Four of the essays in this collection, those by Carolyne Larrington, Margaret Clunies Ross, Paul Acker, and Judy Quinn, were written expressly for this volume. Two others, those by Lars Lönnroth and Svava Jakobsdόttir, were translated (from Swedish and Icelandic respectively) for inclusion in this volume. Their original places of publication and those of the other contributions are cited here; all are reprinted with permission.
Lönnroth, Lars. “Midgårds grundläggning (Vǫluspá 1–8).” Den dubbla scenen: Muntlig diktning frän Eddan till ABBA. Stockholm: Prisma, 1978. 29–52; notes 401.
Svava Jakobsdόttir. “Gunnlöð og hinn dýri mjöður.” Skírnir 162 (1988): 215–45.
Harris, Joseph. “Cursing with the Thistle: ‘Skírnismál’ 31, 6–8, and OE Metrical Charm 9, 16–17.” Neupbilologiscbe Mitteilungen 76 (1975): 26–33.
Clover, Carol J. “Hárbarðsljόð as Generic Farce.” Scandinavian Studies 51 (1979): 124–45.
Meulengracht Sørensen, Preben. “Thor’s Fishing Expedition.” Words and Objects: Towards a Dialogue Between Archaeology and History of Religion. The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture, Oslo. Ser. B: Skrifter. 71. Ed. Gro Steinsland. Oslo: Norwegian University Press, 1986. 257–78.
Anderson, Philip N. “Form and Content in the Lokasenna: A Re-evaluation.” Edda (1981): 215–225. By permission of Universitetsforlaget, Oslo, Norway.
Frakes, Jerold C. “Loki’s Mythological Function in the Tripartite System.” Journal of English and Germanic Philology 86 (1987): 473–86.
McKinnell, John. “The Context of Vǫlundarkviða.” Saga-Book of the Viking Society 23.1 (1990): 1–27.
Hill, Thomas D. “Rígsþula: Some Medieval Christian Analogues.“ Speculum 61 (1986): 79–89.
For the photograph of the Altuna Stone, Gotland (Fig. 1) and Ardre Stone VIII, Gotland (Fig. 3), we acknowledge Antikvarisk-topografiska arkivet, Stockholm, Sweden. The photograph of the Gosforth Stone, Cumbria, England (Fig. 2) was taken by T. Middlemass and is copyrighted by the Department of Archaeology, University of Durham. The photograph of the Hørdum Stone (Fig. 4) is copyrighted by the National Museum of Denmark, Danish Collections. All are reprinted with permission.
The editors would like to thank Eve Siebert, Deborah Hyland, and Laura Taylor for their help in preparing the manuscript.