lavender
Gemstone: Amethyst, apache tears, botswana agate
Magickal Oil: Place willow bark, goldenseal, and kava-kava in a small bottle; add jojoba carrier oil (this is not for the body; it is only for magick)
Other Inclusions: Three small sticks cut from any tree at dawn—be sure to leave an offering
Color Choices: White
Action: Write a list of all things that are causing you pain and attach it to the outside of the dolly with twine. Burn the doll.
Timing: Moon in Cancer, Taurus, or Gemini. Moon in the third or fourth quarter. On a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday. In a Mercury or Saturn planetary hour.
Physical, Emotional, or Spiritual
Herbs: Salt, olive leaf, lemon verbena
Gemstone: None
Magickal Oil: Lavender, lemongrass
Color Choices: White
Action: Write a list of all things that you want to release and attach it to the outside of the dolly with twine. Spit on the doll. Burn the doll.
Timing: Moon in Cancer, Gemini, Capricorn, or Virgo. Moon in the third or fourth quarter. On a Monday, Wednesday, or Saturday. In a Mercury or Mars planetary hour.
“Evil, Begone”
Herbs: Wormwood, cinquefoil, black cumin, fava beans
Gemstone: Amethyst, black onyx, jet, obsidian combined with carnelian or red jasper
Magickal Oil: Frankincense, nag champa, sandalwood, or any of the three with hot pepper
Color Choices: Red, black, white
Timing: Aries, Sagittarius, or Scorpio moon. Third or further quarter. On a Tuesday or Saturday. In a Saturn or Mars planetary hour.
Reverse Harm
Herbs: Eucalyptus, red pepper, rue
Gemstone: Amethyst
Other Inclusions: Grave dirt, pins, nails, rubber band, picture of a boomerang
Magickal Oil: Eucalyptus or reversing oil
Color Choices: Black, white
Timing: Aries, Gemini, or Scorpio moon. Third or Fourth quarter moon. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday at twilight, midnight, or 3:00 AM. Planetary hour of Mars, Mercury, or Saturn.
Stop Gossip
Herbs: Slippery elm, clove, lobelia, vetivert, pumpkin seeds, golden flax, devil’s shoestring
Gemstone: Kyanite, emerald, jet, or amethyst
Magickal Oil: Clove, vetivert
Other Inclusions: Image of the ouroboros, pins or nails, picture of a rolled tongue
Color Choices: Purple, dark blue, gray
Timing: Aries, Gemini, or Scorpio moon. Third or fourth quarter moon. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday at twilight, midnight, or 3:00 AM. Planetary hour of Mars, Mercury, or Saturn. An Aquarius moon can be helpful if this is an internet problem. Sagittarius moon if a legal problem. Use Capricorn moon if the structure around you is filled with gossip, libel, or slander (such as a group of people in an organization or on the job).
Travel Protection
Herbs: Juniper berries, basil, birch, comfrey, mugwort
Gemstone: Garnet, jet, aquamarine, moonstone
Other Inclusions: Charm of a horse or bird, or a picture of Sleipnir (Odin’s eight-legged horse), silver wheel
Magickal Oil: Gardenia, violet
Color Choices: Blue, purple, white
Timing: Moon in Gemini, Sagittarius, or Cancer (all three signs are associated with travel or personal protection). Short distance—Gemini; long distance—Sagittarius. On a Monday, new moon, or full moon. Monday or Wednesday at dawn. Moon, Sun, or Mercury planetary hour.
Hex Breaker
Herbs: Vetivert, lime peel, devil’s shoestring, witch grass, bamboo, galangal, chili pepper, wintergreen
Gemstone: Amethyst
Other Inclusions: Grave dirt, picture of a hammer, broken pottery
Magickal Oil: Lilac, wintergreen
Color Choices: Black, purple
Timing: Aries, Gemini, or Scorpio moon. Third or fourth quarter moon. Tuesday, Wednesday, or Saturday. Planetary hour of Mars, Mercury, or Saturn.
Funeral Guardian
The funeral guardian spirit doll travels with the deceased into the afterlife. It can be placed in the coffin, burned with the body during legal cremation, or burned afterwards if you are unable to put the doll with the body. If you can’t get it in the coffin, you may be able to slip it into the grave. These dolls act as friends, companions, and servants for the deceased. They can be named or unnamed. They can be in human or animal form. If there is no time to construct a doll, buy a stuffed animal, make a slit in it, and put in a paper that says:
Come alive, O my friend, and guard my loved one (person or animal’s name) night and day to the end of eternity. Bring him/her love, joy, and laughter. Ensure that he/she always walks in the light of love. So mote it be!
Repeat this charm (or one like it) three times and quickly close the stuffed animal.
Herbs: Favorite herbs of the deceased or frankincense, nag champa, sandalwood
Gemstone: Crystal
Other Inclusions: Guardian angel prayer; frankincense and myrrh resins; winged charms; dirt, stones, or flowers from a place that you feel is holy or spiritual; a prayer to Anubis dressed in white rum
Magickal Oil: Frankincense, nag champa, sandalwood
Color Choices: The deceased’s favorite color or white
Timing: If the death was unexpected, whenever you make the doll will be okay. If you have time or want to make dolls ahead as sympathy gifts when the time is right, use the new moon, first quarter moon, or full moon; Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday at dawn; in a sun planetary hour, in a moon planetary hour, or on a Mercury planetary hour.